0 JN INTER aS E ach ui Educational and Otherwise F ifty Cento Of special interest to Summer School Teachers and Students. .'. New titles added daily. WAH R'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES WHAT'S GOING ON Sunday, July 30 12 ni.--"The Gospel of Mark," Mr. Chapman, at Baptist Guild. 6 p. m.-Social half hour, Presbyter- ian church. 6:30 p. m.-Miss Kathreen Scudder leads discussion meeting at Baptist uild. Topic, "Religious Opinions and the Religious Life."* 6:30 p. m.-Christian Endeavor, Pres- byterian church. Monday, Ju.lIy 5 p. m.-"What is Science?" Prof. W. M. Sleator. 8:30 p. m.-Visitors' Night at the Ob- servatory. Admission by ticket only. Admission will be charged. 8 p. m.-Open air performance of1 Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night." Thel Shakespeare Playhouse company of New York City. (Campus theater). Admission will be charged. Saturday, August S 8:47 a. m.-Excursion No. twelve- State Prison and Consumers Power company, Jackson. Leave at 8:47 a. m.,arriving at Jackson at 10 a. m. Visit prison until noon. Lunch 5:30 p. m.-Open air p Barrie's "The Admir The Shakespeare P1 pany of New York ( theater). Admission ed. SRead the Daily classi Adv. Patronize Daily Ada ,, , ... h Chocolate and pple Ice Cream Week-End .;..Special Exclusive Designs in Aftsrnneon and Evening Gowns 2;9 Nickels' Arcade Phone7S9w Mrs. Grace Van Schoick Try sis Dellcous Briek . aid ' the West Only 60c a quart at your dealers 'i SC E CRE A M Phones 1427- 2830 Ann Arbor Savings Bank .. Tuesday August 1 5 p. m.-Belgium Iroday. Prof. T. H. Read, University of California. 8 p. m.-The Osborne Expedition of the University in the Pacific," illus- trated lecture by Prof. William H, Hobbs, of the Geology department. Natural Science auditorium. 8:30 p. m.-Visitors' Night at the Ob- servatory. Admission by ticket only. Comfort during the heat sum mer. Two Offices: N. W. Corner Main and Huron St 707 N. University Ave. 1 of the S ...... 1\ft..t.l.....t.tl .........\Nl..l...l..lf \.....l.........l......l.......lf!_.....l..l.... fitl11.................... l.. "... " l.......... ........... .... .... .. 1-11-1 The Store of Distinctive Shops for Women's Apparel df a The Store of Distinctive Shops for Women's Apparel f1 NEW SILK FROCKS for Immediate and Fall Wear Wednesday, August 2 11 a. m.,Excursion No. eleven-Riv- er Rouge Blast Furnaces, south of Detroit. Leave at 11 p. m. 5 p. m.-"PortoRico." (In Spanish). (Illustrated). Mr. A. E. Mercado. 8 p. m.-Concert. Faculty of the Un- iversity School of Mnusic (Hill au- ditorium).,: 8:30 p. m.-Visitors' Night at the Ob- servatory. Admission by ticket only. Thursday, August 3 5 p. m.-Prof. C. 0. Carey lectures on "Chinese Highways and Byways." 8 p. m.-Open air performance of Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew." The Shakespeare Play- house company of New York City (Campus theater). Admission will be charged. Friday, August 4 3:30 p. m.-Open air performance of Galsworthy's "The Pigeon." The Shakespeare Playhouse company of White Swan Laundry for quality and service. Phone 165.-Adv. Try Our Prescription -Shampoo for Oily Hair E. BURNHAMW'S COSMETICS MRS. T. L. STODDARD 707 N. University Phone 2626 ., ( I! I I t Iwo summer's wear and they're only 10.00 to 20.00 The weight of your suit makes an unbe- lievable difference. Economy by the saving of wear on your regular weight clothing. Apearane always good, is vastly improved by our finely tailored sea s on a ble clothinig. WAGNER & COMPANY -1 for Nen since 1848 A silk frock is always good-and one of the nek ones will be quite right for late fall hear as hell as more immediate bear. There hake nebly arribed many silk frocks from Ivhich to select the very one that is becoming and stylish for You. $14.75 In this group of frocks there are crepe de chir models of light shades made with beaded fringe panel effects on the skirt. - There are dark mc els of crepe de chine and canton crepe, fashionab draped or beaded and the panel effects are mu( in evidence. In fact there are many differei styles from which to choose a frock for $14.75 $19.75 This group of frocks includes models of henr navy blue, brown, and black and a few of bright hue. There are many different styles that will' appropriate for informal afternoon and evenii wear. Soft, draped lines are prominent feature of these new frocks and you will be sure to fin one that You will like for $19.75., t"t in ~f~ be e -,o.- ar ig/nn= 'esaArag e~ y rfill 1111I1II11111111111111111111111 lIID{1111111111 r r r r r wr r rr EF01R"k YOU GO H( DON'T FORGET TO GET Ar4* an"s v Navarldr. Tottr " AS W ULL. AS j' 1flid~i w' 1rir i. 'i The only -lnen rugs made are 3 ESIDES being "The Home of Michi- L gan Music," we carry a complete catalogue of G. Schirmer, Inc., B. F. Wood & Co., Boston Music Co., and other houses, and feel certain that we can supply you with some of the music you have been wanting 1 I- LINEN RUGS They are thick and heavy and have everything you expect to find ir all linen fabrics. They are durable in the extreme and therefore most eepnomical, reversible, sanitary and mothproof. And their rich, restful shades harmonize with any dccorative scheme. See she stock we have of them. I Come in and look around. (MACK'S SZCOND FLOOR) r .. r 01 t- r w. Ar ar r w w r lk Yw # t Q tOil M~rEs. £ ut fI Williamat lawarb Martin Haller 112 East Liberty Street We have an expert Piano tuner. un...-"n 111111 Iliiiilliiiliiliiiiiiii HAVE YOUR LUNCH AT i "Harry". ...' f , 313 S. State St.