PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, 1 PAGE TWO SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, Ml~r O'uumrr Ltx~ tt1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER SESSION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otkerwise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second clas matter. - Subscription by carrier or mail, $r. o. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Business, g6o; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the signa- ture not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and notices of events will be published in The Summer Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Summer Daily office. Unsigned communications will receive no consideration. No manuscript will be returned unless the writer incloses postage. The Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse the senti- muents expressed in the communications. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 MANAGING EDITOR................LEO J. HERSHDORFER City Editor...............................James B. Young Night Editors-- Howard A. Donahue Julian E. Mack W. B. Butler Women's Editor...........................Dorothy Bennetts Editorial Board..................Herbert S. Case, Ellen Nylund Humor Editor ....................................Donald Coney Literary Editor............................ .....G. D. Eaton Assistants Portia Goulder Janet Menges C. R. 'T'rotter 'Tlielrna Andrews BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER ...................HEROLD C. HUNT Advertising................................Townsend 11. Wolfe Publication................................George W. Rockwood Accounts.................................Laurence H. Favrot Circulation....................-.....Edward F. Conlin Philip H. Goldsmit Assistants Alma E. Young Katherine E. Styer SUNDAY, AUGUST G, 1922 Night Editor--W. BERNARD BITLER Assistant-ROBERT G. RAMSAY ON DANCING Whether it be in a university, a summer resort or the old home town, with any group that has still to be cursed by rheumatism or the gout, dancing is the peer of all pastimes. But it is frequently more than a pastime, for there are some who anticipate the wax floor as does the miser the counting of his gold-it is an infatuation. But not a harmful in- fatuation, except for the very young or extremely susceptible. A dance floor, like an insane asylum, is to some a place of pity and to others a place of comedy. In one, as a man acts so he is, and in the other as people dance so they are, which is by no means an objectionable thing. The socially bored need not go to the Bowery for a change in type, nor need the yegg climb an estate wall and endanger his liberty to have an envious sneer at society's snobbishness. Any large summer resort with a good colosium and jazz music will afford ample op- portunity for the satisfaction of the desires of both. The dance floor has a knack of bringing out both the best and the worst in a person, and though an editorial is supposed to know whereof it deals this one will not attempt to explain why the dance floor is such a character revealer, for the reason that it does not know. There are types and types on every public waxed floor, and there are none who have not at least one characteristic which is individual and interesting. Helen may dance with her mouth open; Dorothy may glide along as if, to quote Hafiz, "her heart is full of passion and her eyes are full of sleep"; Emma may have that envied ability to appear divine at a distance; Norman may hold his partner like a pawnbroker his work--close to his heart; and Percy and Babette may dance af if each weren't engaged -to somebody else. And yet it is all in the eve- ning's pleasure. It is not peculiar that those who condemn dancing are usually unattractive and un- able to dance themselves, and as a rule sour on the world in general. But it is only natural that the un- skilled should seek flaws in the work of the skilled. .hey are not to be scorned upon. Their lot is a ,orry one, and one can, but wish them a happier ex- istence in the hereafter. It has been said that modern dancing, though not pffensive in itself, creates the opportunity for things which are. Supposing in certain instances that such is so,-likewise is life with all its trades and profes- sions-not excepting the ministry. The various peo- pIes of the country who make up their various codes ,of ethics have almost unanimously included danc- ing in their list of decent pleasures, and the lear old dance reformers who wish to "martyr" them- selves under the impression that, excepting them- selves, the world is out of step morally, will be good material for the Zionists' advance agents. Something tells us that _l'ichigans Agricultural college -is going to be pretty well mixed up in pol- itics. David Friday, the new president, is already beginning to nominate candidates for congress. We always thought that Detroiters were keen business men until one was sold a "box of gold" for $4oo-the man that sold it had a lot of brass. TTHE FRYING PAN "-a flash in the Pan." .... , ,,....,N,,,,,.. .............. There was an author old and sour Who bitterly has said He called his book "The Purple Flower" Because it was not read. THE DEMON RUBY OF JODPHORE Vi: At Last, the Ruby! They were seated in the study of Dr. Ossian Ven- tricle ; Salome Ventricle, Bellini Rogers and Sar- geant Jenson ap Jenson. They were waiting, even as Rogers W'ad waited a hectic week .ago, or more (time does fly so), for Dr. Ventricle who was sooth- ing his shattered nerves by working over one of his favorite cadavers in the embalmery. Presently the Doctor entered through the green baize door. "I have decided to tell you all," he said. "Remember that what you say will be used against you," admonished the Sergeant, remembering that he graced Scotland Yard. The Doctor made no sign if he heard. "It is a long story, but I shall give you a brief synopsis. When I was a gay young blade with my place still to make in the embalming profession, I took the posi- tion of chief embalmer in the Rajah of Johdpore's Mortality Bureau in the interior of India. "The work was congenial and the Rajah and I were great pals, each playing up to the other in a professional way. But one day there was a revolu- tion and the Rajah, before he died, gave in my keep- ing his infant daughter and the great Johdpore ruby, a gem of incalcuable price. He charged me to bring the child up in my own country and to marry her to a young and personable man of my choice. But on no account was she to marry without having the ruby in her possession. He warned me in almost his dying gasp that without the ruby her marriage would prove a lamentable failure." "Then she is not your daughter?" asked Bellini Rogers. No," said the girl, "I am a Hindoo princess." The boy brushed away a tear. "Alas," he mur- mured, "that I am so far beneath you." "It counts for naught," said she, "for do we not love each other." Which was true. "Bnt," interrupted the Sergeant. "Remember the curse of the fatal ruby. You must have the ruby." As if his words were a pre-arranged signal the coor of the embalmery swung open, moved by an unseen hand, and in the entrance appeared the ket- tle of custard and rum, suspended in mid-air ! "This is Mrs. Plummett," said an unseen voice. "I am speaking from the fourth dimension. Ingo- mar Ten Brock and Karr Putt Singh are all well. Here is the custard-you may need it." Stop ! In the name of Scotland Yard and the Continental Congress!" cried Sergeant Jenson ap Jenson. All was silence. Then the Doctor spoke. "Let us have some custard and rum," he said. They did. Rogers raised his cup. "To the re- covery of the ruby," he said. "We must not lose hope." le raised his cup to his lips and was about,to drink, when suddenly he halted, eyes staring. "Look !" he cried. They did. There is the bot- ton of his cup lay the Demon Ruby of Johdpore! "I see it all," cried the Sergeant. "Mrs. Plum- mett beat Ingomar Ten Brock to it !" There was great joy among all those present. "You need have no fear about the matter of rank." said the Doctor to Rogers. "I happen to know that you are a direct heir on your father's side to the throne of Madagascar." "Then I am not Bellini Rogers, a simple rhetoric instructor?" asked the boy in an awed voice. "No," said the Doctor. "And Salome is-is- not Salome?" "No." "And the Sergeant is not a dectictive?" "Sh-sh," said the Doctor. "We musn't hurt his feelings." The happy couple was married at High Noon Saint Polycarp's, the Reverend Dr. Mudge officiat- ing. Sergeant Jenson ap Jenson was the best man. The demon ruby of Johdpore was worn by the bride in a magnificient tararara. THE END (Thank God!) And we read that "Lloyd George Flays Turkey." Now that there are no feathers left, so that the statesmen can pluck the country, they are after her hide. In St. Louis a policeman's life was saved through the fact that the bullet fired at him was stopped by a plug of tobacco. Another argument for continued fuse of the filthy weed. - But for all the St. Louis policemen, there are only thirteen more days till vac. "No pressing engagements with the female of the species ?" we queried. "Naw," replies the disgusted Alcibiades. "Last time I took a flapp r out in the mausoleum, I got plumb sick unto hysterics. Yuh see, my car got hot under the cover and I says to her we'll have to stop nd cool the engine. And she says--." He paused for the vaudeville punch. "Yeh ?" we exhaled. "She says, why don't you strip the gears?" CALIGULA. DETROIT UNITED LINES TIME TABLE Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:oo a. i., 7:o a. nm., 8:oo a. m., o:oo a. m. and hourly to 9:os p. m. Jackson Express Cars (local stops of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a. m. and every two hours to 9:47 p. m. Local Cars, EastwBound-5 :55a. in., 7:oo a, m, and every two hours to 9 :oe p. mn.; mm :oo p. m. To Ypsilanti only- :4o p. n., 12:25 a. mn., s:1 s a. m. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars, west Bound-7:so a. m., 2:40 p. M. To Jackson and Kalamazoo--Limited cars: 8:47, 10:47, a. m.; 12:47, 2:47, 4:47 p. m. To Jackson and Lansing-Limited: 8:47 P. in. Exclusive Designs in Afternoon and Evening Gowns 239 Nickels' Arcade Phone 759-w Mrs. Grace Van Schoick Ann Arbor Savings Bank Two Offices: N. W. Corner Main and Huron St 707 N. University Ave. I TUTTLES Typewriters of nul m aks. For TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHING Promptly and neatly done 0. D._MORRILL, 17Nickels Arcade YOU WILL FIND THE Farmers and Mechanics Bank A pleasant, conven- ient andSAFE place to transact your business. TWO OFFICES: 101-105 South Main St. 330 South State St. Nickels' Arcade M ember of the Federal Reserve tK For Your Summer Reading II A place to bring your friends. Nowhere is the food better; nowhere is the service more prompt. Open all summer. TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM MAYNARD STREET r. + :::: r Our prints are made on Velox. Materials that are Eastman made and meth- ods that are Eastman approved, plus the experience of our experts. are guaranties of finest quality finishing. Sring us your films .$STA13L LffS' I9O&'0 from GRAHAM'S Both Stores w - l' Ii' I d o Distinctive Footwear There are three distinct kinds of value em- bodied in our footvear-balue in terms of comfort and service; balue in terms of beauty and style; balue in terms of price. Our neiP fall footivear is arribing and lye will be glad to sholv it to you. Dorothy Dodd Pumps P We are showing the popular cut-out Dor style in models of distinct individuality. stre Patent leather pumps have one strap, and Spanish Junior heels, turn soles, and sty] cut-out sides. They are extremely abl( smart and they are reasonably priced and $8.50 Iver }- atent Leather Pumps rothy Dodd, one strap pumps for eet wear are made of shoe-soap-kid have military heels. They are dish and at the same time comfort- e and are appropriate for walking I all general wear. They are priced ry reasonably, $6.75. Shoes on Special Sale $5.95 Dorothy Dodd oxfords come in both' brown and black and have broad toes, flat heels and leather soles. They are a fine, long wearing shoe for every day wear and are now on sale at $5.45 a pair. $4.95 An oxford that offers style and comfort to the wearer comes in a medium brown leather with flange heels, and broad toes. It is not too heavy for late sum- mer wear and is now on sale at $4.95 a pair. (Mack's Main Floor) _- ._ _.v . nr ([ .!^t ., . ,r d t 1 ._... 1 r -li $: .. _. .. .._ , . __. _. _. __ _....-_._.. 5 I, __ ..~ -1 d! I ' __