GOING ON I Fritday, July 14M p. m.-Niagara excursion party ves Huron street or Packard'! SState streets interurban sta-' a. for Detroit via D. J. and C. elec- railway.7 m.-Experimental Demonstration the Properties of Liquid Air. p. m-Lutheran students' outin~g the river. Meet at 420 West Lib-I y street. Everybody welcome. m.- Dance at Michigati Union. al Wilson orchestra. n.-Recital-Shakespeare's "Tam- of the Shrew." Assist. Prof. its M. Eich. (Sarah .Caswell: gell hall). Saturday, July 15 m.-Excursion No. six-Dletroit amery company and Detroit wat- works. Monday, July, 17 m.-The Beginning of Vagabond erature. Prof. J. H. Hanford. Tuesday, July 18 m. - Water Supply of Ancient. es. (Illustrated). Prof. W. -C;. ad. m.-Important Facts :About Can- Prof. Ruben Peterson.' Wednesday, July 19 / m.-Excursion No. seven--Cass alcal high school and :Hotel Stat- Detroit. Trip ends at 5i p. m. m.-Development of the French pater. (Illustrated). Dean John Effinger. n.-Concert---Faculty of the U~ni- sity School of Music. (Hill au- riusn.) Thursday, July 2Q m-The Teacher College Move- at. Charles McKenny, president Michigan State Normal" college, alanti. Friday, July 21 a.-"A Program for the New Su- intendent." Mr. M. W. Long- a, Superfintendent of Schools, ikegon. n.-"Problems of the Near East.": ustrated). Prof. F. W. Kelsey. Saturday, July 22. n.-Excursion No. eight-Detroit vs building, 'and Michigan State ephone company, Detroit. Arrive 0 a. m. Lunch there, followed by r'ip through the telephone comn y's plants. Monday, July 24 i.-"Slberian Experiences." Prof. 3. Packard, University of Rloch- versity School 'of Music. (Hill audi- ] f77e{fa may be sent to a Madid museum for tz torl~im.) " +l I fear some rich American ,will get M,~ them). be Thursday, July 27 Innsbruck, Austria-M Thitcherin, w 5 P. mn.-4'Our Future Health Pro- Russian foreign minister, ha ..gone to j ' G NME gram. Prof. John Sundwal. Berlin. STHIA NE GOIFNI .TCI 8 p. m-Educational motion pictures. -A G FM TC 18:00 p. m-Mvichigan Union Spotlight Berlin-Thirty were killed or hurt in Tll auditorium. in, an explosion of an ammunition Michigan will e represented by two -, supply 'depot at Groden, near Cux- I ~c~,Grlt9n F. Wells, of th rhetoric Friday,. July 28 havn. department, and Hugh Smith, '24,1 r5p. m.--"Building "of Per'sonnei in Ed- ___ the annual state golf ntournament at yucation" and PFI~i~ hlpp oro eIlint, July' 19 to 22. 8 P. m.-"Pu~blicity in Education." Mr. PrsPic hlpeBubnd R. G. Jones, Superintendent of. Braganza, second son, of the late Both players entered in the tourna- Schools, Cleveland. Prince Louis, count of Aquila, is dead. inept at Lochmoor Country club this 1 sprj~g, and both qualified for the Saturday, July 29 Corunna, Spain-A Glician express championship first flight, although - 6 a. m.-Excursion Noo. ten-Put-in- hit an Austrian mail train near Van- te eeltrotlse.sihI Bay, Lake ,Ere. Under the dire- ecia; 28 dead, 30 hurt switch opened a member of the Varsity golf team I tion of Prof. . 0. Scott, via Michigan by mistake). corenn6dr Wells hasetteAn1 Atr Central railway to Detroit and inasmuch as the championship almost steamer to Put-in-Bay. Return to London-Well built homes are go- invariably goes to a Detroit player, Ann Arbor about 11 p. in. ing up at Felthar, a suburb, one a it will be no small honor if a Michi- tI day; the workers are directed by J. H. gun man should win it, S ic s Sev sTaylr, a Canadian. _._.AN _..___,>ENT Berlin-Search for arms around , l~~'~D.W ~ Madgburg, Saxony, revealed 12300 car- I '" E 1,C i.1'H As Tneater tor bines, 30 light machine guns and 29'I. I H ygioene .Plays man-sized machine guns, besides a lot l DrFrederick. B. Wahr was 'present- ____of ammunition. ed with a sterling silver pitcher and P - two strling silver flower vases by Health plays in the Mary Gay SuP London-Funding the British' war I a ~r al usrpintdy tcase theater will be gi en by Stel debt to America, reported under con- $l50.--Adv. u al usrpintdy Booth from 2 to 4 o'clock this aft.. sideration, is discussed widely by the 0- noon in room 321. of the Natural SSd- press; the Morning Post says it is rid- enge building. icuous-to assume there will be early Mis Both s a grduae nrse payment of the whole sum at [one time.BARGAIN' public health work and is the auth ___ 3and owne' of the health plays used Pr Brussels--Negotiations; having brok- COUNTER F -the Mary Gay Suitcase theater. Th'. en down on redeeming the six billion theater is a box the size and shapet marks Gernny circulated in Belgium xa suitcase completely fitted up as during the ;war, the government has O f .Special 1i xminiature stage, with doll actors At decided to liquidate them througlber- and ,Studer ting the proportions of the stage. man property sequestered., -Plays in this theater are now- usr WA -by 21. states in rural schools ane Ahiendabad, India-lazrat Mohan,A small town schools in teaching hab- All-India Moslem League president, __________________ its of personal hygiene. They are a* has been acquitted by the lbigh court so being used by national associh. of the charge of inciting war (he was_ tionis, universities, and colleges a' sentenced to. two" years fin prison, t well as departments of health s: May 4). over the country. _____ Miss Booth impersonates Mary Ga London-Sir Thomas ~len-Cots, ~ t ep i i a o or t e t e t ri e .S ' c a r a of J ,& P .C a s Lt.will give the plays this afternooc er liberal m em ber of parliam ent, 76-- " primarily for Mrs. Bartlett's class it years old, is dead; he was created a{ i public health nursinig, but the pub' baronet in 1894; his wife, who was, is invited and also any children whc Elise Agnes Walker, daughter of Alex- wish to coin. ander Walker, Montreal, died in 1910A N N LLRAYOUSES Madrid-The newspaper Debate hasANN A B0R adispatch from Soria saying Leon HIj, 0RIN PIONEER PROJECT Levi was arrested for trying to take ~ REPARNG t12th century mural painting from San A rp LAING "This university is a pioneer in Baudillo church, after their report- H A ,~ - BLOCKING athe library course which it offers," ed sale by some person to Levi, who atifaction Guaranteed - said Librarian. William W. Bishop is said to have been acting for J. P 2 atLbrySre yesterday, in speaking of the enroll- Morgan of America. (The paintings16 5E s ,-e ryS et m*ent in University Library courses. "So far as I know there is no place : : .- ...._ .. .....--- - ---.....____........-<........ either in this country' or abroad i where the same thing can be ob-=? Itwined in the time allowed for it with tdtwtwr hiest ere: Fifty per cent more "students than { last summer are enrolled in the Li ten~~tra %. oftenubrarloleega brary school this year and one-guarY ~te of ie prressed ewithlthe gay i pates. now in full swimn 00:: which summer school students ex ceed the entrance requirements, even ' these are higher than at any others school of the kind in 'the country said Mr. Bishop. The most popular course of the Sp inI.u" e summer curriculum; Judging from th Sp i g ad.u je number enrolled, is the course in Li- brary methods; 28 students are taking . this course, as against 56 registered arLLJ I I , VVo last year.. Cataloguing ranks next3 with 60 students enrolled. - High school library courses hia' y _ .~ A1L~. o doubled their numbers' since last; year. Most of those enrolled are fronTl l D etroit." M any are from the platoonsc o l w i h ar e u t i d o fjI there. Miss Clara Howard, of Shen-I' ley High School, Pittsburgh, is I- charge, giving courses in the sele - ti on of books for high Sebool I-; ries. Typewriters for sale and rent. 0. D. Mlorrill, 17 Nickels' Arcade.--Adv. F'! Don't forget to paiy your Daily sub- scriptiwi.--Advy. Daily Wanrts Ads bring results..-Adv. . ..*n..m* ... ,he Gun and Blade club last nigh[. Members of the club went down in a idy to his home. The presentation vhs adeby the prealdent and Dr.- V-ahr re-sponded. All unpaid subscriptions musts be paid before July 15 or the $ rate will be. charged. Mail checks for $1.50 or call1 in persons at the Press buildingf betwvee'n the hours~ of 8 A. MT. andi 5P.M.\1. AT Today-Screen Miajestic-Ethel Clayton in the Defense"; Sunshinec edy. Arcade-Alice Lake comedy and news. in Wu erth - "The Light in t Clearng," an Irving Bachell play, anid comedy. OrpeumChalesRav in AV. P"; comnedy and nev SPOTLIGHT ACTS WA'-)'ED1 More acts are needed for the Summer Spotlight, which will be held July 27 in Hill auditor- ium. Anyone who has an act or ;an ilea for one is requestedl td telepl:horne Jack Briscoe at 131?.f Pay your Daily sut Scr~ption: at the ?ress Building, Maynard Street.-Ads'. Daily Wants GAds bring results.-Adve. -Ads ..J TI'ls Week-Stage C a_ .rrick (Detr6 it) -"Shaving s Facialmassaing, arc elling, cunring, ;andl shampooing at 340 ,t. I, ovier Cushing's. Tel. 2' Mrs Flrence Wilson Dimattiq- ] I : ;''ants Ads bring results. _v ; x BOOK-S E-du catilonal and Otherwi F fiftyCe'nt s Erich interest to Summner Schcool Teachers ats.$. New titles added daily. I R'S. UNIVERSI'TY BOOKSTORES, RILE I' -Recital-The class in n Reading. (Sarah 1 hail). Shakes- Caswell Tuesday, July. 25 m.-"Rock GardensJ " (Illustrat-. I). , Prof. A. Tealdi. m.-"Noah Webster as Epidemiol- ist.'" Prof. A. S. Warthin. Wednesday, July 26 m .-Excursion No. nine--Cadillac 'otr company, Detroit. Leave at p. in.; arrive at 2:35. Trip ends out 4:30-5 p. mn. *m.-"Bridge Construction. (I1- strated). Prof. L. M. Gram. m.-Concert--Fac~ulty of the Un- BRING YOUR IDEAS TO THlE kNN ARBOR CUSTOM SHOE, FACTORY Ve will make use of them and the best >ather to. make your shoes. Bring vour pairs to our factory at 534 FOREST ]HUBB HOUSE /i11 be open during Summer esslofl- Tastes like home -Try us -- Chubb House is student boarding house. 209 SOUTH STATE STREET WRIGLE?*S N Newest,4 Creation 10 for0 liee . ..:.. .iacket aroun / . Permint flavored W1ill aid Your a; --and digestion,. _-:. - our teeth and mi Your throat. fY +M rg I B] The Flavor -_..,. p A Y T ODI A .Y All unpaid Daily subscriptions must be paid by July 15th or the $2.00 rate will be charged.