rLLU:1 TIME' 'ry residence will have ents and will be able e a larger number of extengve changes and' being done to it this pmpleted,"according to t yesterday afternoon C. Bishop, social di- rth floor.of the build- nost' completely ehang- rs are being extended he, walls of the house or more windqw space more rooms are to be seats and bookshelves between the windows. busy at work now and being made to have a readiness by the be- Roger Hornsby, of the St. Louis Na- tional league team leads all other home run hitters in both leagues with 21. He is way in the lead of his riv- als in the older circuit, but Williams of the American league team of the same town has 20 homers. Kelly of the Giants, hit two on Thursday and brought his total up to 18. Ruth with only 14 is absolutely out of the running for this year. OTHERS SAY: FIRST SET THE' THINKER FREE (Detroit News, July 8) For one thing at least Secretary lughes is to be congraulated on hisr paper read recently at the National' Education association meeting in Bos- ton. it was not the frothy eulogy us- ually delivered on such occasions by persons in high places. To Mr. Hughes, Secretary of State; education is a matter of national con- cern. He considers it from an angle which, if education is to be vital, must ever be the most important anglefrom which this great public undertaking can be considered-from what educa- tion contributes to the making of cit- izens. He urges upon college author- ities the stern duty of teaching the stu- dent "the ability to apply discriminat- ing reason to the problems of life as they emerge." To further such discriminating ea- soning is quite as much the duty of the conmunity as it is that of the col- lege. There is little use in training college students to reason as Mr. Hughes would have them trained, if after graduation they are expected to adopt the same age-old traditions .and fit into the same moulds. If it is reasoning we want, then we ought to be satisfied with none but the best, bit if our aim is conform- ity, then we may better spare our- selves the pains of teaching anybody to reason. The world can be set free by the thinker, but not until it first sets the thinker free. AT THE THEATERS Thea ters WUERTII Today-Screen Doris May will again be seen in one of her flapper parts in "Gay and Dev- ilish," a farce comedy which opens Sunday at the Wuerth theater. Any; number of bright comedy situations, with more than the usual amount of romance and wholesome humor, make this one of the most amusing attrac- tions of the season.' The plot is decid- edly novel and the cast includes such well known funmakers-as Cullen Lan- dis, Otis Harlan, Bull Montana, and Jacqueline Logan.' "The Light in the Clearing," one of Irving Bacheller's most popular- stor- ies will be the feature for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It is one of those 'delightfully old-fashioned and rural stories that Bacheller knows how to tell so well. The characters are taken from real life and the plot has been woven around one of the most important incidents in the early history of our country. support Mr. Hitchcock. "The Beauty Shop," ,is notable for its sheer good humor, merriment, amazing complica- tions and unflagging interest and its sparkling array of beautiful girls. Mary Miles Minter appears for the first time as an inmate of a Turkish harem in "The Heart Specialist," which comes to the Majestic theater Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Mint- er is seen as a young newspaper wo- man who seeks'real adventure and ro- mance inside the Sultan's harem. In her 'latest Paramount picture "For the Defense," which will be shown here the remainder of the week, Ethel' Clayton will be seen in one of the strongest roles of her screen car- eer. Miss Clayton portrays a highly emotional and dramatical role in a. puzzling murder mystery, the solu- degre "Shavings," taken from th Joseph C. Lincoln, will be first Detroit presentation night at the Garrick, Detro Bonstell compnany. The si laid in a little Cape Cod vi the story centers around Jed better known as "Shavings," philosopher, a solemn-hap, idual who gave up his caree his great love' for his mothe Morgan will be seen as Jed Eugenie Chappel, who has s( Miss Bonstell in "Daddies" plays requiring children, wi en an imporant part in the Majestic--Raymond Hitchcock in "The Beauty Shop", comedy and news.. Arcade-Anita Stewart in "The Woman He Married"; and com- edy. Wuerth-Doris May in "Gab and Devilish"; comedy and news. Orpheum - Marshall Nielan's "Bits< of Life"; Buster Kea- ton in "The Goat." tion of which involves a romantic LI CEoCREAM I several s are to This Week-Stage N~ews englen the French ,r, and Mrs. Molla Y, the American t yesterday in the nament at Wimble-' esent two entirely :'play. The Amer- man Wvith powerful strength carrying French woman is 1 entirely feminine 'Garrick (betroit)-"Sliavings." | The only place for fine music and dancing in the open air at Tom's Beach, formerly Stilson's.-,Adv. Special Chicken Dinner Sunday at The Blue Bird Delicatessen, 1112 So. University.-Adv. Don't forget the dance at Tom's Beach, formerly Stilson's, tonight.- Adv. Daily Wants Ads bring results.-Adv. MAJESTIC Raymond Hitchcock, wilo starred in the original musical comedy, "The Beauty Shop," is the featured player in the screen production of the same play. A' remarkable cast, including Billy B. Van, James J. Corbett, the Fairbanks twins, Louise Fezenda, and Montague Love has been chosen to RAIN WATER SHAMPOOS Marcelling Manicuring Water Waving Mrs. T. L. Stoddard Tel. 2652 707 N. University - For Week-end Dessert - sere French Ice Cream with Strawberries and Pistachio Nut Our Delicious Temptation Brick letter than ever At all our Dealers 60c a qt. Phone . .. ... I i- is the cham- r was demon- (ork the other FAILINGS' DINING ROOMS Sunday-Tuesday lme Cool and Well Ventilated. Home Cooking. rly MARSHALL N'E LAN'S " BITS OF LIFE" 714 Monroe Street, just off State Street. One block south of Campus. ;; "and I THE COOLEST THEATRE IN ANN ARI in each. even at :son's.- BEST MEALS AT MODERATE PRICES BUSTER KEATON in "THE COAT" TODAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY The Story of a Wife whose prison was her Wedding Ring U]SEI Q' UALITY. s0' V yr ' 0 r . . R Hot W eather Specials Just at the start of the hott'est w ather comes this chance to save monrey on things to help you keep cool and com- fortable. Buy now at these special prices and you can enjoy'using theta for sev'eral years. Hammocks Ice Cream Freezers, Electric Fans PO a QUALITY. 0j t I CWalton in "The Wise Kid STARTINC TODAY The He Ma F I u~trrt Q QUALITY. S .o g l l IfIllIllllliII 11 - AI *f )NO. C, FISCHER CO. Up-to-the-Minute Hardware Main nr. Wasl.>on Washington pr. Main t y ,x _ a 4'QUAiLITY. C i~ y R~ p '1 0 NEES C ~ADRk R tI WEEK BEGINNING MondayJuly 10 POPULAR Tues- MATIN I'9_F Lavish in production-powerful in story-a triple-punch c -with Anita Stewart giving the finest performance of career. And you never could guess how it is going to e ADDED "BUCKINC BROADWAY" A CHRISTIE COMEDY LATEST NEWS ARCADE ORCHE Schedule 1:30 3:00 4;30 7:30 9:00- e .- -DE rROI F I E Sf 'TONIGHT"The . :SAT3P.M. = TONIGHTPerformance "The Copperhead an and wife de- pletely furnished lore Lake for first tgust. Willing to k, and will guar- e. Address T. E. Kresge Building, ,15 r rent large house for rooming and e in good location. desired. Address 15 pa Gamma Key, 'ding. Please re- htenaw. Reward. Thirteenth Annual Season---Tenh Week ..THE. Bo S TELLE The Coolest Place in Town to spend n AMt SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY COMPANY In the Homely, Fascinating, Cape Cod Comedy "SHAVING RAYMOND HITCH COCK Shows Daily Adults 30c, E-3:30 7-8:45 Kiddies 100 And All-Star Cast in "he Beauty SI Comedy Orchestra Nei By JNE PHEI and MARION SHORT y Joseph C. Lincoln) NELlIE OF N'ORLEANS" 114