rHE SUN HR MICHIGAN DI LY .. INES'ENTERED [CAGO TRACK MEET (Continued from Page Three) nor is she entered in the other track events. The javelin throw will bring to- gether four or five men of almost equal ability and. will be closely con- tested. Bronder of Pennsylvania, the best of the Easterners, Saranti and Merchant of California, Angier of Il- linois, and Hoffman the Michigan en- try, will probably fight it out for hon- ors. California, the winner of the East- ern Intercollegiate, and Illinois, the Conference champions will fight it out for premier honors. Both teams have swept everything before them and they will stage a real battle. Illinois at first withdrew because of the fact that only ten men from each school could be entered, but has re-entered again. Order your Summer Daily today.- R . STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE 1 111 South University Ave. Engineers' an(I Architects' Materials Stationery Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candies Laundry Agency Tobaccos h Men of Michigan WHAT'S GOING ON FRIDAY 9:00-Meeting of the Board of Re- gents. 10:00-Annual meeting of Alumnae, Memorial hall. 10:00-Literary college class day ex ercises on the campus. 10:00-Engineering college class day exercises at senior benches. 12:45-Alumnae luncheon at Betsy Barbour house. 12 :45-Senior engineer banquet at Un- ion. 3:0Q-Alumni-Varsity baseball game. 4:00-Open house at Martha Cook. 8:0-"Pomander Walk," Whitney the- ater. 8:30-Union vaudeville at Hill audi- torium. SATURDAY 9:00-Dental alumni reception, Dental building. 10:00-Annual alumni meeting, Hill auditorium. 12:15-Alumni luncheon. 12:15- ''M" club luncheon, Union. 1:30-Alumni mass meeting at Hill au- ditorium. 2:30-Homoeopatldc nurses alumnae meet at Homoeopathic Medical school. 4:00-Alumni-Varsity baseball game, Ferry field. 6:00-Homoeopathic alumnae banquet. 8:30-Annual senior Prom on campus. 8:30-Senate reception at Memorial hall. 9:00-Classes of,'13,,'14,115,116 dance at Union. SUNDAY 8:00-Mortarboard breakfast at Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. 11:00-Baccalaureate address by Pres- ident Marion L. Burton, Hill audi- torium. 4:00-Vesper service for senior wo- men at Martha Cook building. 8:00-Meeting of alumni interested in S. C. A. at Lane hall. U-NOTCES Members of the Alumnae House asso- ciation will hold their annual meet- ing at 2 o'clock tomorrow at Alum- nae House. Transaction of busi- ness and election of officers will take place. There will be a sale of senior girls' collars at 9 o'clock this morning in University hall. The regulation dress for senior wo- men during commencement activi- ties will be white dresses ,worn un- der the acedemic costume, and black footwear. Your name embossed free of charge on all fountain pens purchased from 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Arcade.- Adv. Watch for the Commencement ex- tra Monday.-Adv. Subscribe today for The Summer Michigan Daily.-Adv. FIRST DAY OF GRADUATION PERIOD OPENED BY LAWS" (Continued from Page One) President Burton, who followed Dean Whitney on the program, went1 on to speak of "The Necessities of Life." These are, he said, choice, strug- gle, purpose, and, In a certain sense, self-effacement. Choice First Necessity "One of the inevitable necessities of life," said Pr'esident Burton, "is choice." He pointed out that one can not always do everything thatis ex- pected of him-but' one must make choices. "Life requires of you, even to the extent of tragedy, that you make a choice." The President continued: "We must choose, we must struggle, and we can do neither one without pur- pose. A disturbing factor is your- self. Don't try to make anyone like yourself-one's enough. Self-efface- me'nt, in a way, is a necessity of life. The only way to efface yourself is to be absorbed in something worthwhile. Captain Smith, of the Titanic, who went down with, his ship, was : self- effacing-he had identified himself with a purpose, and could not live aft- er his ship had sunk. "Be able to choose, to struggle, to have a purpose, and be able to use all the power that has been given you for something worthwhile," President Burton concluded.- The singing of the "Yellow and Blue" closed the program. ALUMNI PREPARED FOR CLASH WITH FISHER'S MEN (Continued from Page One) will hold down second, while Uteritz who has been chosen captain for next year, will handle the grounders at shortstop position. On third there will be Paper, and Shackleford, Kipke, and Roby will be in the outfield. Dixon will pitch one of the games while Liv- erance, Elliott! or Schultz will be on hand to pitch the other one. Today's game will begin at 3 o'clock while tomorrow hostilities will comn- mence at 4 o'clock. Admission of $1 will be charged. Student athletic books are not good for admission to these games. Regents to Act Upon Degrees Granting of degrees to the members of the graduating classes will be the principal work of the Board of Re- gents in their annual commencement meeting here this morning. The smallest Dunn Pen holds as much ink as the largest self filler. 0. D. Morrill, dealer, 17 Nickels' Arcade. -Adv. The "write" gift. A box of station- ery from 0. D. Morrill's, 17 Nickels' Arcade.-Adv. Your Children need the extra food value that they get in our special -- -- - -- ---Brick Ice Cream - - - ----- We have them made especially for us and they contain - -- -more cream to the quart! -- - -- - SAY IT WITH A BRICK! Watch the building program with The Summer Daily.-Adv. Adv. Featuring the Commencement - Monday's Daily.-Adv.% QUARTS--65c Convenient Train service PINTS-35c CALKINS - FLETCH ER DRUG CO. THREE STORES VIA ANN ARBOR RAILROAD SOUTHBOUND NORTHBOUND t 4:53 A.. *8:10 A. X. t 7:00 A. X. $10:30 A. X. t 4:41 P.1. t:40 A. .$ 6:48 P. t2:00 P.X1. .164 .W * 4:30 P. X. t1:37 P. 1. * Daily. t Daily except Sunday. : Sunday only. Convenient and dependable connections at Toledo with all lines diverging. Northbound trains connect with Grand Trunk, M. C., P. M., and G. R. & I. for all principal destinations in lower and upper penin- sula of Michigan. TRY IT ON YOUR' NEXT TRIP I WANTED-I want a real live civil gineering student that wants take off his coat and go to work learn the construction business f: the contractor's end. Must be bE ed by substantial cash capital. dress Box S. S., care Daily. You who are back in Class Reunions, and you who are graduating - don't fail to take away with you Michigan Music - to help keep fresh your fond memories. "Michigan's Favorite College Songs" I H. A. MILLS, COMMERCIAL AGENT, Ann Arbor, Mich. College Music in Sheet Form Records of Michigan Music SU MMER EMPLOYMENT REAL ESTATE BROKERS Castle and Norton, Real Estate Brokers, 500-509 Congress Bldg., Detroit, Mich., are offering through their Sales Manager, Mr. E. J. Lieber, a graduate of the class of 1916 - an exceptional op- portunity to men seeking Summer Employment. Our methods are new and distinctly different, we furnish prospects. We have new men, now earning $200 a week. Write us for further information. Or meet Mr. Lieber at the Allenel Hotel Friday afternoon, 4 to 5 and evening, 8:30 to 9:30. CASTLE AND NORTON 500-509 CONGRESS BLDG., U DETROIT 01 It - a- .4 Mrs. , A. tout I' - tt # [i t nt x e e BOOKS GIFT EDITIONS FOR COMMENCEMENT R11111 I HI[il~ lH I illilllll1111r111 I11 11It II li[[fiill~l IIII li I fill II I1111 1h MIl utII IlIM IIH Il~ ill 111Ilil ~llH The Fishing Season Opens TODAY June 16th ' Get a CAILLE MOTOR for We Carry a Full Line of your boat All kinds. rp Save the trouble of rowing the T1V boat. Quiet and easy running. Casting Baits Steel Poles Reels Lines 3 ..... Pork Rind Baits Trout Baskets I Seines Tackle Boxes S Camps Grids and Accessories for the Summer Vacation v Don't Fail to See Our Goods. Prices Right--Service Prompt Larned Hardware Company a (Successors to M. D. Larned) I THE UP-TO-ยง1J$TE H$4RD WARE Phone 1610 310 So. State IIII Ili N ll I tl i W AUR .S UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE 4p.. Palm beach Suits We also wish to emphasize the unusual values found in our Halifax Tweeds and Palm Beach Suits and Golf Sweaters. You are always able to use these clothes to advantage and that is one reason why they are so economical. Hal- ifax Tweed suits complete are selling for $18.00. Don't delay in making your selection because, at this price we expect them to move. Palm Beach Suits from $10.00 up - These are all ready to wear. EARLY SHOWING OF FALL SUITINGS I" Karl Atalcolm * ra '. ,i 1 ' DANCES Every SATURDAY EVENING Best Floor and Best Music. Tickets at Door