1 I 11 kj ..%-J v V11 \ ,..4 iversity Paleontologist After Prehistoric loropus SWHAT'S GOING N I r ence, Kan., July 11. - H. T.1 curator of paleontology'at the" sity of Kansas, is now encamped Agate Springs Quarry, Agate s, Neb., on. a six weeks' hunt- p. What the spoils from the trip is not yet determined, althougli rtin insists that he may return everal rhinroceroses, deer, and ,f all, a humped back moropu moropus is the real object of arin's trip. Natives of the Ne- ,n wilds holding the wierd ani- Lre confident of its appearance since its stamping ground was ered by scientists as early as. nection with his work with the Uni- versity of Kansas. Mr. Martin was accompanied by E. R. Hall of Law- rence, and Neil Thornburg of Winches- ter, both students at the university] here. WILL USE SCEEN L MEDIUM FOR EDUCATION IN NORML COLLEGES Wednesday, July 12. 1 p. m.-Excursion No. four.-Win sor, Ontario; Belle Isle, and the D troit River. Picnic to be held; Belle Isle. 6 p. m.-The Prophetic Religion of, Life-Idealism. Dr. H. Slonimsky. Thursftay, July 13 5 p. m.-The Permanent Significan of the Messianic Ideal. Dr. H. Slo imsky. 8 p. ra.-Educational motion picturE Friday, July 14 2:30 p. m,-Excurison N% five--Nia ara Falls and vicinity. Under t - direction of Prof. I. D. Scott, v Michigan Central railroad to Detro 5 p. m.-Experimental Demonstrati of the Properties of Liquid Air. 8 p. m.-Recital-Shakespeare's "T.P Ing of the Shrew." Assist. Pr Louis M. Eich. (Sarah Casw Angell hall). 1Y11 ..1 l .l i V iLAAIJJ..JA 1 CHINESE CA MN WA1tFCZNTED ,Lynch Discovers Title Lx ensive (Contmu-d from Page One)on1ite Expe siv throw of the Mancha Dynasty the new- I ly established government existed for New York, July 11.-Joe Lynch has d- only 13 months before it was recogniz- to pay nearly $10,000 out of his own e- ed. Much longer than, this have we pocket for the privilege of wearing at] been proving ourselves able to run a the bantamweight championship crown stable government, but \due to the con- again. a tinuous counter efforts of the Peking When the receipts and expenses of government, we are still unrecognized. last night's fight in which Johnny Buff: "Our government represents not a was dethroned, were checked up to- few thousands of people, but many day, it was found that the "gate" was Ce millions. Other governments in the $9,150.35 short of the guarantee of n world which have not existed as lon'g $30.000. Under 'the tern's of agree- as ours, and which do not represent anent, Buff was to receive this' sum if es. nearly so many people, have been rec- he lost his title. ognized by the powers. I might also There were 14,293 paid admissions, add that most of the overseas Chinese but by the time the expenses, govern- g- favor the Southern government. But ment 'and state taxes were paid, there he because of-propaganda not favorable was not enough ,left to make up the via to our case the foreign powers pay lit- guarantee to Buff. it. tle attention to us. So )u see we are Boxing authorities said it was the on forced to light for our existence.' first time in ring history in America: --- - - ------ that a fighter won a title without re- mSE A SH OR E TI T ceiving a cent, to say nothing of pay- of. TO TONIGHT ing a big sum tothe Aefeated man, ? ----11 Ur. Martin does not anticipate much uble in overcoming the moropus. e chief difficulty, he said, will be iii ling it, as it has been. in hiding ne fifty or sixty thousand years. Would Be Rare Specimen :f the hunt 'is successful, the ex- rer will present his find to the Un- rsity of Kansas as a rare speci- i. The fossilized- skeleton alone 1 reward his search, as the animal s long been extinct. The moropus elates, to call it by its entific name, lived in prehistoric braska and Dakota, in company wit> veloping-races of dogs, rhinoceroses, or, tapirs, camels and cats. Restorations of the moropus show odd picture of an animal resembl- both a horse and a lion. It has tiorselike head, with eyes set well wn toward the nose, a humped and ping back ending in a short ropey 1, and heavy feet with three toes ling in, enormous claws. Its hind ,s are shorter than the forelegs, 1e its long neck is considered well apted to stripping the leaves from es which are believed to have been fnn . In t r s 1 I TT! f 7 Lansing, July 11,-Believing that motion pictures, within the next few years, will become almost as impor- tant a factor in education .as text books, courses in motion picture me- chanics will be inaugurated in the four Michigan normal, colleges next fall, Thomas E. Johnson, state su- perintendent of public instruction, an- nounced today. It will be necessaIty to t'ain teach- ers. to operate motion picture ma- chines to carry out plans already laid by the state for introducing motion pictures into the schools, according to Mr. Johnson. Next fall the state de- partment of education will establish a distributing station for educational, films. Prof. A. H. Blancliard, of the way engineering department, wa rested Moday by Traffic Officer Arnold 'for speeding. When arraigned before J John D. Thomas, Professor Blan pleaded guilty and was fined $1 costs. The professor smiled. 'I am liever in highway safety mysel said HOSPITAL HAS TW( PASTEUR PATIE Two patients are now tabin Pasteur treatments at the Univ hospital. Frank McCalla, 9, s Charles McCalla, Ann Arbor R. No. 6, was taken to the hosptia morning to begin the treatment, ing been scratched by the faml: about June 17. . The dog has developed a postitive case of rat George S. Tompkins 70, of view, is the other patient now t the treatment. eH was bitten by at Battle Creek. Tests prove( cat to be mad. WALKOUT FAILS TO 1INDER CO-OPERATIVE COAL III (Continued from Page One) shafts. The agreement betwee company and the men is said rather loose, permitting. disco: ance on short. notice. Organizers for tlhe union say all the men who are working G Sheridan mines have become tors and thereby have put selves out of the union. ell Saturday, July 15! 8 a. ii.--Excursion No. six-Detroit Creamery company and Detroit wat- er works. - Monday, July 17 5 p. m.-The Beginning of Vagabond Literature. Prof. J. H. Hanford. Tuesday, July 15 5 p. m. - Water Sullply of Ancient Cities. (Illustrated). Prof. W. C. Those who took the Seashore tests for iusical capacity last Wednesday night will be given the tests for the ; cofd and final time at 7:30 o'clock ihis vvening in Natural Science audi-. torium. Although it was planned at first to give the tests three times, it has bedn decided to copelude the ser- ies tonight. It is imperative thflt all those who took the tests last week be UCVO 13r their sCCOl1(l trial tonight. The scores of the ldividuals and their relaoivo ratings in each of' the tests will be given out next week. So.vay Athletic Club, Whitmore Lak, special frog, fish, and chicken dinners. Room and board by day or week .-Adv. / LABOR, EXECUTIVE hEADS ' HASTEN TO ATTEND P,, RLEY (Continued from Page One) their origAnal attitude that the rail- roads deal with the six international shop unions as a whole. Clerks, Freight Men Go Out. Cincinnati, July 11.-Between 1,500 and 1,700 clerks and freight han- dlers, express and station employes are on strike on the Norfolk and Western railroad, according ,to infor- mation retching h,eadquarters here from E. H. Fitzgerald, president of the brotherhood of railway and steamshi ecerks, freight handlers, express and station employes. Daily Wants Ads bring results.-Adv. Purchase Films The films are to be purchased right by the state and rented to schools. After the next school out- high years ,8 Hoad,. p. m.-Important Facts About Can- cer. Prof, Ruben Peterson, Wednesday, July 19 Thilrty-Fifthi Trip is is the thirty-fifth trip made by Martin in\ his search for fossils. ity of his trips were made in con- n's Suit Sale/ "Nothing Reserv- it J. F. Wuerth Company's.-Adv. iite Swan Laundry for quality service. Phone 165.-Adv . y' your Daily subscription.,, at the s Building, Maynard Street.Adv. orest Lunch EAN AND COOL OPEN ALL SUMMER' REST AVE. NEAR SO. UNIVE'S'TY it is planned to enlarge the cinema program by using not only purchasedt films, but films depicting Michigan industries and institutions, manufac- , tured under the supervision of the state department of education. According to Superintendent John- son, preliminary tests have proveni the educational value of films. Stu- dents in, manual training, classes, hie asserts, pi(, up the rudiments of bench or lathe work many times fast- er if theyare firstshown the proc- esses cif the work they are to under- take i;t pictures. The same fact ap- plies to natural history, botany, zo- ology, chemistry and physics, he states. Within a few years he expeets that the motion picture phase of educa- tion will have been developed to a point where literaturet nd history will be taught thlrough the medium of well acted plays on the screen. Mr. Johnson's idea of making mo- tion pictures a vital factor in educ- tion already has been indorsed by the state administration. A : fund has been granted him 'for the establish- ment of a distributing station for] films next fall. He plans to ask the 1923 legislature for a budget to fur- ther develop the idea,. , SrOTLIT A SATED 5 8 ler, Detroit. Trip ends at 5 p. m. p, m.--Development of the French Theater. (Illustrated).,- Dean John R. Effinger. p. m.-Concert-Faculty of the Uni- versity School of Music. (Hill au- ditorium.) ..... Thursday, July1 0 5 p. m,-The Teacher College Move- ment. Charles McKenny, president of Michigan State Normal college, Ypsilanti. 8 p. m.-Michigan Union Spotlight entertainment. (Hill auditorium.) Friday, July 21 5 p. m.-"A Program for'the New Su- perintendent." . Mr. M. W. Long man, Superintendent of Schools, 'iuskegon. 8. P. xn.-"Problems of the Near East." (Illustrated). Prof. P. W. Kelsey. Saturday, July 22 8 a. m.---Excursion No. eight-Detroit News. building, and Michigan State Telephone. company, Detroit. Arrive i at 10 a. m. Lunch there, followed by a trip through the telephone com- pany's plants., You can buy odd trousers to match' your suit for 20 per cent less at J. F. Wuerth Company's.-Adv. % Spegial Sale on Men's. Guaranteed Hose at J. F. Wuerth Company.-Adv. Pay -your Daily subscription today. $1.50.-Adv. BARGAIN COUNTER A A " 1 Educational and 11 a. m.-Excursion No. seven-Cass 'rechnical high school and Hotel Stat- Fif ty Cents Eah Otherwise Of special interest to Summer School Teachers and Students. . New titles added daily. WAH R'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES BRING YOUR IDEAS TO THE ANN ARBOR CUSTOM We i] make iuse of them and the best 1eIhr zuto ni'ke-your si Oes. Bringz your repair~s to o)ur 1factoat5341"ORNESTI -i-- H UBB H OUSE Vill be open during Summer ession - Tastes like home -Try us - Chubb House is student boarding house. 209 SOUTH STATE STREET it -- More acts are needed for the Summer Spotlight, which will be held July 27 in Hill auditor- - ium. Anyone who has arn act -j or an idea for one is requested to telephone Jack Briscoe at 131. i I IN A RIBBONS Special heavy Silk Ribbonsk black and gray, 25c. Decorated Silver, Gold, Brown, Blue, Yellow, Hand Painted. Watch' Mesh Bracelets in \ green and yellow gold. HALLER & FULLER' STATE STREET JEWELERS I - a ll l11ltI~ r ll ll i lrl ll Elx411 tII HOW ABOUT THESE? - - Covered fancy $- .9 Hampers - - Guaranteed Carpet Sweepers ---98 Landry ..39 Kits - - - - Graniteware Specials Kettles, Pails, etc., 6 ' dollar values, - Straw Hats = rom- Ocp Stationery= r We are closing some extra good a - -grades at 1-4 less. Shirts, Hosiery and- Underwear Men, if you' want to save, try= this store fo'r these items. Many new things in DISHES. H E WAG' S 209-211 East Washngton Street i 111111111111tIIII1t111 ~1 I I I I I IIfillIII , i. Ann Arbor, Savings Bank Two Offices: W. Corner Main and Huron'St. 707 N. University Ave. ai +fj r - t. F2I- Books-Bargain Counter-50, each at Wahr's University Bookstore.- Adv. owp _ fr, it' 1, o F. ,,., . x z . e 9,x 1 : f1 n ' _ f ' r" s. 3 ,,Y Ps a . y r Scc ' } k w au :;s :vs Esau v":. ,I Speaking With Authority of experience we unhesitatingly de that no one should be without a resit birglary insurance policy. Burg are especially numerous this seas the year when so iany are awa vacation trips. We ' pay for l goods and damage to the bul You will find it of interest to tal matter over with ' BUTLER INSURANCE 209 FIRST NATIONAL BANK( 811 Tel. 401-M jiiI They sell swinming tubes at J. Wuerth Company.-Adv. F. Daily Wants Ads bring results.-Adv ;-m- w9 ..,° I The ,unimer. . : ; , . r k q e oily 1'- I 1~ THE BEST PART OF SU ER SCHOOL a I 11 f AT THE PRESS BUILDI G DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR $1 Al