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July 08, 1922 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1922-07-08

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I ,


t t n






; 1

s Taken to, Protect
egime, Advises

ated Press)
Y .-The fall 'of
ment is threatened
ures have been en-
ection of the Re-
the commerce de-
ised today in 'a
ommercial Attache
sis resulting from1
f Foreign Minister
'ring reported, has
od of currency de-
d by the failure of
egotiations and the
eral that Germany
cal complications
xchange was drop-
level in history to-

the Reichstag
," he said, "in-
bill and grain
at nnr'r'i


ng, a mem-
faculty of
nor of "To
. which has
e publish-
his experi-
ring a trip
rom which
vorably re-
rments and
rities fam-
life' of the

Guns Tail To Roar When Battle ,f L I
Of State Street Is Called Off
eAnn Arbor's reign of terror has to spread the net that would en- D
ended? The .detectives have cut the snare the oncoming plunderers. c
gum from the soles' of their shoes, .For several days they held points Operators and Union Representatives p
the plain clothesmen have removed of vantage on the campus, surround- Adjonrn 3leeting Until Mon- t
their smooth, waxen moustaches, the ing the banks and West hall, while day i
Boy Scout auxiliary force has been interested crowds of spectators lined.
recalled, and the city is once again the walks anxiously awaiting the "E E
in the throes of - peace. cming battle. ITTLE"- PROGRESS MADE,i
More than a week ago the tip was NTot even Fagan's most skillful dis- SAYS SECRETARY DAVIS
broadcast everybody seemed to ciples could have penetrated the 'line d
know it - that a horde of thugs and of defense; even the drinking foun- (By Associated Press) t
pugs was sweeping across the coun- tain on the campus was under the Washington, July 7.-Anthracite mine w
try and that. Ann Arbor was on their guard of a valiant club-swinger, who operators and officials of the miners'
itinerary as a town of easy pillaging. had donned the uniform of a pipe- union who have been, meeting at Pres- e
Speedily and yet secretly the'intrepid smoking hod-carrier. ident Harding's call to consider means t
trustees of the city's vaults dyed their But in vain the anxiety of the cit- of settling the present strike adjourn- f,
uniforms dark black, and went forth izenry, futile' the bolts which stu- ed their sessions today until Mon- o
dents had taken from the halls of day, without definite results being ac- o
In n learning, for the enemy failed to ap- complished
I10/O pear. It is probable that pocket ra- Secretary Davis who sat in today's
C L U EOdio outfits, which advance scouts wore meeting as the representative of the
on their wrists in place of the cus- government sbaid, however, that a
.I Ltomary wrist-watches, warned the "little" progress had been made.
rear flank that a trap had been set Both bituminous' and anthracite
for them, and they deviated from their sections are now awaiting a Mon-
a e line of march, taking a roundabout day's conference at which President
La Follette, Member of N Reporting route from Chelsea to Ypsilanti via Harding will present the views in be,
Committee, Makes Sharp the Geddes road. half of the government.. -
Attack This is the second time in the last
four years that the battle of Ann Ar-
Arobr has failed to materialize. (See . T
(By Associated Press) DANCETONIGHTa
Washington, July 7.--Defeat of the PRESIDENT PLEADSDIR PARTY
Republican motion for cloiture in the One of the few social functions of UNITY IN SPEECH AT c
administration tariff bill debate, and t COLUMBUS
the season ,will 'take place tonigt
a dramatic ajtack On that measure by when a dance will be given at Barbour
Senator Follette of Wisconsin, a Re- gymnasium by the Gun and Blade Columbus, 0., July 7.-With Union-
the committee town, Pa., as his probable destination
that reported it, featured today's pro- Kennedy's /society dance orchestra for the night, President Harding leftt
ceedings in the Senate. h Is been engaged to furnish the mus- here early today on the second lap of
The vote to invoke the cloiture rule ic. The gymnasium will be appropri- his automobile journey from Washing-
was 45 to 35, or nine less than the ately decorated, according to members ton. The Presidential party expecteda
In charge, and punch will be served to follow the national road with a stope
elessring the-irstof maj omi s by the women's auxiliary of the cluf. at New Concord, 0., where an hon-
The chaperones for the, evening w 11 orary degree of doctor of laws was to
series of attacks on the tariff, Senator be Dr. Fred B. Wahr and Mrs. Wahr, be conferred on the President byr
Laillette declared the only away the
Repulican pcary couldhe saday fm Dr. James F. Breakey and Mrs. Break- Muskingumi college.
deatblin t Coresae r ey, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. A twenty hour stop over in Colum-
elections Bryce. bus offered' Mr. Harding the oppr-
in November and from "disaster" ina
th resmdetiaelecdfion ia14 w This dance is to be open to the tunity last night, in an extempor-
hIn ating124o whole campus, and is not confined to aneous address at an open air ban-
to recommit the bill for rerating on members of the Gun and Blade club. quet celebrating the fiftieth annivr-r
the basis of "the old Republican prin- Tickets'may be purchased at Fisher's sary of the Columbus Republican Gleec
ciple of equalizing the differences in drug store, at all the campus book club to make a vigorous appeal forc
home. f thatrodulnobredne, hed stores, and at the door at 75 cents per party solidarity. Too many in .the
. ticket. Republican ranks are attempting to
added, the legislation should be attract attention to themselves instead
an ___e_._, _ . CAPACITY NUMBERS FILL of working for the good of the party
CAMP AT CAVANAUGH LAKE and their their country, he contended,
DEAN KR AUS GOES with an added remark that it is im-.
TO GEOLOGY CAMIP Capacity numbers are taking ad- pertive for some one to assume lead-
_ ~ership if harmony; is to prevail.-
r-- vantage of the opportunities offered
Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the Sum- by the Girls' department of the city
mer session, left last night for the Y. W. C..A. at the Camp at Cavanaugh THIEME TO WRITE
geology camp in Kentucky where he Lake. The camp, which opened about FOR FRENCH REVUE
will inspect' the equipment of the the middle of June, is situated on the
camp, and the work being done there. shore of Cavanaugh Lake about four
He will return to Ann Arbor Tuesday. miles west of Chelsea, and accommo- Prof. Hugo P. Thieme, of the French
Twety-ix tudnts soe fom th-dates about 25 girls. Dring the week "department, has been appointed an
Twenty-six students, some from _oth- aesaou 5g rs uig tew editor of "La Revue d'Histore Litter- '
er universities, are enrolled in the it is enjoyed chiefly by the Girl Re- ed La Reve dtor Liter-
cmwihibencodcebyD.serves, while Ann Arbor business arie de la France," a journal of liter-i
camp, which is being conducted by Dr. seds hl n Abrbsns ry review published in Paris. .
Carl 0. Sauer, of ;the geography and women avail themselves ,of the op- re puie in Pari
geology department in the University. portunity of spending their week ends The magazine has been reorganized
since the' death of Bnnefon who wast
This is the third summer that the at the lakeshore.
camp has been maintained. Social activities of the Girls' clubs the editor for maw years. Three
bean Kraus will also make a visit and the various classes of the de- French scholars in America, one of r
to Camp Davis and the biological sta- partment have been discontinued for whom is from Princeton, an roter
tion on Douglas lake, where a total the summer, giving place to the camp from Columbia, besides Professorg
activiies. rTheme have been made collaborating1
of 125 students are doing work in activities.editors.
engineering and biology.
Dean Kraus stated yesterday that CABOT TO SPEAK ON "SAFETY RAIli HALTS 'CHAMPIONSHIP l
28 students are enrolled in the voca- OF SURGICAL OPERATIONS" RT S-CEABPONI DEN
tional course.s in Detroit, in the Sum--
mer session. Dean Hugh Cabot, of .the Medical Indianapolis, July 7.-Rain prevent-
school, will open the series of med- ed the semi-final matche of the Na-

PROF. SCOTT GIVES LECTURE ical lectures to be offered on the sum- tional clay courts tennis champion-
ON NIAGARA FALLS HISTORY mer lecture program at 8 o'clock next ship, between Walter Wesbrook,
Tuesday evening, when he speaks on -former University of Michigan ten-
Speaking on the "Geology of Niag- the "Safety of Surgical Operations." nis star, and William Tilden, second,
ara Falls," Prof. I. D. Scott, of the This will be followed on July 18 world's tennis champion. -
geology department, in a lecture yes- by a lecture by Prof. Reuben Peter- Wesbrook earned the right to meet'
terday afternoon, traced the history son on "Important Facts About Can- the great Tilden, as a result of his"
of the Falls from prehistorictimes cer." Prof- John Sundwall, director showing in the elimination matches
down to the present. of physical welfare in the University, Thursday at the Woodstock Country
down t the pesent.will speak on "Our Health Program," lb
Professor Scott said that the first w l s oclub.
rocks 'to push their way up through on July 27.sk Tr '
the sea were those around the Hud- Aski4mit on Highway Traffic
son Bay region, consequently these Delegates Attend Sorority Convention Port Huron, July 7.-The board of
were the oldest in North America. Frieda S. Diekhoff, '24, Margaret A. supervisors ifta voted unanimously
This lecture was given as somewhat Kraus '23, Elizabeth Carson, '24, and to instruct the county's representa-
of a preliminary introduction to the Helen C. MacCallum, '22, have ' re- tives to the state legislature to work
trip which the Summer school stu- turned from Ithaca, N. Y., where they for enactment of a law that would
dents are to make to Niagara next attende the thirteenth Triennial eon- regulate motor vehicles using the
Friday, July 14. This trip has 'been vention of Delta Delta Delta sorority state highways, for commercial pur-
taken every year since 1906. The as delegates of the Ann Arbor chzap- poses, and to compel operators of
party will arrive in Niagara Falls ter. They were accompanied by Mrs. truck lines and motor busses to pay a
Saturday morning, via Detroit and John, R. Brumm, who is an 'alumna part of the expense of maintaining the

Methods of interpretive dancing as
aught by Chalif, the master of the
Russian ballet, are being used in the
lasses given by the department of
hysical education for women during
he Summer session. While classes
n , this department are well ' under
way, registration Is still open to a lim-
Aed number.
Miss Marion O. Wood and Miss
Marion V. Dawley, instructors in this
.epartment, have just returned from
he East, where they took intensive
work at Wellesley college.
Swimming classes meet at almost
very hour during the day and the
ennis courts at Palmer field are open
or use by the women between 7
'clock in the morning and 8:30
'clock in the evening.






(By Associated Press)
Detroit, July 7. - The Pere Mar-
quette railroad has begun to draw
from time to time upon its reserve
stock of coal, due to the coal strike,
according to a statement by Frank
H. Alfred, of Detroit, president of the
"The Pere Marquette has a reason-
able quantity of coal in storage that
would enable us to operate our .trains
for a few weeks in the event of a
2omplete shut down of the mines,"
the statement says. "Even now we
are drawing from time to time upon
this reserve stock. Should the situ-
ation become more acute there is'
every' reason to believe that, of ne-
cessity, the Pere Marquette, as well
as other railroads, will be forced to
retrench service. Such retrenchment
necessarily would prove injurious to
the industries and the communities
that now are enjoying a certain
amount of returning prosperity."
Mr. Alfred's statement shows the
railroad uses 65,000 tons of coal
monthly, 19,000 tons in the passenger
service, 31,000 tons for operating
freight trains, 12,000 tons in the
switching service, 4,500 tons in the
shops, stations,; etc., 5,500 for Lake
Michigan car ferries, and 2,000 for
work service.

(By Associated P
Chicago, July 7.-The
the strike of the railwa
ended tonight witi si
breaks of violence repori
scattered sections of the
troops in readiness to qu
Illinois and-soldiers'pre
ery state, Union officials,
ecutives and the United
road labor board standin
position which they assur
walkout started.
Jewell Shifts Respo
The attitude of the fe
crafts was indicated ton
M. Jewell, head of the
ployees department of t
Federation of Labor, is:
ment dis-laiming any fu
sihility for continuation
and holding the railro
labor board to blame fc
of time the walkout las
Chairman Hooper, of
board, issued an individt
in which he asserted "tl
ble way" for the shop ci
iions to end the strike
in the footsteps in the
of way organizations, v


Jewell Shifts All I
Managers for

this wi~eek appeared.I
and agreed to posti
pending further neg(
Board Acts on 'T
The railroad labor
ed' a resolution toda;
be the opinion of the
rier has no right to
ployee to perform wo
legated to a craft tha
less the employe doe
untarijy. A decision
was one of th est
which E. S. 'Grable, h
tenance of way org
to withhold strike of
maintained that som(
discharging member:
when they refused to
From the headqua:
craft organizations I
issued "strike bullet
which asserted that t
shop men "was one
perfect." The bulle
letters of the heads
and engine service u
moral support to th

r 'erp


. the book, said,
ing's account of
orthern Russia is
mal and personal
fins many intimate
i peasantry."
en to the author,
eclares, "I am glad
rour belief in the
s' of the Russian
ink that the future
eir hands."


Summer Speaker
Fought In ,fall
Games Of 1887
Dr. R.E. Hieronymus, who -speaks
here on Monday, on "Building and
Beautifyfig .the Qommunity," began
his career in the University in the fall
of 1887. Dean John R. Effinger of the
literary college, who wpas a class mate
of Dr. Hieronymus, recalls the lat-
ter in the Fall games of that year
which consisted of a football rush be-
twer, freshmen and sophomores, in
the space now occupied by the two
gymnasiums. Dr. Hieronymus, who is
described as a man of extraordinary
height and strength, was one of the
largest men in his class and was chos-
en to lead the freshmen in the rush.
Dean Effinger recalls that the "big



led the Sarah
of. R. D. T.
speaking de-
ion last .eve-
ad the poem
erpolated ex-
on with his

freshman" led his class to victory, in
spite of the interference of juniors and
seniors, who alternately sided with
one class or the other, in the battle.
In speaking of Dr. Hieronymus'
work at present, Dean Effinger spoke
of his position as, a "unique" one on
the faculty of ,the University of Illin-
ois. Dr. Hieronymus spends the great-
er part of his time travelling and lec-
turing on community problems
throughout the state.
He will be the guest of Dean Effing-
er and Mrs. Effinger while in Ann Ar-

Jackson, Mich..
igan Central shop
tion, closed Wedne
officials of the cor
ed, the company 1
operate with impor
The carperiter s
but there is the u
roundhouses and
work in'the black:
So far there ha
weakening of the
ing men.
Owosso, Mich.,
Arbor Railroad c
tice today to its, 2(
that those who fa
o'clock Monday n
dropped from the
A letter has als
questing all empl
their jobs, and '
,in rendering the

le of
of a
is a
I ele-

Professor Blanchard 'Returns
Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard, of
department. of civil engineering,
returned to Ann Arbor after a ten
trip to Coloradt, where he was
tained as consulting engineer in c

ice required of
the "' -
has Port Huron
day Port Huron,


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