t a t 43a i g EWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER SESSION OF HE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN every morning except Monday during the Summer Board in Control of Student Publications. MBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS iated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- all news dispatches, credited 'to it or otherwise e paper and the local news published therein. t the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as"second n by carrier or mail, $1.50. an Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. usiness, 96o; Editorial, 2414. ations not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the signa- arily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, events will be published in The, Summer Daily at the he Editor, if left at or mailed to The Summer Daily ed communications will receive no consideration. No 1 be returned unless the writer incloses postage..- ner Daily does not necessarily endorse the senti- d in the communicatonis. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 CDITOR...............LEO J. HERSHDORFER . James B. Young A. Donahue Julian 1±. Mack r ....Jack D. Briscoe r. .Dorothy Bennetts ...Herbert S. Case . .......Donald Coney r................ ..............G. D. Eaton Assistants Butler Leona Horwitz BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 :ANAGER .................HFEROLD C. HUNT ........ ................Townsend H. Wolfe ............................George W. Rockwood .............................Laurence H. .Favrot ..............E....dward F. Conlin is puerile. May their 1922 trip be as as have those of past years ! For Your Summer Reading Assistants E . Clrk Gibson Katherine E". Styer TURDAY, JULY 8, 1922 itor-HOWARD A. DONAHUE stant-W. Bernard Butler GAMBLER'S FAMILY is a nice game. 'housands of en- are even now looking forward with t to the coming battle between our le Mr. Dempsey and the gentleman $ irresistibility, Mr. Wills. Some of .lready betting among themselves as of the fight. Others are seeking the n th4 champion and his contender, of better placing their money. devotees of the ring are talking, iving for the coming contest, their probably secretly praying. Pray- lay not be among the number who le to suffer as the result of money :r prize fight. ike.h6rse races, are seldom, if ever, >ns for those who promote them or ey placed on them. Someone must meone is not only the one who does also his' family. has been prohibited in the United form of amusement can hardly be tore objectionable than a prize fight. t prize fighting is now a science, and gging battle that is used to be. We :ample in the last war of- what one : fighting will lo: It is more punish- style. Men pay hard earned money* teir own kind battle with each other, ned money as to who wijl stand up aishin~g blows of his opponent the ot difficult to dupe the public, if they think, by aousing their animal in- y are, having a good time., But it is that it is, the wife theimother, or the fight fan who pays the penalty >m. P. A. AND GOOD ROADS a Pike's association is of great bene- of Michigan-and some people can- its work. The association is com- who are interested in their state, >rovement through the improvement hey are men who realize that there :tor so important to the welfare of highways, and they are willing to 4eir valuable time to interesting the iigan in the movement for -better few years the association has con- .1 tour, with thirty or forty cars, cov- not only in this state but in Mi- sin, and 'Ontario as well. zAt each :hedule they would stop, give a con- ord band which accompanied them, road speeches to the people of the he receptions they received in On- greater than in Michigan. Some criticized the good road advocators on a pleasure jaunt and burning up a they were influential in having :cism is foolish, and those who are t can hardly be called desirable cit- sure that the members of the asso- HUMANIZING CORNELL' Alumni of the Cornell university, though they resent the implication that the Cornell of the past lacked the humanizing element, should welcome heartily the donation which it has received at the instigation of one of its alumni. Major Williard D. Straight before his death, expressed a wish that his wife use her- ample means to "do such things for Cornell as she may think most fitting to make the same a more human place." This she is at- tempting to do by having donated one million dol- lars to Cornell for a recreational center, which will provide roams, billiard tables, lounges, cafeteria, offices for student organizations, a theater to foster activites of the dramatic club, sleeping rooms for visiting alumni, a memorial room, and various other features. Michigan realized this need long ago, and is now reaping the benefits of a very similar organization, the Michigan Union, which serves' as a center of ac- tivities ?and means of bringing students closer to- gether, and of socializing their affairs. To the uninitiated freshman college always seens a place lacking in humanity, but this feeling departs as he becomes acclimated to his surroundings, and finds friends among his classmates. An institution which would enable him to do this in a shorter per- jiod of time should be thrice blessed. ........... ...........~fl........Y(. .................. 'T HE FRYING PA N "--a-flash in the Pan." Personally Mentioned We are unhappy to say, that, owing to a strange And totally unforseen accident, The marriage of Miss Dorothy Blight and Arthur Blather Has been postponed. The biidegroom, shortly before high noon, Making his ,way towvard St. P olycarp's Became' stuck in the sun-softened asphalt Of- Paradise Road. His shrieks attracted the attention of Old, Mr. Porritt' who was pruning his rhododen- drons, And who,-being slightly deaf, summoned the fire department. Young Blather -was rescued practically intact, The ceremony was postponed, Because of the indisposition of the bride But rain checks were given the guests. Today's Feuileton "Where's the fire ?' asked Hannibal Smith, as we hastened to ohr ec lecture. Hannibal is usually that way, getting off some brilliant bon mot. We threw onthe brakes and skidded along beside him, not car- ing or not whether we disappointed the prof. "I see in the paper," begins Hannibal, "that there is a little town in Pennsylvania as was baptized Bryan after the great protector of the ape. It seems they've struck natural gas in the vicinity, and a group of patriotic minded citizens have got together and, formed the 'Bryan Natural Gas. Company- .Limited'.", S"Right-o," says we, being hazy with thoughts of the ec lecture, and not suspecting the possible debacle of Hannibal's wit. Hannibal giggled. "But why 'limited' ?" says he. Hannibal's family carries a large insurance on his person. Rondeau In Installments In the salad days: This is a job I've not essayed Before, but boldly in I wade, And if the well known muse will lend - Her help, I may get this thing 'penned Before the summer flowers fade. IBoGRAHAM'S ~1 Both stores 1922 8 JULY T W 1922 T F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PANAMA AND STRAW HATS CLEANED THE RIGHT WAY Prices for cleaning Panamas $1.25 up. Prices for stiff straws......75 'up. We do only high class work. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 PACKARD STREET Telephone 1792 DETROIT UNITED LINES - . TIME TABLE Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars--6:oo a. m., 7:oo a. n., 8:oo a. in., 9:0o a. m. and hourly to. 9:05 p., m. Jackson Express Cars (local stops of Ann, Arbor)-9:47 a. in. and every two hours to 9:47 P. in. Local Cars, East Bound-'S :5 a. in., 7 :00 a. m. and every two hours to '9:oe p. in.; t x :oo p. m., To Ypsilanti only-i x :'4o p. in., 12:23 a. in., inis a. m.. To Saline, change at -Y silanti. Local Cars, West Boun-7:o a.' M., 2:40 p. in. To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Limited cars:. 8:47, 10:4 7, a.'in.;- 12:47, 2:47, 4:47-P.I) To Jackson And Lansing-Linited: :47 p. in. YOU WILLFIND THE Farmers and Mechanics Bank A pleasant, conven- ient and SAFE place to transact your business. TWO OFFICES: 101-105 South Main St. 330 South State St. Nickels' Arcade Member of the Federal Reserve TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGH DANCING PAVILIO Fischer's First Orchestra ,. 1 * .. Summer Students- Secure your supplies at B .: STUDENT'S SUPPLY STOR 1111 South University Avenue Miaterials for All Colleges New Things for Vacation Time This' shop offers sugges- tions that will, make your vacation a pleasure. Puyear & Hintz 328 South H'ain BOOKS from a 25 off, S A L E On All Ladies' and Men's W101 B athing S uits rLargle assortment of styles aned color. - r ry o V ....r ya ' r . r l { '.; .. . ,i,. } o C _ i b K .__ e e i \ " - His arteries begin to harden:I I started this, a gay young blade;- Now I am old and bent and greyed. How much more time must I expend? This is a job! The coffin companies send him advertisements: A doddering dotard in the shade, -Once more, 0 Muse, I beg for aid. A different task this time I send: To bfing the darn pome to an end, Now that my debt is fully paid- This is a job! TOMAS A CELANO. "I'll bet Jimmy is marrying you for my money," her father told her. She was shocked at the thought. "Why, father! He said he loved me for my own account." Gallows-Meat' The postal demon who borrows enough stamps to ,mail a special delivery. The Lawyer Joke "The case has been decided in my favor." "Ah, then I suppose you will be taking that trip to Zurope now?" "No, my lawyer sails this week." It 'is. understood that as a tribufe to Professor Hobbs' service in volcano psycho-analysis, the em- peror of Yap has presented him with a young na- tive volcano. Knickers and Breeches in Palm Beach, Linen, Khaki, 'Serge, for Ladies and Men. White Duck, Linen and Khaki Trou Hiking Shoes, Wool Sockx, Golf Hose. Leggings, Puttees, Officers' Dresi Army Shoes, "KEDS," Waterproof and High-top Moccasin Pack Shu for and men. O. D. Wool, Khaki and fine Poplin Army Shirts, Pongee Dress and Sport S All kinds of Underwear. Cravanettes, Rain Coats, Slickers, Ponchos and Rubber B All kinds, All Sizes, at Popular Prices. Reg. Wall, Army Squad and Mosquito I SEE OUR WATERPROOF AUTO TENT Floor, mpletet., at None Better, Others at $15.00 Canoe Blankets, Cushions, Auto Robes, Army 2ilankets. "Gold Medal Camp Furniture" Cots, Stools, Tables, Stoves, Gri ing Sets, Mess Cans, Canteens, Barracks' and Water Bags, Shovels, Axes, etc. Tr ~Surplu Sy .Y.1 I', x*