f IU, I RPANY WILL BCE 4,574,331 NEXT (By Associated Press) g, July 12.-A statewide- cut1 honie rates averaging close to cent, outside of Detroit, and 15 Iin Detroit, was ordered by e public utilities commission rder was the commission's o the petition of the Michigan! lephone company for permis- establshi permanent rates av- ast increase of more than 28 It is estimated the commis- ction will cost the company, ased revenues, about $1,450, etroit and $124,331 out in the gring the. coming yea'r. The comes effective at noon, Aug-1 Mief exchanges excluded from order were Bay City, Battle -4ansing, Jackson, Saginaw, .apids, Ionia, Dowagiae, Cadil- verse Cityr an~d Ann Arbor I. ZHarbor and St. Joseph, al- ,hey had asked to be excluded e order on the grou~nd they refer to operate under old erates, were included. The ion held it would be unfair ide a limited territory, per- the cost of other exchanges, ce of a statewide rate revision. lAmission also took a slash in direction when it reduced the a of the -company's property, ich rates are figured. \The ,claimed the right to earn on 0,000 valuation-the conmmis- ced the valuation at $39,369,- connection with the reductiojn don the commission's opiion :o the behii t~Iat the ttoeks of pany were arbitrarily increas- the company was reorganized ormmjssion set 4 per cent as iinum amount the company. aside for depreciation, reserve. *other state has set so low a ew status of the Ann Arbor followin~g the cut in tefe-{ ates yesterday by the public commml~on will be asfl More acts are needed for the Summer Spotlight, which will be held July 27 in Hill auditor- ium. Anyone who ,has. an act or an idea for one is requested to telephone Jack Briscoe at 131. Josh Pilots F~ord~ UP DiagIonal Walh The Dia.gonal walk bids fair to be- come one of the heavy traffic streets for Fords according to a recent indi cation. The other day a pedestrian was bewildered to fin~d himuelf sud- denly confronted in the middle -of the Diagonal by a snorting, rattling ford in the frantic hands of a wild-eyed farmer who belived with all conviction that he had taken the correct'Nieft turn from State street. The confused farmer wvas at a loss to account for the large numnber xof students who were crowding his con- cretejpaved right-of-way and tried frantically to avoid the affrighted ped- estrains. This zig-zag course of pro- cedure which the farmer was forced to pursue was suddenly halted by the gradually dawning consciousness that he was on a foot-path for people rath- er than a turnpike for gas-buggies. To avoid future consternation among the Diagonal traffickers a sug- gestion has been offered to hanga huge but artistic banner between the trees over the Diagonal, "TIS IS NO FORDING PLACE." ENROLMENT DECREASED IN ILLI-N0IS SCHOOL FOR COACHES Following the compilation -of en- rollment figures for the Summer ses- sion, the University -of Illinois re- ports a marked falling off in thie nuin- ber of students taking courses in the school for coaches. The Illini were one of the first to develop such a group of courses in athletic coaching, and have spent considerable time* and money and done 'much experimenting in endeav- oring to perfect the system. A~~~ ~ T e D~ DEAN IiRAIJS TO INSPECT TCypewriing and Mineographix g,p hl sale o I. CAIMP DAVIS ON AUJGUST a done by 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Ar- tionery.40. D.114 cad,-Adv ah. Av Tokio-The Denby party is on the Dean Edward H. Kraus of the Sum- fway to Nagasaki.'. mer session will leave Aug. 3 for Pay your Daily suosription at the Pay. your D1il Camp Davis on Douglas lake, where Press Building, Maynard Stgreet.-Adv. Press Building,]i -Paris--France 'will keep her dele- he will make a tour of the camp and gates at .the Hague conference as long inspect the work being done there~ as there' is any conference. He will also visit the University blo- J- logical' station, which is also located Belgrade-"Don't blame us; we ;on the lake.A' Scharge the same as the United States,"' said? an official of the $10 fee: for vises Building, In UT.S. Increases 'TE AMiUEMEiNT CENTER g of psspots.New ork; 12.Builing eOF ANN ARBOR of assort. Nw YrkJul 12-Buldig pr-THE, COOLEST 'THEATRIi; IN ANN mits for $218,674,449 worth of build- Amsterdam-The 'Handelsblad says ing were issuedin' the United States T©M AUND ' 'T '- Dr,. J. C. E verwijn, minister to Amer- during the month of -June, according Itll J~f~V s ica, now in Holland on furlough, 'won't to Bradstreet :statistics. This figure G- go back, due to personal affairs. is a gain of, 5.5 per cent over the i e s ti n t ura m a j n ~building record- Forr May.. - Paris-The Journal says Monarch- . e fists in Portugal were all set for a rev-i,)w d olution Sunday, but the government UNPAID SUBSCRIPTIONS d found out and arrested 100 or so. :. n All unpaid subscriptions must4 n1 London - Officials doubt a report be paid before July 15 or the $2 that a Greek army is going toward rate will be charged.- s Constantinople, recalling .a warning Mail checks for "$1.50 r call If ,given Athens from London on this in person at the Press- building r- very point last summer when the between the hours of 8 A. M. and d Greeks backed dlown after similar s 5P. M. I° C- plans. r ___________________________________ o Leopoldville, Belgian, Congo-Busi-} e ness is picking up, more than 1,000 Daily Wants Ads bring results.-,Adv! .t pounds of gold, bullion and about $1,- 000,000 in diamonds going out in May; the boom is due to aone-third cut in fl A ~s ! d s n the pay given Negro workers. 3 a Paris-The Journal says a plot has BU _ U_ e been frustrated' by which Germany " U n -a~nd Russia were to smash Poland and 5 ° come right over and Wipe France off® '1 the map'; two persons are said to have r Ua been poisoned (no arrested- are known * EAT SMOKE D~RINK * s " fhed'dn't "k Sto have been made) REoAN LY ; ovE -om Ali Michigan . men - London--An American presented at .S -court says women at the White House ,e ar ivte, eqe ted , r- receptions are prettier than the Eng- U and expected to make, I- lish and the American men look bet- * Use of'B e teri in their rignified evenin~g clothes, 19u but she insists Queen Mary is one of U othe most beautiful and gracious wom- n en on earth. itB d Dublin-Irregulars went" to attack B F- barracks Ii Carrick-on-Shannon U ______________ (where the'old river flows), but, find- 3u ing the garrison supplied with plenty * 4 if* A on ey Co " r7 1ofammuntilon, wont back the way 1 1 RMWAI~DS CIGARS CAnxnIES., they came, only faster; the Free Stat- * P PRLUNCHlEU "SODxAS S id :kahein, ",nldin"D s 1 ers went right out' after them, -but u * ________________________________________________I1 Y they were all gone. ,1UI Aus3* N "oita FS alt Books-Bargain] Counter -- c each Last limes 1Tonight: MOCKN[ O'BItN 1I - at "Wahr'rs University Bookstore.-- ,nn $ COMET] T "LAUGHIINGGAPE S - pA UTO. LIVERY'' d*' WITH 0R WITHOUT DRIVER Ew pil416 S" MAInrw Pl. 58J!r' su pisTry Our Prescriptlon 'Starting r'sple at, Shampoo for Oily Hfair TODAY E. BURNHAM'S COSMETICS U PP LY STORE MRS: T. k. STODDARD 1-.1100 LIGIt_ iiverSity Avenue 707 1. Unverity Phone sa xr ll Colleges __ _ __ CH URBUIOUSE inth.e: Will be open during Summrer Session -Tastes like home -Try us - Chubb House is C. I /I I a stdentboarding house. r "" 209 SOUTH STATE STREET jAac.e Typewriters for sale and rent.t D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Arcade--Adv. 0 White Swan Laundry" for quality and service. Phone 165.-Adv. sdene Rates ty 2'/ party Ne,,w Old New 2.50 -2.30 2.2 4 party Old New 2.00 2.00 Don't forget to pay your Daily scription.-Adv. sub- 2 party 3 party Old New Old New 3.75 3.50 3.45 32 5 SummerS Secure youi STUDENTS SI 111 1lSouth Ur M'aterials fo ATERS Minter in, st"; comk- I lo O'Brien in "John shne comedy. hie ight -in the n Irving- Bacheller -F'rank Mayo in "The Vho Married His Own antd comnedy. Daily ServiceT SANDUSKY he Big Steamer Put-in-Bay) © to , (fnct This. Week-Stage 'ay - Athletic Club, Whitmore special frog, fish, and chicken s. Room -and board by day or -Adv., ce at the Packard-Thursday at 8:00. Keninedy's All Star Finest exclusive Excursion Steamer, Largest Ball O' Room, Finzel's Orchestra. No extra charge for danc- ing. Steamers leave on Eastern Time. Every day from Detroit at 9:00 a. im. for Put-I-Bay-Connecting with Cleveland and - Buffalo Transit Co., and- Steamer Arrow for Middle Bass, Kelley's Island and Lakeside. Sandusky-Connecting with Railroads and Suburban Lines, Fare $1.40 Cedar Point-15 miin. by ferry from Sandusky, Fare including ferry, 1.65 Excursion fares, (returning same day) Put-In-Bay, week day, 80c; Sundays, Holdays, $1.15 Round trip. Sandusky, every day, $2.00 Round trip. Four hours at Put-In-Bay; Bathing, visit the Caves, Perry's Monument. Pavilion, Groves, Dan~cing and many other attractions, several Hotels. Cedar Point-Fresh water rival to Atlantic City; Large Hotels, Board Walk, Thousands bathe here daily." Returning. Leave Cedar Point by Ferry for Sandusky. Leave Sandusky from Big Four Dock 2:30 n. m. Put-In-Bay 4:30 p.,im. Arr. in Detroit 8:00 p.,mn Dancing Moonlights. Leave Ashley & Dustin Steamer Line Detroit 8:45 p.m. Fare Wed. o 6iThurs.60c~at.CaSun. 75c. Foot of First St. Detroit, Mich, Write for map folder I ATT4,1T1O N) Fraternities, Sororities, Clubs and other orga nizations can be well taken care of by calling ANN ARBOR REALTY Nattonal Bank Building ff Phone 40 Mats.Tues., 425 -0 G ARRICK Thurs,$at04 13th Annual Season-'Tenth Week The BONSTrELLE Co. In the Novel, Faacinating, Cape Cod Comedy "Next: "Miss Nellie of N'Orlesans" LAST TIME TODAY Frank -Mayo In "The Manl Who Married His Owe WTife" "Robinson Crusoe" CHAPTER i 1 COMING Aloilvc Winn in I'TUF WI vv 1 k' w_ r f j I I A. ,'tU CrlNj I o y subscription today. nts Ads bring results.-Adv ASS IFIEDS UMNO LOSE AT 3P M ~ ... The Coolest Place in Town to spend an LAST TIMES T( MARY 'MILES I n and refinement matron of soror- 12th St., Detroit. The. =_- - .