HE MEMBERS OF THE 1921 FOOTBALL SQUAD WHO WILL RETURN NEXT FALL TO PREPARE FOR THE BIG TEN GRIDIRON SEASON, PETRO, CENTER, IS THE ONLY ONE OF THE ENT WHO WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE FOR MICHIGAN. OHIO STATE IS ANXIOUSLY AWAITING THE BATTLE WTH THE WOLVERINES, AS THE CONTEST WITH THE YOSTMEN THIS Y WILL BE OF OUBLE SIGNIFICANCE TO THEM-FOR ON THAT OCCASION THE NEW BUCKEYE STADIUM WILL BE DEDICATED, AND THE PROSPECTS OF HITHER TEAM FOR CONFERE O4S DEPENDS ON THE OUTCOME OF THIS CLASSIC OF THE MIDDLE-WEST.. I-0. S.U. GRIDIRON CLASSIC TO DEDICATE NEW BUCKEYE STADIUM IN FALL _ AT THE THEATERS Today-Screen 15,000'SEATS E ROOTERS .UMBUS FORI eat and baseball talk to the Ohio State is already feeling r and excitement of the time ichigan sends her band of warriors down to the Colum- P on Oct. 21. On that day the the Middle-West will clash annual battle for Conference cy, and what is considered to al importance to Buckeye fol- athe fact that on that same new $1,500,000 Ohio stadium dedicated. Is Classic of West be a great occasion, for when o teams face each other the stops its mid-season prattle, statistical bugs }cease their ge-figuring antics, and wait j last whistle has blown on dc of the gridiron. What the yard game is to the East,, the -Ohio State game is to the est. If the game be held in s, thousands of Wolverine s hie themselves to the O. S. field, using every available reach Columbus. The tale is still told of the time in 1920, when the angry Wolverine, angry because the dopesters were beginning td herald the downfall of Michigan's right to the title of "Champions of the West," in- vaded the Buckeye territory. So great was the Michigan throng that the Ohio cheers were drowned out by the deaf- ening locomotives and "U. of M.'s," just as the roar of an express drowns out the grinding of tle train wheels. Michigan--that is, Coach Yost-has already reserved 15,000 seats for the great contest. Since the new stadium will hold 64,000 people-so says Di- rector L. W. St. Johns of Ohio State- the Wolverine contingent will have a powerful corps of supporters. This will be the largest crowd that has ever attended a football game in the Midi dle-West, a record which Michigan held last year, when close t 50,000 at- tended the game with the Buckeyes. Many Trains Chartered Ohio football enthusiasts are also looking forward to this game, and many of thT State university's alumni are alread chartering special trains from Ohio, Illinois, Michigan and the other parts of the country. Paul Goebel, Yost's sterling end, will lead the Wolverine contingent, while Lloyd Pixley, the -245-pound guard, will captain the O S.. U. eleven. TENNIS TOURNEY ENTRIES COMING SLOW, SAYS DR. MAY Only two matches of the summer tennis tournament have been recorded thus far, states Dr, George A. May, di- rector. Its is imperative that the rest of the matches of the, first round be played off and the scores turned in to the director's office by tonight, in or- der that the second round may be played next week. Majestic-- "Qonceit," a Selznick production; comedy.3 Arcade -- "Don't Nelect Your Wife"; comedy, and news., Wuerth - "Fifty Candles," an Earl Derr Bigger story; com, edy. Orpheum-"Bert Lytell in "Alias Ladyfingers"; comedy and news.,' R.O.T.C. STUDENTS RECEIVE PRAISE University students at the R. 0. T. C. summer camp at Camp Custer, Mich., were given high praise for the work they have done this summer in a letter to President Marion L. Bur- ton from Maj. O. S. Albright, who is commanding the camp. Mapor Albright stated that the char acter of their military work reflected GARRICK Mats, u6-., 25-5 O 13th Annual Season 12th Week THE BONS TELLE Co. ZONA G ALES GREAT COMEDY SUCCESS "MISS LULU BET T" N ext:-"DEAR ME" Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. very highly on the preliminary train- ing. they haed received. White Swan Laundry for quality and service. Phone 165.-Adv. AUTO LIB WITH OR WITHO Th* Coolest Theatre in ATUoD TOMORROW; AND SATURDAY This Week--Stage Garrick (Detroit) - Bonstelle players in "Miss Lulu Bett." . I --" 6'', always key. obhz White Swan Laundry for quality and service. Phone 165.-Adv. Read the Daily classified columns.- Adv. BRING YOUR IDEAS TO T>} ANN ARBOR CUSTOM SHOE FACTORY We will make use of them and the best leather to make your shoes. Bring sour repairs to our factory at 534 FOREST LAST TIMES TODAY BERT LYTELL IN "ALIAS LADY FINGERS' ROBINSON CRUSOE CHAPTER 18 Y 1 MY NEWS COIMEI VI Senorita Carmen Shook a Mean Fandango anda But Jimmy's American Sweetheart- Carom Billiards ghteen tables on ground or for this most popular ing part of the :ollege life if make use of y. I Delivered to your, mer Daily.-Adv. door-The Sum- A fact- IES"" ;sB SHOWS ATMatinee, 20 2:00. 3:30 Evening, 3 7:00, 8:45 Kiddles, V THURSDAY-SATURDAY i from 'te Saturday Evening Post story b I 3c 31 tl C -c Oc Iy AT ( I CEPLAI Edstar Franklin's Aros-Al Story Romance of Business and Bandit You'll never know how much trouble a doubting husband ca until you see this picture. It's a lively tale of a matrimonial that spelled disaster to everyone concerned. For real peppy tainment you must see it. Added-THE PIPER"-A Sunshine Come "IN DUTCH" ORGANIST SUNDAY-ANITA STEWART In "ROSE OF THE SEA Lest TimesTnight -o"n't Neglect Your Wie" A Cood Comedy Latest News' 'Pe GARUETH HUIGHE s A variety of pure summer foods at the Arcade Cafe- rench Poodles IOROUGHBRED ST O C K Inquire at 321 HILL STREET 'LA SS I F IE D 'COLUMN CLOSES AT 8P. M. 'ED - Substitute Stenographer month of August. Must be ex- . Apply Secretary's office, U. of M. teria. You set- dom find a selec- tion so adequately suited to this time of year. The ARCADE CAFETERIA, Upstairs i n Nickels Ar cad e 1 1 1 1 1 The Cool I Blest Pace I. Town to spend an Afternoon of Last Times Today AN ALL-STAR CAST IN "CONCEIT" 1 feal uriny Marjorie Daw--Bertram~ Grassky'