-.1 AA.... a s ,, - aL'a. l 4 Sa Si 1 I S.V4 ZAS.. GOING ON July 9) lunteers meet, tall. Visiting Up- vol- a.-Homoeopathic hospital sing ?resbyterian students. .-Social half hour of Presbyte- church. . m.-Presbyterian C. E,, meet- led by Miss Veo Foster. ' Monday, July 10E n.-"Pubile Utility Problems. .strated). Prof. H. E. Riggs. .-Building and Beautifying the nmunity. (Illustrated). Dr. R. lieronymus, of the University of ois. Tuesday, July 11 i-The Ethics of the Prophetic gion. Dr. H. Slonimsky, of Cin- ati. i.-The Safety of Surgical Op-' ons. Dean Huth Cabot. .-Concert-Faculty of the Un- ity School of Music (Hill au- Wednesday, July 12 i.-Excursion No. four.-Wind- Dntario; Belle Isle, 'nd the De- River. Picnic to be held at Isle. .-The Prophetic Religion of a Idealism. Dr. H. Slonimsky. RIGGS TO TALK ON PUBLIC UTILITIES "Public Utility Problems," will be the subject of an illustrated lecture by Prof. Henry E. Riggs, of the civil engineering department at o'clock to-' morrow in Natural Science auditor-i ium. The lecture is one of the Sum- mer session serifs arranged by the University. "It seems to me absolutely essential that college men face, the problem of finding the middle ground, of right' and justice in relation to public util- ities. It is only through disinterested students of affairs such as are to be found in the universities that the solu- tion can be reached." -"This is the belief expressed by Professor Riggs regarding the 'problems he will dis- cuss. BRITISH WAR DEBT GOLI) R EACHES N.Y. New York ,July 8.-Government in- dications that Great Britain intended to begin payment of her war debt in this country this fall was seen by local bankers today in the arrival of gold bars valued at $2,500,000 on the steamship Cerentaria, for t he account of the British treasury and the an- n'uncement that another similar ship- ment is under way. DETlfAJIT UI LDINtiS O)BJECT 4 OF SIMMER SEUENTS' TOUR (Continued from Page One) recently completed at the expenditure of $2,775,000 exclaisive of the site, ,which cost $416,000. The building is of white marble of nearly square shape, 210 feet on a side, set far back on the large site extending from Woodward to C;,ss avenue. The li- brary has a capacity of more than 800,000 books, but the estimate of the present collection is 438,962 books and other material. The architect for the "building was Cass Gilbert. Artists working under him were Gar;l Melchers, Frederick J. Wiley, and Mary Chase Perry Stratton, all of Detroit. Edwin Blashfield, call- ed the dean of mural artists in Am- erica, has nearly completed a series of paintings for the grand stairway. The bronze work for the doors is ex- ceptionally fine. Other features of the building were the entrance hall, the children's room, the parents' and teachers' room, the periodical room, extension department, bindery, delivery halls, civics room, ine arts room, the lggia, music and drama room, open shelf room, bdok- lovers' room, correspondence room,. technology department, map room, the famous Burton historical collection, the stacks, and Washington's diary. The trip ended at 4:30 o'clock. Daily Wants Ads bring-results.-Adv. DORMITORIES TO I HOLD OPEN HOUSE In as much as there are only three halls of residence or dormitories open for women' during the Summer ses-' sion, not all women attending the ses- sion get the opportunity to live there or to get a taste of dormitory life. Arrangements have been made by the Women's league whereby all women students and faculty of the Summer session may have the opportunity to visit these three jiouses: According to the present plans each of these dorn- itories, Alumnae house, Betsy Barbour residence, and Adelia Cheever house will hold open house and serve tea on three consecutive Tuesday after- noons, beginning with Alumnae house, which will start the series by having' a tee from to ,30 o'clock this Tues- day afternoon. The residents of the house, assisted by wives of the faculty will act as. hostesses. Mrs. T. E. Rankin. and Mrs Wilbur R Humphreys have been asked to help this week These teas, which will be given un- der the auspices of the Women's league will be open to all Summer ses- sion women students Special Chicken Dinner Sunday at The Blue Bird Delicatessen, 1112 So. University.-Ad. White Swan taundry for quality and service. Phone 165.-Adv. SUNDAY SERVICES IN THE CHURCHES, (Contimied from Page One) oeopathic hospital at 3 o'clock this afternoon. At 6:30 o'clock the Christ- ian Endeavor will meet. Miss Veo! Foster will lead the discussion on "Blessings of Freedom." This meet- ing will be preceded by a social half hour at 6 o'clock. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. trai onon manym, e crres ene papers at O. D. Morrill's, 17 els' Arcade.-Adv. If it has to do with typewrite writing materials, see O. D.,Mo 17 Nickels' Arcade-AdV. The only beach on the lake. T Beach, formerly Stilson's.-Adv. Pay your Daily subscription a Press Building, Mynard Street.- PROF. WALTER A. TERPENNING'S TrO RUSSIA AND REURN,$1.25 Dr. C. L. Header says: Mr. Terpinning's book is just what the title "To Russia and Return" implies, an account of the author's ex'perience as a nember of the expeditionary force which invaded northern Russia after the revolution. The average American reader wilffind it an interesting and even entertaining narrative of the warm- hearted author's journey and his work as an officer of the Y. M. C. A. WA H R'S UNIVERSITY "a. JUT Beginning Tuesday m> , irsday, July' permanent anic Ideal. 13 Significance Dr. H. Slon- -Educational motion pictures. Friday, July 14 n.-Excurison No. five--Niag- ills. and vicinity. Under the :n of Prof. I. D. Scott, via an Central railroad to Detroit. -Experimental Demonstration Properties of Liquid Air, Recital-Shakespeare's "Tam- the Shrew." Assist. Prof. M. Eich. (Sarah Caswell hall). Saturday, July 15 -Excursion No'. six-Detroit ery company and Detroit wat- ks. typewriting and mimeograph- D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Ar- iv. Tants Ads bring results.-Adv. NG YOUR IDEAS TO THE q ARBORCUSTOM HOE FACTORY I make use of them and the best tonimake your shoes. Bring. our to ourfactory at 534 FOREST Tiesday the big July Clearance sales will begin. These sales have been arranged to clear away our summer merchandise--- and that means that thp prices have been cut to .such an extent that every.woman will be able to save a great deal by shop- ing during these sales. (° A't :Q k ' l G[ , yT 0 11 Smart Frocks Right in the midst of the summer, when every woman is realizing the necessity of having plenty of cool summer frocks, comes this big july Clearance Sale with its cuts in prices. There is one group of dresses for women that includes some models of organdie, some of ratine and others of linen. They are all well made and were reasonably priced up to $25.00.- Now they are cut to Envelope Chemise Envelope chemise--the one garment so essential to a wo- man's summer wardrobe-will be included in this big July Clearance Sale. A very com- plete group will be placed on sale at this great saving price. There will be some of pink Witchery crepe, some of white nainsook,. some with built up shoulder straps, some with the bodice tops; some 'rather plain and others more elaborately trimmed--all at $1.39 Satin Brassiers A group of satin bras- siers in assofted sizes, t made in the bandeau style, f will be on sale ats 75cV ' e :ti f ; . s "'*.. V L $14.75 I the pleasures of out-door evenint-s. MOSQUITO TALCUM OR CREAM will add to the comforts, DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION STORE 08-Corner S. State and N. Univ.-C. Claude Drake, Prop. .1 Gingham Frocks There are gingham frocks that are appropriate for general summer wear. Some are more elaborate than others, but all are good looking and will be becoming to their wearer. They are to sell at greatly reduced prices for the rest of the month. Values to $6.98 for $3.98 Values to $5.00 for $2.98 P. TYPEWRITERS L. C. Smith, Corona, Ham- mond, Underwood, Rem- ington, Royal,- Oliver and many others . Satin Skirts The wardrobe without a baronet satin skirt is as inadequate as can be. A woman simply cannot get along without one for va- cation, street, or sports wear. There are some black ones, some pink, and otiers pure white, and they are all well tailored. On sale at $4.95 Sports Skirts. Another group of skirts .from which a woman may select just the right skirt for wear with that new 'sweater or attractive blouse is composed of fancy woven white skirts. They are regularly priced up, to $12.50 and will be on sale at $9.75 Crepe Gowns, Crepe gowns in white, pink with orchid trim- mings and orchid with blue trimmings will be on sale at $1.98 each. . $19 .. k Step-Ins Butterfly step-ins are trimmed with imitation filet lace or Val lace in- sertion and are priced very reasonably, $1.75 Camisoles Camisoles made of sat- in-striped voile in differ ent color combinations will be on sale at 98C Hose on Sale Sports stockings for women come in lavender and gold, biege'and grey, black and grey, and navy and grey. ,They have embroidered clocks on the sides and regu- larly sell for $2.25 a pair. On sale at $1.79 (Main Floor):{ ight, Sold, Rented, Exchanged, Cleaned and Repaired (Small monthly payments if desired) (Second Floor), df o - a MORRILL; 17 Nickels Arcade I p.y III [fill IIIli111111IIIII] 11111111It 1111111111111111111I111111111IIIIli11,111111111111111111111;11i11lIIt1111111111ii111111{flllllillllIli{Illilill1111111111111IIHIII1111IMIIlltlilitl11111it1lti{It1111111illillillitttlt{II{IlIlllitlilliflllii![Ellta1C111111t1 UNCH SODA 0 ,, G r . W f - 4' N U T7 *9". I14; ! ;' 04 .