the Sea," adapted from arcynska's popular novel,' Ling attraction at the Ar- ek. 'Brien is seen in one of the )f his career in "Channing thwest," the screen offer- nesday and Thursday. He 1English gentleman whose; tion seems to be decorat- y and Mayfair. ! "The Glorious Fool," which will be shown at this theater the first three days of the week. It is a combination of comedy and pathos with Helen Chadwick and Richard Dix in. the principal roles. "Other Women's Clothes," an unus- ual story flavored with tense dramat- ic action and many novel incidents is the attraction' for Wednesday and 1Thursday., Patsy Ruth Miller and Cullen Land- i s share honors in the new Goldwyn picture "Watch Your Step," which will shown here the remainder of the week. ORPHEU ' "Love's Redemption," featuring Nor- ma Talmadge, is the opening program of the week. "The .Hiuncn," a sparkling comedy starrin~g Gareth Hughes, is the at- traction for Wednesday and Thursday. The yo 6uthful star is seen in the part of a New York broker, arrested and accused of his own murder and unable 'to prove his identity.* Viola Dana presents an entertain- Ing story of love; opium smugglers and secret service agents in her latest picture "There Are No Villians," the attraction for Friday and Saturday. G ARMiCK (Detroit) "Dear Me," 'that delightfully fan- tactic comedy in which Grace La Rue and Hale H~amilton starred last season, has been "selected by the Bonstelle company as 'next week's offering at the Garrick. "Dear Me," which takes its title from letters written to herself by April, slavey in the Amos Prentice. home for artistic and literary failures, is a charming, whimsical, and at times pathetic, bit of entertainment. TUESDAY AFTERNOON TEA WILL END STUDENT, FACULTY AFF'AIRS Serving as the last of the Tuesday afternoon student ax~d faculty. gath- erings, a tea 'will be given from 4 to 5:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Chi, Omega house, 1603 Washtenaw, one of the sororities open for women of the Summer session, held at each of the for the sum mer. All studets anti faculty of the Sum- uner session are invited. BRING YOUR IDEAS TO THE ANN ARBOR CUSTOM SHOE FACTORY We will make use of them and the best leather to make your shoes. Bring your repairs to our factory at 534 FOREST I MTus.,TSa GARRICK Mas.Tu 3th Annual Season THE BONSTELI ZONA GLEU'S GREAT COMIEDI "MISS LULU E Next:-"DEAR ME" Daily "Wants Aas oring resu uitories open AT THE. THEATERS wrt-I ,yn comedy t I I CH 'ADNSunday Dinner, 90c oney in your )cket and sure e Faiing1sDining Rooms I - a 714 Monroe' St., just oft State - a - a - - r a - - * SundayyMenuad a rae Chce-1sut n rp - a SNoodale Soupak a a ac ae ofe l - a a r- Majestic - Shirleyt Mason "Queenie";comedy. In Arcade-An~a Stewatrt in "Rose a' the Sea;'; comedy and news. Wuerth- Helen Chadwick and, Richard Dix in "The Glorious Fool," a' Mary Roberts' Rine- hart story; and comedy., Orpheum- Norma Talmadge in "Love's Redemption"; comedy and news. Today--Screen Green Onions ffraised Chicken wvith Dressing :Roast Duck with Baked AIpples Veal Mlock Bird lrolvn ivith M"ushroom, T urkish Soup This Week--Stage Soap Mashed Potatoes Green :Peas Garrick (Detroit) -4, Bonstelle company in "Dear Me." Waldorf Salad Chocolate IceCream' vy Home loc I a i ' , n 1 in rwrwrrrrrrr w wi.. ... ie Quarry uand Prescription Store So. State and N. Univ. Ave. Phone 308 .Claude Drake, Prop. !Suniday-Mond ay- Tues' y 11 0 4"QUALITY. ]RIO. K4.. N-ER' e a good line of pers. Our regu- es have been cts. to 75 cts. nsidered good We are going bntiuue selling ry and offer any ,v in stockr'at a tof 25 per cent. Y qmmlsmmr.,- /( i J Double, Boilers are, lolv priced-=too, Every housewife, knows that a double- boiler is a great help in cookiing-es,, pecially for cooking cereals, rice and other boiled or steamed foods they are unsurpassed. Made of heavy pure, aluminum in the wanted sizes. Watch our Main St. Windows for Specials. The Coolest theatre in Tok'n aTODAY -- MONDAY - TUESDA The Story of Strange Rewards for Reck- less Love ",good Night, Nurse".' 1> I I I ELLAS r at lowest large assort- ladies' and I WINO. C, FISCHER CO, Up-to-the-M4inute Hardware Main nr. Washington Washington nr. Main very Q' QUALITY.T 4' 2 R Al " QPuY R10: Of course, it makes a dif- ference in the way you say it, if you've married her' the night bef ore. This glorious , fool was snatched by Cupid from the very _ jaws of death, and 'woke to find himself the husband oft thepretti- est and youngest nurse in the hospital. Richard° Dim and Helene Chadwick play the foolv and the nurse in this origi- nal Goldwyn comedyT. 'The Drarta with the big diffcrance!i 'k T I I i G'5 fNGTON STREET Rose Spa . .*_ Gc7 its SS IF IED01 ON' CLOSES AT 3 P. M. -We have' decided to offer on, Geddes Avenue op- ulevard for sale., The well built, spacious and aged. The lot containsj re and the location is un- If interested see the price and terms. A. E. Phone 1672. 33 -Fine cottage Aug. 1st. in .ul East Grove, Whitmore 11 212-T. Address R. H. S. Division St. 33 'o rent rooms or small for coming year. Box B. an Daily. 3 iX' fraternity pin. Name F. Hirsch. Finder please 24 Packard, or call 1484. 33 i Look, at 'This for a Sunday Dinner Give yourself a treat and try the CUTT ING CAFE Cor. 'State and Monroe Sts. fall II From Countess8 Barcynska's world-read novel. cFlung from the sea, a beautiful waif; flung back again into another sea- with intrigue, bright with adventure, bitter with cosily romance. She squandered her love on a reckless youth and was paid in full by hie REAL HEART-DRAMA HERE, INTENSE, SURPRISING, IRRESISTIBLE. Directed by Fred Niblo who made "THE THREE MUSKETEERS." Rudolph Cameron and Thomas Holding in supporting c*At. Added-Al. St. John in "SPECIAL DELIVERI SCHEDULE"-CMN -PI Matinee 'THE DICTATOR" Mat] 1:30, 3:00 Featuring25a 4:30 *ALLACE REID Ee Evening LL E 5n 7:30" 9:00 THEODOR~E KOSLOFF Kiddies it I , , }h~ .1 ., Sunday Dinner, 75c II r Mlenu Chicken Biroth with Rice Fresh Tomato Salad C'hicken a la king Virginia Baked 11am Boiled Leg of Lamb, Mint Saue New Sweet Corn Hashed Potatoes Celery Sun day-M o nday--Tuesday Norma Talmadge -in- in' SUNDAY 6iIJENIE Cream Cocoanut or Blackberry Pie Ice Cream .Pineapple Sundae Cake, " Love's fountain, pen, Call 1847-R. Iced Tea Coffee, Cocoa Wilk Redemption ". Comedy NE n~c I SHIRL it. Call -W for rsr