THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY ' '^^ A a dart wr vaVAAVA. aw- .. _ DRI 8Bell had declared, "I can make iron Worked for 40 Weeks1 His fisrst succesns cae whiletesting INIENT R9 111 0[ D his instruments in his new quarters in Boston. Thomas A. Watson, Bell's as- sistant, had struck a clock spring at (Contiuned from Page One) one end of the wire, and Bell was Charles Wheatstone, the English in- electrified to hear the sound in an- other room. For 40 weeks the instru- ventor of the telegraph, fired the ment struggled, as it were, for human young elocutionist with ambition to in- speech. Then on March 10, 1876, Wat- vent a musical, or multiple, telpegrah, son became almost insane with joy which eventually turned out to be a when he heard over the wire Bell's telephone. voice saying: Taught Deaf Mutes "Mr. Watson, come here, I want His father while giving a lecture in you. Boston, proudly mentioned the son's On his 29th birthday, Bell received success in teaching London deaf his patent. It was at the Centennial mutes. This led the Boston board of Exposition held at Philadelphia, two education to offer the younger Bell moths later, where men of science the $500 to introduce his system in the world over who had come to examine newly opened school for deaf mutes. and study the numerous inventions He was then 24 years old, and in- exhibited, say Professor Bell give a stantly became the educational sen- practical demonstration of the trans- sation of the day. He was appointed mission of the human voice by elec- a professor in Boston university, and tricity. opened his instantly successful As for Bell himself, he had not "School of Vocal Physiology." planned to attend the Centennial at But teaching interferred with his in- all. He was poor and he had reorgan- venting, and he soon gave up all but ized his classes in vocal speech. To- two pupils. One of these was Mabel ward the end of June he went to the Hubbard, of a wealthy family. She station to see Miss Hubbard off for had lost her hearing and speech in an Philadelphia. There had been some attack of scarlet fever while a babyi talk of his going, but he had put it It was she who later became Bell's quietly aside. She believed he was wife. going; when, they reached the station Bell spent the following three years she pleaded with him and was refused. in night work in a cellar in Salem, As he put her aboard the train and it Mass. His money-needs were met by moved out, leaving him on the plat- Gardiner G. Hubbard, his future fath- form, she burst out crying. Bell dash- er-in-law, and Thomas Sanders, the ed after her and sprang aboard the owner of the cellar. As he worked he train, without baggage, ticket or any began to see the possibility of con- other trifles. veying speech over an electrically Amazes Scientists charged wire-the telephone. He used The next Sunday afternoon Bell a dead man's ear for a transmitter, was promised an inspection of hi, "If I can make a deaf mute talk," invention by the judges of exhibits. It was a hot day and the judges had seen a great deal, Some of them were Spci TaParties for going home; one jeered, and there Special Tr) for Pwas a general boredom. Then there 18-Passenger Bappeared the blonde-bearded Emperor of Brazil, with outstretched hands. He had heard some of Bell's lectures in Round Trip to Bathing Beach, $f. Boston; the deaf-mute work appealed Sunday Schedule: to him. His greeting made astir. Bell 9 a. m.uand every two hours md read H is emonstio. A till 9 p. m. made ready for his demonstration. A Special rates on Dance Parties wire had been strung the length of the of 10 or more. room. Bell took the transmitter; Dom Ht. C. FRY BUS LINE. Phone 2754-R Pedro placed the received to his ear. He started up amazed. "My God-it talks!" Afterward Lord Kelvin-plain Wil- liam Thompson then-took up the re- ceiver. He was the engineer of the first Atlantic cable. He nodded his head solemnly as he got up. "It does speak," he said emphatical- ly. "It is the most wonderful thing I have seen in America." The judges took turns talking and listening until 10 o'clock that night. Next morning the telephone was brought to the judges' pavilion. It was mobbed by scientists the remainder of the summer. Held High Honors The distinguished inventor was the recipient of many honors in this coun- try and abroad. The French govern- ment, ever quick to recognize science, conferred on him the decoration of the Legion of Honor, the French Aca- demy bestowed on him its valuable Volta prize of 50,000 francs, the So- ciety of Arts in London in 1902 gave him its Albert medal and the Univer- sity of Wurzburg, Bavaria, made him a Ph.D. One of the curious things about the invention of the telephone is that Bell knew almost nothing about electricity when he started. He knew a great about acoustics, though, and the form- ation of the human organs of speech and hearing. Bell was called to Wash- ington once when he was in the slough of despondence and took the opportun- ity to call on Prof. Joseph Henry, whc knew as much about electricity and the telegraph as any man then alive Henry told him he had the germ of a great invention. "But," said Bell, "I have not got the electrical knowledge that is neces- sary." "Get it," said Henry. Bell did get some of it-enough. "Had I known more about electricity and less about sound," he said, "I would never have invented the tele. phone." While Dr. Bell will be best remem- bered as the inventor of the tele- I phone, a claim that has been sustain- ed through many legal contests, he also became noted for other inven. tions. eH was point inventor of the graphaphone with Sumner Tainter. He invented an ingenious method of lith. ography, a photophone, and an in. diction balance. He invented a tele- phone probe which he used to locate the bullet that killed President Gar field. He spent 15 years and more the $200,000 in testing his famous te- trahedral kite, and established a prin- ciple in architecture, the use of te trahedral cells or units. Thorughout his life, Dr. Bell main- tained his interest and labors for deaf- mutes. He founded, became presiden and contributed $250,000 to the Amer- ican association to promote teaching of speech to the deaf. He was a mem I ber of many of the leading American learned societies. WHAT'S GOING ON 5 8 Thursday, August 3 p. m.-Prof. C. 0. Carey lectures on "Chinese Highways and Byways." p. m.-Open air performance of Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew." The Shakespeare Play- house company of New York City (Campus theater). Admission will be charged. Friday, August 4 3:30 p. m.-Open air performance of Galsworthy's "The Pigeon." The Shakespeare Playhouse company of New York City. (Campus theater). Admission will be charged. 5 p. m.-Prof. N. W. Williams lectures on "Radio Communications," West lecture room, Physics laboratory. Saturday, August 5 8:47 a. m.-Excursion No. twelve- State Prison and Consumers Power company, Jackson. Leave At 8:47 a. m., arriving at Jackson at 10 a. m. Visit prison until noon. Lunch at 12 o'clock. Spend afternoon with the Consumers Power company, vis- iting the electric and gas plants. 8 p. m.-Open air performance of Barrie's "The Admiral Critchon." The Shakespeare Playhouse com- pany of New York City. '(Campus theater). Admission will be charg- ed. 4 p. m.-Open air performance of Shakespeare's "Twelfth .Night." The Shakespeare Playhouse company of New York City. (Campus theater). Admission will be charged. Monday, August 7 5 p. m.-Some Recent Tendencies in English Politics. Prof. C. D. AllIn, University of Minnesota. 8 p. m:-Our Sun and Others. (Illus- trated). Prof. R. H. Curtiss. -- 1 5 8 5 8 Tuesday, August 8 5 p. m.-Paris, Old and New. French). (Illustrated). A Prof. E. E. Rovillain. 8 p. m.-Miscellaneous Readings. (In ssist. The t BARGAIN COUNTER Of special interest to Summer School Teachers and Students. . New titles added daily. UNIVERSITY W xH iR' S, BOOKSTORES 111 AUTO LIVERY HO WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVER 416 S. Main. Ph. 583J i 111114 1WIum Did they lather with Soap- stone in the Neolithic Age? C AVE men had whiskers. Then one day John W. Troglodyte hacked them off with a hunk of sharp bronze and discovered -that men had faces. , Faces are more popular than whiskers. Williams' helped. The J. B. Williams Company made the first real shaving soap ever manufactured in this country. Jones'77 used Williams'-no other. And now Jones '22 uses one of the finest Williams' Shaving Soap that Williams knows how to make-Williams' Shaving Cream. Lather? Rather. Rich and thick and quick. Once over is usually enough if you use Williams'. You'll like the .' needs satisfiea y cal- BRING YOUR IDEAS TO THI ing the ANN A RBOR ANN ARBOR CUSTOM R EA L T Y COMP'Y SHOE FACTORY We will make use of them and the best Nat'1 Bank Bldg. Phone 40 . leather to make your shoes. Bring your repairs to our factory at 534 FOREST Have You Ever Burnt Out a Bearing? Have You Ever Scored a Cylinder? And all because YOU DIDN'T KNOW whether your car needed oil or not, and- you thought you would TAKE A CHANCE. "The Neil- son" Oil Gauge will protect you by not only telling when your car needs oil but also when it does not. Let Lichty Sholv You. Put on in a Jiffy. Price $6.50. I smooth, cool "feel" of your face afterward. No complexion soap is more wholesome. ยง i 1 0li~~ LICHTY GARAGE Cor. Catherine and Fifth Ave. -i n Cea ------------------------------------------ Patronize the DAILY advertisers They deserve and appreciate YOUR trade The DAILY Deserves and Appreciates Your Co-operation