xx:.:. . MAGI AN DAILY Wednesday, January 15 1958 Wednesday, January 15, 1958 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE P, ..vv..vva.evJy n...rrra.r wr j srr a r:/v -,- -,I / The Life of a Lake Sailor THE JACOBS REPORT Changing Values in College' a Provocative Volum By THOMAS BLUES Daily Staff Writer STANDING on Duluth's Lake Superior pier, Detroit's Am- bassador Bridge, or in the Soo Lock's park, the observer watches a Great Lakes freighter head out into the lake or glide down the river or be lifted slowly to the water level on another lake. And he thinks how nice it would be to sail on that boat, to actually go where it goes. Perhaps the idea is a romantic one, inspired by countless tales of the sea. He may be weary of the earthbound life, and for a brief moment, as the ship glides out of sight, dreams the dream that the ship before his eyes and the memories of the books and movies have stimulated. The observer might-if he spots a seaman walking along the deck -wave to him in hopes of a re- sponse, a connection with the dream. If he ever had the opportunity to take a trip on that boat, to Duluth for a load of Masabi ore and back to a Lake Erie port, the dream would bb partially fulfilled. Nobody travels in the winter, and in summer he would thrill briefly at the fresh, water-cleansed air brushing against his face. He would marvel at the scenery as the ship twisted its way through the St. Mary's River. And he would never forget his first awe at the Aurora Borealis, hanging in the It Separates Him Forever From the Landlubber's World nighttime Lake Superior sky likeF a great cathedral. YES, HE WOULD find the peace of getting away from his world refreshing. Perhaps he might want to do it again, if he didn't stay long enough to be bored or if there were no storms. Still, although he would be able to tell his friends about his remarkable trip, 'he would be ignorant of the most interesting and significant part of the sailing life, the men who sail for a living. He wouldn't know that the deck- hand leaning on the rail as the ship passed 'within yards of a beautiful Port Huron river-front home, is wondering why he ever set foot on a boat. The thought wouldn't occur to him that a sail- or, walking back to his ship along a residential avenue or a gay, busy, downtown area, thinks only of the time when he too will fit into this life. The casual observer on the pier or riverside park never thinks about the men who sail the ships because the ship itself prompts his temporary dream. If he does ever try to picture the seaman, the typical image of a husky, foul- mouthed, carefree, brawling drift- er is all that takes shape in his mind. And though the adventurous youth may admire his life and adult culture abhor it, neither really understands it. The mer- chant seaman lives in a world that would bewilder the passenger. Why? Perhaps the answer partly lies in the environment. But there is more to it than that. There is also the way of life to -be con- sidered. ONSIDER, first, the fact that the sailor, in most cases, is hired on a ship not by the com- pany, but through the union or shipping depot. Ships' officers call the hall when they need a man. A seaman can be fired or quit on a few minutes notice and still be able to get another job, unhindered except by a wait for another boat. What happens if an employee on land gets fired, or decides to quit because he is irritated? He gets no references. His record is marred. No matter how competent he may be, such an action would have definite effect on his chance of getting another job as good or better than the one he vacated. This and another important factor mnakes the seaman relatively in- dependent. Nobody cares about his personal life, his IQ or whether or not he can pass favorably a personality test. His qualification for work is that he can handle his job. His personal life is his own. WHAT ABOUT his actual ship- board life? In essence, it is lonely. Sailors travel alone. They may have shipboard companions, but these are lost when they leave the ship. And on the ships there are only a limited number of peo- ple with whom to associate. There are only so Many card games, bull sessions, and books sent by a wom- en's charity organization. After that, there is nothing except for the longing to get to port and the nearest bar. Many sailors below the officer level have mo family life. The na- ture of their work makes it dif- ficult for any resemblance to a normal married life to be achieved. They have no family to visit, no place to spend their money unless they are in debt, and no place to go. Their money is spent in dock- side saloons and wasted in poker To make room for our incoming spring fashions, our annual SALE of fall stock will begin Monday, January 20. This includes many fine imported fab- rics with discounts from 20% to 50%. 20%-25% OFF on SUITS & SPORTCOATS 20% -25% OFF on TOPCOATS & OVERCOATS 20%-25% OFF ,on TROUSERSQ 25%-33Y3% OFF on DRESS SHIRTS6 (button down and tab collars) 25%-33V3% OFF on SPORTSHIRTS 33V3%-40% OFF on HOSIERY 25%-50% OFF on NECKWEAR (Cami Let rotherj BRITISH IMPORTS TAILORS - CLOTHIERS - FURNISHERS6 1119 SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE HOURS 8:30-5:30... . MONDAY THRU SATURDAY U: games. Pent-up emotions and frustrations are taken out in liq- uor. HOW DOES this type of life effect his thinking, his view of life? Certainly, he thinks differ- ently from the man "on the beach." ,Although he usually doesn't pay much attention to the world of Sputniks, Little Rocks, and elections, he does pay atten- tion to certain essentials which our landbound society could well use. His judgement of another man is based solely on how well that man handles his job. Many tasks aboard ship involve danger to hu- man life. A man pulling a cable on the dock trusts his life to the cable winch operator, who-if he happened to make a mistake- could send the other to his death. When cargo -hatches are being opened or closed, a metal leaf could).if one of the working team wasn't alert, break loose and flip a seaman to his destruction in the hold. The perfect teamwork in- volved in putting men on the dock via the landing chair means the difference between a safe landing and death. It is obvious that there is no place for fashions, cars, titles or doors or income brackets as criteria for judgement. T HE SEAMAN is generally a far more serious type than the devil-may-care image conjured up in the observer's mind. Life aboard ship is dull and uneventful, and although the ship sails from port, the sailor is not going anywhere. The years are long, hard, and essentially embody the same rou- tine. When he begins sailing, he may have an idea of saving his money to become more successful on land. (This dream, by the way, is valid. Pay is good. Room and board costs nothing. It is a job involving no personal overhead ex- cept for the few articles of cloth- ing and equipment needed for the job. Perhaps the easiness of just living that sort of life gets in the way of the vision.) At any rate, the time passes andtthe sailor stays where he began. An agent at one of Detroit's shipping. halls tells the story of the young man who once shipped out for the first time to make money in order to cover his divinity school costs. Now, twenty years since, he is still sailing - between alcohol breaks. This manner of life has a stiffening effect on the lives of the sailors because they begin to be aware that, no matter what they planned, they will never realize the dream they vaguely still hold on to. Perhaps for that reason they seldom crack jokes. Even their' amusement has almost sordid overtones. Poker games are played. for high stakes. Time in port is spent getting drunk at a dockside bar. There is not much room for fun in life. THESE generalizations make it look as if all merchant seamen are alike, but a psychologist would have a field day with the variety he could find on a ship. Take, for example, the firemen who saves all his money to keep up his home in Miami. He is relatively well off -but he has never been known to spend a cent on himself. For cloth- ing he depends on what other crew members would ordinarily toss away. Or of the deckwatch, a devoted husband and father of five children, who attended -Cen- tral Michigan College but claims he can make more money by sail- See SAILOR'S, Page 14 (continued from Page 2) civic responsibilities or to take inteiest in public affairs, despite their wish to integrate well with their neighbors. According to one report cited in the book, only three per cent gave top preference to being active in snational politics and 17 per cent thought partici- pating in community affairs would be one of three most satisfying activities in life. DESPITE his passive attitude to life, the college student feels that a college education is im- portant. He complains most fre- quently about "production line teaching methods." The value of the college, however, seems to be expressed in terms of its prestige or job-getting value to the stu- dent, rather than the school as a fountain of knowledge. The college experience seems to be confined to a process where the young person acquires the atti- tudes of a college student. The student's attitudes on many sub- jects change, but his basic values and goals either remain or be- come intensified. The change in attitudes comes, however, in his tolerance of the actions of those around him. The student takes a much more per- missive attitudes towards break- ing the law, radical thinkers and sexual relations--towards all moral and social values. However, these attitudes do not reflect his own actions. If anything, studehts tend to conform more in their thinking and behavior. One study included in the book says many students acquire these more permissive at- titudes not from exposure to other students, but merely from the fact that they expect to adopt these "college attitudes" when t h e y enter college. NOR DO the courses studied in college have an effect on atti- tudes. Social science courses are commonly thought of as giving the student more humanitarian attitudes; however, another study shows that there is no significant difference in the values of two classes, and one not. Students studying liberal arts do not always seem' to be more liberal than -those in other fields of study. At one college, in fact, the average natural science major was rated more liberal than those in liberal arts concentrations. Of all the factors in higher edu- cation, the individual instructor has the most influence on the attitudes of the students. The book shows cases of students tested be- fore and after taking one of two sections of a course taught in exactly the same way. One group scored significantly higher on ability to think critically because of the impact of the particular instructor. PROF. JACOB does not paint an altogether black picture. Some colleges, he demonstrates, do havej atmospheres which are genuinely conducive to influencing the values 'groups-one taking social scienceI 'The Liveliest Art'. (Continued from Page 3) the audience credit for "recog- nizing the advances in the art made by D. W. Griffith, discover- ing star personalities, rejecting the spuriously 'arty'." Griffith's ac-j ceptance came so easily, not be- cause of any perception on the part of the audience, but because the field itself was so 'new, the aesthetic unformed. The novelty of Griffith's method was a further factor in the -public's acceptance of his work; a fact supportable by a comparison of the earliest Cine- mascope movies and concurrent productions by Stanley Kramer and others utilizing the normal, screen, in terms of the relative box-office returns. By and large, films like The Robe and Be- neath Twelve Mile Reef win the money race, against pictures like The Men or Cyrano. As to the star system, it is less likely ,that the audience discovers a star personality than that such a figure is spawned on the con- certed typewriter carriages of a given studio's staff of publicists. Just compare the bright glow around Jayne Mansfield oruTab Hunter with the relative obscurity of Betsy Blair or James Daly. And certainly it is unfair to applaud the audience for rejecting some- thing that is falsely arty when that audience seems congenitally incapable of distinguishing a genuine work of art from the mil- lions of feet of celluoid pap that is fed to it yearly. CLEARLY, the blame for the degeneracy of the film cannot be placed singly with the audience or the executive. The director is automatically exonerated, but be- comes culpable at that time he Burton Beerman appears fre- quently as a reviewer, both on The Daily editorial page and in the Magazine. A senior in the literary college and an English major, he is from Detroit. He has been the recipient of Hop- wood awards for his poetry and is at 'work on a novel. gives .up his individual. expression in order to carry out mandates from producers who are blinded by financial necessity. Both the movie maker and the moviegoer can challenge this unfortunate trend by a program of self-edu- cation. Surely, if the audience could claim richer creteria. they would be capable finally of ac- cepting films of a better quality. The book at hand is a success- ful beginning for such a process of education. Whatever imbalance Knight's preference might afford the book can be corrected with a list of further readings included in the volume. The film, by en- gaging so many of our faculties simultaneously, can transcend, in knowing haands, the limitations of any single art. That thought, and the fact of leisure, with more time for entertainment, are two more reasons why it is imperative that we try to keep "the liveliest art" alive. THE MUSIC CENTER New Horizons i Music R High Fidelity by A, of unf smi the leg( , off leg( don bib] wh stu por tha mo tud wh val pro I ant ant sul nee cat ind par CONCERT HALL PERFORMANCE . . just one of the outstanding Pilot High Fidelity Sound Systems you will hear perform with the magnificance of Coicert Hall realism. Also on display - Pilot High Fidelity FM-AM Radio Pho- nographs and Portables. $169.50 to $635.00. THE MUSIC CENTERH 300 SOUTH TH-AYER HIGH F! I 4 wear SAILING BLUES }:? fo r Warm Weather Fun! Left, Slim stripes on Sailing Blue Denim sailor dress. Smart button front with anchor emblem pock- et. Blue with white stripes; white with blue stripes. Sizes 10-18; 4/ 14112-221/2. 10.95 Right, The dress designed for fun in the sun! Delicate loop braid trim; slimming waist band ties in a bow in the back. Blue with white braid; white with navy braid. Sizes 10-20; 121/2-2212. 9.95 SPORT SHOP - THIRD FLOOR DOWNTOWN / I i'V f'K: "' I ONE-DAY SERVICE / On Request .s ,; I '[0