kL NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER SESSION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN shed every morning except Monday during the Summer y the Board in Control of Student Publications. IkEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-, m of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise in this paper and the local news published therein. ed at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ter.. ription by carrier or mail, $i.5o. s: Ann Arbor Press Building,' Maynard Street. es: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. nunications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the signa- necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, es of events will be published in The Summer Daily at the )of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Summer Daily, nsigned communications will receive no consideration. No >t will be returned unless the writer incloses postage. Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse the senti-; :preseed in the communications. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414' NG EDITOR.................LEO'J. HERSHDORFER or................. ............James B. Young [tors-r ward A. Donahue Julian .E. -Mack Editor ...........................Dorothy Bennetts Board..............Herbert S. Case, Elizabeth Nylund- ;ditor......on Coney Editor........................... G. D. Vaton Assistants would suffer, and that old Dobbin's aesthetic sense would probably receive a severe shock. But the spirit of this modern age is improvem'ent, and the farmer who discovers that all the shoes which he has carefully preserved for future visits to the blacksmith are lost with the departure of the city guest, will soon get over the idea that the visitors will run off with his Ford as well as the carrots, apples, horse shoes, and other appropriate property, and he will begin to see that his possession of these few things is a real bentfit to society. Many of these who have not as yet been introduced into the mystery of quoits and have not taken any exercise for long intervals at a time will then be excited by newspaper reports into trying the game, and will so discover the convenience of a sport which takes but,small capital, has all the thrills of a horse race, though a slightly extraordinary one, and which can carry with it the title of championship for great proficiency. It would seem then, that the game to be played on the Checker-board field at Maywood is one of na-, tional importance in that it will be. furthering the. national idea of democracy. Balmy summer-weather, thoughts of cool woods" and. inviting beaches, carefree days and nights of joy, a Utopian campus where no dogs roam about unlashed, professors worried because they have no classes to teach. Mad? No, just the ordinary Sum- mer session student's thoughts as he realizes that but 18 days remainbefore the worst is over. For Your Sum BO OKS from I Both Sores DETROIT UNITED LINES TIME TABLE Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited anid Exiress Cars-6 :0 a. m., 7:00 a. ., 8:oo a. n, 0:oo a. .r. and Hourly to 9;05 P. im. Jackson Express Cars (local stops of Ann Arbor)-9.:47 a. m. and every two hours to p 4 . m., ocal Cars, East Bound-5:55 a. M'., 7:00 a. m. and every two hours to 9 *e p. n.; 11 :oo p. Mn. To Ypsilanti only-r s :4o P. Mn., I2 :35 a. in., r:15 a. mi. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars, West Bound-7 :5oa. M., 2:40 P. m,. To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Limited cars: 8:47, .10:47, a. im.; 12:47, 2147, 4:47 P. In To Jackson ad 4ansing-Yuited : 847 p. M. 1922. AUGUST 192 S It T W T F~ g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PAMA AND STRAW HATS: CLEANED THE RIGHT WAY, Prices for cleaning Panamas $1.25 up. Prices for stiff straws.......75 up.; We do only high class work. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 PACKARD STREET. Telenhone 1792 Summ rtudents- Secure your supplies at STU DENTS SUPPLY ST 11 1 South University Avenue Materials for All Colleges B. Butler >ulder C. R. Trotter Sid~tey Kripke BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 ASS MANAGER................HJROLD C. HUNT ng........................... .......Townsend H. Wolfe on................................George W. Rockwood g .... .....................Laurence H. Favrot o................................Edward F. Conlin' Assistants i '. iiii iiiiiiiitiii iiii i i iiiii Niiiiseat"N NNiiNNNM A place to bring your friends. the food better; nowhere is more prompt. Open all TUTTLE'S LUNCI MAYNARD STREE'1 :': I:I ::I THE FRYING PAN "-a flash in the Pan." I_ I :w inn u essna sw r u rtlNU suw f t ur nr uw " s "a i Philip H. Goldsmith F. Young Katherine E. Styer B. Watson Shoesmiith TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1922 Night Editoh-JULIAN ELLIS MACK Assistant-R. C. Trotter WHY BE PRESIDENT ?, is not too much to assume that all fond par at some time' or other take their infant off- ig upon their knee, bounce him in the air, and 'im to be a good boy, study hard, go to college, some day he may be President of the United, es. In a way this is analogous to the rhetoric ictor who describes a dirty little stream run- through a cow pasture as "a silver thread ling its trickling way through a haven of green ses and apple blossoms." he American standard of greatness seems. to be d on the material wealth of the individual, so don't the parents tell their children to be good some day they will be great baseball players Babe Ruth, Who draws almost as much salary as President, gets more publicity and has less to 'y about? Or why not tell the promising youth iind his p's and q's, study law, and some day become a baseball director like Judge dis and draw double the President's salary? r idealize the President's office, when parents tell their children to do what they damn please, et about their brains, but develop good physical es, and some day they may become movie stars receive more salary in a year than the Presi- of the United States can for his entire four s term of office?; Thy don't parents do this? But then, parents usually foolish necessities after all. PITCHING DOBBIN'S SLIPPERS he humble sport of horse s-oe pitching has at become recognized as i regular branch of etics by the announcement of a championship est which is to be one of the features at the us Chi-Cook fair this year. This game, so >le and so'much indulged in everywhere, has not l recently been given the, consideration which its >rtance merits. It is regretable that the scores eople who have derived so much pleasure all the country fromhorse shoe pitching will not e able to participate in or witness the Chi-Cook championship contest. hy barnyard golf, as it has come' t;' called, ld not be given the position which' te enis and et enjoy, is inconceivable, unless it be 'that the e is one in which any one can take part if they have the time and energy. To the casual on- er it seems that the game requires not so much as strength, but although it must be admitted the horse shoe does not travel on the strength :s past experiences, the manner of the swing practice are the really important factors in e shoe pitching. ie v5st numbers of people who .indulged in this uit during the early summer months, thereby rding the lives of disinterested passers-by, it s would warrant the formation of sone sort. league of horse shoe pitchers, and so motivate >ractice which has hitherto been so promiscu- and whose purpose has been so lowly as to be facto'ry if it enabled one to defeat one's near- eighbor. Cups and medals would be but small rs when considered in relation to the signific- of the game. It would be in harmony with our nal aspiration to make for democracy in every- ;, for who is the man who cannot play at this Personally Mentioned. The pathetic instance of Marston Pendergast' Should be a-case at point with regard to the repeal of the eighteenth amendment. The present debacle is the result of A series df, events" Friends of the afflicted report that He was seen several times recently Gazing at a window display of Beer-kegs in a downtown store window. It is also understood that he was asked by Archie Porter for the loan of his corkscrew; But delivering it in person he found that Young Porter only wanted it to persuade open A recalcitrant drawer. This incident plunged him into a state of melancholy. Last night in the reading room of the Union, Coming upon the liquor advertisements in the Lon- don Illustrated News, He ran amuck, frothing at the mouth And stabbing several members of the School of Education who were present With a fountain pen. He is at present confined to the psychopathic ward. "Here Are Some Simple Ways to Bring Beauty to Your Elb-ows," says Lucrezia Bori in her daily beauty' hints to the cursed. But most should not commence with the elbows. Gallows-Meat The barber who, when you have nly twenty-five minutes for' a hair-cut before an portant date, tries to sell you the works. Today's Feuilleton" We were just sitting down to our hamburg and applesauce when Brighton Siggers tears up with a platter of club sandwich. On account of the apple- .sauce having worked some and assaying about one percent net, we.felt clever. "Cheerio, Bright," we guttered. "How are all the little summer sessions?"I "Got'sompin t' tell yuh," exhales Brighton, around an esophagus full of club sandwich. "Wait till I get a meal." . "You aint got a meal there. You got ariedifice." ""Listen, I just had a letter from Amy Ghurkin, the swell fine-cut gold-digger I met last month at the Delta Pshaw house circus. Gee, she had the lovliest complexion I ever saw." "Honest ?" we queries. "Aw, I don't know. It looked good though. Well, Amy is down t' Palm Beach an' th' other day she was out sailin' and the' boat tipped.over. She fell out an' a shark that was cruisin' about came up . and looked her over and went away." "What, never touched-her?".' "Naw-it was a man-eating shark." Does your bootlegger belong to' the Quality Group'? We cull this bit from the Washtenaw Post. It tells about a happy, happy family reunion. "With so many of her dear friends and relatives gathered about her, and m addition with a sumptu- ous banquet, no more delightful time could be ex- perienced. And before they separated they gath- ered in a circle, and with hands clasped shouted: 'Many happy returns of the day'" What furr! YOU WILL FIND THE Farmersk and Mechanics Bank A pleasant, conven- lent and SAFi'place, to transact your business.r TWO OFFICES: 101-105 South Main St. 330 South State St. Nickels' Arcade Member of the Federal Reserve a } I ', KODANISH Our prints are made on Velox. Materials that are Eastman made and ods that are Eastman approved, ph experience of our experts are guarant finest quality finishing. Bring uss your f -9STAB1LLS 1 ', / I . rI , Il / This Junior is learning to be a banker I IF you are putting in three hours a day in the elect 1 lab, don't be surprised twenty years later to find y self promoting a public utility bond issue. Or if you s in newspaper work, as like as not later on you will tur manufacturing or advertising or law. You don't know where opportunity or inclination lead you. This fact has a great deal to do with your v at college-not so much the th'ngs you learn as the you learn them. Don't think of education as ar memory test in names dates and definitions. That knowledge' is important, only as an incidental. Of far greater value is the hab getting at underlying laws, the basic principles which tie together. ,The work of the pioneers in electrical experimrent first glance confusing, is simplified once you realize much of it hinged upon a single chemical phenomenon, action of the voltaic cell. Analyze your problems. Look for fundamentals. L to connect a law or an event with what went before and v comes after. Make your education a training in ro thinking. This ability to think straight, whether acquired Engineering or Arts, is the biggest thing you can ge college. Its aid as a means to success applies equall whatever work you take up-since mental processes are same everywhere. It is the power which enables a mel to become sales manager, a lawyer to head a great indus organization. Develop it, if you would be ready when big opportunity comes. Publishea in the intereest of Elec- Iricat Devlopmntb an Institution that will he helped by what- ever helps the' , ndustry t~ern Eiecfric Co, I "Disguised Beer Seized at Flint." only disguise the breath. They used to Lifted From the Others As told at the Greasy Weskit. "How'd ja like the meat?" "Fair enough-but if someone had yelled whoa! The executives-of