DAILY ,_ _.. ' - i " Y+YY Y Y i i to visiting Alumni as well as the Summer Visitors. Friday-Saturday BERT LYTE LL IN " THE QUARRY" DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION STORE Four Wolverines National Tr Four Mchigan men are entered in the National Collegiate Athletic asso- ciation track and field meet to be held today and tomorrow at Chicago. Each college is.limited to ten men, but the Smajority are sending but one or two of their stars. Almost every part of the country will be represented and the winners of many sectional titles have entered. representatives. Sargent will run in both the low and high hurdles and although his chances for first' in either are not so bright he has- a good'chance to win a few Phone 308--Corner S. State and-N.'Univ.-G. Claude Drake, Prop. I "A Trip to Paradise" MAJSTIC ONE STORMY KNIGHT" Educational Comedy TODAY AND SATURDAY I I QEORGE MELFORD'S production "The Woman Who Walked'Alone" With Milton Sills Wanda Hawley Dorothy Dalton Chas. Ogle rhaving placed second in the Confer LIgtered In ence meet. -MeetThe quarter will be hotly contested ick Neet In Chicago for by Hendrixonof*California, Welt. ers of Ames, and Fessenden and Sweel of Illinois,' who are all fast men and points. Landowski will be Michigan's the race is- sure to be a close one. - entry in the pole vault and besides his Michigan has no .entry in this event Dld rival, Merrick of Wisconsin, he (Continued on Page Four) ti1 meet some of the country's best Vaulters- If up to form he will be Typewriters of-standard aks sold able to otjump the best of them. and rented 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' - Schmidt will throw the hammer for Arcade.-Adv. Michigan, and although he has praeftic-_- ally no chance of beating Merchant of California, who looks to be about the country's best, he may win a place, v *U®UUUleuUUt Uti Mthe ouAt Thae G SicUh aso Je'"" h R T *it * Ann Arbor to get a cool p drink or light lunch. R BINDS FRIENDSHIP CLOSER. SFrom the wealth of styles and grades in our store you will find MA it very easy to select theBoxed SFT~ n tai r a W ting Paper that will reflect the personality of the one you , wish to remember. SI+L SLUCHSClNDO DUT"MORR d"We try to treat you righB* WR - P E R * te oa st ppula plae in tP17,NICKELS ARCADE KEEP C OOL: Other Good Features Especially during hot weather it is wise to avoid needless worry. You won't have, to worry about your Clothes.Clianing, if they are regularly Energined.4 Sunday - Betty Compson-Tom Moore in "Over the Border's Swissilized Garments Stay Clean Longer f COMMENCEMENT WEEK END -- --SPECIAL----- FRENCH ICE CREAM WITH HONEY AND GLACE FRUITS THIS ESPECIALLY GOOD ICE CREAM WILL BE ON SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT YOUR DEALER'S IC E CRE A li PHONES 1427- 2830 Who will umpire the Kiwanis and Rotary baseball game at West Park at 4:30 P. M., June 29. PHONE 25"8 Compsz "Thie Home of Energine" Cleaning Pressing Repairing Pleating .r 209 South Fourth Avenue : mL The Stationery and Typewriter Store RAIN WATER SHAMPOOS Marcelling Manicuring Water Waving Mrs. T. L. Stoddard Tel. 2652 707 N. University . - - THE MUSEMENT CENTRE OF ANN AR OR. Today and Saturday The Greatest Romantio Comedy Thib:Year: ,' BUILT BETTER than Cars that Cost Morc Johnny Hines in "BURN 'EM UP BARNES" CAREFUL analysis of the construction and complete equipment of the Light- Six will convince you that it has no dupli- cate in value in the light car class. For instance, the machining of the crankshaft and connecting rods on all surfaces is a manufacturing practice that is found only on costlier cars. This particular operation is mainly responsible for the fine balance of the Light-Six motor and its re- markable freedom from vibration at all speeds. It also has an important bearing on the wearing quality of the car and on its long-lived dependable service. The exceptional values in the Light-Six are possible because practically every part that goes into the car ismanufactured complete in the most modern plant in the world. Parts-makers' profits are practically elim- inated. Important savings through better methods and bigger volume permit greater value to the buyer. From the standpoint of shrewd investment you should find out why the Light-Six offers you so much more for your money in performance, service and economy. STANDARD EQUIPMENT Includes cowl ventilator oper- ated from the instrument board; cowl parking lights at base of the windshield; inside and outside door handles; large, rectangular plate glass window in rear curtain; a thief-proof transmission Iock; reducing the rate of theft in- surance to Light-Six owners 15 to20 per cent; and cord tires. LIGHT-SIX PRICES 5-Pass., 112'W. B., 40 H. P. Chassis . . Touring Car Roadster (3-Pass.). Coupe-Roadster (2-Pass.) ... $ 875 1045 1045 . 1375 J. Barney Sherry and others.I This Is a Studebaker Year Sedan... ......1750 All pricesf... A. facerry Washtenaw Motor Co. 'There Is Only One" V Phone 2558 207 E. Washington St. MATINEE 2:00 - 3:80' EVENING 7:00--8:30J Last:Feature Starts 9 p. M. ADDED "THE LEATHER PUSHERS" ROUND ONE? E didn't know when to stop - one breath-catch- ing race followed another in hurricane-like procession. "Burn 'Em Up" Barnes burned 'em up once too often - and he awakened to find himself a Hobo! A romantic comedy, abounding in thrills and laughs and love interest enacted by the greatest cast ever assembled for the screen. - - - - COMING SUNDAY - -----.-- CHARLES RAY IN "GAS,' OIL AND WATER" PRICES MATINEE 2k0o EVENING Kiddies -a .lime r SPECIAL "1ICHIGAMUA" ROPE-DAY PICTURES U .... .. FOR RENT iR RENT - Doctor's and Dentist's mite of offices--splendid location in arge eastern Detroit section, prac- ically unprotected by neighborhood! hysician. No dentist in section con- aining 8,000 people. Beautiful of- ices in new corner building. R. M. Bates, care of American State Bank, )etroit. 1-3 R RESIT - To summer students. Two nice suites, $5.00 per suite, also singles at $3.00 apiece,. Second loor, close to campus and down own. 517 S. Division. Phone 726-W. 1 R RENT-- Two apartments-two ad three rooms; newly decorated ront suite and parlotr. 2581-R. 502 9. State. ' 1-3 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Law Graduates, Atten- tion! Library including Michigan reports, Digest, Compiled Laws, U. S. Reports, and several standard works an different branches of law. This is a bargain for some one. Books will be sold cheap to close an estate. Grand Rapids Trust Co., Grand Rapids' Mich. 1-2 FOR SALE-One Vulcanizer and Mot- or with Lathe attachment, all in first class condition. Suitable for use in Dental Laboratory. Edsill's Rexall Drug Store. 208 S. Main St. 1-2 WANTED WANTED-To buy canoe. Call 683-R. 1-z MISCELLANEOUS NATIONAL Municipal Bond House has opening for college graduate who desires to enter financial field. Ade- quate compensation and training given. State full particulars. Write Box C. C., care of Summer Daily. 1-2 TYPEWRITERS of standard makes bought, sold, rented, cleaned and re- paired. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Arcade. BUY YOUR Fountain Pen from 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Arcade, and have your name-embossed free of charge. WANTED-25 boys to sell Daily Ex- tras, Saturday and Monday. Report Saturday at 7 a. m. at the Press building.' M4 A T I NEE 2 3 30 EVEN IN G 7-8:4 ADUTSIS-......-20c KIDDIES............1lc ADULTS...... . . . .c KIDDIES............10e FRIDAY SATURDAY PAULINE FREIDRICKI IN "T HE L URE OF' J ADE" The Story Of A Woman Transformed PATHE NEWS w - POLLARD C