THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY THIEATERS Today-Screen Majestic-Tom Mix in "Up and Going"; comedy and news. Arcade - . Worlds," "A Tale of Two a Gouverneur Morris story; comedy. Wuerth-Harry Carey in Fox"; comedy and news. Orpheum-Alice Lake in Hole in the Wall"; and edy. "The "The com- 'PIKE ASOCIATION M N TO HOLD EETING HERE Michigan Pike association members will reach Ann Arbor at 4:15 tomor- row afternoon, the city being one of the stopping placesaon' their tour around Lake Michigan. When they arrive a meeting will be held for the purpose of sponsoring the cause of better roads and auto- mobile travel. At 5 o'clock they will be guests of the local branch of the Detroit Automobile club. Arrangements have been made ,for autrtobiles from the city to meet the Pikers and accompany them to Ann Arbor. Prof. A. H. Blanchard of the highway engigering and transport department will deliver the official welcome to the association, 6n be- half of the city, the University and the Chamber of Commerce. *PASTOR SAYS COLLEGE STUDENTS BELIEVE THAT OTHUING IS UU TUE" MADISON PREACHER COMPARES COLLEGIANS TO ASSASSINS, OF CRUSADE AGE vestigation, but because the young student has not the proper weapons at hand, because the new and revolun- tionary has a peculiar fascination for youth, and because he stands alone among his associates and has no one to strengthen and counsel him. There are institutions of learning where we have scores of students but are ndt lifting a finger to care for them. "There is reason to expect that con- certed action will soon be taken. The English District is memorializing the Delegate Synod of Missouri on this subject. A r Nr r el r w One hundred ten scientific papers have been published based on the data gathered and work done at the Uni- versity of Michigan biological station. The camp, located at Douglas Lake near Cheboygan, is now recognized as one of the leading stations of its kind in the country. The courses given dif- fer in character from those of the reg- ular University session as the work is WOMEN'S LEAGUE GIVES TEA ST9'BEIN CRMIL[DAT BETSY BARBOUR ROUSE A I IOLOGY STATION Women of the Summer session and. the wives of students were entertained by the members of Betsy Barbour house yesterday afternoon at the third of a series of teas being given by the Women's league. The visitors were shown through the dorimitory, alter which punch and waf- ers were served in the Barbour room by Ilene Fisher,' acting president of the Women's league. Dancing was en- joyed in the playroom during the aft- ernoon. White Swan Laundry for quality and service. Phone 165.-Adv. Graduate Writes on Russia Will Safroth a graduate of the versity, and at Vesent superviso American Relief administration in District of Samara, is the autho a series of articles which are now ing published by newspapers throw out the United States. Shafroth, who spent nine month the famine area in, Russia, is a so the late Governor of Shafroth, of orado. This Week-Stage Garrick (Detroit)-Miss Nelly of N'Orleans." 'At Vacation' Clearance of Parker. Pens By Special Arran gements with the Makers' we allow $1.00 (By Associated Press) Omaha, Neb., July 18.- There are college students who have "passed, in a few years, from the faith of childhood to an extreme where they no longer asked with Pilate, 'What is truth's but maintained, like the Assassins in the age of.the Crusades, that nothing is true, that all is permitted, and that there is neither God nor devil to say them nay," Rev. Ad Haentzschel, of Madison, Wis., told the international' Walther league convention here today. The league is an association of Luth- eran young people's societies. "Be assured," said Rev. Mr. Haentz- schel, "the young Lutheran student who goes to college or university is faced with moral dangers, not because the authorities are careless on that gcore but because, in spite of all they can do, immorality will flourish wherever the word of God, does not rule life and heart. Every large institution of learning has its moral lepers who are systematically doink the devil's work. Revolution Fascinating "Perhaps a student's faith had not deep roots to begin with. It is now., given up, not because the Christian faith cannot live in the full light of in- Books-Bargain Counter-50c each at Wahr's University Bookstore.-- Daily Wants Aas oring results.-Adv. or your AP en .t eiares winkg in the fied, forest, lake and stream where animals and Plants can be P ro'blem Is D ead studied in their native habitats. 'There are 50 students enrolled for In Univers i ties the Summer session this year, 31 of which are graduates representing the Universities of Michigan, Cornell, Up- "In the vast majority of American per Iowa,. Illinois, Chicago, Denison, colleges and universities the drink Bucknell, Oberlin, Wisconsin and Syra- problem has ceased to exist," Dr. F. cuse, and also Illinois Wesleyan, C. Southworth, president of the Mead- Greenville, Carroll, Kansas State Ag- ricultural, Hillsdale, Park, Lake For-. ville theological seminary, stated in 'est and Carthage colleges. 1 a report which he made at the close eorge R.hLaRue is ts director of of this college year, following a per- GeosteiR.Lauitheimecborsof sonaly ondutedinqurythe station. Of the nine membrs of sonaly conducted inquiry. the staff the University of Michigan The statement wa based upon the has five representatives, Illinois one, replies which Dr. Southworh receiv- Yale one, Cornell one, and Kansas ed from a circular letter of inquiry State Agricultural college one. sent to 'the deans of 486 institutions _____gri ___ra _____ene including the large state universities, Books-Bargain Counter-50c each eastern colleges and universities, Bokargan o st5ce. schools of theology, and municipal at Wahr's University Bookstore.- universities. Adv. The answer received from the deans of 308 institutions from which "fe""""."""""" . replies came contradicts the state- * ment so often made that drinking hab- U U its have increased since prohibition. 0 No increase in drinking is reported by 111 colleges having a total enroll- ent of 125,960 students. Exceptions to D this general condition were reported U by officials of 13 men's colleges, two of0 B BBxPIPES which have enrollments aggregating® Stna Poe S 36,104. These either reported or im- * awarfthe or d ind plied an increase in the use of liquor * always the favorite w i since the amendment ® Michigan Men. 19 We have been Ann Arbor s 10 distributors for 16 years. REMOVE ADVERTISEMENTS ONss GENESEE TRUNK LINE ROADS * Class Pipes and Pipe -TERepairs a specialty. Flint. July 18. - Members of the Genesee road commission have begun * the work of removing all advertising a ~ signs of every nature inside the - right of way along all trunk line roads. This is in accordance with d~*I~ orders from the state highway depart- * Fi I(101 ment. Many of the signs are on tree U and fences and obstructed the view of I BILLIADS CIGaRs cANDIES PIPES LUNCES' SODAS ;} drivers from road signs. "We try to treat you rihe CORRECTION Through an error in proof reading in the issue of July 14, the number of students enrolled in library methods was given as 28. The correct figure. is $3. " White Swan Laundry for quality and service. Phone 165.-Adv. LAST TIME TODAY Harry Carey IN rranean "THE FOX" I___THURS.-SAT. D ~ ~flfl PAULINE FREDRICK U R $500 IN s Included "TWO KINDS OF WOMEN" r, N aples, Pirae- Coming---"FOOTFALLS"---Coming tople, Algiers w, 15,000 ton Mail Steamer ELPHIA" e Crew, sailing August 15 WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY reserved f ' r regular A LICE LAKE ad passengers. IN ions to Spanish, "THE HOLE IN Near East Points. THE WALL" e Summer Mlichigan Daily "Robinson Crusoe" Chapter 12 neral Passenger Agent, ---Friday- Saturday Steamship Company HOOT GIBSON few York City in "Step On It" 1 t. + THIE COO1L EST THE ATR E I- N T O TODAY AND THURSDAY Love, Mystery, Drama in the Heart of Chinatown GARRICKNighs,50 13th Annual Season 11t THE BONSTELLE In a Comedy ol Moonlight, Madness and Make-B "Miss Nellie of N'OrleE .Next: "MISS LULU BETT" i 9 O O. O . UI I1 GOUVERNEUR MORRIS' A TktE UOF TWO WORLD: or Pencil (any make) on any $2.50 Pen or better: SCHEDULE 2:00 3:30 :30 0:00 Gouverneur Morris' first story written directly for the screen is a kaleido- scope of Oriental and Occidental pas- sions. LEATRICE JOY and WALLACE BEERY starring in a great cast. PRICES Matinee 25 Cents Evenings 25-35c Kiddies,10c An American came to clain her, fought for her with hi very life in the dreaded dens of Chinatown. A pictur that runs the gamut of emotions and ends'in a way tha will leave you gasping. Watch the Window P Sale begins Saturday morning Mediter 35 DAY TI ADDEi "Better Late Than Never' Featuring SID SMITH I I Coming "A Voice in the Dark' ALL-STAR CAST All Charge; The Quarry DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION STORE Cor. S. State and N. University C. Claude Drake, Prop, UF L ASS IFIED CI.UMNCLOSES AT S F. M. WANTED-Two. waiters. Call M. True this afternoon at 1503 Wash- tenaw. - 23 Azores, -Cibraltei us, Constantin Fast Amjerican, Twin-Scree PH ILAD A Yankee Ship, A Yanke( F I he Coolest Place in Town to spend an Altern I or Even t .. : . Accommodations. east and westbout D ir e ct connect Swiss, Italian, and TODAY AND THURSDAY TOM Mdlb I X IN 6VP and GOING Apply at the office of i JOHN J DWYER, Ge New York-Naples S 150 Broadway, N COMEDY ORCR ESTRA NEWS . ............ ........ ER ICHIG THE BEST PART OF SUMMER SCHOOL FOR THE OF THE SUMMER SESSION ................... DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR