fdZG 1c *. Am IN .' .LI Aj1l OR Li*, er s . (Continued from Page 6), Pay $ $ $ -{ i 1 i f 1 s { 1 ing. Or the paradox of the Finnish' fireman who found it necessary to trade in a new 70 dollar watch for one with numbers instead of dots because, "I get confused when I want to tell the time." Yet his paintings are hanging in bars and shipping halls in many great lakes ports. To other sailors, these things are commonplace - a subject for laughing discussion but seldom a basis for personal evaluation. T IS A strange and fascinating world, and isolated, because the sailor doesn't fit into any other climate. Many books have been written about ships and sailors, but seldom, if ever, is there one written about sailors off their ships. Tie ordinary seaman couldn't live a formal life on land because he would not be able to understand what makes its society tick. He wouldn't fit into the scheme of its living pattern. Any job he took would not satisfy him because he is used to holding a job on his own merits and Coast Guard specifica- tions. He wouldn't understand a seniority system based on time spent on a job, nor could he accept the idea of being tied to a job by the need for good references and a clean record. sailor. Becoming an officer entails knowledge comparable to that which a doctor must have for his profession. In both cases men are dealing with instruments of a fragile nature. A ship is a delicate mechanism and being able . to guide it safely from harbor to harbor requires the utmost skill and judgment. Officers, along with their occupational qualifications usually have the self-discipline seldom seen in'the ordinary sea- man. Someday, all sailors think, they will "get off these, damn scows" and settle down on land.' But that day will not arrive. By the time many of them have quit sailing, they are too old or too perman- ently drunk to find anything but cheap flops and hard curbstones on land. And if they could come off with money in their pockets and something constructive to do with it, they wouldn't find their dream complete, for they would have to blend into a society which is alien to them. (Continued from Page 13) more competent today than in 1926 (if indeed the quotations had any meaning at the time it was made) and overlooks the fact that jazz and classical compositions are entirely different types of music with very different require- ments. IKE MOST people who write .on jazz, Ulanov divides all, jazz into a number of very definite schools. This is unfortunate, be- cause it eliminates many excellent musicians who do not fit in care- fully outlined categories. Jazz, by its very nature, is not capable of, being precisely defined and as a result, any classification of this sort is ambiguous. It would be far better for an author to explain trends in jazz as a function of time rather than to say, "This is jazz.,, Even so, Ulanov has done a far better classification than most. For one thing, he has acknowledg- ed the position of Detroit as a ma- jor jazz center of the country. Not only has Detroit produced a num- ber of fine mnusicians, .but it has long been known for the fact that new trends in popular music and in jazz first appear here. Probably the most important contributions to the field of jazz made in this .bool are Iflanov's contributions to the field of jazz and the place of jazz as a form of art. -IN THE FIELD of criticism, he attempts to describe the import- ance of having sufficient back- ground to be able to compare new with old. He also emphasizes the role of emotions in judging jazz. ... the borderline between emotions and intellect barely exists, at least as far as the knowing response to an art is concerned, even to an art that, like jazz seems so much of the time to be largely di- rected at the emotions. Jazz is an emotional form of music, and purely intellectual criticism of it is not fair or com- plete. Ulanov feels that jazz should not be classified as minor art along with "the arts of Faience, petit point, etched glass or bag- pipe music." It is music that has some significance besides saiat- ing the musical desires of the men- tally feeble. Jazz can be compared to some degree as a form of po- etry or chamber music which is most suitable for saying certain things and should be recognized as such. The most significant point about jazz is this: At its best what it communicates cannot be commu- nicated in any other way; to those who know it well there is such a thing as the jazz experience, one which is entirely different from any other form of music. This is the Important quality of jazz and the quality by which it should be judged and placed in the world of the arts. JOSEPH CONRAD The Walls Will Come Tumbng Down Next Mor (Contlnued from Page 12) T HE SEAMAN wouldn't under- stand our institutions; for example, the church. Essentially, he has no religion as society ac- cepts the word. A man who has no place to go can almost have no faith because his life is static. Hope and faith are meaningless words to him. And he would find it a waste of time to meet once a week on Sunday, because he is not interested in social gatherings where people can talk about the past week's events and search the~ congregation for new hats. He can find the same thing on his level at the shipping hall. Ship's officers are practically a breed apart from the ordinary read Nostromo" strikes one as curi- ous, particularly when one recalls that Conrad himself-and he was- a better critic than he supposed- rated the book highly. Nostromo is a very difficult book, not quite like any other Conrad novel, but it seems to me to be one of the two or three best things he wrote. Professor Haugh's critical ap- proach does not allow him to wan- der far from the twelve books themselves. Joseph Conrad: Dis- covery in Design will have accomp- lished a very useful and salutory function if it brings the attention of-readers to specific titles in the Conrad canon. Conrad himself wrote, "The reader will go on read- ing if the .book pleases him and critic will go on criticizing with that faculty of detachment born perhaps from a sense of infinite littleness and which is yet the only faculty that seems to assimi- late man to the immortal gods." APPROACHED with that sense of detachment, Conrad's work has rewarded Professor Haugh with a- book that will assist read- ers in charting their own reading voyages of discovery. The fact that new readers will discover or old readers find confirmed Mencken summed up; and Mencken had a way of giving praise just as he damned - without reservation: "There was something (about Con- rad) almost suggesting the vast- ness of a natural phenomenon. He transcended all the rules. There have been, perhaps, greater novel- ists, but I believe that he was in- comparably the greatest artist who ever wrote a novel." By RONALD KOTULAK Daily Staff Writer HEN THE Romance Language Building comes t u m b l i n g down, arched doorways, shivered bricks, groteisque monsters, spired tower and all, a few diehard cam- pus aesthetes will sigh, then shrug resignedly. The gray brick building, should- ered between Angell Hall and Alumni Memorial Hall, is slated to come down sometime in Feb- riary. Demolition of the French Renaissance structure is in keep- ing with the University's program of remodeling the old Ann Arbor High School - now the Friese Building - for classes. Originally built in 1880 as a mu- seum, the antique edifice' has earned a berth in the present Uni- versity museum where a semi-cir- cular relief of two fighting mon- sters clinging to the tower will be preserved for posterity. The semi-circular reliefs - .called tympana - that adorn th'e four-story building are grotesque images of natural animals in Ro- manesque style, which depict the purpose of the one-time museum. It was designed to house natural history and anthropological col- lections. PERCHED atop the peaked tow- er is an acroterion; known to lesser-informed laymen as "the gate to heaven." Need for a museum arose in the early history of the University when bulging classroom cabinets could no longer absorb the influx of historical specimens. Officials then considered five plans for a building but had to reject all of them because f lack of funds. Shortly after, Major William Le Baron Jenney, at that time the only professor of architecture, was enlisted to draw up plans. When his design was accepted by the Re- gents, Jenney ironically had to be relieved of his position because the University could not afford a pro- fessor of architecture and a new building at the same time. Jenney later won fame as the herald of the modern skyscraper. He was- the first architect to put into practice the device of the steel skeleton frame, which car- ries the floors and masonry walls story by story. However, this sys- tem was not employed in the Ro- I. DRESSES kU 1 SPECIAL PUkR COTTON .SHI CASE! RT WAIST 0.98 M -\ Vl prc! s atV . '': .Y or patterns in ~r\: . ~ ~ .:v~ r darkev shas. -~. .. sp btotao;~\'~ .~$..A mance Language Building. When the structure finally took shape it was girdled in red brick and trimmed with stone. It com- prises 25,275 square feet of floor space and cost of construction amounted to $46,041. SOON after its memorable birth, the building developed struc- tural defects. Since it was built without a basement, the ground floor settled and a new one had to be installed. In 1894 the original roof proved too heavy and was replaced by a makeshift affair fastened togeth- er with so curious a system of trusses and bolts that classes from the architecture department vis- ited it. Even today an inquiring wan- derer Is tempted to see what would 0' Ii--.-..__ _ _ _ __ _ __ l JHONP BY 1923 the University was again pitched into the dilemma of cramped museum space. At least 75 per cent of its historical collec- tions, valued at $2,000,000, were kept in storage because of inade- quate display areas. See R. L. B., Page 18 happen if the bolts joining the steel supporting rods were un- screwed. The story told to inves- tigating freshmen says the walls would fall outward. Lean budgets c o n t i n u a lly plagued the building. Looking into the future, Jenney had designed an elevator shaft in the structure, but it has always remained aban- doned. On the tower are two ob- viously empty indented circles that were intended for clock faces but never filled, C19 o/1959 GO FORMAL in the new and exclusive t "PLAYBOY" tuxedo! for all your favorite to! ic -shirtwaister 'S Waist, full-skirt a low pre-seaso stripes, checks, pretty pastels or /ealurin g NATURAL SHOULDERS BLUE-BLACK ~0 C ,NTER VENT rj FLAT POCKETS, _ UNPLEATED TROUSERS Your :. .Beard and $19.35 as down payment Balance payable March and $April iil 1 IiF IlT We Go Anywhere 'Your Rest Re VETH NO 3-4545 i ENTERTAININ N 1 ./' i ., a SEE U eN Ol2 NAPKINS *MATCHES- INVITATIONS sires 10 to 16. I ALL ACCESSORIES IN STOCK I i? i +, , i '1 *~ I r I RAMSAY WILD"S MENS SHOP State Street on the Campus 119 East 11 II