THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY a - WHAT'S GOING ON 8 Friday, 'July 7 5 p. m.-Geology of Niagara Falls. (Illustrated). Prof. I. D. Sott. T~n-- T C i nn asil m t I so t. Religion.. Dr. H. Slonimsky, of Cin- " , Tr To cinnati. 72.7 rdNSer j p. m-The Safety of Surgical Op- erations. Dean Hugh Cabot. ir p. m.--Concert-Faculty of the Un- O ther iversity School of Music. (Hill au- --j Seven hundred- and twenty-seven Wednesday, July 12 students from 221 other colleges and p. m.-Excursion No. four.-Wind- universities in the country transferred sor, Ontario; Belle Isle, and the De- to the literary college in the Univer- troit River. Picnic to be held at sity during the year 1921-22. This Belle Isle. figure does not include transfers to p. m.-The Prophetic Religion of a any of the other 11 schools and col- Life-Idealism. Dr. H. Slonimsky. leges of the University. Natural tScience aua oriu 8 p..'"--Recital-Tennysor's'Maud."' Prof. R D. T. Hollister. Sarah Cas- well Angell hall. Saturday, July 8 8 a. m.- cursion No. three-Bur- rough's .Adding Machine company, General Motors building, and Public Library, Detroit. Leave at 8 a. m. Arrive, at the Burroughs plant at 10:30 a. m. Finish Burroughs plant at 12 m. Lunch on Woodward ave- nue; 1:15, trip through General Motors building; 3 p. m2 visit Public library. Trip ends at 4:30.%p. in. 2:30 p. in. - Presbyterian students and friends meet at church for pic- nic. Sunday, July 9 . 3 p. ,.-Homoeopathic hospital sing by Presbyterian students.V 6 p. m.-Social half hour of Presbyte4 rian church. 6:30 p. m.-Presbyterian C. E. meet- ing, led by Miss Veo Foster. Monday, July 10 5 p. m.-"Pubilc Utility Problems. (Illustrated). Prof. H. E. Riggs. 8 p. m.-Building and Beautifying the Community. (Illustrated). Dr. R. E. Hieronymus, of the University of Illinois. Tuesday, July 11 5 p. m.-The Ethics of the Prophetic White i an Laundry for qualityl and service. Phone 165.--Adv. INVITE MODIFICATION OF 3LUSCLE SHOALS OFFERS 1 Washington, July 6.-A final oppor- tunity to offer further modifications to their proposals of the government's power and nitrate projects at Muscle Shoals, Ala., will be given to all bid- ders whose offers have been consid- ered by the Senate Agricultural com- -mittee, Chairman Norris announced to- day. After an executive meeting of the committee, Chairman Norris said let- ters would be sent to the bidders in- viting them to a meeting called at his PICTURE DEPICTS SCENES OF FRANCE TAKEN DURING WAR Scenes taken in France during the war, and reconstruction since .the signing of the armistice formed the subject of the four-reel motion pic- ture, "The lieritage of France," which was shown at Natural Science audi- torium last night. The first half of the picture showed' the flight of the refugees, and the wanton destruction t a b Thursday, July 18 5 p. m.-The Permanent Significance of the'Messianic Ideal. Dr. H. Slon- imsky. 8 p. m.-Educational motion pictures. -' Friday, July 14 2:30 p. m.-Excurison No. five--Niag- ara Falls and vicinity. Under the direction of Prof. I. D. Scott, via Michigan Central railroad to Detroit. 5 p. m.-Experimental Demonstration of the Properties of Liquid Air. 8 p. m.-Recital-Shakespeare's "Tam- ing of the Shrew." Assist. Prof. Louis M. Eich. (Sarah Caswell Angell hall). Saturday, July 15 8 a. m.-Excursion No. six-Detroit' Creamery company and Detroit wat- er works. CARRIER WANTED Student with bicycle to deliver The Summer Daily. Apply today at the office, Press building. 'Detroit Junior college held first place, sending 86 of its students to the University, Michigan State Norm-] al college wes second with 47, follow-' ed by Western State Normal with 32.1 {Of the out-of-state institutions rep- resented, the University of Wisconsin lost 13 students to Michigan, California 11, Pennsylvania 11, Ohio State 10, Kansas 8,' and Illinois 7. The Uni- versities of Maine, Texas, West Virgin- ia, Vermont, Washington and 16 others ranged from 1 to 5 students released to the University of Michigan during the year. A total of 27 state universities were represented in the 99 transfers from state institutions alone. Northwestern and Chicago univer- sities lost to Michigan 27 of the 194 student who came from other than state universities. From far-off Aoyamma, school of Tokio, a lone Japanese girl came to Ann Arbor to begin her studies in a new alma mater. From Chi-Li Norm- al school,,, Tientsin, came a Chinese girl, while Halle Lehrenseminar, Ger- many, sent one representative. Hixon's Body Taken Home Mrs. Helen Hixon, motherof Charles D.. Hixon, '23D, who was killed by a policeman in Detroit early Tuesday morning, arrived in Detroit yesterday. She took the body of her son with her to Marengo, Iowa, the home town of the Hixon family, for burial. I home here on Thursday, July 13. of property by the invading Germans. -It ended with scenes contrasting France before the war and after ,and UNPAID SUBSCRIPTIONS I the relief work done by the American committee.' All unpaid subscriptions must The picture is the personal proper be paid before July 15 or the $2 ty of Miss Anne Morgan, of New rate will be charged. York, having been produced at her Mail checks for $1.50 or call own expense for campaign purposes in person at the Press building of the American Committee for De- between the hours of 8 A. M. and - vastated France. This organization 5 P. M. is sending a delegat on of 100 women to France this summer. The film has been used for the past week in connection with the election Pay your Daily subscription at the ( of Detroit delegates, and was shown Press Building,. Maynard Street.-Adv. last night in Ann Arbor through the courtesy of Dr. Bertha C. Hartwig, of Pa'tronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Detroit. FOURTH TRIP WILL COVER BELLE ISLE AND WINDSOR (Continued from Page One) have a good time, free from academic worries or anxiety about what we will gain educationally from the excur- sion." The party leaves the Packard and State street station at 1 o'clock Wed- nesday afternoon. The return car will leave Detroit at 7:30 o'clock of the same day, arriving in Ann Arbor at 9:50 o'clock. There is no objec- tion, however, to members leaving either ,earlier or later, if they so de- sire. Those contemplating making the trip should drop their iiame: in 'the box in Room 8, University Hla-l, by 6 o'clock Tuesday evening, July 11, to allow the special car arrangements to be made. . A. C. )e n Resigns Pest Adfiouncement has been received here of the acceptance by the state board of agriculture of the resignation of Dean Mary E. Sweeny, as dean of the home economics department at the Michigan Agricurtural college. Miss Sweeny has held this position for the past year and a half. Pay your Daily subscription at the -Press Building, Maynard Street.-Adv. - --.-......- -"--..-- --------...--------I------..---.-.----.---.---...-.--.-Y--.-iif-.......--..-.-......"......." "! -"""""."- I JUST RECEIVED! "Youth" by G. Stanley Hall "Public Opinion"-Lrppmann ".banking and Business"- Willis and Edwvards The 9merican Revolution- Van Tyne "Moiey "-Robertson Wahr's University Bookstores Pay your $1.50.-Adv. Daily subscription today. ''rsr~~raws awa ararn neaua s raSnS. Cl uas aa anaunS. . . . ai -un.----.-- ------0..... --------.--... -.--.--""""".... "."sn.."+ FAILINGS' DINING ROOMS 0I" Cool Clothes for Summer Cool and Well Ventilated. Home Cooking. 714 Monroe Street, just off State Street. One block south of Campus. SUMMER DAILY TRYOUTS WANTED Palm Beach Suits from $10.00 up BEST MEALS AT MODERATE PRICES 11 I .,FNBtlors FU Students attending the Sum- mer session and who wish to try out for positions on The Summer Michigan Daily staff should re- port between 1 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon at the Press building. Tryouts for the business de- partment should see Herold C. Hunt, business manager; for the editorial department, James Young, city editor. Don't forget to pay your Daily sub- scription.-Adv. Daily Wants Ads bring results.-Adv. We also wish to emphasize the unusual values found in our Halifax Tweeds and Golf Sweaters. You are always able to use these clothes to advantage and that is one reason why they are so econom- ical. Halifax Tweed suits complete are selling for $18.00. Don't delay in making your selection because at this price they are going fast. READY TO WEAR _______________________________I E - _. .. .. R For Week-end D Dessert, - s e r be -- J KARL MALCOLM I French Ice Cream with Strawberries and Pistachio Nut Our Delicious Temptation Brick Better than ever I' ..I-. --- -_ .. PRE-I NVE NTORY SALE For Summer Comfort-Use Electrical Appliances I1 Thursday to Saturday, Inclusive The Electric fan With each purchase of At all our Dealefs 6c a qt. Phone 2830 - I -W.M.N Correspondence Stationery will keep you cool all summer. It costs less than a cent an hour to run and will last a life-time. .4 I I I of any kind, at regular price, you will receive FREE OF CHARGE If your clothes are not be- coming to you, you had better be coming to us Swissilized Garments Stay Clean Longer The Electric Grill will cook right on the table. is ideal for summer lunches. It I Correspondence Stationery of equal value in .lined, colored or tinted papers. (White and grey are not considered tints.) The stock is of finest quality and includes such well known makes as Crane's Linen Lawn, Highland Linen, Hampshire, Hurd's, Whiting's, etc. The Electric Iron enables you to do careful work in the shortest possible time and with the least effort. It is clean, convenient and efficient. I PHONE 2508 "'The Home of Energine"~ Cleaning Pressing Repairing Pleating '1 I The O. D. MORRILL DETROIT EDISON 'I 17 Nickels' Arcade 209 South Fourth Avenue COmp ny Corner Main and WillianStreets I . I OPEN EVENINGS' Phone 2300 Mk P.. An " .A It 0 4 DANCES Every SATURDAY EVENING I I Best Floor and Best Music. Tickets at Door. It: