I s es x1 .L .r t. l., l . a.tt rw 7 For an Age to Solve ,,,, Your Discontinued T Inventory SALE SAVE $ $ $ Mffe's ear 'Discovery in Design,"Explores the Great Novels ..r® Corduroy Work Pants Ivy Style . . .$395 .... 5.95. Polished Cotton Ivy League Pants Sonforized $395 ripper/4-Buckle Dress Galoshes Corduroy Sport Shirts -.- - X ~495 All-Wool Pullover Sweaters Crew, V-neck . JOSEPH CONRAD: DISCOV- ERY IN DESIGN. By Robert F. Haugh. Oklahoma City, 1957: University of Okla- homa Press. 172 pp. $3.75. By R. C. GREGORY OSEPH CONRAD was born as long ago as 1857; he died so re- cently as 1924. Conrad vas a su- preme artist, with few peers among novelists of this or any other century. He was not "a writer of adventure stories with a differ- ence, but still a writer of adven- ture stories, .a later Stevenson," a piece of nonsense .which ap- peared in theLondon Times Liter- ary Supplement editorial observ- ing the centennial of Conrad's' birth. Nor is it true that Conrad is "the great exotic of English fic- tion."7 1924: Virginia Woolf had pub- lished Jacob's Room two years' earlier, and Mrs. Dalloway was to1 appear in 1925. Henry James, Con- rad's friend and master, had died in 1916. E. M. Forster's A Passage to India came out in 1924; Andre Gide's autobiographical If it die... was published that year, followed- by The Counterfeiters in 1925. Marcel Proust died in 1922, leav-' ing the manuscript of almost half of Remembrance of Things Past -The Captive (1924), The Sweet' Cheat Gone and The Past Recap-j tured (both 1926) - unpublished. . H. LAWRENCE was mid-car- eer in many ways; his England, My England was published the year Conrad died. James Joyce's Work in Progress had terminated1 in l'sses in Paris in 1922 and re- F t $550. ROBES-Seersucker Flannelette ROBES $2.99 $3.88 Broadcloth $269 Pajamas ... Sanforized (2 for $5,00) Dress, Sport Shirts, Cottons, Rayons $ 99 Flannels........ Assorted $488 Dress Pants.-.. Values to $7.95 Terrycloth.$199 House Slippers ... Scuff Style.......$1.00 JACKETS AT BIG SAVINGS mained illegal in the United States until 1933. F. Scott Fitz- gerald had published This Side of Paradise in 1920; Ernest Heming- way' had published Three Stories & Ten Poems and In Our Time, in Paris, in 1923 and 1924. T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land had ap- peared in 1922; The Hollow Men with its famous Conrad epigraph, "Mistah Kurtz-he dead," from, Heart of Darkness, was published in 1925. The epithet exotic simply will not apply to Conrad with any meaning: how is Nostromo - its eastern seaboard setting notwith- standing-more exotic than Ulys- ses, or Heart of Darkness more exotic =than The Hollow Men? What sensible standard makes A Passage to India at one level, a study in good-and-evil, but Vic-, tory only an adventure story? The answer quite 'clearly is that Con- rad is not so much exotic as unique. And for all its customary breadth and generosity, there can be something insular about the English literary mind.v UNABLE to forget 'His Polish origins, his career as a sailor in the British Merchant Navy, the characteristic settings of his stor- ies-.Far Eastern islands and the seas between them, South Ameri- ca, and the oceans of the world .." the English mind, with obvious exceptions, cannot understand that genius may sometimes take the place of a university educa- tion, a literary tradition and the leisure of a few hundreds a year, that Conrud's use of the language is magnificent -in direct propor- tion to the degree that he made of it what he could, given his cos- mopolitan education and rich ex-. perience. What other novelist in the language was more broadly or deeply schooled in the ways of the world? Or who more capable of having and storing experience from which to weave the fabric of a vision of man-in-the-world? And surely no other novelist, except James, ever revealed more of his artistic intentions than Conrad in his stunning prefaces. Conrad's language, experience, vision, in short, all of him, is- simply Conradian--not English, or Polish, or French or maritime. Conrad as a novelist was simply greater than the visible parts of him would seem to make possible and he chose to write his books in MANY OTHER BARGAI NS Sam's..Store 122 E. Washington Sam Benjamin, 27Lit., Owner IS vi the English language. This is' quite different from calling Con- rad an English novelist. Unique he may be, but not exotic. If he were an exotic, so also were Mel- ville and Whitman and Twain. And, in this century, what of Faulkner? Is YoknApatawpha County as a scene for novels less exotic than Malaya? Surely no one would call Faulkner an English novelist. Conrad is always Con- rad: that is, indeed, enough. "HIS WORK, as he once ex-. plained, is not to edify, to console, to improve, or to encour- age, but simply to get upon paper some shadow of his own eager sense of the wonder and prodigali- ty of life as men live it in the world, and of its unfathomable romance and mystery." The suc- cint brilliance of Mencken writ- ing about books he loved is not easily set aside. Bertrand Russell wrote of Coin- rad, in an elegy of moving beauty, "What interested him was the individual human soul faced with the indifference of nature, and often with the hostility of man, and subject to inner struggles with passions both good and bad, that led toward destruction." This concern of Conrad's, apparent enough to* anyone who has read him, is as centrally human as any, aspect of the novel as a literary form. Professor Haugh has read Con- rad very- carefully; his "intention is' to explore designs in Conrad, and through that exploration to make discovery of his meanings." Prof. Haugh begins his considera- tion with The Nigger of Narcissus of 1897 and ends with The Shadow Line of 1917; between fall Youth, Typhoon, Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, The Secret Sharer, Under Western Eyes, and Nostromo-a great body of work by any defini- tion. T HE METHOD employed by Pro- fessor Haugh is one of critical summary with comment and ex- position as required, the com- ment and exposition linking the twelve works together through- out the book. If the method is a bit pedagogical, it nonetheless has the great and usable merit of lay- ing open before the reader what is an exceedingly rich and com- plex group of novels. Generally speaking, no one would quarrel with Professor Haugh's critical re- marks, although why "more than affection even is -called upon to See JOSEPH, page 14 - (C6ntinued from Page 8 out of the lines of a play and the performance and its actors, it is' too often satisfied. LOOK BACK IN ANGER bless- edly does not follow this pat- tern. Jimmy Porter is definitely not average and not ordinary. The trouble with "the guy we all know" is just that; we all know what he has to say, and listening to him say it over again detracts just that much time from discovering some-" thing we don't know about people by meeting a guy we don't know. Jimmy Porter is not so unfamiliar that he is unrecognizable, but he has one characteristic that differ- entiates him from the lowest com- mon denominator; he is intrinsi- cally interesting. He is a man with some ideas. This does not prevent the play from being realistic. It is created very much within the tra- ditions of realis, but John Os- borne stands among the ranks of * the rare few who have grasped the idea - that reality has an essence which is very extraordinary, that it, is refined and pure at its core and that the deepest truth of reality often lies in fantasy. One of the devices employed by Mr. Osborn'e is arriving at this '"essence of reality" by means of the almost exclusive use of mono- logue. The play is very much a didactic one and, while it does not appear that the Bard stands in serious danger of being superseded, these monologues often have a Shakespearean quality which af- fects the total construct of the play, serving some. of the same functions, dramatically, as Shake- speare's soliloquies. The language, which ranges from the rude and crude to the utterly fantastic, is often reminiscent of Shakespeare's diction. Alison and- Jimmy, for example, have a game of bears and squirrels that they play and, in . the moment of their greatest des- peration, when they have put aside this game, Alison commiserates: "Poor bear" and continues at length about a lonely bear wandering through the forest. The concept and diction are strongly reminiscent of the "Poor bare forked animal" speech in King Lear. These are the embellishments and riches of the play, but there is, too, a very meaningful and even painful reality. Its essence lies in the question being put by at least twenty critics, "What are they angry about?" At this point it becomes necessary to take up the albatrosses tossed in the way by various critics. MOST of the English critics are . agreed that it is chiefly a mat- - ter of class conflict. Jimmy is angry that, just because of the class structure, his opportunities are limited. He is angry with Ali- son for being from the upper class. If this is theliteralmessage of the play, it can have very little direct bearing on Contemporary America. Judging from the actual text of . the play, this is not precisely the case. Colonel Redfern, Alison's fathier, is angry _too.'There 'is a I sort of class distinction created by the mmeories of different genera-. tions. These memories become, in themselves, an additional barrier, and this is international. or just as Jimmy, as- envisioned, by Ali- So alone and helpless"- So Colonel Redfern at his daugh- ter's wedding is described by Port- er himself as being: ("Unable to belieVe that he'd left his riding whip at home." They have each had their single great momients and they are over;. Colonel Rdfern's -lays in -India play, particularly by A r t h u r Schlesinger Jr. in the New Re- public is that Jimmy Porter is angry with women, in general; angry with himself for being mar- ried. He is, but ever so latently, a homosexual. To view the, play in this way is to commit as grave a critical sin as it is to call Othello a play about miscegenation or The Merchant of Venice a play about antisemitism. To call Jimmy Port- er a latent homosexual is to miss the point that Jimmy Porter is effete, but his effeteness is the: disease of his age. This entire facet of the problem is neatly summarised in Jimmy's own- words: "There are no causes." This is not only Jimmy Porter's problem, it was the problem of the "lost generation" and now of the bop generation. It is largely the problem of the realists. At a loss for a cause, a raison d'etre, Jimmy Porter and those authors who wrife about him make their raison d'etre the search - for a cause. Unable to believe in the dignity of this generation, its re- presentatives settle upon degrada- tion as the zenith or nadir of existence. This is Jimmy's solu- tion and justification for final depravity and absolute degrada- tion. :£ are wort real m( if sold to 'Ulrich's WITH your curren Ulrich's sell your discontinued b - another Ulrich se 600 col lege bookstores.' [IL___ This wa r J-H@ E'BA, YOUR BEST DEAL -pFIGUI TU X ED( highest possible prices for YOU. of the books used this semester C lete o~rdiscontinued. te s 42I 50 ; F ii-- )149.. t_ DRESS RIGHT, you can't afford not t0o! 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