THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY " #4 Criliq ue (Continued from Page Three) inety-nine books out of every hund- ed are bad, and even selecting with he utmost of precaution, nearly half f the volumes I take up are bad; ot as bad as Connell's book, but bad nough to keep me studying synonyms f derogation in endeavor to refrain rom being too monotonous repiti- ion, bad enough to keep me in a con- tant state of irritation. The business becomes cloying, dis- asteful. But if one is honest one Subscrite today for The Summer )aily.-Adv. Daily Wants Ads bring results.-Adv. must go through with it. The better way would be to ignore such books, but here two drawbacks present them- selves. One, out of courtesy, ought to review a book sent gratis by the publishers for review purposes, and again one ought dutifully offset as much as possible the whole host of critical asses who praise nine vol- umes out of ten. I turn to my contraband whiskey for its higher potentialities. Liberty Tea Shop, 620 East serves home cooked meals. meals or weekly rates.-Adv. Liberty, Single 46 issues-The Summer Michigan Daily-46 issues.-Adv. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. I II, i j.P 014 4, QUALITY. 7~O MICHlIGAN GRADUATES GET HIGH POSITIONS FREY, '22, HEADS NEWS BUREAU; SMITH, '22, EDITOR OF MAGAZINE James G. Frey, '22, managing editor of the 1922 Michiganensian, and Fran- cis M. Smith, '22, managing editor of Chimes, campus opinion magazine last year, have both beexl appointed to high positions in the state. Frey, who spentapproximately four years on Michigan publications, and 'who has also had considerable exper- ience in practical newspaper work, is is now director of the Booth syndicate bureau in Ann Arbor. He will have complete charge of the supplying all of the Booth syndicate newspapers with news of the city and of the Uni- versity. Smith several weeks ago assumed the managing editorship of the Cad- illac Clearing House,, the official house organ of the Cadillac Motor company in Detroit. This magazine is circulat- ed among all the Cadillac branch of- fices and factories throughout the country, as well as to all of the con- cern's district managers and sales men. Bruce Swaney, another Michigan man, a member of the class of 1918, is the editor of the Cadillac Crafts- men, the magazine which is devoted to the interests of the employees of the Cadillac Motor company. Verne E. Burnett, '17, is advertising man- ager of the company. Gun and Blade Club to Meet Daily throughout the Summer ses- Members of the executive commit- sion.--Adv.I tee of the Gun and Blade club will I_ meet in room 302, Union, at 5 o'clQck Daily throughout the Summer ses- today. si n.-Adv. Daily Wants Ads bring results.-Adv. Patronize Daily Advertisers:-Adv. Liberty Tea Shop, 620 East Liberty, serves home cooked meals. Single meals or weekly rates.--Adv. Daily Wants Ads bring results.-Adv. Read the Daily classified columns.- FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS W AHR9S UNIVERSITY . BOOKSTORES Some Things We Sell for Less- X ,,. ..+ FOR SUMMER SESSION TEXT Fountain Pens BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Ca1t . yn Waterman Swan NOW IS THE TIME TO PUT UP FRUITS and VEGETABLES FOR WINTER MOPS and OILS BROOMS and BRUSHES BASKETS WAITER COATS WAITER APRONS I I Gold and Silver Pencils Eversharp and Fynepoint e1.00 upwards Alarm Clocks Big and Little Bens and others This is the place to buy the utensils you need to do your preserving suc- cessfully, for we have prepared well with a complete assortment of kettles, collanders, fruit jars and rubbers, scales, pans, spoons, paring knives, chopping bowls and other necessities. I I I Watches Complete Line Theaters JO - C. FISCHER CO. Up-to-the-Minute Hardware Main nr. Washington Washington nr, Main Pp 4QUALITY.X v Ad J / q Q' QUALITY. f O~ _ _ ._ Special Sale gf Desk Lamps GARRICK-DETROIT "Wait Till We're Married," which will be the offering of the Bonstelle company at the Garrick next week, is another play which is new to De- trotters. This play was done in New York with Marion Coakley playing the lead, that of a social butterfly who has been spoiled by attention and luxury. She meets Willie, a studious, serious, hard working chap and he is so en- tirely different from the young men that she knows that she becomes in- terested in him, in fact feels a sort 9f proprietary interest inasmuch as their first introduction was when she sav- ed him from drowning, and at once proceeds to make Willie over. The making over process is the plot of the play. It is all delicious foolery, includ- ing cocktails fed to primn aunts for the first time in their lives, and makes excellent farce material. Follow Greater Michigan with The Summer Daily.--Adv. 46 issues--The Summer Michigan Daily--46 issues.-Adv. Read the Daily classified columns.-- Adv. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Two Offices: N. W. Corner Main and Huron St 707 N. University Ave. TOILET PAPERS TOILET SOAPS- Laundry Kits Complete. . 139 HOAG'S1 Phone 112 209-211 E. Wash'g'n Your Girl Makes One. You Make Two. After 4:00 o'clock take her and go to the r " I FFREE Optical Dept. Lenses Ground and Frames Repaired HALLER & FULLER STATE STREET JEWELERS an Extra Pair of Trousers with every suit order, selected from the Spring Woolens. The Home of Better Clothes and Furnishings at Fair Pices For 'a limited time we will give absolutely Boudoir Lamps This means that you will be securing a four piece Suit at the C OST of a three piece suit. II ii If you are in need of a new desk lamp, or want an attractive boudoir lamp you will find this sale a wonder- ful opportunity. i We will write an accident policy for your protection. BUTLER INSURANCE 209 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLD06 Tel. 441-M Rotary-Kiwanis Ball June, 29th. Came'll Author ttom au, So. State St., at William St. ized I Representatives f or Kahn Tailoring Company The DETROIT EDISON Summer School .. .... . Company iii Corner Main and William Streets Phone 2300 Subscribe today for The Summer Michigan Daily.-Adv. Delivered to your door-'The Sum- mer Daily.-Adv,. I Palm Beach Suits I New and Secondhand We also wish to emphasize the unusual values found in our Halifax Tweeds and Palm Beach Suits and Golf Sweaters, You are always able to use these clothes to advantage and that is one reason why they are so economical. Hal- ifax Tweed suits complete are selling for $18.00. Don't delay in making your selection because, at this price we expect them to move. Palm Beach Suits from $10.90 up -- These are all ready to wear. EARLY SHOWING OF FALL SUITINGS s Supplies of all kinds 1 The later oak hop - 3 3 a Karl MYalcolm. Phone 430 334 South State S I