THURSDAY, AUGUST. 10, 1922 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAIL- THE DAILY'S NEW PRINTS 6,000 EIGHT-PAGE PAPERS PER HOUR, A MARVEL OF INGENUITY AND SIMPLICITY, PRINTING FROM A ROLL OF PAPER FOUR MILES LONG. WILL BE INSTALLED IN PRESS BUILDING FEW WEEKS The picture above shows the $10,000 press purchased by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications, which will give The Michigan Daily, official University newspaper, the finest col- lege publication-owned press in the country. A glance at the illustration will show a compact mechanical struc- ture, but closer examination of the press reveals the marvelous ingenuity which has brought it to the forefront in every state in the Union as well as all parts of the civilized worll. The strength and stability of the model of it has a double locomotive drive an(! weights 25,000 pounds. The delicacy4 and ingenuity. is shown by the face that there are more than 5,000 parts, all being skillfully fitted and Waking a machine to work as nearly perfect as may be imagined. Can Print 6,000 Papers The Daily press will print from 5,500 to 6,000 eight page papers per hour. The Daily will be printed from a roll' of paper four miles in length, the rolls being 35, 52 3-4, and 70 inches wide, according to the size of the paper re- stance, is printed from 70-inch roll which weighs about 1,000 pounds. Oc- -cupying a floor space of approximately 13 by 17 feet, and with the tremenlous weight as mentioned, ths great ma- chine runs so easily that one scarcely realizes the speed with which the pa- pers are printed, except by watching them as they fall into the delivery box. The paper is fed from a roll and passes over the feed rollers near the center of the press ;thence. over a looping roller operated by equalizer. cams and levers; thence it is guided by rolls suitably placed in the printing the Duplex will appear in the fact that quired. An eight-page paper, for in- His flTHIS OLTM LS ICOLUMN CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M FOR SALE-Splendid home for fra- TYPING neatly and accurately done. ternity or sorority. For terms call Prompt service. Call 1015-W morn- on J. W. Dwyer, 508 First National ings. 42-2 Bank Building. Phone 1048 or 1081. 40-6 FURNITURE for sale. Very reason- able. 432 South Division. 40-3 FORa SALE - Good 2-A Eastman Kodak, 2 /2X 4, Anastig. lens F7.7. LOST-Near Engineering Arch, lady's with carrying case, $15. 11L06 Wl- umbrella with leather strap. Call lard. 2972-J. 42-2 1218-1i or leave at Box W. D., Daily. ___ rd._ _7 __-J. _ _42 - I 41-3 FOR SALE-Cheap. Corona type- LOST-Near campus on July 26 pair writer in good condition. Call of glasses in black leather case. Re- 1847-R. 39 ward. Miss Lehman. Call 2730. 40-2 FOR SALE-High class Ford, slightly used, $50. Apply Kerl I. Blumer, LOST-Gold fountain pen, initials E. 1309 Wilmot Street, Phone 2351-W. B. M., on or near campus. Phone - car 1656-J. 41-2 FOR SALE--1918 Ford touring car. Good condition. 426 North Ingalls. LOST-June 27, string of pearl beads, Phone 16. 40-2 vicinity of 931 S. State and Packard Sts. Phone 1872-W. Reward. 42 FOR SALE-Recent model Ford tour- ing, with extras, $200. Call at 110 WANTED-House for 15 men next fall,. N. State or Phone 1416-W. 42-3 Saul Rosenzweig, Box S. R., Daily.1 40 ROOMS FOR a club of 12 to 15 boys for school year. Large rooms, steam WANTED-Man with car to show the heat, shower bath, large dormitory fastess selling subdivision on the at 536 Thompson St. 41-3 market. Phone 418-W. 42-2 pf BRING YOUR IDEAS TO THE ANN ARBOR CUSTOM SHOE FACTORY We will make use of them and the best leather td make your shoes. Bring your repairs to our factory at 534 FOREST II Luggage How about a B or Suit Case which to take aw some of the thin you have accum lated this summ ag in ay gs U- er. i = 1111111111111111111111111111 1111111~11111 lii lltll1 11111 11111lllt11 111i1t111111i111Illt1t111i11i1l[. r We are selling out our line of Gordon and Ferguson Leather Coats at first cost r E1"""""t1mU ""ta1 "111 """""111111"11iHi1t""lil""""""1111lill"illt i....aresar~ai:ru a ens rti ua j ua rUm uussnnnuserno arasunumulsrsaarrnenuaesisameuu nrnunu .ui:::uE..mnufi E..a We have a good lire at very rea- sonable prices. 209-211 E. WASHINGTON STREET