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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
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ilson Asks Cut
Armed Forces
.educed by.100,000;
'rolls To Drop, 35,000
ecretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson
)0,000-nan cut in the military forces.
to 40,000 civilians will have to be dropped
uldn't wait any.longer," Wilson told a news conference.I
e so close to the debt limit that the Treasury can't even
al limit on the national debt is 275 billion dollars, a figure
ress. While he cited the debt limit as a pressing factor,
-Wilson did not seem concerned by
NGTON (A) - A federal
to block the election of
ers by the Teamsters
s filed yesterday by a
New York City area
who charged fraud.
aintiffs claimed that
80 per cent of the dele-
he union's convention,
to start Sept. 30 at Mi-.
have been handpicked
R. Hoffa and other
officials to "rig" Hof-
on to the Teamsters
asked for an injunc-
r convention election of
,rs until such time as
tes are chosen by rank-
was filed in behalf of
security aspects. He said the re-
duction can be acieved "without
impairment of our national secur-
Secretary Wilson told a news
conference the manpower cuts will
force the Air Force to drop at
least four wings, the Army to de-
activate one additional division,
and the Navy to lay up more ships.
The Air Force now has 133
active wings and has been drop-
ping slowly, to the 128-level
authorized by the, current budget.
The 100,000 cut in the armed serv-
ices ordered Thursday is to be put
into effect as promptly as possible
with next June 30 as a deadline
for completing it.
The reduction was approved by
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
the secretary reported.
Last July 16, Sec. Wilson ordered
a 100,000-man cut in the military
forces. That reduction, coupled
with the new one yesterday of the
same size, would save an estimated
one billion dollars.
The University men's housing
situation has, eased, according to
Karl Streiff of the dean of men's
off ice.
Those men still in the tempor-
ary housing pool will be placed by
the weekend, Streiff said. If the
demand continues to ease, he not-
eds some of the 60rooms that had
been doubled up in men's resi-
dence halls may be returned to
their original status.
The women's housing situation
is also bright, Assistant Dean of
Women Elsie Fuller said yester-
day. The women did not use a
temporary pool housing arrange7
nent this year.
"Frederick House, the new wo-
men's house in South Quadrangle,
has gotten off to a wonderful
start," Mrs. Fuller said.
Foreign student housing is al-
most taken care of, according to
Kathleen Mead of the Interna-
tional Center. More than three
hundred students have been
placed, with stragglers and late
comers the only ones in need of
However, Mrs. Mead said, it will
be hardest for these people. Very
little housing is left.
The off-campus housing situa-
tion is still tight. Students are ad-
vertising for room-mates to share
the expense of large apartments.
Two bedroom apartments, fur-
nished, are running anywhere
from 160 dollars a month to 200
ddllars. Most of the advertised
housing is several miles from the
CQst of furnished rooms runs tip
to 12 dollars a day, and unfur-
nished apartments can cost as
much as 150 dollars.
U' Asks City
To Add Land
A University petition to annex
144.55 acres of land to the city is
now before the Planning Commis-
sidn and is scheduled to be acted
upon within a week to 10 days, ac-
cording to city officials.
The plot of land which pre-
sently lies in the township will be
an addition to North Campus. The
North Campus area is already
situated inside the city.
A sizeable portion of the plot
fronts along the northeast side of
Fuller Rd. To the north-the land
borders the south flank of Glacier
Way. The plot is east of Oak Way
and a small area of the property
runs along this street.
The land is made accessable by
a network of roads totalling 8.26
Faubus Flouts Court,
Moves Against Davies
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (R) - Gov. Orval E. Faubus, taking the of-
fensive, struck back at the federalN government yesterday with two
last-minute legal actions before today's crucial-court hearing on his
use of the National Guard to bar Negroes from a Little Rock high
First, he refused to honor a federal subpoena summoning him
to court as a defendant in a suit involving four recently passed Ar-
kansas segregation laws.
A few hours later, his attorneys moved to disqualify United
States Distriet Judge Ronald Davies - scheduled, to hear the
National Guard case Friday - on grounds that Davies is preju-
diced against Faubus.
Ruling Coming
Davies himself will have to rule on the motion to dissualify.
Reporters asked Faubus if, having flouted one subpoena, he will,
obey the second, summoning him
Calls on U
To Enfore4
Cites Syrian2
Soviet Threal
Charges Ri
dize World
. an-
Schmidt said he expected to go
court Friday to seek a tempor-
y restraining o der against
lding elections" at the coming
nvention. He said he will seek
have a receiver appointed to
iure honest selection of a new
tch of delegates.
Tlhe court action came as con-
ation managers, undaunted by
,M-CIO charges that the Team.-
!r Union is dominated by cor-
pt leaders, planned a hearts-
d-flowers farewell for retiring
esident Dave Beck.
eeck Hoffa
Lssert Union
MIAMI, Fla. (A') - Teamsters
ion President Dave Beck and
adidate James R. Hoffa--who
3w Beck's praise--said yesterday
y'd like to retain AFL-CIO ties,
t consider the Teamsters could
t along independently if need
3eck arrived yesterday for con-
tations preliminary to next
ek's Miami Beach convention of
Teamsters. Both he and Hoffa
ve been targets of AFL-CIO at-
ks in an anticorruption cam-
Asked if he favored the Team-,
rs Union remaining an AFL-
0 affiliate, Beck said, "I'd prefer
unless they try to tell us. who
will elect for our officials and
to interfere with the autonomy
our union.
'John L. Lewis was able to stand
ne with his United Mine Work-
union and, in my judgment,
can we if necessary."
Iwo Missiles
'ired by U.S.
least two projectiles were fired
m the Missile Test Center here
terday, one believed to be the
a r m y of volunteers yesterday
scraped away 25,000 pounds of
poisonous cyanide flakes acciden-
tally spilled through the center of
The 1,100 townspeople s&ghed
with relief last night in the midst
of lingering but diminishing dan-
Neutralizing chemicals were be-,
ing sped here under police escort
to destroy the last menace to the,
town's water supply.
The sodium cyanide was spilled
for more than 300' feet along the
railroad right-of-way shortly be-
fore midnight Wednesday when a
Canadian National Railways pas-
senger train sliced through a trac-
tor-trailer carrying the cyanide
from' the E. I du Pont Co., in
Buffalo to Detroit.
The engine crew received some
burns. The truck driver received
shoulder injuries.'
-Daiiy-Charles Curtiss
APPROACHING 4 A.M.--Dr. Henry J. Gomberg, assistant director
of the Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project, and Charles W.
Ricker, reactor operator, supervised the loading of the nuclear
reactor. -
University Reactor
Set OOff Yesterday
North Campus Atomic Installation
Activates Self-Sustaining Reaction
A few seconds before 4 a.m. yesterday morning, the first self-
sustaining nuclear reaction in the State of Michigan began on
the University's North Campus.
It was an historic moment for the state and the University and
Culminated two years of planning and construction.
The only other university-owned reactor in operation is lo-
cated at Penn State.
The Ford Nuclear Reactor began operating 55 minutes " after
technicians added the final uranium element to the fuel rack 20
feet below the surface of the giant
to court today.
"You just wait and see," the
governor replied.
Obedience Indicated
He was smiling, almost casual,
in his manner.
The Arkansas Democrat report-
ed, in a copyrighted story yester-
day, that if Davies orders Faubus
to withdraw the Guardsmen from
Central High School in today's
hearing, the governor will obey.
Then, the Democrat said, he
will wash, his hands of all respon-
sibility for any violence - which
he has predicted from the first -
that may break out in Little Rock.
Appeal Likely
He will also carry his fight to
ahigher court, tlie newspaper
said, by appealing the 8th Cir-
cuit Court of appeals in St. Louis.
And if necessary, he will go all
the way to the Supreme Court, the
report said, in an all-out fight for
the rights of the states as against
the powers of the federal govern-
ment4 -
The subpoena that Faubus de-
fied ordered him to appear before
a three-judge panel in a suit
brought by 10 Negro ministers.
They asked the judges to set aside
legislation, passed this year by
the state Legislature, to preserve
segregation in Arkansas schools.
Motion Granted
The judges granted a motion to
postpone the hearing on this suit.
A somewhat similar suit is due for
a hearing in a state court. They
put back any further federal hear-
ing, pending the outcome there.
In refusing to obey the suig-
mons to the hearing on, the suit
brought by the 10 ministers, Fau-
bus told the court in a letter:
"Almost from the very begin-
ning of our Republic, it has been
uniformly held that the chief ex-
ecutive is not compelled to comply
with a subpoena unless he chooses
to do so.
"In this particular case, be-
cause of the obvious ulterior mo-
tive of those who obtained the
subpoena, I do not choose to com-
ply with it."
Cost S Job Scarcties
Force U Student Drop-Outs
Rising school costs and falling levels of summer employment have
put many students in an economic vise, University officials believe.
The squeeze has deferred students' plans for entering the Univer-
sity, forced some undergraduates to drop from school for at least a
semester and put many other student on precarious financial footing.
Michigan residents seem to have felt the squeeze most, according
Neutrons, tiny atomic particles,
of a "trigger" and struck atoms in
were fed into the rack by means
the uranium. The atoms were
split and gave' birth to more heu-
With each addition of uranium,
more neutrons were produced un-G
til, with the addition of the 18th
fuel element, the trigger was no
longer needed and the reaction
became self-sustaining.
The process took 20 hours.
Only a fraction of a watt of
power, or less than that required
to light a bulb, was produced in
the fifteen minutes which the
reactor was allowed to run.
After the reactor has been
thoroughly calibrated and studied,
it may be run at a million watts.
U' Dismissal
The American Civil Liberties
Union urged the University to re-
consider the 1954 dismissal of H.
Chandler Davis, former mathe-
matics instructor, and Prof. Mark
Nickerson, formerly of the phar-
macology department.
Davis was dismissed by the Uni-
versity after refusing to answer
questions about his alleged com-
munist background in the 1954
House Un-American Activities
subcommittee hearings.;
Strike Over
NEW YORK ()-Agreement
was reached early today to end
'the four-day old nationwide
strike of 23,800 telephone equip-
mei installers of the Western
Electric Co.
'Not Cure-All'
H. Price said yesterday his vac-
cine for one strain of the com-
mon cold virus is "merely the
opening wedge," not a cure-all, but
it could lead to a complete preven-
Live. f,
Dr. Price's isolation of the "JH
virus,", actually accomplished four
years ago, was emphasized
Wednesday night with his disclo-
sure that he has developed a vac-
cine 80 per cent effective against
that virus.
Named the JH virus because of
its initial discovery during an out-
break of colds among a group of
Johns Hopkins medical students
and student nurses, it is the first
"true" virus of the common cold.
Although it is the only common
cold virus discovered to date, the
Johns Hopkins scientist empha-
sized at a news confegence yester-
day that "there are at least one
aiid possibly more viruses which
must be isolated if we are to have
the complete picture.
Flu Outbreak;
Gains Strength
Health Service reported yesterday
that about 100,000 cases of Asian
flu have developed in the United
Half of these were reported in
the last week, a spokesman said,
and reports of scattered "itbreaks
are coming in.
Dr. G. C. Dauer, medical adviser
in the National Office of Vital
Statistics, said late reports indi-
cate widespread incidence of the
disease in Mississippi and Texas.
Louisiana was said last week to
have experienced statewide occur-
rence. Dr. Dauer described the
Mississippi-Texas situation as not
necessarily state wide, but as rep-
resenting regional outbreaks.'
Boamb Tested
U nderground
History's first full scale under-
ground atomic bomb test was con-
ducted yesterday with puffs of
dust and falling rocks the only
surface effects.
Secretary of State John I
Dulles, yesterday accused
Soviet Union of risking w
threatening Turkey and bt
up Communist arms in Syr
He charged the Soviets wi
gaging in acts apparently
at impairing the freedom an
dependence. of some Middle
nations, and called u p o
United Nations to take u
Sec. Dulles made the state
in a major policy speech del
to the 82-nation U. N. G
Assembly. It dwelt mainly o
Middle East and disarmame
Violation Charged
Dulles said Soviet actions
Middle East constitute a vic
of a U. N. resolution. callin
member nations to refrain'
intimidating other countries
the General Assembly "oug
least to discussit.".
He added that the United
"reserves the right, in the
of That discussion, to inti
concrete proposals."
A United S t a t e s deleg
spokesman said the United
had no firm proposals rea
this time, nor any specific N
East, issue to submit for U. N
Reply Coming
Syria has said it may
charges in the U. N..of aggr
against the United States. A
ian spokesman said his cou
foreign minister, Salah Bita
no doubt reply to Dulles in S
policy speech next week.
Jawdat Mufti, a member c
Syrian U. N. delegation, come
Od that his country "has no i
tion of threatening any c
Dulles said that the Sovie
ers, following the "Stalin -
line, began "an intensive :
ganda designed to incite the
nations to believe that with
arms, with Soviet technician:
with Soviet political backing
could accomplish extreme ne
alistic 'ambit ons."
"This Soviet Communist
has made the most progre
Syria where Soviet bloc
were exultantly received
where political power has in
ingly been taken over by
who depend on Moscow. Tru
triots have been driven fron
sitions of power by arrests
timidations," he said.
Forum Grou
Plans Talks
to the University Admissions office.
"This has been about the tightestl
year we've seen for getting stu-
dents summer jobs off campus in
this area."
He reports that there has been
a "noticeable increase in the num-
ber of freshmen accepted for ad-
mission who gave financial reasons
for their inability to start school
ag scheduled.
Student jobs obtained through
the University Placement Service
dropped on-third when compared
to 1956. They fell even more com-
pared to 1955, when Michigan auto
assembly plants offered employ-
ment to many University students.
This summer's totals-232 jobs-
represet a drop of 450 jobs from
the summer of 1955.
On the cost side, the 25 per cent
T+ ,A 630
One placement officer commented,l
Railroad Ticket May Be A bbreviated-Groesbeck
The semesterly journey down the blanks of the railroad ticket
may eventually be shortened.
"We're going to have a meeting this semester with the depart-
ments represented on the registration forms to see if they really use
all the information they request," Edward G. Groesbeck, Director of
the Office of Registration and Records said yesterday.
"For years, we've been trying to eliminate duplications but we
obviously still have a long way to go," he pointed put.
On the ticket, which contains 14 separate coupons, a student
must fill in his name and Ann Arbor address nine times.
Foreign students and non veteran men of draft age have anoth-
er space to fill out with the same information. Name and address of
parent, guardian or spouse is requested eight times and three blanks
wan nrinfa~A *fn nfl.ntnfar~riin
Student Government C
forum committee has alre
ceived answers from many
requested to speak by the
according to Don Your
Union president.
The list includes such
people as John Gates, edito
Daily Worker, and Will
Buckley; Jr., editor of the N4
Review; Roy Wilkins, presi
the NAACP and Russell Ki
known conservative writez
man Thomas of the socialis
and Frank Meyer, a Natioi
view contributor,
The forum committee wa
lished to bring speakers to
to stimulate thinking and c
ute to discussion in areas
cation and controversial qL
of politics and religion.
SGC felt that these are
not adequately covered in t
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