SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 1922 OUTLOOK HOPEFUL Uteritz, Roby, and some of the others FOR G R I D SQUAD are able to do the booting, while Goeb- el may be called back to punt as well as to do the place kicking. How- (Contiuued from Page One) ever, some one else may develop be- that he was kept there and will no fore the season begins. doubt stand back of the line during the Fight Will Claim Victoryt coming season. The 1922 Varsity has a fine back- Kipke thetother half was handicap- field, capabletends withtplenty of sub- ped during the entire season by a bad stitutes for these positions and oneY shoulder and played during the latter tackle, but threesother regulars must games with it in a cast. Even with this be found for the center of the line and holding him down he was ranked several good substitutes for these po-1 among the best in the middle west. sitions must be on the squad. Wheth-I "Doug" Roby the regular fullback dur- er Yost can do this depends on the ing the latter games last fall will be men themselves who will have to do back again. His ability to pick holes a lot of work to prepare themselves. in the opposing line seemed almost But 'the greatest of Michigan's as- uncanny at times. Gunther gained sets is that fighting spirit, that de-9 quite a reputation on Ferry field for termination to play the game to the line plunging but did not get into any end no matter how much ahead thep games. Dunleavy played on the fresh- opponents are, which characterizes all man team in 1920 and is a candidate Michigan teams. A fine example off for either full or halfback. Searle was that spirit was shown in the Wis- substitute halfback last fall and will consin game last year when the team1 be on hand again. "Herb" Steger, a held the Badgers to a 7 to 7 tie on halfback on the freshman team last pure fight, when handicapped by in- year, is out for a position and he has juries they went into the game fav- quite a reputation to livb up to. Bra- ored by all critics to lose.c sell, Foster, and .Heirholzer are oth- . er backs who will report early.Cs gmoesteshdl t K ipke a k o wi rst e aly. A nn A rbor on Oct. 7, and the follow - y ipedid some kicking last fall and we h emtkso e may be called on to punt again but ing week the team takes on a new ____________________________________opplon ent, Vanderbilt at Nashville. With these two preliminary games Michigan goes to Columbus to dedi- cate the new Ohio State stadium in - ( what will be one of the hardest fought games of the season. Illinois and M. A. C. will be taken on in successive Saturdays and Nov. 11 is an open date. On Nov. 18 Wisconsin comes here and on Nov. 25 the team goes to Minneap- olis for the last game of the season with Minnesota. s The schedule follows: Oct. 7-Case at Ann Arbor. Oct. 14-Vanderbilt at Nashville. Oct. 21-Ohio State at Columbus. Oct. 28-Illinois at Ann Arbor. Too Late Then- TFoatAhT-FRATERNITIES, You should have thought of it before SORORITIES and and protected yourself by taking out a policy of burglarly insurance with us. CLUBS wishing to buy We cannot p r e v e n t burglars from breaking in and stealing your valuables or rent, can have their but we scan cover your losses, which you cannot recover otherwise. needs satisfied by call- We make a specialty of this insurance ing the ANN ARBOR and can give you the fullest protec- R E A L T Y COMP'Y tion. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 40 BUTL ER . Insurance BRING YOUR IDEAS TO THE 209 IstNat'IBank Bldg. Ph. 401M ANN ARBOR CUSTOM SHOE FACTORY - ...._......_.-._ We will make use of them and the best leather to make your shoes. Bring your repairs to our factory at 534 FOREST ____ - m ~~-- m m ------ THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRE Nov. 4-M. A. C. at Ann Arbor. Nov. 18-Wisconsin at Ann Arbor. Nov. 25.-Minnesota at Minneapolis. WHERE TO STUDY The "Old Alan" Speaks ILWeek-Eid When asked about the prospects for Tod S CARAMELL....SpeCl Tday-Screen ths Michigan 1922 football team Coach I Lemon Sherbet Yost made the following statement. The prospects can hardly be called Arcade-Mack Sennett six reel e Creaml Try this rosy but better called hopeful. The comedy, "The Crossroads of Delicious success of the team will depend on New York," and the "Leather how the new men develop to fill the Pushers." line positions left vacant by Dunne,-1 Vick, Wilson, Petro and Johns. The Wuerth-Helen Chadwick in the T.d success or failure of a football team "Dust Flower," Comedy, "The l*o Is largely determined byathe strength Chauffer." D ol a io of the line. The ends and backfield positions should} be well cared for. Orpheum - John Barrymore in The spirit, morale and loyalty of the "The Lotus Eater." candidates and the student body ex--Only 60c a quart pressed in service and co-operationO y a r is also a very important determining at your factor." This Week-Stage dealers C R E A M I Phones 1427- Farmer Has Largest Ears in U. S. 2830 Kornfed, Neb., Aug. 12.-Ezekial Garrick (Detroit)-The Bonstelle Simpkins, a farmer living near here, company in "The Man Who says that he has grown the largest Came Back." ears of corn seen in the country this (_I IIIli ill 1iii1iiiflhtil I IiIIIIiIII111111 lifhIIIIIIIII1 liIII iIIiflTlHIIIIII year. The ears are 22 inches long. POPULARMATINEES- AR R IC T E N m -UA NTNE f J f ,E B-GIN CHINESE GARDENS Menu Chicken Gumbo Green Onions Baked Young Chicken, Maryland Style Roasted Duck ivith ยง1'pple Sauce Braised Sirloin of Beef and Vlushrooms Fried Spring Chicken I in Butter Tomato Sauce Neiv England Sale Mlashed Potatoes Green Peas Chocolate Ice Cream I. ,, I " % To ISA Croome'S BATH Try Our Prescription Shampoo for Oi E. BURNHAM'S COSM 4E D no MRS. T. L. 707 N. University STODD Ph ANN A R B SHOE SHINING jA REP H T CLEANII BL Satisfaction Cuarant' 625 East Liberty CLASSIFIE COLUMNCLOSES AT $ P CAMP ARBUTUS for girls i adult patrons during Septet October. A few places fro 19 on. For rates, descrip write Camp Arbutus, Michigan. FOR SALE-Splendid home ternity or sorority. For te on J. W. Dwyer, 508 First Bank Building. Phone 1048 FOR SALE-I bookcase, $1 bination desk bookcase, $ condition. 906 E. Huron St TYPING satisfactorily done. able price. 433 S. Division LOST-Pair of purple an square silver cuff links. Pr gift. Box '. B. Y., Daily. ly Hair ETICS ARD hone 2626 COR n ARING NG OCKING eed Street 'D S M s open to mber and m August tion, etc. Mayfield, 44-2 for fra- arms call National or 1081. 40-6 0; com- 8. Good . 854-M. Reason- . 44-2 d white 'ized as a SUN Bar "The Century Comedy , ! lea: /1 Lotus Eater Univer Ne i DAY-TUESDAY JOHN ry mor -in- Sun Burn and Tan are best treated by using e " sal ws m .y re Ave. . Shows At 2:00-3:30 7:00-8:45 (K rr TODAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY .i~ - ect mnthe eatre, r T :roit Derman Crea made only by The Quarr Drug and Prescription Sto Cor. So. State and N. Univ. Phone 308 G. Claude Drake, Prop 43-3 I