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September 19, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-09-19

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t.C [t MYi Mt l, ,

: "

nions Are Free
Will Prevail"

Sixty-Eighth Year

printed in The Michigan Daily express the individuatopinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

SEPTEM1ER 19, 1957


"oh, Bay-Lots Of Headlines"
,. Ae
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Impressive Spectacle
T]HE TEN COMMANDMENTS a la Cecil B. DeMille is a spl
extravagant and highly abridged dramatization of the Old T'
ment book of Exodus, replete with romantic intrigue, much
The movie essentially depicts the life of Moses, beginnirn
his birth, skipping to his eary manhood, and ending when th
raelites finally enter the Promised Land just before his death. M
spends virtually all that time (in the movie) surrounded by be
fu women-- his true mother, his adopted mother (the Phar(
daughter), her -beautiful' attendanfs, scores of dancing girls and

T en Comman

From Past Trends
A Future Prospeetus

TEMPTATION to begin the year with
et of "predictions of things to come" is
but so is the caution beaten into any-
ho has ever gone into the prediction busi-
or any length of time. 'A safer approach
be to describe a few trends noticeable
University and student scenes and sug-
without predicting, that they may be
ued over the coming year.
ainty about recent trends in the aca-
situation at the University is not easy
ae by. As enrollments mushroom many
.e quality of undergraduate education is
ng, that there are trends toward larger
,fewer faculty members per student,
lore of the University's top professors
ng all or most'of their time to research-
aduate teaching. Exact figures, however,
her nonexistent or capable of conceal-
>re than they reveal.
if the general educational picture Is one
line, there may be some hope in anoth-
nt trend - a growing uneasiness about
Zy watching the "rising tide" take its
areas like academics and housing.,
RE HAS been , during the past year a
at increase in concern for the superior
t, most spectacularly in the establish-
of the literary college's honors council,,
ident, in other programs as well. There
seen some signs, e.g., in Student Gov-,
nt Council's recent activities in the area;
nig enrollments, of questioning the as-
on that the University must and will'
its size in a matter of years. The ex-,
establishment of a University advisory
ttee 'on rising enrollments may do much
ify the issues in this area. A further
concern was President Hatcher's warn-
the legislature that self-liquidating fi-
g of dormitories may not be sufficient
r for the great increases in University,
g which the enrollment increases will
her trend, which is also exemplified by
ecent SGC activities, Is toward greater
t involvement in the educational pro-
the policy level. Two student members'
ecently added to the University lecture
ttee, and there have been pressures for
t participation on the Honors Council
nore meaningful participation on the
in Control of Intercollegiate Athleti'cs.

THIS INCREASED student involvement has
been accompanied, or perhaps permitted, by
a greater tendency toward cooperation and
away from hostility between the students and
the administration and possibly within the
student community. Ever since the demise of.
the Student Legislature two-and-a-half years
ago there has been no major conflict between
the student government and the administra-
tion. On the student side it has been due, de-
pending on who is describing it, to a greater
amount of student responsibility or a lesser
degree of student gumption and courage. SGC
has followed a national .trend away from con-
.cern with "social action," and has listened
quite carefully ,to advice from its elders. On
the administrative side, more cordial relations
are largely the responsibility of the three-year
old office of Vice-President for Student Affairs
and the man who fills it, James A. Lewis.
Perhaps related is an undercurrent of dis-
satisfaction with some of the traditional re-,
strictions on students. There are signs, per-
haps nothing more, that in the areas of social
conduct and academic freedom, the coming
year may bring a significant. thawing.
Two other areas deserve mention. The Uni-
versity's large international community ap-
pears to be taking a more active role in cam-
pus political discussions, and there seems to
be a growing awareness on the part of the
American student community of the opportu-
nities for mutual education which our foreign
student population presents.
ND AN OLD ISSUE, fraternity and soror-
ity bias, seems to be taking on a new com-
plexion. With the gradual abandonment of
bias clauses several nationals have resorted to
expulsion of locals which have pledged minor-
ity group members, especially Negroes, and this
newer mode of discrimination seems destined
to replace the bias, clause as the focus of at-
tention in this area and to keep its central
position for many years.
One cannot be sure that past trends will be
continued, nor can one begin to guess what
new trends may be initiated, this coming year.
But the trends already operative should be suf-
ficient to make the coming year one of the
most interesting in the University's long his-

vants, lovely Hebrew women, love
the beautiful, seductive and
s ch em in g Egyptian princess,
Aside from the welter of fic-
tiohal embellishments and a bit
of overacting occasionally, The
Ten Commandments is a 'truly
impressive spectacle, with an im-
pressive lineup of top stars. Charl-
ton Heston as the sober, austere,
Biblical Moses would be miscast;
but as romantic 'hero Moses he is

ly Midianite women, and ab
beginning, his equally bi
and devoted enemy in ti
after he discovers'his
birth and spurns, her ly
* . *



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YUL BRYNNER as the ambi-
tious and unscrupulous Rameses
competes with young Moses for
the favor of Nephritire and the
affections of the female audience.
His acting (and his physique) is
equal to Heston's.-
Edward G. Robinson is his
usual competent self as the evil
Hebrew taskmaster and renegade,
Dathan. He adds considerably to
the drama and intrigue of the
movie, though he is never men-
tioned by name in Exodus, where
his role is insignificant.
. Anne Baxtergfills the role of
Nephritire extremely well, with
the exception of a few instances
of overacting. She Is Moses' beau-
tiful and devoted booster .in the

YVONNE de Carlo as the a
tive, tender Zipporah, wif
Moses, is superb, as is Debra
et in the role of the 'lovely Se
(eventually wife to Joshua),
Nina Foch as Pharoah's daui
(Moses adopted mother).
John Derek a§ Joshua is n
all the character one expects
reading Exodus. He is, in
movie, almost entirely a rom
hero -- very handsome, very
lant, Willing to endure any pl
cal suffering in defense of hi
loved Sephra.
mandments is excellent in al
every respect, with perhaps
single exception of some
editing and splicing. The V
Vision color photography is'r
niticent. The optical effects
for the most part extremel:
alistic, and the drama is at't
-Edward Gerulds

n16 't'gts 414M rc*' P'9*- C.

Syria-Model Soviet Outpost

AEhma, Know Thyself'

DAMASCUS - I have just in-
terviewed the top pro-commu-
nist and military strong man of
Syria, Gen. Afif Bizri, Chief of
Staff of the Syrian Army. He was,
extremely frank and not un-
friendly, but w'as extremely dis-
couraging as far as Syria's future
relations with America are con-
In brief, the United States is
likely to find Syria a model Soviet
outpost in the Arab world as long
as General Bizri remains in power.
Gen. Bizri is slender and grim-.
lipped, with a narrow, well-
trimmed mustache. He once pre-
sided over a military court trying
alleged traitors. There were times
duringi our interview today when
he loopeduasif I were on trial, too.
"What has happened to the once
friendly relations of the "United
States and Syria?" I opened the
"Improvement of those relations
is entirely a problem for the
United States," he replied. "Syria
did nothing to justify this Ameri-
can attack. All Syria wants is in-
* * *
WHEN I READ of your fight for
independence I get encouraged
and feel Americans who believe in
independence should be of good
heart toward us and happy when
they see us following their ex-
ample. This is all Syria has done.
This is what caused the campaign
against Syria.'
"Aren't you afraid you'll lose
your independence when you take.
arms from Russia?" I asked.
"Why didn't you sell us arms?"
he parried.

"The State Department informs
me that it offered arms to Syria,"
I said.
"The State Department forgot
to tell you," Gen. Bizri replied,
"that it attached political condi-
tions to those arms which would
have ended our independence."
Later I checked with American
officials who informed me that
exactly the same terms were of-
fered Syria as were offered other
Arab countries-the arms were
not to be used for aggression, were
not to be transferred to another
'country, and an American mili-
tary mission would be stationed in
Syria to ascertain that the terms
were' carried out.
"Aren't you afraid of losing your'
independence when you receive
money from Russia to build roads,
airports and harbors?" I asked.
"We don't sell our independence
for a harbor," Syria's Chief of
Staff replied, "If we find the Sov-
iet tries to infringe on our sov-
ereignty, we will stop every pro-
"ASSUMING we have made
some mistakes," I asked, "How
can we improve relations from,
here on?"
"The mistakes of the United
States are not theory, but fact,"
the general shot back. "The first,
step the United States can take is
not to give ear to such hysterical
persons as Charles Malik." He re-
ferred to the foreign minister of
Lebanon, a Christian Arab and
staunch friend of the United
"You can also not consult with
such smugglers who fled their
countries as Sherif Nasser of Jor-

dan," he added, referring to the
Uncle of King Hussein' now with
ex-President of Syria Shishekly.
"The best trade {hey deal with
leads to bad reads. I am ashamed
when I stretch ny hand to shake
hands with Americans who do
business with these smugglers.
embassy staff did business with
them," the general continued.
"Those whom we asked to leave
our country were the most active.
They had contacts with civilians"
and with military officers plotting
against our regime and to kill me.
What the Americans did not know
was that these officers immedi-
ately reported to ne."
I asked Bizri who these al-
leged American plotters were. He
named Col. Robert Malloy, mili-
tary attache; Vice-Consul Fran-
cis Jetton and Second Secretary
Howard Stone. Later,. the Ameri-
can Embassy vigorously denied
the -charges.
"These Americans," Bizri con-,
tinued, "Paid money to Syrian of-
ficers to overthrow our regime.
We have this money-about 100,-
000 Syrian pounds-which we will
show at the trial. Charges will be
officially published in a -few days
and the trial will follow later.
You in America pay taxes and this
is what your tax money is used for.
Gen. Bizri smiled at the start of
the interview. He did not smile
toward the end. He spoke like a
man who, though wrong, fervent-
iy belives he is right and will fol-
low his policy to the bitter end.
The United States, I concluded,
will have increasing trouble with
Syria under Gen. Bizri.

DD THIS LETTER to t"e reams of direc-
tions and counsel that already stuff your
ckets and clutter your desk. The content
this letter is advice, gleaned from experi-
sing not long ago the year upon which you
to embark.b
['hough shallow and preoccupied minds may
idy about "the" issues of this campus-
.ng enrollments, crowded classes, the cost
living and the like-isn't the most crucial
blem of the ,next few weeks the emotional
I intellectual adjustment of yourself and
ir 3,000 counterparts on this campus? We
erans of this scene have seen your awkward,
zzled, hesitating movements this past week
I, won by your humility, now offer counsel,
ping you avoid pitfalls we did not.
Fresh from easy high school days, from
nily home and parents eye, from the' ortho-
Sy of community church you come to Ann
>or seeking something-exactly what you
not know-and if you ask what should it
we veterans must give Grecian counsel--
now thyself." For your "self" which was in
h school a thing unquestioned, in. college,
ere awareness of the real nature of man
I his environment is absorbed, plus the
arness of your vocation, turns upon you to
c value questions of the present and the
O BEST FASHION your campus experience
so that you can live with, and know, thyself,
can suggest. Foremost, you must-to the
'prise of the psychologists-make your emo-
ns (mortido) recessive to your reason, under-
nding that a reasoning mind is not neces-
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
NNA HANSON:.................Personnel Director
MIMY MORRISON.... . ... ....Magazine Editor
WARD GERULDSEN ...Associate Editorial Director
LLIAM HANEY..................Features Editor
SE PERLBERG ...*..........Activities Editor
ROL PRINS ...........Associate Personnel -Director
IES BAAD. ,.......Sports Editor
UJCE BENNETT ..*.......Associate Sports Editor
IN HILLYER ..........Associate Sports Editor
ARLES CURTISS ...........:... Chief Photographer

sarily incorisistent with magnanimous deeds or
religious faith. While fashioning your mind
reasonable, =make it also independent, almost
stubborn, for mistakes made of your own deci-
sions will gain you more than decisions made
fbr you by University counselors. Listen to
advice but chew .well once before swallowing-
this advice included. Believe nothing to be
absolutely true. Worship no thing done by man
or written by him or man himself for many
a precious fact and idol kept from naive high
school texts will yield to classrooms here. And
add to this self-discipline, humility and self-
lessnwss, those things' that will sustain long
hours of scholarship here, things that can re-
strain mans' base desires and give you empathy
with all mankind.
The great orthodoxies of Protestant, Chris-
tian, Jew and faiths brought here from other
lands need not bow to college's gift of sophisti-
cation, but can be firmed. These faiths of
"simple people," as called by some, can be as
profound as good theologians make them, and
further, "simple people" .are more profound
than all the philosophies your professors dream
of as you will discover when you go home for
Christmas and talk with less educated kin.
If the old morality succumbs to heavy conform-
ing pressures of the mass you will feel here,
we fear along with others the sanctity of our
laws and further, the longevity of our free
SO FRESHMAN know thyself and let thyself
be heard in circles you inhabit, for out of
class, will come the most you learn here of life,
the most life learns from you. If you could
"know thyself" when sloth calls you from
study's sweat to movies, banal chatter and your
bed; when selfishness-that cause of history's
wars--on a lower level makes impossible the
friendship of roommates and classmates; when
prestige groups invite you in, but close the
door to Negro, Jew and tie protesting tongues
besides; when invitations come for vulgar
speech, drunkeness and promiscuity from those
whose friendship you cherish; when revered
parents counsel you against your better judge-
ment; when educators-the parasitical few
found in a generally good group--force non-
sense upon your reason.
So "know thyself," new student. You are the
chosen this day, the hope of better years to
come as you learn from mistakes made by we
before you. To learn this now is to avoid later

ful trend of reproducing the more.
on' the screen. And, although
these musicals usually have less
to offer than does opera (which
apparently can be appreciated by
the public on all levels in most
other countries), the Broadway
shows can be a lot of fun for
watchinig and listening, especially
if they are so faithfully translated'
to the screen as "The Pajama
Game" has been.
This is one of the loudest, most
exuberant musicals in,many years,
exceeded perhaps only by the cur-
rent ""Li'l Abner".
- WITH A CAST composed al-,
most completely of stars from the
Broadway version of "The Paja-
ma Game", the technicolor musi-
cal is expertly done with many of
the practised comic routines of
the stage.
These routines, with the music
and lyrics, provide all the enter-
tainment. There is also a simple
story about love and wages in a
pajama factory that provides ex-
cuses for the songs and routines
but it is weak and superficial.
John Raitt plays the new su-
perintendent in the factory and
DorisnDay, the onlyhmajor actress
who was not from the Broadway
production, takes the part of Babe.
Williams of the union grievance
SINCE the musical's setting is
a pajama factory, it is accepted
quite naturally that the theme
and dialogue flirt gpenly with the
bounds of good taste - and al-
ways win. In the part of a time
study man, Eddie Foy, Jr., has
one of the funniest routines with
a zipper.,
Yet in spite of the spirited hour-
and-a-half's enjoyment to be
found in "The Pajama Game",
this film has none of the depth
and power of better musical pro-
ductions that may never be trans-
lated to the screen in this country
because of misrepresented inter-
pretations of the American public:
--Vernon Nahrgang

The Daily Official Bulletin is
official publication of the Univt
sity ofnMichigan for which t
Michigan Daily assumes no ec
torial responsibility. Notices shoo
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form
Room' 3519 Administration But
ing, before 2 p.m. the day precedi
publication. Notices for Su-nd
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notice;
Registration of Student Orgal
tions: Student organizations planr
to be active during the preeent
mester should complete registratic
the Office of Student Affairs not
than October 11. Privileges such as
use of meeting rooms in Unive:
buildings are available- to recogr
organizations only. Student orgar
tions registered by this date wil
considered officially recognized.r
Recognition of new campus erg
zations falls within the jurisdictic
the Student Government Council.
formationeand assistancecouncci
procedure may be secured from
dent Government Council office
the Student Activities Building
from the Administrative Secre
Student Organization sponsored
tivities. All activities and pro
sponsored or produced by student
ganizations must receive the app
of Student Government Council.
recognized organizations are eli
to submit a petition for considers
A petition should be submitted tc
Council at least two weeks before
event ,is, to take place. Forms ma;
secured from the Administrative
retary of Student Government C
cil In theStudent Activities Bul
(Room 15313 dr 2011). Activities ar
be scheduled so as to take place 'b
the seventh day prior to the be
ning of a final examination-pe
For the present semester the exan
tion period begins January 17,
Publicity for an event may no'
released until approval has been
cured. For detailed procedures
regulations relating to student org
(Continued on Page 11)

'Pajama Game' Spirite
-As Musicals ,Go
HERE IS A GROWING trend among foreign movie producer
ward adaptation of the more popular operas into the film me
The French, Italian end even Russian studios are more than le
the way in this movement.
Meanwhile, American movie producers, ignoring opera
pletely, are continuing and expanding on their financially sui

popular Broadway musical


Liberal Look at Nonconformity

To the Editor:
THE HEARTENING thing about
the National Student Congress
recently concluded in Ann Arbor
is the fact that youth is not apa-
thetic toward vital issues of the
day. I commend the young people
who participated, even though
I'm sure that with the passing of
time and the ripening of under-
standing certain attitudes cur-
rently expressed may well under-
go revision, as did one at this ses-
For example, the conference
censured another group, the 41
young Americans visiting Red
China, saying, ". . . while the
Congress feels the ban on travel
would have to be lifted if suitable
types of student exchange were
possible, it affirms its faith in the
democratic political process and
deplores such attempts to alter
existing regulations by violating
Such naive faithi! There are
times when dissent must be ex-
pressed to the point of civil dis-
obedience by courageous citizens
to emphasize the unconstitutional

all of us against a Congressional
raiding party?
For several years we've wit-
nessed an annual farce some-
times known as "Operation Alert,"
Last year and again this summer
some people, including the highly
respected Dorothy Day, were ar-
rested because they were alert
and concerned enough to refuse
to take cover as the law pre-
scribed. They had to be impris-
ongd to emphasize that in this era
of inter-continental ballistic mis-
siles there just isn't such a thing
as Civil Defense.
One could cite many examples
of non-violent, non-cooperation,
for nuttiness is rampant in Amer-
ica today and the sane people are
kept busy going into and out of
self-imposed confinement. Con-
sider the bus striking walkers-to-
freedom in Montgomery, the non-
violent turning of the cheek by
Koinonia Community in Georgia,
the picketers against useless, ex-
pensive, and immoral bomb test-
ing in Nevada. I wonder what the
Student Congress thinks of Dr.
IMinus Pauling and the 18 German
scientists who in effect told Ade-
nauer, "No cooperation with mili-

too long for the "democratic poli-
tical process" to lead us straight
tohell. It might conceivably man-
age it anyway.
Unless my memory is seriously
at fault, "free elections" .in. Ger-
many once put a man named Hit-,
ler into power.
R. F. Burlingame
Xilan, Mich.

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