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Professors Ruthven and Dickinson
Speakers for First Day of
Addresses, illustrated talks, and lec-'
tures by i prominent authorities form
rresn mr camp WillHtave 300
Young Boys As Summer Guests
Three hundred boys between the
ages of 12 and 16 from the larger
cities of Michigan will be the guests
of the University of Michigan Fresh
Air camp at Half-Moon lake, 17 miles
west of Ann Arbor, for a vacation of
ten days.
The boys will be divided into groups
of 75 each during the summer, the
first group arriving at the camp on
June 29.
The purpose of the camp, as ex-
plained, by off'icial's in cf'ige this
year, is to take the boys off the streets
and from the juvenile courts of cities
throughout the state, and to give them
an opportunity to swim, fish, hike, and
aid in their mental and physical de-
velopment under the leadership of
capable leaders.
This is the second summer that the
the greater part of the special pro
gram of events for the entire Summe
session, as recently ;announced by
Dean Edward H. Kraus.
The program will commence Mon
day, June 26, with the official open
ing of all schools excepting the Lao
school, when Prof. A. G. Ruthven, di
rector of the zoology museum, wil
give an illustrated lecture on " A
Naturalist in South America," at
o'clock in Natural Science audito-
a u i o-iu m .
To Speak on Conference.
Prof. E. D. Dickinson, of the Law
school, will talk on "Significant Re-
sults of the Washington Conference,"
at 5 o'clock Tuesday, June 27.
At eight o'clock Tuesday evehing
President Marion L. Burton will ad-
dress the first general assembly of the
Summer session in Hill auditorium
The subject of his talk has not been
announced yet.
The Summer Daily will print regul-
arly the full program of events a week
in advance throughout the Summer
session. Any revisions in the present
schedule of activities which may oc-
cur will be announced in these ad-
vanuce stories.
All lectures, unless otherwise spe-
cified, will be given in Natural Sci-
ence auditorium. The program for
the first two weeks follows:
Monday, June 26
5 p. m.-A Naturalist in South Am-
erica (illustrated). Prof. A. G.
Tuesday, June 27
5 p. m.-Significant Results of the
Washington Conference. Prof. E.
D. Dickinson.
8 p. m.-Address. President Marion
L, Burton. (Hill auditorium).
Wednesday, June 28
4-6 p. m.-Reception by President and
Mrs. Burton for the students and
faculties of the Summer session.
(Alumni Memorial hall).
8 p. m.--Concert. Faculty of the 'Un-
iversity School of Music. (Hill au-
Thursday, June 29
5 p. m.-Athletics and Their Relation
to College Life. F. H. Yost.
8 p. m.-Educational motion pictures.'
, Friday, June 3Q
2:30 p. p4.-Excursion No. One-Cam-
pus and Ann Arbor. Meet on the
LAprary steps for inspection of Li-
prary, Alumkni Memorial hall, Mich-
igan Union, etc. Tour to be made
in autoinobiles furnished (by the
Exchange club. Trip ends at 4:45
p. m. No charge.
5 p. m.-The Muscle Shoals Project
and Its Relation to Industry. (Il-
lustrated with motion pictures).
Prof. A. H. White.
8 p. m.-A Trip to Tahiti. (Illustrat-
ed). Prof. A. L. Cross.
Mfoday, July 3
5 p. m.-The Human Aspect of Words-
worth's Poetry. Prof. S. F. Ging-
l Crowd Gets Beyond Control of Saner
Element and Slaughter of
5 Men Follows
(By Associated Press)
Herrin, Ill., June 23.-The massacre
of non-union miners in the woods,
back of the Southern Illinois coal
companies, where they were employ-
ed was the act of a mob that got be-
yond the control of the cooler ele-
*ment, which was attempting to escort
the captives to Ierrin to "show them
off to the boys."
According to information gleaned
today, the leaders, it was said, were
finally compelled to yield to the
clamors of the mob that "the pris-
oners beat it." The fleeing men there-
upon were shot down, beaten to death
and one was known *to have been
hanged. Although a, number of the
miners shuddered at the slaughter,t
all say, "They got just what they de-
The unhonored dead lay pale and
stark tonight in the vacant store
building that has been pressed intoE
service as a morgue. Past them filed
an unending line of men and women,c
young and old, barefooted boys and
little girls bright in their summerX
clothes. Never a word of pity from thet
crowd. There were enemies slain in
a labor war. These were the men whox
came to take away their living. "Well,
it served them right." That was the-
attitude of the crowd as expressed byt
its men and women and children. t
The dead of a dozen nationalitiesn
.lay at peace before all the crowd,
amid the laughter and the sullen t;
looks. Most of them, it is safe too
say, will be forgotten in the Potter's1
Helen C. Bishop, social director of s
Helen Newberry residence, has been v,
appointed dean of women for the Sum- It,
mer session of 1922. a
' Fresh Air camp has been in existence.
It is financed entirely by alumni, stu-
dents and friends of the University.
The camp has purchased a small
truck with which to carry supplies
and equipment, the majority of which
are being donated by sympathizers of
the project.
Camp Director L. C. Reimann and
his staff of student leaders left June
19 to build the boats,erect atmess-
hall, set up the tents and to make
other ncessary preparations for the
first group of boys. Two dental stu-
dents will be at the camp throughout
the summer to give prophylatic serv-
ice to the young campers. The ac-
tivities engaged in by each group
during the summer will include ath-
letics, first aid, fatigue, swimming,
sanitation and safety, scouting, nature
study, camp-fire programs, and camp,
police duty.
The student leaders who have do-
nated their services to the camp for
the summer include G. L. Bowie, '23,
W. A. Goldberg, grad., E. R. Gold-
man, '23E, D. K. Brisler, '23; R. B.
Henderson, S. of M., A. H. Maremont,
'24E, J. W. Morey, '22; R. G. Reason,
'23E; R. S. Simpson, 24; F.GK.Spar-
raw, Jr., '25, and W. J. F. Youngs, '24.I
Undertaking a new departure in the8
attempt of college journalism to link
classroom work with practical ex-'
perience, students enrolled in the de-b
partment of journalism during the
Summer session will be given thed
>pportunity to inspect the variousC
large newspaper plants in Detroit,a
with members of the journalism facul-n
;y as guides.a
The instruction in the courses c
;aught by this department during the n
summer session will be supplement-
d whenever possible by special talkst
iven by men prominent in the field w
f journalism. A
E. G. Burrows, who came to the de- E
>artment last year from the Spring- st
eld Republican, will instruct two
lasses, one in the elements of jour-
talism, and the other in newspaper
diting. The course in the elements
f journalism involves the study of
he organization and the function of
ae public press, withtpractice in
yews gathering and writing.
The course in newspaper editing
aught by Mr. Burrows will lay stress
a the shtdy of the technique of edit- 3
og, with practice in copy-reading, re-
rriting, proof-reading, . headline
'riting, and the handling of other
ditorial details.
Prof. John L. fBrumm, head of the t
epartment of journalism, will also t
istruct two courses during the M
ummer term. One of his courses b
rill involve a study of the various W
rpes of feature and special feature t
rticles, with practice In the prepa- le
ation of such material for publica- c
ion. A course in written criticism, b
lso taught by Professor Brumm, will r
dal with the study of the principles y
f criticism, and their practical ap- b
lication to the criticism of literature, D
,Inting, music, drama, and the photo- R
lay. t
Edifice. Will Accommodate Many
partments and Rooms for
Research Work
Work on the new engineering an
laboratory shops, which will form on
of the structures included in the Un
versity's building program, was star
ed Friday morning. .
A crew of workmen began yesterda
morning to undertake the complet
excavation of the site to be used fo
the structure, and with the aid o
the steam shovel, had torn a larg
hole into the grounds forming th
northern boundary of the site.A
large fleet of automobile trucks wa
kept busy carting away the uproote
Men are already at work engage
in surveying the measurements prio
to beginning the actual work of con
struction. The H. G. Hartman com
pany of Detroit, in charge of the con
struction of the building, is now put
ting up a two-story frame structure
which it is expected will be complete
in a few days. This will be used a
a temporary office for the company'
men, from which all operations wil
be directed.
According to present plans, the -en
gineering building should be read
for occupancy on Oct. 1, 1923.
The location chosen for this build
ing is just east of the present En
gineering building on property lying
between East University avenue and
dhurch street. It will accommodate
departments at the present time lo
cated in the old Engineering shops
as well as those branches of engi
neering which have made rapid de
velopment during the last few years
eronautics, highway engineering
hemical engineering and engineering
This building will occupy but one-
hird of the whole block, and is but
he first section of a larger building
which will later necessitate the ac-
usition of the whole block between
East University avenue and Church
Two Michigan men are entered in
e Eastern intercollegiate tennis
)urjkament which is to be held at the
rarion Cricket club, Haverford, Pa.,
eginning Monday; June 26. Walter
Vesbrook, '22, the star of the '20-'21
am, and the highest ranking col-
ge player that year, is eligible to
ompete in this tournament, although
ecause of the Conference three year
ule he was not 4llowed to play this
ear. George Reindel, 'a, will also
e entered in the singles an he will
lay in the doubles with Weabrook,
eindal has bee anager the last
wvo years and ha played both years.
Wesbrook Is considered one of the
est gotee players in the country and
is doubtful if there is anyone who
ill be able to beat him in the East.
is defeat of Hayes, national clay
ourt champion several weeks ago at
Chicago tournament, shows that he
s to be feared by even the best play-
rs in or out of college.
Reindel does not stand a strong
Nance of coming throuU in the
urnament, for he I1ak the experi-
nce of his team mate. In the doubles
e pair haTe been practicing for
>metime proving to be the best pair
(Continued on Page Six)
Women 's League
All women enrolled in the Sum- IN ITED TO ISIT
S e eso n l ie fsuet tedn umrsho ilb i-en an opportunity to gather together MIC I6AN CAMPUS
and get acquainted at a lawn party
F which will be given from 4 to 5:30 TELEGRAMS SENT TO LIEUT. GOV
o'clock Thursday afternoon, June 29, E AD AN COMMIEE
on the Martha Cook terrace. This is
the first of a series of parties which MEMBERS
the Women's league is planning to
give during thesummer. EXPECTED TO ARRIVE
3 Inasmuch as Martha Cook building MONDAY;TOUR TUESDAY
will not be open during the summer
this is the only time that persons who
are here for the summer only will
have to see this million dollar build- Means of Contact With Lans-
ing. Arrangements have been made ing Heads
to conduct the guests through the
dormitory during the afteron
d g ernoon. Invitations to visit the University
e There will be special music and re- of Michigan on Tuesday, June 27, were
i- freshments will be served.
extended to Thomas Read, lieutenant
goveJrnor; Fred L. Warner, speaker
R gof the house of representatives, mem-
P O KILLING OF bers of the finance committee of the
,r senate, the ways and means commit-
f Htee of the house, and the university
e committee of both the senate and the
e house. These invitations were made
Archer-Shea, n Commons, Asks for possible through funds provided en-
ArhrSe, nCmosAk o tirely by# a group of alumni.
s Arrest of Chief Leaders of trl yagopo lmi
d A Chief All expenses of the conference will
Irish be borne by the alumni, including
:d transportation, lodging, meals, and
SNPR ATV N EFS other necessary expenses. The visit-
- FOLLOWING NEWS OF DEATH tors will stay at the Michigan Union
L- Monday night and Tuesday night if
- BULLE TIN they remain.
- Dublin, June 23.-Eamonn de Val- "While it is perfectly evident," said
era in a statement to the press to- President Marion L. Burton, Friday
d night disavows any knowledge of the morning, "that ample opportunity ex-
s assassins of Field Marshal Wilson or ists for contact between the executive
s their motives, branches of the state government and
l officers 'of the University, and that a
(By Associated Press) fine, wholesome relation exists be-
- London, June 23.-Lieut.-Col. Mar- tween Governor Groesbeck and the
y tin Archer-Shee, in the house of com- University, it is desirable that there
mons this afternoon demanded the ar- shouldi be greater opportunity for con-
- rest of the leaders of the Irish Re- tact between members of the legisla-
- publican brotherhood, chief of whom (ture and University officials. Rec-
g are Eamonn de Valera, Liam Mel- ognizing this, these. alumni, through /
I lowes and Roderick O'Connor. He ask- their generous loyalty have provided
e ed, also, that the. antecedents of the funds that will make possible the con-
assassins of Field Marshal Wilson be ference in Ann Arbor between certain
traced and all °their connections re- legislative committees and the Re-
vealed. gents and officers of the University."
Special body guards were provided No Requests to be Made
today for all members of the cabinet President Burton laid stress on the
by Scotland Yard. fact that the purpose of the confer-
ence is not to make any requests for
Belfast, June 23. - Violent reprisal the future, nor to attempt to influence
today followed the assassination of the attitude of any of the visitors to-
Field Marshal Sir Henry H. Wilson. ward any future. programs.
Snipers have been active since mid- "It should be emphatically under-
night. A police barracks was attack- stood," he said, "that the members
ed, a bomb was exploded, but, so far of the legislature have a right to know
as known, no one was killed. Many what has been done during the past
persons were wounded. The situation year with the funds they lhave made
is tense.p Pavailable. The University desires to
make a report of what has been done
London, June 23.--Questions put in and to have the committee see the pro-
the house of commons today to mem- gress that has been made in the past
bers of the government with regard year. These committees are entitled
to the assassination of Field Marshal to this information and it is the duty<
Sir Henry Hughes Wilson constitut- of the University to provide the means
ed one of the most damaging demon- that they may receive this information
stratons against, the Lloyd George in an effective way."
government that it has experienced, Alumni Support Emphasized
according to opinion in the lobby. The : This means, empgasized President
view was expressed there had it been Burton, has been made possible;
possible to debate the subject the ex- through the excellent support of Mich-
Istence of the government would have igans alumni.
been Seriously in question. . The high point of the conference
It hadabeen decided,- however, to will be reached at 9:30 o'clock Tues-
defer debate until Monday. Govern- day morning, when President Burton
ment supporters expect by that time will present to the guests a complete
opinon will be less inflamed and the statement of the University's activ-
cabinet ministers will then be in pos- itles the pas4 year, after which they
session of all the facts in the case. will be taken about the University
Austen Chamberlain, government grounds and shown what has been
leader, is said by those who were near done and* what work is under way.
him as he was questioned to have Up until a late hour last night no
grown pale under the fire of nterro- acceptances had been received from
gation, and a bad impression was cre- those invited, the invitations having
ated by his statement that police pro- been sent by wire Thursday night.
tection had been withdrawn from the . .-
cabinet ministers and other prominent
men in England when the 'position S -ED, DAILY TRYOUTS
with regard to Ireland was believed to U WANTED
have improved.
Students attending the Sum-
: Games mer session and who wish to try
out for positions on The Summer
Michigan Daily staff should re-
AthleticsAWashingtoa port between 1 and 5 o'clock
Athltics , Washangton . this afternoon at the Press build-
Chicago 6, Cleveland 5. lng
New York 4, Boston S. Tryouts for the business de-
Detroit 10, it. Loui 6.:partment should see Herold C.
Nationa Leue Hunt, business manager; for the
Cincinnati 6, Pittsburg 2 editorial department, James
,Chicago 5. St. Lbouis 2.Yonctedor
Boston 9, Philadelphia 10 Young, city editor.
Brooklyn 1, New York 9.
"It has been customary to appoint
as acting dean of women for the Sum-
mer session some woman who has
been actively identified with the work
of the women students during the col-
lege year," said Dean E. H. Kraus
of the Summer session. "The experi-
ence of Miss Bishop as social director
of Helen Newberry residence fits her
splendidly for this position."
Helen Newberry residence will be
closed this summer for renovation and
repairs. This is the firs time the
residence has been closed since it
was built.
Wednesday, July 5
:00 m.-Excursion No. two.
Motor company, Highland
Trip ends at about 4:15 p. m.
p. m.-The German Long
Gun. (Illustrated). Prof.
H. W.
ontinued on Page Six)
i-Eieh I3arriage Announce
.ncement is made of the n
hursday of Marion I. M
Louis M. Eich, assistantI
f public speaking in the I
Alpha Omicron PI Buys New Home
d Announcement has been made of
nar- the purchase by the Alpha Omicron
oon, Pi sorority of the Breakey home on
pro- Baldwin avenue. It is expected that
Uni- the owners will move into their new
will quarters about the first of Septem-
Burton Gives 4ddress t Qberlin
President Marion L Bnrtox} has re-
tu-hed rom Ob eri, Qhip, where he
delivered the commencement address
at Oberli college. President Bur-
ton spoke to the graduates on ''The
Tests of Transition."
t1 of D. Gets $300,009 In Gifts
In the last year more than $300,000
way onated to the University of De-
trif;in addition to a number of prop-
erty gifts, announced Rev. Fr. John P.
McNichols, president of the univer-
site.t the commencement exercises.