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August 06, 1922 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1922-08-06

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Sir ianV




Leaves White iouse With Request
Not to Divulge Conference
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Aug. 5.-Threats of a
general railroad strike are seen in a
portion of the message sent represent-
ativres of three of the Big Four rail-
road brotherhoods by their presidents
for transmission to President Hard-
ing. The passage in question follows:
St-ike Affe&{s All Crafts
"The plain intention of the railroad
executives to smash the shop craft
unions is resulting in more and more
of the locomotives and equipment get-
ting into disrepair, and the dangers of
a most hazardous occupation are be-
ing daily increased.
Washington, Aug. 5.-B. M. Jewell,
head of the striking railroad shop
workers, W. H. Johnston, president of
the International Association of Ma-
chinists, and James P. Noonan, presi-
dent of the Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers, reopened negotiations today
with President Harding in the railroad
The union leaders after an hour's
conference, left the White House un-
der restraint of a presidental request
to maintain silence as to the matters
under consideration, but all three ex-
pected to remain in Washington for
at least a day or two.
Review Strike Issues
It was indicated the issues in the
strike had again been gone over, but
whether President Harding had pro-
posed that the strike leaders send the
men back to work and leave the dif-
ficult seniority question to be dealt
owith by the railroad labor board was
not definitely determined, althpugh it
was suggested in connection with the
The President later in the day had
an appointment with legislative rep-
resentatives of three of the four rail-
road brotherhoods whose members are
not now on strike, and whose chiefs
have indicated a desire to make a
formal protest against the i conditions
of bad repair which they claim are
affecting railroad equipment.
Parke, Davis andI company, of De-
troit, pharmaceuticalmanufacturers
of nationalreputation and internation-
al distribution of products, will be vis-
ited next Wednesday afternoon, Aug.
9, by students of the Summer session.
Special arrangements for the party are
being made by the company, including
special guides to conduct the visitors
through the main departments.
Pills and tablets, by the barrel,
tooth paste in quantity, bacteriological
products, a complete line of toilet pre-
parations, are among the activities of
this large industry. While the trip
should especially interest students in
pharmacy, the inspection should ap-

real to anyone who wishes to gain an
understanding of this field of manu-
(By Associated Press)
Fitzimmon's Arena, Michigan City,
Ind., Aug. 5.-Benny Leonard, world's
lightweight champion, defending his
title for the third time in a month, to-
night outpointed Ever Hammer, of
Chicago, in a 10 round, no-decision
boxing contest.
Leonard had the better of the chal-
lenger in most of the rounds, and put
up a better exhibition than in his last
meeting with Lew Tendler.
Thirty thousand people witnessed
the contest, the gate receipts totaling
in the neighborhood of $400,000.


Responsibility for freshman failures
is divided under three distinct heads
according to the report of a University
committee which has conducted an in-
vestigation during the past semester
into the causes of the failure of first
year men.
In the first section of the report, the
University assumes its share of the re-
sponsibility. The finding of this sec-
tion of the report will be brought
home to the members of the faculty at
the opening of the colleeg term.
Schools Advised
The second division of the report
has to do with the share of the pre-
paratory schools in the responsibility
for the failure of freshmen. The con-
tents of this section of the report have
been published and will be forwarded
immediately to high school principals.
The draft of this section of the re-
By Portia Goulder
Doing full justice to the humor and
romance of Twelfth Night, the Shake-
speare Playhouse company yesterday
afternoon presented the third of their
out-of-door performances at the cam-
pus theater. Clever lines and ludi-
crous situations furnish irresstible
humor, while fine characteristics and
dramatic surprise contribute ro-
mance. The plot of Twelfth Night,
one of Shakespeare's well-known
comedies, begins with the shipwreck
of a twin brother and sister. Miss
Elsie Herndon Kearns, who' plays the
part of the sister in disguise, perform-
ed her part especially wel. The con-
trast to the character portrayal of
Katherine, in "Taming of the Shrew"
was one of the notable points in her
acting yesterday afternoon.
Neville Pleases
Along with the main characters are
others wVho furnished a great deal of
hilarious merriment. Sir Toby, play-
ed by Harry Neville, a hard-drink-
ing fellow, manages to produce such
difficulties by his irresponsible con-
duct that his pranks bring much
The prim, puritanical Malvolio was
played by Mr. Frank McEntee in his
usual chaiming nanner.
Dealing with an unsolved social
problem, "The Admirable Crichton",
given last night by the Shakespeare
Playhouse company, gives at the out-
set the picture of the ennui of up-
per circles of England.
McEntee Is Star
Crichton, Frank McEntee, the per-
fect type of English butler, clings te-
naciously to the traditions he has
known until the party is in the rough
environment of a desert island when
he becomes master. It is with this
setting that the out-of-door stage is
most effective.
The Earl of Loam's attempt at au-
thority in his new situation contrib-
utes to the humor of the play. Harry
Neville and Mr. Charles Webster had
the eudience laughing through the
whole play.
Miss Gertrude Linnell played the
part of the responsive Tweeny and
did it as well as all of her other
parts in previous performances.
Lady Mary and Lady Agatha play-
ed by Miss Elsie Herndon Kearns and
Miss Sydney Thompson were sympa-
thized with and laughed at as they

demanded it according to what they
were portraying.
The whole play was received as en-
thusiastically as all of the others of
this company have been.
2411 Attend Gun and Blade Outing
More thlan 200 peaple attended the
picnic of the Gun and Blade club yes-
terday at Whitmore Lake. Among the
guests of he club a the picnic were
Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Wahr, Chief Ex-
ecutive Campbell, who is in charge
of Federal board men from Jackson,
and Dr. Tom Lovell, who on the
same occasion last year received the
degree of A. W. 0. L. from the or-

port is addressed to the principal and
explains the purpose and scope of the
investigation. The constructive find-
ings of this part of the report follow:
1. students should be trained to fol-
low instructions exactly.
2. Students should be given discip-
linary mental training which will
equip them:
a. To read intelligently, getting the
thought from the printed page clearly
and accurately.
b. To read rapidly, to get the dom-
inant ideas presented and to make
intelligent notes on reading.
c. To think clearly and logically,
keeping attention on the real issue.
d. To memorize essentials.
e. To express ideas both orally and
in written form directly, concisely,
and in good English.
f. To work independently after pre-
liminary instructions are given, thus
showing evidence of initiative.
g. To meet creditably the tests of
written examinations.
Suggest Simple Methods
3. Students should be trained to use
ordinary means of securing informa-
tion: The table of contents, the in-
dex, the dictionary, encyclopedia, the
Readers' guide to periodical literature,
the newspaper, the informational mag-
4. Students should be assigned to
those teachers who have had the ne
cessary training and the proper back-
ground for handling them.
The remainder of this section of the
report deals with the subject of "pre-
paration for college," emphasizing the
importance of the completion of ele-!
mentary work before the student mak-
es application for college entrance.
An advisory letter containing the
following three requests made of the
high school principals, viz.:
1. In evey case designate clearly
which college of the University the
applicant desires to enter. Trouble
and delay will otherwise result.
2. Do not send credentials for
those whom you cannot recommend
entirely and unreservedly. They can-
not be accepted.
3. In general do not recommend
those in the lowest third of the class.
Such entrants come to almost certain
failure and discomfiture.
Student Also to Blame
Under section three of the majoi
findings of the committee, the student's
share in responsibility for his failure
is dealt with. This phase of the
investigation has not yet been prepar-
ed for publication. Registrar Arthur
G. Hall, who is in charge of the distri-
bution of the suggestions to the high
schools, remarked that on interviewing
freshmen who have failed in the Uni-
versity not one of them gave "unintel-
ligence" as the cause for his poor
Communists Blow Up Power Line
Naples, Aug. 5.-A group of Com-
munists today blew up the posts of
the power transmission line used for
carrying the electric current from Ab-
ruzzi to Naples, a distance of 130 miles.
The metallurgical, cotton and textile
factories, depending on this current,
had to close down,
Coolidge Goes to Coast
Boston, Aug. 5.-Vice-President Cool-
idge with Mrs Coolidge and their sons,
left yesterday for San Francisco,
where the vice-president will address
the American Bar association, Aug. 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Stearns, of
Boston, accompanied them.
Factions at Peace Again
Rome, Aug. 5-It was officially an-
nounced in Rome today that complete
calm had been restored in Milan,

Greece and Ancona, where violent
fighting took place yesterday and last
night between Fascisti and Commun-
France-United State Wireless Ready
Paris, Aug. 5.- The new French
wireless station at Saints Assise will
be opened for service with the United
States Monday.
Betsy Barbour House to Entertain
Residents of Betsy Barbour house
will entertain their professors and in-
structors at a faculty tea from 4 to 6
o'clock on Sunday afternoon.

Leaves Germany When Plot of As-f
sassination is Discov-
(By Associated Press)i
Leipsic Aug. 5.-Prof. Albert Emin-
stein, originator of the theory of rela-
tivity, has fled from Germany tempor-
arily because he was threatened with
assassination by the same group
which caused the killing of Dr. Walter1
Rathenau the German foreign minister,
according to a letter from ProfessorC
Einstein cancelling an engagement tot
address a meeting here.t
Efforts to induce him to return, int
view of the government's success in
coping with the situation, are said to
have so far proved unavailing.
Receipt of the letter was announced
by the president of the German Phys-
icists association, before which Dr.
Einstein was scheduled to discuss his
relativity theory at the organization's
100th anniversary meeting. It was re-
ceived shortly after Dr. Rathnau's as-
sassination, and stated that Dr. Ein-
stein had learned that he also was
listed to be killed, and had therefore
decided to go abroad.
It appears that Dr. Einstein's friends
and admirers had been more concern-f
ed in keeping the scientist safe in thist
manner than he himself, and were do-
ing their utmost to prevent, or at least,
lpostpone his return. It was noted in
this connection that Dr. Einstein was
not' accompanying the expedition tot
Christmas Island,dcontrary to his pre-~
viously announced plans.
At St. Andrew's Episcopal' church<
Holy communion will be given at 7:351
o'clock and 10:30 o'clock and a ser-
mon at 10:30 o'clock. Visitors areP
welcome at all services.f
"Confidence for Times of Crisis"
will be the topic of a sermon by Rev.P
Howard R. Chapman at 10:30 o'clock
at the First Baptist church. Sunday
school and a Guild discussion with
Reverend Chapman will be conducted
at noon. At 6:30 o'clock Miss OliveI
Smallidge will lead a discussion at
the Guild house 'on the topic "The
Preservation of Character."
Morning services will be held at the1
Presbyterian church at 10:30 o'clockI
including an address by Rev. Johnf
Comin. The student noon class will
also be addressed by Reverend Comin.f
Student social half hour will be held
at 6 o'clock, and Christian Endeavor,1
lead by Miss Ellen Wondero, will be
held at 6:30 o'clock.,
"The True Brotherhood of Jesus" is1
the topic selected by Rev. C. A. Brau-
er of St. Paul's Lutheran church, fori
the 9:30 o'clock services. Bible school1
will be held at 10:30 o'clock and the
English service at 11:30 o'clock. NoI
evening services will be held.
Rev. Sidney S. Robins of the Uni-
tarian church, will speak on "Aiming
at Excellence" at the 10:35 o'clock
service. A cordial welcome is extend-1
ed by the church to all visitors.
Prof. William A. Frayer of the his-
tory department of the University, will
speak on "No More 'War' 'at 10:30
o'clock at the First Methodist church.

Miss Neva Nelson will give a violin
solo. The Wesleyan Guild will hold its
meeting at 6:30 o'clock led by Miss
Margaret Scales.
Alpha Phi Buys New Home
Announcement was made a few days
ago of the purchase of a building site
on the corner of Hill street and Cam-
bridge road by the Alpha Phi sorority.
While plans have been completed
for the erection of a brick house in
Old English style of architecture,
nothing further will be done until the
University buys the sorority's present
home, 814 South University avenue.
Northcliffe's Condition Worse
London, Aug. 5.-It was announced
today that Viscount Northcliffe pass-

Jackson-state prison and the gas and
electric plants of the Consumers' Pow-
or company dominated the interest of
a party of more than 125 summer
school students yesterday. Arriving
in Jackson at 10 o'clock the party ad-1
journed to the penitentiary. Men of
the party were conducted first through
the guard room and then through typ-
ical cell blocks, most of which were
of the one-man type, while others em
ployed the dormitory system where 10
men were housed in each cell.
Then followed an inspection of theI
various state industries, the most im-
pressive being the binder twine plant
which manufactures more than 14,-
000,000 pounds a year. Other indus-
tries in which the inmates work are
the stamping division making automo-j
bile license plates, the canning plant,
the furniture factory, a brick plant,t
and a granite works making tomb-t
(Continued on Page Four)
Composing the casts for the twot
plays to be given by the class in Playt
Production next Thursday and Friday
evenings in University Hall are a1
number of members who have had
considerable experience in acting and
directing, both on the amateur and
the professional stage.
In "The Melting Pot" Harold Lip-
sitz interprets the part of David in aI
creditable manner. He has played thet
leading roles in "The Great Galeoto,"E
"The Servant in the oHuse," and "The
School for Scandal," besides having
played a leading part in "The Melting
Pot" last year. Isabelle Ronan, play-
ing the part of Vera, has as a back-
ground a broad experience in acting,
having played the leads in a number1
of productions on the campus, includ-
ing "The Piper,' "Land of Heart's De-t
sire," and "She Stoops to Conquer."f
Miss Ronan is head of the Play Pro-
duction class in Tulsa, Okla.
V. F. Deihl, who has the part of
Mendel, is an instructor in publict
speaking at Whittier college, Calif.,
and has played in a number of Shake-
speare roles, while Earl E. Fleish-
man, taking the part of Quincy in the
play, has had experience in play pro-
duction in the University of Kentucky
and the University of Oregon.
In the role of Pappelmeister, Harry
G. Miller displays his breadth of ex-
perience in acting, having been fort
five years a professional actor in
Shakespeare roles. Mr. Miller is prin-
cipal of the Hoyt school in Saginaw,f
and is the author of "The Balance," aI
play which had a long run severalI
years ago. He is also co-author of
"The Stranger," which is now show-
ing in Saginaw.t
Helen Osband gives a pleasing in-
terpretation of the role of Baroness, a
part that reqires careful enunciation1
and adds a great deal of color to thea
play. Miss Osband is a professionalt
advertiser, with experience in designs,
scene painting, and other art work,
and has appeared in a score of roles,,
especially in one-act plays. Helen El-
liott, who has the part of Kathleen,
has played in "The School for Scand-
al,' the Junior Girls' play, and a num-
ber of one-act plays Taking the part
of the Baron, William Thomas Watson

has had considerable experience, hay-,
ing appeared in previous performances
in the same role He has also had
dramatic and music roles in the Me-
tropolitan opera in New York
The cast for "The Rivals" likewise
comprises a number of experienced
players. G. E. Densmore, high school
principal in Pontiac, who takes the
role of Sir Anthony Absolute, has play-
ed in various Shakespeare roles. The
part of Jack Absolute is played by
H. L. Ewbank, head of the department
of public speaking in Albion college,'
who has also appeared in Shakespeare
G. A. Omans, who is Faulkland in
"The Rivals," is principal and dram-
atic sponsor in Onaway, Mich., while
Claude Sifritt, having the part of Bob
Acres, has played in Shakespearean

British Will Accept No Settlement
Unless Small Countries Are
(By Associated Press)
London, Aug. 5. - Prior to ad-
journment of the house of commons
(yesterday tfor its summmer recess
there was a discussion on the sit-
uation in the Near East, during the
course of which the government was
urged to bring about an immediate
settlement of the difficulties between
Greece and Turkey.
Prime Minister Lloyd George, in
reply to questions, said the govern-
ment had nothing to conceal in its
policy and desired above all that
peace should be established in the
Near East. Reviewing Great Brit-
ain's relations with Turkey, he said
this country had fought one big war
to preserve Turkey from extinction
and had constantly intervened to
protect her from atack.
Turkey Prolonged War
"But," he continued, "in August,
1914, when we engaged in the strug-
gle of life and death, when Turkey
could have assisted France and Great
Britain she, without hesitation, as a
result of conspiracy and intrigue en-
ered into before the war with our
great enemy, did us the greatest dis-
service. I have no hesitation in say-
ing that her action prolonged the
war, proably by a couple of years."
Mr. Lloyd George asserted that the
collapse of Russia was almost entire-
ly due to Turkey's action.
"It would never have happened,"
re declared, "if the Back Sea had been
free. The same applies to the col-
lapse of Rumania."
Exonerates England
The premier said it was a mistake
to suppose that the occupation
of Smyrna and the proposals of the
Treaty of Sevres were entirely the
work of Great Britain, as what was
done was the work of the commis-
sion appointed by the great powers
in Paris.
"The British government," he said,
"never interfered with that commis-
sion, which recommended that Smyr-
na and the adjoining territory be
handed over to Greece."
Undoubtedly, owing to the fall of
former Premier Venizelos, there had
been a certain chilling of feeling in
France and Great Britain toward
Greece. That, however, he added, was
Greece's business, and the whole ques-
tion must be judged on its merits.
Tells of Peace Efforts
He reviewed the efforts that had
been made to bring about an agree-
ment among the countries affected by
the Treaty of Sevres.
Hle said the responsibility for the
establishment of peace must be that
of the Allies, and they had a right to
say that they would make no peace
which would place hundreds of thou-
sands of helpless people at the mercy
of those guilty of atrocities in the
Pontus region without guarantees.
Mr. Lloyd George said the position
now was that the Allies were de-

femnd1ing Cotnstagitinople agaiinst the
Greeks, who undoubtedly would occu-
py it forthwith if the Allies were not
there. He said it was right that Con-
stantinople should be defended, but
added: "Don't let it be said that we
are unduly favoring the Turks and
giving them some sort of preferen-
tial treatment.
"There are even suggestions," he
continued, "not altogether without
foundation, perhaps, that the Kemal-
ist forces have been re-equipped from
Europe, and under any other condi-
tions the Greeks would have been en-
titled to blockade the coast of Asia
Minor and prevent arms from going
to Turkey."
He said the developments of the
last few months had made it clear
that, whatver happened, there must
(Continued on Page Four)

ed a poor night, and that his condi- I productions at Ohio Wesleyan univer-


tion was somewhat worse.

(Continued on Page Four)

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