tMer 3a1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER SESSION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications.' MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and the local news-published therein. Intered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $r.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the signa- ture not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and notices of events will be published in The Summer Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Summer Daily office. Unsigned communications will receive no consideration. No manuscript will be returned unless the writer incloses postage. The Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse the senti- ments expressed in the communicatonis. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 MANAGING EDITOR................LEO J. HERSHDORFER City Editor......................................James B. Young Night Editors- Howard A. Donahue Julian E. Mack Sporting Editor..............................Jack D. Briscoe Women's Editor .............................Dorothy Bennetts Editorials.................................Herbert S. Case Humor Editor......................... .......Donald Coney Literary Editor...............................G. D. aton Assistants W. B. Butler Leona Horwitz BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGERM...................HEROLD C. HUNT Advertising.............................Townsend H. Wolfe Publication................ .............. George W. Rockwood Accounts...............................Laurence H. Favrot Circulation.................... ....Edward F. Conlin Assistants E. Clark Gibson Philip H. Goldsmith Katherine E. Styer dollar he spends in goods or satisfaction. It is hard to believe that students should be less awake to a sense of values than the average American. The values of his amusements seems to be es- timated, or he would not indulge in them. But it is a characteristic of students in particular to ap- preciate in °very great measure a bolt or an ab- sence from classes, and consequently it would seem that the amount of satisfaction to be gotten out of a class or quiz is outbalanced by that derived from a bolt. This is hard to comprehend when fabulous sums are expended. yearly by the government and by individuals in education. In fact it would seem incomprehensible that students should demand that the work which they have missed by a bolt should be made up at another time so as to receive full value for their money. It seems then, that the only thing for which the American does not require full returns for his money is in obtaining an education. Now that negotiations looking toward the final drawing-up of plans and contracts for the Demp- sey-Wills fight are about at an end, the country may settle down to a year or so of undesirable but clev- er publicity. We will soon learn of the bravery of Mr. Jack, who risked his life very recently to tour the battlefields of France, and also of his prowess as a camp boxing instructor, and of his many other daring achievements, ad infinitum, all with the am of a corps of publicity agents and too-willing sport writers. "America is a sport loving nation." Farmers' wives have at least as much to do as any other women. ,For this reason, one farmer has sug- gested that all men of his pursuit should be allowed two wives. Wouldn't some legislation like this solve the question of how to keep the boys on the farm? A late dispatch from the center of activities in Ire- land says that women combantants are raiding and looting millinery shops. Surely, there is method in their madness. A Detroit newspaper last Sunday printed, "Dr." Lovell's theory of evolution. Ha, brethren, Ann Ar- bor scooped you on that story ten years ago. A man looks at things from his own side, but a woman looks at them from her own side and also that of the mirror's. If paper were cheaper, there would be more pro- fessors writing text-books. .....fRl.................... ......fll T HE FRYING PAN "-a flash in the Pan." ..."..11 i. \ Y.. f ... . ................. At... ....,J1.].i. Personally Mentioned The Reverend Doctor Mudge of St. Polycarp's, Having been confronted for three successive Sab- baths By a mere tithe of his customary flock, Gives notice through the press That, owing to the continued felicity of the weather, 'Ihe insurgent evil of golf, Anr the promulgation of the evolutionary doctrine, le has threatened to flunk his entire congregation Unless stricter Sunday attendance is observed. And now General Sherman's dispatch carrier as- severates that the general never said "War is Hell." One by one our illusions are being shattered. "Dear, you look splendid tonight." "Oh, honest-you're not flattering me "'Struth. Why, I swear I hardly recognize you." The Cosmopolitan Club Bids care'ell to Its Varios Young Lady Friends Ach, liebes madchen, wass ist loss? Tiempo e de partirmos: Prendete i mio sole con Usted; muere mi corazon. ' ., r' THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1922 Night Editor-HOWARD A. DONAHUE Assistant-Julian E. Mack BLOOD-PRESSURE-AND YOUTH A national grievance, plus a national ideal, plus a group of young men with a normal arterial and venal circulation, is the time tested formula for a revoltion. Often times the grievance and the ideal seem to be shaded, almost to oblivion, by the white heat of the participants. The latest protest by a portion of the Irish people against what they have deemed an undesirable form .of government, came to light in the form of a war machine of one thousand boy power. Many of ,them were not even "boys," "children" would be the word which would more appropriately fit their averages and appearances. Many of them were nmembers of a Boy Scout organization, while a large majority were secondary school students. ,The remainder was made up of clerks, farm hands, and a few youths of good family who had joined the cause, influenced purely by patriotic ideals. Decryi~ng a revolution for its purpose is a large undertaking, and fully justifiable, but an unquali- fied condemnation of an uprising because its par- ticipants are young, ungoverned and unguided, is a mistake which only a person completely ignorant or forgetful of history would make. Every national political volcano has erupted only when the lava of young bood burst form its crater. ,French, Italian, English, Russian, German and Am- erican, have entrusted the perils of transition to their young men. The boys at Valley Forge were really boys, scarcely one of them over thirty years of age. The perpetrators of the "Boston Tea Party" might have been upon a Hallowe'en frolic, if their ages would count, but today we laud these ventures as the forerunners of a worthy fight. As the human machine becomes adjusted to a slower pace with advancing years, we are prone to reject that innovation which involves rapid change., but it will take more than the weight of mature opinion to prevent youth from forcing his wares upon the world, if given half a chance. PENNY WISE An old saying, "Penny wise and pound foolish" generally brings to mind a person of measly dis- position who holds a penny so close to his eye that he cannot see a dollar just beyond it.. His acts are motivated by a desire to gain for every expenditure of time or energy even at the loss of another. But in most cases such is not the attitude which most Americans take toward a penny or even a dollar. In fact their open handedness and willingness to spend on pleasures and diversions has won for them the name of the spend-thrifts of the world. Students are very prone to spend not only on amusements of a harmless nature, but also on pass- ing fancies to an extent that would amaze one of a thrifty nature. The amount of money spent on soft drinks, movies, and other amusements such as riding devices, would probably Tbe estimated to clothe and feed one of the smallest nations, or at least to educate a large number of the people who in spite of the seeming availability of an education, find it impossible to get one for financial reasons. Then, it would seem that students would profit by a little of this tight-fistedness which appears so entire- ly lacking. A study of the American people dis- closes the fact that they appreciate values as fully as any people in the world, for it is noteworthy that an American gets his money's worth for ever? I Yet, though ye're gangen far awa', Encore vous avez ma foi; Then let us shout, with great'eclat, Aeterna amicitia TOMAS A CELANO. Gallows-Meat The one-half of one percent who, after you have cascaded your prize loose-leaf system all over the sidewalk, says, "Pardon me, you dropped a book"' Remember that octogenarain wheeze about "vac- ant rooms to let" and "large airy apartments on the top floor?" Well, here is a less hoary version gern- ered from the mothballs: "She's no brains." "Aha! Mucn room for thought !" A Contribution After Which the Contributor Ex- clams "Ouch!" Item: Adam expressed to St. Peter a desire to go back to earth. Didn't like Heaven. Wanted to turn over a new leaf. Loot of the Press First Summer session student, meeting second Summer session student on the corner of William and State streets-Say, have you read Ivanhoe? Second Summer session student-Naw, them Rooshian novels bores me terrible CALIGULA.