,M E R. MFA_-R ~i1IAN DAILY j Kcal Professor To Speak On POI7LIGHTSTFIKEE WAF1922 British General Election f ' hIOO NW C 4:00-Open how.',e at,1 H11? rN:rI E-T BIN 4 to 6 o'clock. TiUtRSI)AY )LOINDXV U <, spir two dlays, the niaur,6ers 10:00a.mi.-l1xiii.t tiQ i l ihesotlight yesterda~y declared pices of the National Chid \ 11(1tai 'Apet lokd xeeinl associq.tion. Continues 4th>roughout is*loke'exeedngl the e~ek Se~nd loor Aluni Mrn-aced by the bugbear of cam- orial hall. pus theatrical 'production, ineligibil- 4:0p u-etr~~~itywhc had tae ,h key man oratory P-lant re,'LL Du l 011." i +,, f-rom, twl o of the mostnpromnisin g look- oraor Pln f In-,JI'l (I Tl." P ; g ac ts, they were badly in need ofI 1lelen Parkhurst. of t 1 Cildren's acs, terdCay this trouble had been University School, Nexvt York CitlY. !tuout, one Treadway Room. 208, :rappaiLnhall., r tkingthe other's, place in 5:00 p. n.-Lecture, Eenal of"!P ill be one of the best dancing the Modern School Bu ilIng ." (lII- se eer seen on the 'campus. lustrated). M r. C. 1). ing >ley. of Trea dw ayi and W elch m ake an u n-ot n U i e st .i; wel m i d p i n r m s 8:00 p. m; -Lecture, i, i meljng unusual by presenting a Toda." rof F.S. Bas,~ ~~" istr act in which they dance and don, Eng. sugto( the satisfaction of the most 8:30 p. um.-Visitor ' hltt: ' 4t,- v i cular. 'Howard B. Welch, '24,1 servaory. dmision b tickt ha had a great= deal of dancing ex- only.''ec. He, was in the opera of tw ;o years ago, and is remarkably TUESDAY agle on his feet while Treadway, 5:00.T~ctue, Mar Twan ad Ils iniugh lacking the experience of; Humr."Pro. H P.Scot. I 4 1rother Welch is learning fast and 7 :00--Choral Unionieaisa. ,i)1I roises ,torival his teachers. to all singers (no voice trriatl ucc--__________ sary), School of Music. { raig -Denies Resignation Rumor 8_:00-Lecture, ( "Vitla in es in Mfldcrn; Nutrtion" Prf. I. B.Le1i. Blfast, July 21-(By A.P.)-Sir .. : ,-" ;os'Nih a te berv- ;ts ;Craig, the UlsterPremier in a! tor'. dn~ssin b tiketonl. sttement given out in London de- tory Adisson y tiketonl, dredthat the report that he hadI U-NOTT1 .S on n1)lated resigning to take a Col-j U-NTICS n~l appointment was a malicious Summer session studtll't 9 iiurt eod use the Union Building th i ,umi must obtain card at desk. A', t? re'ctory of all students has been co<,:- piled. Rev. H. S. Calkins, '005, prinicipal of thec high school 'at Maysville, Ley., xx ill speaw at the morning ser vices of the Church of, Christ at Lane hall to)- day. 0Open house will b he ld for the LEs ~ time this summer at Harris ba,, dato- o 'cok day fom 4 o 6 oclock MAC I Au fliTIPIICouncil to pass upon, only the more flhITflfIN trivial are considered by the elected members. Broadly speaking subjects IN ~ gFpertaining to law\ andI order, police and I NuI AND__EFOR administration of justice, ports, fac- tory acts,, and provincial revenues are (Continued from Page One) Itetained by the official or appointed i acted by the Council of State alone." section of the Imperial Council. ISubjects assigned the elected mem- tIn the provinces the governors are! bers of both the TImperial and Provin-, given a similar safeguard against the j cial assemnblies include suchi routine refusal of the legislative council to! affairs s local self-government, pub- ' pass "essential" legislation. 1 lic, health andl sanitation, liquor and Besides making it possible. for the drgecseuatoIwt io 1 ':reserv-ations) and other similar social I British government to, pass any meas- subjects. u >re which it cares to have enacted, II can -readily be seen that the Re- the most important of all subjects are !forms Act is just: what the American reserved for the appointed) bodies to pass upon. Certain subjects known people refer to as "a scrap of paper." as "Reserved subjects." including Pretending to be a nmesseager of free- army and naval affairs, foreign af- dom and justice to the Indian peopie, 'fairs, currency and coinage, public it has, failed miserably and is no rem- debt, civil and criminal courts, cus- kedy for the 'situation which. India finds toms and income tax, and other herself in at the present time: Wheth- sources of all Indian revenue are re- er England, is right in her policy of served for the Imperial Council to self-preservxation at the expense of vote upon. All other subjects $which another people, we decline to (liscuss "clearly appertain to the central gov.- but only wish to. prove to free-think- erment" are also "reserved." Of these ing people that the " Reform Act", is no subjects reserved for the Imeprial "Reform Act" at all. m-NWMWMNWIN TEACHERS NEEDED Many vacancies~ (0n file now! . r Westmore TeachcrsV Agercy 716 Old National Bank Bldg., SPOKANE, WASHIN6TON Have you tried- BURNHAM'S HOT OIL 'TREA.TMENTS -or the scalp? Rencws the natur l color of the h- ir, gives it life and beauty. Stoddard Hair Slioppe 707 North University Ave. Prof. IR. M, Wenley Prof. R. . Wenley, of the philoso- 1922." Professor Wenley has given 'y department, will¢ give a lecture British politics considerable study, and xt Wednesday afternoon in the Na- is thoroughly acquainted with his sub- .ral Science auditorium on "The Brit- ject Wednesday. Summer school stu- h General Election of November,I dents are especially invited. DAI LYOF F I CIA L BU L LETINM I f 7 . R w et Bargains it 'ublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Copy. received in the Offlice of the Summer Session until 3:30 P. im. (1.1:30 a. mn. Saturday.) SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1923 Numiber 106 . ,_ .3 mien's Educational Club: Regular meeting 'on Monday, July 23, at Z p. mn., at Betsy Barbour ise. Mr. Clarence Kingsley, State Supervisor of Schools in Massachu- , will speak. BLANCHE HOWELL. WVE ARE OFFERING RACK~ET IN THE STORE 15 per cent SDISCUT- UN IV ERSIT B 0I BOK STO RES I1 wl itors' Night at the Observatory: The supply' of tickets has been exhausted. E. H._ KRAUS. hool of Education Assembly: There will be an assembly 'of the School of Education in Room 203, ppanr Hall, Monday, July 23rd, at 4 p. in. Miss Helen Parkhurst of the ldren's University School, New York City, will, sneak on the Dalton boratory plan. Miss Dalton comeshere from the University of Wisconsin sere she has just given a series of addresses on the same subject. CLIFFORD WOODY. n's Educational Club: Immediately after the School of Education assembly, the annual out- r meeting of 'the Men's Educational Club will be held at Ferry field, niday, July 23rd, at 5 o'clock. GEORGE E. MYERS. gu~sh 2a: Assignment or Tuesday: Hamnlet, Act I, scenes 1 and, 2. Arden edition. LOUIS I. BREDVOLD. sics, Courses In Spectros copy: Professor F. A. Saunders of Harvard University will give two one hour rses in Spectroscopy beginning July 23, and continuing through the re- inder of the Suminer Session. H. M. ,RANDALL. ,ursion No. 9: Cass Technical High School and Hotel Statler, Wednesday, Julr 25, rng Packard and State Streets att 1 p. m. Hour's inspectlon. of the larg- high school of its kind in the United States. Visit to Hotel Statler'. in- ling various departments not usually open to public. Dinner at lHPeel ter. Return to rAnn Arbor by 9 :45'p. m. CARLETON F., WELLS. ursion No. 10. Put-in-Bay, Saturday, July 28: If you are interested in the Put-in-Bay Excursion please send your ie to, or see the undersigned as soon as convenient,, Room G 223, aral Science Building, phone University 11. Special interurban car leave from the First 'Street dock;~ Detroit at 9 a. mn. The cost of the including meals, should not be over $5.00. J. P. ROWE. alty and Students: The final examinations in' the, Schools and Colleges on tbe eight weeks s will be conducted according to '6he schedule printed on pag. 22 of the mrer Session Announcement. This schedule will also be printe4 in the weekly bulletin and posted on the various .bulletin boards. All c1~Aes continue to meet regularly until Wednesday noon, August 15. E. H. KRAUS. Isl and. Wolf Lake,", icig<-y-n's most delightful Sunnier Resort An Ideal Place To spend a dIay or week-end or to get it Frog and Chicken Dinner A pleasant motor trip of 28 wites from Ants Arbor. Take highway MN-17 to Grass L~je, passing thru, turn left 4 1-2 miles (following si yns) to Mack Island, tiathing, §15oat iug, .Fish- ing, Dancing New Dinner-dance reon may be engaged by private parties, Reserva- tions for dinners may be made by tele phone. WrILLIAM . MciN TYRE, Prop GRASS LAKE . I w . , .d.. .,...., ..,,....,., -. For the Balance of the Summer The Summer /i Michigan Daily WILL BE 75 CENTS , It is delivered every morn __ _ - -- -- , ;, -- _. """' 94 t G*rF - m. , . except Monday thruo~ut the ses- sion-or mailed anywhere witWT out additional cost. t ~LAre thiere eno ighTJ)a'lis at you~r ho 4e Makesu' f TON PROFESSOR INDICATES "EVIL" IN'UNIVERSITIES (Continued from Page One) Isenting administrative officers o som1.e extent trustees. Through co-operaton of these bodies it Id, for the first time in our, edu- nal history, be possible to :deal a'national problem in a national 'way, establishing standards whiea s.may oeount' on progressive acceptance by thie colleges."' Itallan 'Vessel LostI S London, July 21-(By A.P.)-A des- patch to Lloyd's from Alexandria says the Italian vessel TIietro Brizzolari of 184 tons has been lost. The crew was saved.1 C A IPIN'G is "ertain to be a source of irrifa- tin and tregret unle:ss the tent is 6oiLtJIWe make tents that are easl _. ly put up arid taken down, and they "stay "in the worst weath- er. J- est prices. " WOe KeePp ut ,/ke Sun" FOX, TEXTILE C,1 Awnings and Tents 603 W. Michigan Ave. Ypsilanti, Midi.* ,i by calling 960 rind ordering. tL The Summer Daily has; im- portant 'notices. in' it-and also important news. plenty,' for they're Qll 75 C Don't Miss It Call 960 Today I I1 sSu-1111 SOUTH UNIVE I)l r ly Store A1" A-% mm Elm v a