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September 20, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-09-20

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"I Think We've Managed To Save His Face"



''ppnhln, ,p


Sixty-Eighth Year
printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


20, 1957


Union Incompetence
Costs Students Money

"TEANNE EAGELS" is the chronicle of a great actress who mi
d well have been a character from an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel ra
er than a person from real life.
Miss Eagels was a child of the twenties. Her rise to the first r
of Broadway actresses was sensational even in an era accustor
to the .sensational. Her most famous role was as Sadie Thompsor
"Rain," and her interpretation set a lasting standard for the p
But if her rise was sensational,
her descent was even more so. T
Since her life was a tragedy and Ren ewers
since 'the Greeks wrote tragedies,
Producer George Sidney decided There will be a meeting
that "Jeanne ,Eagels" must be The Daily Review Staff at
done up as a Gre'tragedy. p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26, in t
ee Student Publications Build
The oodis ombe, he ate Anyone interested in revie"
theme omnipresent,.(and'in the ing for the Daily or in drawl
case of Jeannes' walking under a editorial cartoons is invited
ladder, even trite). O r aes attend
abound to warn Jeanne of her
doom. And Jeanne, walks dream-
ily to her death in a heavy black
gown. DAMP

IOOL YEAR is barely one day old,
eady one of the largest campus stu-
tizations has fumbled the ball on two
gest annual projects. Few student
igs on this campus have the poten-
as important. to the -student finan-
>es the Union-operated Student Book
And seldom does the Student Gov-,
;ouncil delegate anything as big as
run student charter flight to Europe.
,use of poor organization, inadequate
ient peresonnel, and a complete lack
t and planning, both student-spon-
acts have earned classification among
fallures of the organization. Not only
failed to achieve their goals of satis-
student's needs and saving him
ey have actually and acutely placed
y burdeans upon him and resulted
of literally thousands of dollars.
cally, the Union-sponsored flight to
ieh was scheduled to leave New York
and return Sept. 4th, would save
nt at least one-hundred dollars and
:k, dependable trans-Atlantic trans-
In reality however, Michigan stu-
d up paying fifty dollars more than.
ron other colleges, and receiving a
h was certainly not quick, and any-
WOULD hold Union officials re-
ble if bad weather had delayed the
-of the craft, or if some unforeseen
had necessitated an 'additional 30
paid over and above the $310', for
contract originally called. But bad
as not the cause of the three days
he plane, and Union flight leaders
receiving free round-trip passage
ndle such a'situation were not. even
ity of Amsterdam in time to attempt
charter, company to its contract.
rely possible the situation in Anister-
eyond the control of the flight lead-
nion officials insist there is a "good
some of the thirty dollars will bet
But even if the Union weregiven the
the doubt in both; instances, they
be held to answer for the lack of
)n and planning which made these
essity'of tacking on the extra charge
e been completely eliminated had the
t a waiting list of persons to fill
ns, a practice which has always
11 on Michigan charter flights in the
e-day delay, the lack of communica-
en flight leaders and students, and a
smaller problems could have been
ed by adequate organization at the
by the Union simply consulting per-
were -familiar with the problems of
ghts when such persons were avail.-

able during the planning of the flight last
But none of these things were thought of
then, and the result was that 114 students and
tiniversity personnel were forced to spend an
extra three1 days in Amsterdam at their own
expense for reasons which they were never able
to find out. And when the plane finally took
off, most of the passengers had already lost the
money they had invested in hotel reservations
in New York and in connecting transportation
from New York. Others had to send costly
telegrams to employers and parents or forfeit
jobs waiting for them.
WHILE the CHARTER flight imposed great
difficulties on a relatively small number
of students, the Student BookExchange is pre-
sently imposing smaller ones on a greater per-
centage of the student body.
When the SBX was run entirely by the old
Student Legislature and more recently by SGC
it was designed for, and once managed to fur-
nish text books to students at lower prices than
local book stores, while at the same time en-
abling a student to sell his old books at a better
price than that offered at the book stores..
But when the doors opened at SBX this
semester there were fewer books on the shelves
than at anytime in recent years, meaning fewer
students received good prices for their old
books and that fewer, students would save
money on books this year. SBX officials have
aadmitted the low stock of books and the
sparse number of students coming to the Ex-
change are ill fruits of a lack of advertising
and organization when the book exchange
directors were appointed by the Union last
spring. .
reason for SBX's failure to fulfill its obliga-
tions to the University students. Equally im-
portant a. factor is the poor treatment many.
stIdents have been receiving from some of the
SBX personnel. Many are the students who
have stalked out of the Exchange feeling they
have been insulted. Such rude treatment of
students by fellow., students, cannot be con-
doned in any student .organization.
Last year many of the student groups pointed.
with pride to the gains they claimed to be
making in the area of closer affiliation with,'
and more co-operation from, faculty and ad-
. ministrative groups. But any advancement in
this field is superfluous if these organizations
cannot learn how to handle and help their
own student body; the sole reason for their
existence in the first place. A student organiza-
tion without the ability to help the students is
about as preposterous as a Student Book Ex-
change without books or a charter flight that
doesn't fly.
Features Editor

t ~U.S. Wins Greek Frientds-

NO ATTEPMPT is made to place
the heroine in the setting of the
tOenties in any meaningful fash-
ion. Nor can one appreciate from
the movie her true greatness as
an actress. Instead a one-dimen-
sional study of Miss Eagels' emo-
tional life is presented.
To carry out this purpose the
picture becomes a successionof
camera closeups of the principals.
Two hours of these closeups make'
the picture increasingly dull.
Miss Novak plays the lead role
with her usual short range of fa-
cial m'obility - a kind of plain-
tive, unhinged dreaminess-which
may be just what the role re-
quires. Jeff Chandler plays a
composite of two or more men in
Miss Eagels' life, which may ac-
count for a certain disjointedness
in his role. {
BETWEEN them, they manage'
to escape the overtone of tragedy
long enough to play 'a really
poignant love scene against a de-
serted carnival background early
in the picture.
Agnes Moorehead appears as a
grande dame of, the theatre, a role
which does not call into play her
'abundant acting skills.
The s4ccess of the Lillian Roth
biography may have inspired the
exhumation of Jeanne Eagels.
The all-out promotion of this
movie even involved Miss Novak's
suspension by her studio. But the
formula did not work, the pro-
duct is at times artificial, increas-
ingly dull and overly long.
-Paul Mott



ATHENS -- Keeping the alle-
giance of strategic countries in
this part of the world is a con-
stant struggle between the de-
structive effect of John Foster
Dulles' boor-boos and the con-
structive work of people-to-people=
friendship. In this key country
of Greece, however, we seem to,
be winning the battle-thanks to
three factors:
1. The American colleges in
Greece whose alumni have or-
ganized against the Kremlin.
2. The basic good sense of the
Greek people who differentiate
between American good inten-
tions and official faux pas.
3. A cultural program engin-
eered by Dr. Duncan Emrich of
the United States Information
Service which outcultured Mos-
cow's frantic bid to undercut us
in the Balkans.
S* * *
Ballet arrived in Athens, it was
not a howling success. Its ballet
dancers were guarded by a stony-
faced Kremlin chaperone who did
not permit them to mingle with
a single Greek. This is not the
way to win friends in Athens.
In competition, and playing al-
ternate afternoons and even-.
ings in the same theatre, was
Dizzy Gillespie's jazz - orchestra.
It, too was no howling success;
and the inebriated behavior of
some musicians won no friends
among Athenian women. So the
battle of the ballet vs. Gillespie
was a draw, except that the Rus-
.sian dancers were fascinated with
the Negro jazz players.
The American Ballet Theatre,
on the other hand, was a tremen-
dous success; while the Minne-

apolis Symphony Orchestra, play-
ing in the 2,000-year-old Theatre
of Herod of Athens alongside the
Acropolis, was fofced to play
more encores than any orchestra
in Athens..
Latest contest between com-
munist and free-world entertain-
ment occurred between the Mos-
cow circus and an American-pro-
duced skating pageant called
"Holiday on Ice."
"Holiday on Ice" outdrew the
Moscow circus, partly because it
was American, partly because it
was staged to raise money for the
four American colleges in Greece
and the alumni of these colleges
were out hustling tickets.
Until this year, their alumni
had never ,been' organized. Nor
had the Greek shipowners been
mobilized on' the side. of people-
to-people friendship. However,
when Dr. Emrich suggested to
John Goulandris, owner'of the SS
Olympic and SS Queen Frederika,
that he stage a party aboard ship
for the alumni of the four Ameri-
can colleges, this began a potent
alumni organization which beats
the hard corps of communists
sent from Moscow.

tions of famous American books,
with the result that Walt Whit-
man has become a best seller in
Greece, together with. Charles
Lindbergh's "The Spirit of St.
Louis" and Stephen Crane's "The
Red Badge of Courage."
The books, which sell for only
six drachmas. (18 cents). brought
screams of anguish from the
communist newspaper Avghi. Em-
rich, complained Avghi, "has
penetrated every facet of Greece."
It takes more than money jtoc
build a firm friendship between
any peoples. Money is necessary
to keep a nation alive and to fi-
nance its army. But mere money
without personal frjmndship can
cause bitterness.
Various factors have helped
build friendship in Greece; such
as the annual examinations held
by the University of Michigan for
ability to use the' English lan-
guage. This is taken by thousands;
of young Greeks and has helped
to make English the second lan-
guage of the land. To work in a
modern Greek business establish-
ment where English is important,
an applicant usually has to pass
the University of Michigan test..
* * *
FOUR MEMBERS of the Greek
cabinet were picked by the State
Department-before they entered
the cabinet-as potential leaders
an given "leader grants" to tour
the United States. This 'is an all-
expense-paid invitation to visit.
the United States issued by the
State Department to editors,
mayors, members of parliaments,
'authors, doctors and professors
of various countries throughout
the world.
(Copyright 1957 by Beil Syndicate Inc.)

Asian Flu,

The Daily Official bulletin is #
official publication of the 'Univwe
city of Michigan for which tI
Michigan Daily assumes no ed
torial responsibility. Notices shou
be Sent in TYPEWRITTEN form -t
Room 3519 Administration Build
ing, before 2 p m. the day preei
publication. Notices for unc
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
'General Notices
" Closed Social Events (for memi
and invited guests only) sponored
student organizations must be 1ei
tered in the Office ,of Student Affe
Application forms may be secured
the Office of Student! Affairs. lieqW
for approval must be submitted t'i
office no later than noon of the T
day before the event is' schedled
list of_ approved social events :Will!
published in the Daily Official Eu
tin on Thursday of each week.
In planning social programs fo°
semester, social chairmen are rein
that the calendar i.cosed s~ved
prior to the beginning of final exa
nations. For the present sEmester,
aminations begin Jan. 17.
Rules Governing participation
non-athletic extracurricular activil
Any regularly enrolled student
eligible to participate in non-athl
extracurricular activtes provided
is noton academic discipline.
Responsibility for observance of
eligibility statement, is plaed,dire
uponthe student. In case of doub
status; students should inquire at
Office of Student Affairs. Participa
in an extracurricular activity in yi
tion of the requiremlents may aWb
a student to disciplnary action.
In interpretation of the above e
bility statement, the following area
cifically forbidden to participate
extra-curricuar/activities indicated
a) Student on academie discipl
i.e., notification, warning, probat
action pending, as determined by
faculty of the college in which.
student is enrolled. Academic D
pdine also includes tie tern "i
Counseling" as used by the Sel
of Music and the School of Edi
tio; .
b) Part-time and special stud
carrying less than twelve hours.'
The eligibility requirements musi
met by students participatingIn a
activities as. are listed below. The
is not exhaustive but is intended
indicate the kinds of extracurri'
activities fr participation in wI
eligibility is necessary.
a) Participation in public perto
ances which are sponsored by
dent organizations and which
quire group rehearsals. Exam
Union Opera, Junior Gri'o , P
productionsOf the Gilbert and E
livan Society, Student Players
Inter-Arts Union;. performances
Arts chorale and the Glee Club
b) Participation , in public perfe
aoces which are sponsored by
-14enic courses and which req
group rehearsals, for those par
pants Who are not enrlld In
sponsorin georse for credit.
amples: Ensemble 45, 46 (Orchesl
Ensembles 47, 48 (Bands), Ensen
0, 50 (Choir), Voice 11, 12, 155,
(Opera Workshop).
c) Staff members of student pt
cations, Examples: Daily, Garg
Michiganensian, Techni, Gen
d) Officers and chairmen of st
ing committees in student organ
tions, including house grous.
Includes positions in house gr
such as social, athletic, rushing,
sonnel, pledge training and pub]
tion chairmen, house managers
e) Class officers or candidates
such office.
(Continued on Page 5)

I'Cold War in Hot Lands

E COLD WAR in the Middle East is being
arried on in a special:sign language, in a
of code, which hides what is going on until
s been translated and deciphered. The real
'gle is for power and.influence inside the
governments, and at the moment inside
governments of Syria and Jordan. The
ruling classes, of course, understand this
well, as do the authorities in Moscow and
hington, in London arid in Paris. But they
ot espeak plainly. Arab opinion will not ac-
a frank statement that any Arab countries
he stakes of the competition for influence
ze great powers; and that for the time be-
he Russians are ahead in this competition
yria while we are ahead in Jordan.'
order to hide the reality and yet to be
to tall about what they are doing, all
governments concerned have resorted to
ame device. They are transposing what
tually going on-an internal struggle for
r-into the conventional international lan-
e of extrenal aggression and resistance to
o, when Russia sends arms to Syria, she
that Turkey, incited and armed by the
d States, is preparing to attack Syria.
a we send arms to Jordan, we say that be-
Editorial Staff
Iditorial Director City Editor
'A HANSON ..................ersonnel Director
DIY MORRISON ...............Magazine Editor
RD GERULDSEN ...Associate Editorial Director
AM HANEY ...........f.........Features Editor
PERLBLRG .................Activities Editor
L PRINS ....*......Associate Personnel Director
3 BAAD..........., .....Sports Editor
E BENNETT .'...........Associate Sports Editor
HILLYER . .............Associate Sports Editor
LES CURTISS .............Chief Photographer

cause Syria is being armed, the defense of Jor-
dan must be strengthened.
In fact, there is no reason at all to think
that Russia is sending arms to Syria in order to
mount a military aggression against Jordan or
anyone else. Nor is there any doubt that the
last thing we want is that Turkey and Jordan
should do anything so foolish as to -attack
Syria, and thus to set the whole Middle East
aflame. Even if they were planning an indirect
military aggression, the Russians can have
no illusions about thesmilitary prowess of Syria,
which is not far from zero. Nor can we have any
illusions about the prowess of Jordan, plus or
minus some guns and some tanks. Moscow and
Washington know perfectly well that neither
is getting readyfor the overt aggression which
they accuse each other of. What they are ac-
tually doing is to wage a cold war.
* * *
W HAT THEN is the sense and purpose of the
arms shipments? They are consigned to
the military men who control the armies which
control the governments. The young King's
government in Jordan rests squarely on the
loyalty of the Bedouin levies, as against the
suspicion and hostility of the Palestinian Arabs.
What influence we have in Jordan has to be
nourished by keeping the King's officers and
troops convinced that they can look- to us for
money and for arms.
Likewise, the Soviets armed Syria, a country
which since it achieved its independence has
rarely for long been anything but a military
dictatorship. Syrian politics is made up of
the rivalry and the intrigues of groups of army
officers, not averse to cutting each other's
throats in a struggle to control the dictator-
But using the code language, Moscow is
describing the operation as the defense of
Syria's independence against Turkish and
American aggression.
* * *
THE COLD WAR in the Middle East 's ob-
scure, intermittent, and indecisive. Nearly

* * .
FURTHERMORE, it doesn't
cost Congress any money. F
Emrich has found various ways
of promoting friendship despite
the penny-pinchers in Congress.
He arranged. with Alkemos Grat-
sos, another shipowner, to let 24
Greek students work their way to,
the United States every year to
study in American universities.
He has also arranged with
Pfeifer- and Simon in New York
for the publication of pocket edi-,

O MOST of us the very name
of the disease Asian flu, has a
mysterious, unknown and awful
'Actually, the name is mislead-
ing, the New England Journal of
Medicine points out. The bug that
causes the. mild disease 'now
spreading from country to coun-
try has been well studied and de-
termined to be a varient of in-
fluenza" A virus. Many of the
waves of influenza that have oc-
curred throughout the world in
recent years have been caused by
A virus varients.
Let us all keep a' cool head
about Asian in f luen za as the.
statistics on the spread and the
virulence of the disease begin to
accumulate. For 'one thing, let
us be sure that the 1957 type of A
influenza virus is innocuous, a$
early returns show, and that an-
tibiotics can indeed control the
complications that may. develop.
Let us not forget-that serious epi-
demics of flu have been predicted
by flu .specialists for many years.
now and that the disaster of forty
years ago is well remembered-
remembered both by the general
public and the medical profession.
Meanwhile, we can all be proud
of the early iscovery of the new
type A virus in Asia, quick devel-
opment of a vaccine against it,'
and extensive medical record-
keeping of the spread of the di-,
sease-all are e4.idence of man's
improved ability to.cope with vir-
us diseases. Of these, influenza
has usually been one of the mild-
est. v -New York Times

Missile Warfare, UN Discussed.,

Associated Press News Analyst=
Dulles Replies
firing all barrels in the propa-
ganda war.
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles has replied to the Russian
threat of intercontinental missile
warfare with the statement that
the United States also knows how
to use outer space for destructive
In addition, , he warns that
smaller allies around the Russian
perimeter will soon have tactical
atomic weapons so that they will
not have to rely entirely on Ameri-
ca's ability for massive retaliation
to deter either atomic or conven-
tional war.
* * *
THESE WEAPONS, Dulles says,
will be "clean" enough so they can
be used safely to repel invasion
without endangering territory not
actually involved in the fighting.
They will be weapons which
democratic nations will not hesi-
tate to use.
Thus an aggressor will not be

optimism" line frequently express-
ed by American officials in the last
few years.
Some people are reading Dulles'
article on the military situation in
the magazine Foreign Affairs as a
partial retreat from the massive
retaliation policy.
It seems more likely that some-
thing has been added, something
which might reduce the inevitabil-
ity of general atomic warfare in
case of aggression. Something
which might offer a limited de-
fensive alternative, but which still
holds massive retaliation in, re-
UN Problems . .
has settled around the United
Nations before the General As-
sembly can even get started.
There has been explanation after
explanation of why the organiza-
tion cannot make peace. cannot
enforce its rulings, yet remains a
necessity if there is to be any
approach to world order,

pects of settling the cold war or
escaping the fear of hot war.
The United States will not make
any new friends, and may lose'
some old ones in the debate over
admission of Red China to mem-
The trouble of course is that
there is only a truce in the un-
declared war over Korea, that
Red China still imprisons Ameri-
can nationals and carries the UN
tag of aggressor,,and that Nation-
alist China is still America's baby.
and her puppet regime in Hun-
gary, the Credentials Committee
will have before it the question
of the Hungarian delegation's right
to sit. 'Since Wan Waithayakon
will not report on his efforts to
ameliorate the condition of the
people of Hungary until the session
is far gone, the credentials matter
is largely academic.
At any rate, to oust the Hun-
garians while the Russian insti-
gators of Hungary's troubles sit
tight would be ironic.
Yet, in spite of all this stale-
mate on concrete action, the moral


by Pick sibler

~ 1(1:


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