THE MICHIGAN DAILY Asiatic Flu Emigrates from Japan. "",A . s {* s. 5 ... AAA a" t . '* .. ' Ipoh. Z u *r.*'A$ kA nf . 4 * ,ti4 ":i . ; * ~ ~ANG {r'"* ,, ... *'. POPULATION: :' { )r" - vs i°g A RO latrr. ICC'a i. :;.. _ ' A. By THOMAS BLUES Since last May, when a new strain of influenza was discov- ered in Japan, Asian Flu has been the number one medical news throughout most of the world. In early June the virus invaded the United States to a minor de- gree. Drug companies began to produce preventive, vaccine in case an epidemic breaks out. The disease is highly contagious and can cause a miserable three or four day illness. Medical men estimate that in the ordinary population 10 to 15 Per cent of the citizens may be stricken in event of epidemic. This is bad considering that many vital services may be disrupted if the disease reaches such propor- tions. Students Threatened But in a university community, such as this highly populated campus, Asian flu could strike up to 50 per cent of the student body, faculty and University per- sonnel. There are several reasons for this. First, the virus. seems to infect younger people (much more quickly than it does older people. It is "felt that persons who have lived long enough to pick up con- tact with influenza virus have, through previous contact with it, built up a certain degree of immu- nity. But the younger generation does not have this advantage. Sec- ondly, due to the fast spreading characteristic of Asian Influenza, a crowded populace, such as found in dormitory- type resi- dences, is more easily susceptible, to it than would be those living under ordinary circumstances. Flu Characteristics What, actually, are the charac-, teristics of the bug thatmake it a threat anywhere-it occurs? The illness caused by the virus is not in itself much more inconvenient than a bad. cold. First complaint is usually thirst followed by sore throat. Temperature is high and may last two to three days. Gen- Residence Halls Need Stude For Part-Time Employmen (Continued from Page 1) ,of every five students recei- fee boost has raised basic costs to help, $1,134 for in-state residents and The Regents Alumni S $1,484 for. out-state students. This ships, only major source o I _ _ a -Photo Courtesy University News Service VIRUS "BUG"-Above picture of Asiatic flu virus was taken by electron microscope at a Detroit pharmaceutical firm. Virus parti- cles are magnified 114,000 times. includes semester fees, college fees, books and room and board. Not included, however, are classroom supplies, travel costs, and such personal expenses as clothes, laundry and recreation. Help for the financially hard- pressed University student has been forthcoming, although not keeping pace with rising costs. On campus employment has re- mained relatively stable. One of every five students works for the University. During 1955-56, the last year fort which figures are available- University students received $1.3 million in scholarships, prizes and grants in aid. Approiimately one I arship funds available to Un sity freshmen, has not been to keep pace with the 25 per tuition hike. Other tuition directed sch ships have not been able to up with the tuition hike ei despite efforts by the Unive to increase the funds for t: scholarships. Students have been force turn for aid elsewhere. One wi which they have turned is to. funds. Use of University loan f have increased steadily durini last three years. University cials predict that use of the f will reach a new' all-time re this fall. eralized headache develops soon after the first symptoms take hold and later a dry cough is common. So, the illness itself is little more than the better part of a week inconveniently spent. The danger lies in the fact that resistence of the stricken indi- vidual is lowered considerablyand It is this which causes serious complications in some cases. Pneumonia is certainliy a_ threat in the wake of the virus. How- ever, it must be renebered that antibiotics have been developed that combat this disease quite ef- ficiently. Vaccines Prepared. The best treatment known as yet is prevention. The preventa- tive aspect began taking shape last' May 22 when the United States Public Health Service sent samples of the new virus to six pharmaceutical firms, asking if they could make a vaccine. By June one company cameup with a vaccine and the others soon followed. As yet supplies of the preventive vaccine have not reached sufficient proportions to pass out to everybody and shots are being given on a priority .basis. Physicians, nurses and others who would have the most contact with the disease get them first. Then they are distributed on down the line beginning with those people who are involved in essential services - food handlers, tele- phone operators, etc. At the University, Health Serv- ice Director Dr. Morley Beckett,: expects to be able to begin the innoculation program sometime in the near future. Cost for the preventive shots will be $1. Beckett said he hopes that the entire University community will get the shots-when they are avail- able at Health Service. It is easily seen that if epidemic strikes in, serious proportion there would be little facility for handling the, 10 to 15 thousand that could be stricken at the same time. Notice will appear in The Daily as soon as the innoculation pro- gram gets under way. ( ;?0* T P/O CA 551:: "-. "r. : ": ': :.t" . -. - - '-.-' ,... U ....l lependenee Comes Peaeefully ... NOW... P MUNCK 'or. and fears of democracy took a ,rd Aug. 31 when nally granted in- from the British nbership in ,the wealth was done ting and blood- .aracterized many tions. was formally aueen of England. ceremony as the F the Queen read' rclamation will have to .s before her glish educated Chi- laya, have begun word that Malaya's- new constitution will give the Ma- lays an advantage over them. Malay politicians at the same time have been telling their peo- ple that the Chinese intend to ex- ploit them. It is the job of Chief Minister Prince Abdul Rahman to see that these conflicting opinions do not! tear the country assunder. Population Moslem About 49 per cent of. the na- tion's six million population- are Moslem Malay. Thirty-eight per cent are Chinese and the rest are. mostly Indians and Pakistanis., In the last few years there have been violent clashes between the two main races. During a .cere- mony last January raising the status of Penang to a city, four were killed and 51 injured in a race riot. Malaya is a nation rich in stra- tegic natural resources. Half of the world's natural rubber and a third of the world's tin come from' the Malayan peninsula. The 50,600 square mile country occupies a key air and sea posi- tion between China at the Indian Ocean. At the end of the Malay Peninsula lies' the British con- trolled port city of Singapore. Singapore's efforts to combine politically with Malay when they -gain partial independence in 1958 have been rejected because the city's 80 per cent Chinese popu- lation would give Malayan Chi- nese a political majority. Guerillas Subdued Communist guerrillas, once the terror of Malaya, are now al-. most under control. Rahman has promised to elim- inate the last 1,800 guerrillas by Aug. 31, 1958.- Malaya is presently trying to decrease her dependence on Sing- apore as a port. The facilities of Malayan coastal. cities are being improved in the hope they willl one day supplant Singapore. Malaya has been working to- wards independence since 19468 when it was raised to the status of a full colony. In 1948 she became a federa- tion under a British high commis- sioner. At the,-same time she ac- quired a large measure of inter- nal autonomy. The nation is composed of the federated states of Perak, Selan- gor, Negri, Sembilan and Pahang. It also includes the unfederated states of Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, Trengganu and Johore and the "Straits Settlements" of Penang, Province Wellesy and Malacca. Chinese Dominate' Malaya has been under British control for about 83 years. The Chinese form the largest racial group in the cities and tend to dominate the economic life of the nation. Most of the bankers and small businessmen and mer- chants are Chinese. However, most of the experi- enced politicians and administra- tors come from the Malays who hold the poliical majority. New Directors Three new associate directors for the men's residence halls were announced yesterday by Jack Hale, residence halls director. The new names are Mrs. Doro- thy Hackett,. Winchell House, West Quadrangle; Mrs. Emily iLowry, Hayden House, East Quad- rangle; and Mrs. Grace Twiss, Strauss House, East Quadrangle. Committee Defends Nickerson, Calls Da'vi ts .Testimony Valid TODAY 7:0 and 9:20 . or> "RED SHQOES" COLOR with Moira Shearer Anton WaIbrook Saturday 7:00 and, 9:00'. Sunday 8:00 only N I AN 10 E COLOR with Robert Taylor Elizabeth Taylor Joan Fontaine ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIU 50c (Continued from Page 1) The committee defended Prof. Nickerson by saying that Commu- nist Party membership, alone, does not justify dismissal. In explaining Prof. Nickerson's failure to admit that he had been a Party member, the committee said that he, took an oath at the University to the effect that he was not at the time a Communist Party member. The main attack of the Civil was directed at a statement is- sued by the Association of Ameri- Liberties committee's statement can Universities in 1953. The statement was entitled "The Rights and Responsibilities of Universities and Their Facul- ties," and was signed by the chief administrative officers of the 37 member institutions. The Academic Freedom com- mittee had several objections to the AAU statement but did not publish its disapproval "because there was no indication that any educataional institution had by adoption given official force to the AAU pronouncement." However, after the' University - I11M r i l Nr1iYi dismissed the two faculty mem- bers in 1954, the Academic Free- dom committee decided to pub- lish its comments. The Union published its state- ment calling the Association of American Universities report "a denial of fundamental principles of academic freedom 'and civil liberty."' In urging re-study of the AAU policy, the Civil Liberties Union 'committee told of "the great harm which has been done. Teachers who have been dropped because of the application of prin- ciples like those set forth the AAU statement find themselves virtually denied significant in- stitutional appointments .. . pub- lic relations considerations and in- stitutional consrevatism, if not an actual blacklist, separate such per- sons from any real future as schol- ars. PRICES AND TIMES MATINEES (Mon. thru Sat.)' 12 Noon-3:50 P.M. Come anytime between noon and 3:50 and see a Complete Showing EVENINGS (Mon.' thru Sat.) at 8 P.M. ONLY CONTINUOUS SHOWING SUNDAY - Feature at 12.1§-4:10-8 P.M. EVENINGS & SUNDAYS $1.50 WEEKiAY MATINEES Wec 'rends W mversity businessa ±rec as- dicted -that the 1958 auto- year should be "substan- better" than 1956 or 1957. Philip Wernette of the ss administration school that' many persons who sed 1955 model cars with nent credit were now in a n to buy new cars. ing at other segments of' onomy, Prof. Wernette said are signs that the slump in ome construction is "bot-. out." Wernette said be ex- new housing starts to total one million annually over xt three years, with a sub- fl improvement in 1960 and far as credit is concerned, Wernette said he would not' prised to see the present >f interest rates continued it major changes in the in- ;e fiture. ie many persons feel to- nterest rates are high, they ly represent a recovery he abnormally and even ar- ly low interest rates of the 930's and early 1940's," he ned. the long-term view, present are actually near normal." . Wernette termed the Fed-" esearve Board's tight money a "perfectly sound" means ping inflation in check, but - bed it would be changed y if the inflationary threat' or if a business downturn. T , ----7 , - P - - -, - - , " MORE PEOPLE DRIVE CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR Private Lives' GEMW, Dial 2-2513 The very private lives of some great men of the past will be treated in a book from the Uni- versity of Michigan Press. This Is "Aubrey's Brief Lives," by. Jolhn Aubrey; the first Ameri- can edition of which comes off the presses today. The author has been referred to as "The Walter Win- chell of Seventeenth Century Eng- land." Subject matter was gleaned through the key'holes of such, people as .Shakespeare, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Thomas More, and other celebrities of the time. Tav- erns, theatres and private houses served Aubrey as the observation deck of the Elizabethan age. Included in the book is a 100- page biography of the author, taken from his own notes and written by the editor, Oliver Law- son Dick. The foreword was writ- ten by Edmund Wilson. Price of the publicaion is $5.95. 0 KIM NOVAK in "JEANNE ENGELS" Ends Tonight SNEAKPREVIEW, Tonight at 9 P.M. We cannot divulge title . . . We can tell you that it is a comedy with satirical thrusts that we feel, sure you will heartily enjoy. PREVIEW SHOWN AT 9 Regular feature "Jeanne Eagels" Shown before and after preview. Comte at 7 or 9 and see both shows. I 1 z M B STARTING SATURDAY CARY GRANT DEBORAH KERR in "AN AFFAIR TO REMEMYER" New Chevrolet Be{ Air Sport Coupe with spunk to sparel Open Every Nile tll 10 NOW! 2ND JOY FILLED WEEK! DIAL NO 2-3136 Great to have-and only (evys'gotem! "A SMASH HIT !" - N.Y. Daily News Bob Marshalls Book.Shop BROADWAY'S. BIG SOYLOYES.PAJAMAGlRL SENSATION IS ON THE SCREEN! The oR f - ' Chevrolet's the only leading ,low-priced car with any of these advances- the only car at any price with all of them! BODY BY FISHER. You get more to be proud of in Chevrolet. No other low-priced car is quite so beautifully or substantially built super-efcient power with plenty of vim and vigor! STANDARD BALL-RACE STEER. ING. Chevy's Ball-Race steering gear mechanism is virtually fhi- tion-free! That means easier mg, surer control, more re axed driving. POSITRACTION REAR AXLE*. standstill to top cruising speed in one gentle stream of motion. Specia "Grade Retarder" position saves braking on hills PS. Chevy's got the big "details," too! See all the exclusives at your Chevrolet dealer's! *Opti nal at cxra cost f_ - m=ms,.mew= . ..... ._._. .