/ TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY 14ie rttnra~ ir g ttn :43 tlg OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER SESSION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ols matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Business, g6o; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed Soo words, if signed, the signa- ture not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and notices of events will be published in The Summer Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Summer Daily office. Unsigned communications will receive no consideration. No manuscript will be returned unless the writer incloses postage. The Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse the senti- nents expressed in the communications. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 MANAGING EDITOR...............LEO J. HERSHDORFER City Editor...............................James B. Young Night Editors- Howard A. Donahue Julian E. Mack W. B. Butler Women's Editor ............................Dorothy Bennetts Editorial Board...................Herbert S. Case, Ellen Nylund Humor Editor................................Donald Coey Literary Editor...............................G. D. Eaton Assistants flap to remind one of something. This seems a high- ly satisfactory definition to certain incredulous in- dividuals who think that "flapper" is not a feminine term, but one which can be interchangeably mascul- ine or feminine. And indeed a resident or visitor in Ann Arbor would be very stupid not to see the ap- plication of this term to some of the male students. His flappings are only too obvious since the ad- vent of summer, with his donning of knickerbock- ers, and other particulars of dress which disting- uish him from the populace. The flapper, as generally distinguished is the one who does things obviously for the purpose of call- ing attention to herself. The flapper as he has been defined by certain female students is the man who slicks his hair back until it looks like patent leather, wears side burns and flappy galoshes in the winter time, and a mustache and knickers in the summer, who loudly proclaims his contempt for the other sex and then takes them canoeing, who wears pockets to carry his books in, and dances as though that was his one accomplishment. Whether these contribu- tions to the making of a typical flapper are accur- ate in detail depends entirely upon the point of view. Certainly his dandified air and smart Aleck manner distinguishes him beyond mistake, but anyway, life is just one superficially dandified thing after an- other. Real estate men advertise Ann Arbor as the "city of knowledge and beautiful homes," but there is often a distinction between those who have the knowledge and those who own the beautiful homes. Theses, like dogs, have their days. The only dif- ference is that theses also have their nights. THE FRYING PAN -a flash in the Pan. STRIKING INSTANCES Railway strike in Jackson; Street car strike in Chi; Landladies in Ann Arbor Smite the student hip and thigh. ml ___________________________________ ml I - DETROIT UNITED LINES TIME TABLE Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Smtanda rTe) Detroit Limited and Express Car-6 :oo a. M., 7:oo a. m., 8:oo a. i.., o:oo a. m. and hourly to 9:05 p. in. Jackson Express Cars (local stops of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a. m. and every two hours to 9:47 p. m. Local Cars, EastwBound- :5S a. m. 7:o0 a, m. and every two hours to g :ee p. i.; c :oo p. m. To Ypsilanti only---zz:4 p. im., 1z:25 a. M., 1:15 a. M. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars, West Bound-7:So a. m., 2:40 p. m. To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Limited cars: 8:47, 10:47, a., m.; 12:47, 2:47. 4:47 P. M. o Jackson and Lansing-Limited: 8:47 ~P. in. ,, ,_ w LL; . 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Two Offices: N. W. Corner Main and Huron St 707 N. University Ave. Portia Goulder Janet Menges C. R..Trotter Thelma Andrews BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER ...................HEROLD C. HUNT Advertising...................................Townsend H. Wolfe Publication...............................George W. Rockwood Accounts...... ......................Laurence R. Favrot Circulation...............................Edward F. Conlin Assistants i; I. I S 14 Philip H. Goldsmith A Katherine E. Styer lma E. Young FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1922 Night Editor-JULIAN ELLIS MACK Assistant-W. Bernard Butler THE JACKSON TRIP The twelfth excursion of the Summer session which is to take place on Friday will be a swan song of the visits of peaceably inclined individuals to Jackson prison. It is probaby the last opportunity which will be offered people to inspect that institu- tion for the education of fulfilling moral obligations, and to return peaceably when they desire. This in itself, it is expected, will be an inducement to those who should like to see the workings of a prison and who have no expectations of getting in otherwise. One of the objects of especial interest will be the visit to the Consumers' Power company, inas- much as it is one of the most modern plants for the production of gas and electricity in the state. Public utilities are subjects which should be considered and understood by every individual, and an inspection of a power plant isone of the most illuminating ways of understanding it. Probably the most absorbing things are those which indicate how all things are utilized in modern industries. A good example of this is the manner in which one hundred per cent of use is obtained from coal, while ordinarily as it is used in furnaces it is only six per cent efficient. The students oi the trip wil be abe to observe the manufacture of the by-products of the gas which are coke, ammonia, fused for cleaning purposes, and for the manufacture of ice, and the coal tar products such as dyes, flav- oring extracts, and drugs. The trip will be not only entertaining but an education to those at all interested in sociology, science, or public utilities. MICHIGAN'S NEW SCHOOL Fielding H. Yost seems to have an inscrutable knack in putting things across. His most recent venture has been the Michigan School for Coaches, and in one short Summer session this school has proved its worth to the eyes of the collegiate world. That grand old coach Keene Fitzpatrick, now of Princeton, but still dear to Michigan's memory, who has been one of the valuable factors in making the School for Coaches such a success, said recently that because of the youth of the coaching school and the opposition that it had to contend with from other universities, an enrollment of thirty or forty was all that he had expected for Michigan this sum- mer. Those who did take the course however, num- bered ninety-one. Such an enrollment is little short of miraculous when it is taken into consideration that not only is Michigan's coaching school in its infancy, and there are many other such schools about country that have long been established, but Mich- igan offered no credit for the work done this sum- mer in her new experiment. However, Michigan's ventures grow with rapidity, and beginning next term full credit will be given those who show them- selves efficient in the School for Coaches, for it is here to stay. Too much appreciation cannot be shown to Coach Yost and his staff of assistants for .what they have done in making the launching of the new school such a decided success. THE MALE IN OPPOSITION Too much has been said about the feminine flap-. per, but no very satisfactory definition has been found for that term. Webster in his inimitable way decides that a flapper is one whose duty it is to ANN ARBOR Ireland's so full of holes It looks like ripe Swiss cheese. Another ounce or so of lead Might sink it in the seas. Will Ann Arbor street, railwaymen Throw the service down- Will they wreck the Tiny Trolley- Tie up the whole dumb town? Speaking of the death of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, the Ann Arbor Times-News said that "Dr. Bell will be buried on top of Mr. Beinn Breagh. A spot chosen by himself." Now of course, Mr. Breagh may have been a close friend of the Doctor's, or on the well known other hand there may be a shortage of-cemetery lots in Novia Scotia. Gallows-Meat The girl at central whose favorite come-back is "Line's busy !", ETIQUETTE FOR THE INSTRUCTOR The Problem of 'Recitations On entering the classroom the instructor should greet the percentage of the class already gathered with "Good morning." (or "Good afternoon"). This will put the class and instructor en rapport as it were. The instructor should always attempt to be as one of his students. But, again, this is a fine point. He should not become too much like them or they will bororw money from him. ' The instructor will find that interest in the course will be greatly stimulated if he invites the class to informal meetings to his home in the evening, where refreshments and drinks may be serv'ed. If his house is not large enough to accommodate the en- tire class this defect may be remedied by renting a larger house. The Follies is a pretty show, Where incandescent maidens glow (Beneath the spotlight, row on row). Their costumes touch our fancy's whim (On pleasant maidens, plump or slim), And oft give rise To lavish words, The while our eyes, Like little birds, Flit happily from limb to limb. "Sixty-five Per Cent of College Grads Fail in Tests." A bad hang-over of an old habit. And we hear that the constitution of these United States is to be copied by the Chinese. And will they include the eighteenth amendment? Her husband, she asserts, threw her through a, French door in the hotel and through the bath- room door at home, and now she wants a divorce on the ground of cruelty. Just like a woman, can't she see that doors irritated him? The Daily Wheeze The unfortunately absent-minded prof's wife- Henry, you have your shoes on the wrong feet. The u-a-m rof.-But, my dear, they are the only feet I've got! CALIGULA. SHOE sHININGRING REPAIRING A 1 JBLOCKING 71 1 N. University Ave. Next to Aroad. Theatre Satiseaotien Guaranteed 625 East Liberty Street - FRI. Mpt s. NED O o s. K.;C P.. oPoES Does your P. M. schedule right t< only cc science, butter Rem Published in now in the interest of Elec- things trical Development by still bi an Institution that will no be helped by what- no '- ever helps the its Industry. seize i cold ca 14 h - -J