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January 12, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-01-12

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3r Atigan Bali#
Sixty-Eighth Year

hen Opinions AreFree
Troth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, JANUARY 12, 1958


Ike Leads Weak U.S.
From Position of Strength

"Good -Now Let's See You Handle The Wheel"
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German Green Border'
Now an Iron Curtain
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Ten years ago a German AP staffer sneaked across
the border into Communist East Germany. The other day he made a trip
along the same Iron Curtain border. What did he find? Here are his Impres-
sions of a decade of change)
BONN, Germany (A")-- It was late afternoon when I jumped over
the small creek that marked the border between the British and
Soviet zones of occupation in Germany.
I had reckoned this a good time to cross into the east zone. It wag
about dinner time for the Soviet soldiers who patrolled the fields and
woods on the east side of the border. They were supposed to be more
wv~atchful in the morning.
But the Russians in this area apparently had a late dinner. I
made every effort to avoid detection, but I had been under con-

ETTING THE MOOD for President Eisen-
hower's State of the Union message was the
ntrast between his direct plea to the Russian
ople to help "turn the corner" toward world
ace and his emphasis on this country's
afety through strength."
Not so strangely perhaps, the bulk of his
>peal was aimed at th l'ater point. It is sig-
ficant that in the esident's eight-point
ogram, four points concerned the military
ad military applications of research, three
ad to do with educational and economic areas
rn the interests of national security," and one
-the last-was an appeal for peace.
Of course, the President's direct appeal to
e Russians for peace was interesting-and"'
rhaps, even dramatic-but even more inter-
ting -though perhaps less dramatic - was
cretary of State Dulles' statement the day
fore the Presidential address that there is
point now in holding summit talks with the
ussians. Dulles, it appears, does not wish to
i1k with the Russians unless they make
mncessions to "show good faith."
Thus, it seems that the President and Dulles
ealistically"expect that the Russians will do
r 'peace that which the United States-lag-
ng badly behind the Russians, refuses to do--
unely, to make concessions. The President's
ppeal for peace is, on the surface of it, hypo-
itical and shallow in the face of Dulles'
FAKING ADVANTAGE of the President's
ineptitude, Bulganin obliterated European
ws coverage of the President's speech by
aking a carefully timed plea for new peace
Iks. Bulganin's appeal was a blow to United

States prestige in Europe which will leave a
permanent scar.
This country's European allies have demon-
strated concern over United States' unwilling,-
ness to meet with 'he Soviets. Bulganin's well-
timed statement, coupled with Eisenhower-
Dulles shallowness, can only serve to increase
Allied dissatisfaction with United States policy.
In other areas of his speech, the President's
unrealistic attitude and shallowness also showed
through. Understatement of the entire speech
was his remark that at the moment, America
is probably "somewhat behind the Russians in
some areas of long-range ballistic missile de-
The only hopeful sign in the speech was the
formal announcement of the administration's
four-year, one-billion-dollar educational pro-
gram. The President justified this program as
important to "national security."
IN LIGHT of the speech's flaws and the gen-
eral lack of new ideas evidenced in it, the
most amazing aspect of its delivery was 'that
the audience-both Democratic and Republi-
can congressmen-applauded no less than 41
times. Later, Lyndon Johnson, the Senate
majority leader, praised the President'sideal-
ism and objectives of peace and security which
"stir the hearts of every American."
We were more "stirred" by the realization
that the same man, who with the help of his
bungling assistant,, turned his own State of
the Union message into a propaganda victory
for the Russians and who still has not learned
the folly of arguing "position of strength"
arguments from a position of weakness, is
supposed to be leading this country.

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Ike DeterminedBbutyETiring

stant observation by a Soviet
Shouting "stoj" (stop) and
pointing his gun at me, he stepped
out from behind a bush. He
searched me thoroughly and
transferred my cigarettes,
matches, a pocket knife and comb
to his own pockets and then
forced me to return west over the
same route I had taken.
* * *
MY SECOND attempt was more
successful. After walking about a
mile along the western side of the
demarcation line, I crossed again
into the east.'
This time I reached a railway
station about eight miles from the
border and made my way through
the Soviet zone into the freedom
of West Berlin without mishap.
All this happened 10 years ago.
It was then - shortly after the
war, - not an unusual way for
German citizens to travel between
the two parts of Germany.
Thousands of Germans crossed
the "green border" every day in
both directions, with more or less
Today such adventures belong
to the past. The former demarca-
tion line has become a closely and
effectively guarded barrier - the
Iron Curtain.
Illegal crossings of the 850-mile
frontier separating West from
East Germany have dwindled
down to less than a dozen a week.
A regularly plowed strip of
ground about 10 yards wide to-
day marks the boundary between
West Germany and what the
Communists call the German
Democratic Republic.
* * *
TO STEP onto this strip - oft-
en called Pieck Alley after GDR
President Wilhelm Pieck - most
likely means death at the hands
of East German gunners. Addi-
tionally, for about one-third of its
length, the Soviet zone border is
barricaded with barbed wire.
Behind the plowed death strip
comes a 300-yard-wide "barred
area" where border troops with
trained dogs patrol day and night.
There are more than 400 wood-
en watchtowers, hundreds of
ground shelters and intricate sys-
tems of trip wire connected to
various alarm devices in this area.
A further strip about three
miles wide has been declared a
"border zone" by GDR authorities.
Even East German citizens need
a special pass to enter this zone.
Except for a few soldiers at
regular check points, there are
no Russian troops to be seen any
more in the immediate border

Parenthood, Regent Discussed

THIS; WEEK the campus refilled with stu-
dents, many of whom had travelled far on
public transportation. On one such occasion,
we couldn't help noting the hideous way in
which mothers behave toward their children.
It stands out on trains and buses, but it
probably carries over into 'the home as well:
the child is expected to behave like an, adult,
to keep quiet when its mother is reading, to
sit still.in its seat as though it had the patience
or inurement to boredom of its less interesting
parents, with a timely scold, shout or slap for
failure to combly. The mothers we saw were
primarily concerned with their own comfort
and interacted with their children not as
understanding parents concerned over their
children's healthy , mental development, but
rather as fellow adults on whom it is just as
well to take out one's frustrations, aggressions
and boredom.
It made us think how surprising it would be
if the next generation of Americans were not
considerably more, neurotic than its predeces-
sors, however unl'ikely that may seem or how
calamitous for our already overcrowded insti-
TIS WEEK saw the appointment of a new
Regent, Donald Thurber, by Governor Wil-.
liams and some discussion over the propriety
of appointing a non-University alumnus, es-
pecially a Harvard man, to the University's
highest governing body.
Our concern would be just the opposite: over
the propriety of doing nothing but nominating
and electing University alumni to the Regent:.
A case could be made, in fact, for barring per-
sons for running for Regent if they had gone
to no other college than the University, on.
the grounds that-assuming the whole business
has any importance at all-their perspective
on educational problems might be linlited by
the Ann Arbor horizon. Certainly constant
inbreeding of Regents has as many dangers
as selecting persons who have no first hand
knowledge of the University a'ffairs, especially
if the Alumnus-Regent's first-hand knowledge
is twenty to forty years old.
We have heard, among one of the few and
brief Regental discussions made open to the
press, at least one Regent based his remarks
on his son's recent experience at another
school, and have never heard a contribution
based on "the good old days" In Ann Arbor.
And even the most rabid alumnus must admit
that if Thurber had to graduate frore a school
other than the University, he could have picked
a worse oRie than Harvard.
lished its evaluation committees this week,
more than a semester after the student-faculty-
administration evaluation committee suggested
the idea.
The Council is in need of evaluation, and
student committees, which might be willing
to do a thorough and informed job, should be
an improvement over the tripartite committee
which conceived of its functions in the nar-
rowest of terms and attempted no positive

proposals for change. Proposals to enlarge the
number of elected members, to include the
President of the International Students As-
sociation as an ex-officio member, to raise the
incentives for Administrative Wing members,
to abolish or more clearly define the jurisdic-
tion of the Board in Review, to increase the
effectiveness of, and participation in, all-cam-
pus elections, all are in need of serious study
and debate.
While the idea of all-student committees is
desirable, their composition is, in many cases,
far too homogeneous in outlook to promise a
very serious consideration of minority view-
points. And it was remarkable reasoning, in-
deed, which selected for the key committee--
the one on size and composition of the Coun-
cil-a person who had, to anyone on the
Council's knowledge, never attended an SGC
meeting, while at the same time including no
otie who had ever worked under a different
sized all-campus student government, although
such persons were included oi other com-
* * *
WE RECENTLY had our first look at the
new Undergraduate Library which, opens
this week, and it is like a page out of "The
Lonely Crowd" or "The Organization Man."
The chairs are designed for comfort and full
fashion; the colors are bright and cheery (the
same kindergarten color schemes as are em-
ployed in the Student Activities Building, and
there is no creature comfort imaginable-from
thirst quenching to complete relaxation-for
which the library does not provide. There is
even a "multi-purpose room" which has as
yet no discernable purpose (unless as a basket-
ball court-it's about the right shape) and
will probably never acquire one until assigned
one arbitrarily.
Interesting, too, is the fact that one is able
to wander for some time along the walls of
ark prints, through the- music listening room,
in, out and around the "multi-purpose" room,
and never see a book or a bookshelf. There are
to be some 60,000 of the former before the
library is opened on Thursday, but the building
contains in addition, as our guide explained,
everything "which would encourage under-
graduates to use the building."
THERE IS a "group conference room," there
are large areas of sofas and cushy chairs,
there is ,a snack bar for study breaks. There
are, unfortunately, very few'areas for the stu-
dent who just wants to be alone with a book,
a sign perhaps, that scholarship, like business,
is going to be conducted more and more in
large rooms and in a social atmosphere. The
days of the lonely scholar, like the lonely busi-
nessman, are numbered. This is not to say that
the Library is unsuited to the wants or needs
of the undergraduate students, or that it
wouldn't be much, more fun to study in the
new library than in any of the old libraries-
in fact, we look forward to it. But it must be
taken as an amazing sign of our times.
There are several advantages to the new
building which it would be unfair to ignore.
It gives the "browser" a chance to expand his
horizons beyond hise favorite local bookstore
and into the free library facilities. Its later

WHITE HOUSE insiders say
President Eisenhower's per-
sonal appearance on Capitol Hill
Thursday was intended as a de-
fiant answer to the strident voices
that have clamored for him to
quit. It was also an indirect notice
to Mamie, who has been nagging
him to retire and live at the
Gettysburg farm in peace.
Ike had brushed aside sugges-
tions that he send his State of the
Union message to Capitol Hill by
White House messenger. He want-
ed to demonstrate both to Con-
gress and to -the public that he is
in full charge of the executive
branch; which also explains why
he insisted on attending the NATO
conference in Paris so soon after
his mild stroke.
*M * *
DESPITE Ike's determination to
carry on, the blunt truth is that
he's slowing down. Now in his 68th
year, older than any President
who has lived out his term, Eisen-
hower begins his sixth year spend-
ing less time at his desk than any
President in modern history.
He seldom works more than an
hour without resting. He takes a
midday break of two to three
hours, during which he swims,
paints, swats golf balls or ex-
changes small talk with friends.
He no longer attends White
House staff meetings, lets Sher-
man Adams run them. Cabinet

meetings seldom last more than
an hour. In fact, Ike seldom stays
in any meeting for more' than an
hour without interruption. He has
also spent over two years out of
five away from the White House,
more than any other President.
This has made Eisenhower more
dependent than any President in
history on his staff. Every Presi-
dent to some extent is a prisoner
of the White House, surrounded as
he must be by Secret Service men.
But Ike begins his sixth year
insulated by the biggest White
House staff in history and with
more authority delegated to the
White House staff than ever be-
fore in history.
*I * *
NO APPOINTED official, past
or present, has ever exercised the
tremendous, unwritten power that
Eisenhower has vested in his chief
assistant, Sherman Adams -
"Sherm the Firm," the tough,
trap-jawed former New Hamp-
shire governor. He shields the
President from all but the most
pressing problems.
"We must not bother the Presi-
dent with this," he frequently says.
"He is trying to keep the world
from war."
Adams also protects the Presi-
dent from bad news.
"Bring your bad news to me,"
he instructs Administration lead-

Besides taking responsibility on
his own shoulders, Adams irritates
people by his abrupt manner. He
can be as craggy as his own New
England rocks.
Every Cabinet officer, of course,.
has the right of direct access to
the President, either by phone or
in person. But even Cabinet mem-
bers have strict orders to take
their problems to Adams, not
bother the President unless it's
THE PRESIDENT is so cut off
from the public that he seizes on
the few contacts he has with com-
mon citizens. If a delegation visits
his office, he will often single out
an obscure member and pump him
with questions. He chats with his
barber, Steve Martini, and with
farm handsvat Gettysburg about
their reactions to world problems.
Republican leaders are split
over whether the President should
delegate more of his work to Vice-
President Nixon or Assistant Pres-
ident Adams. Outside the White
House, most GOP leaders think
Ike should turn over more of his
burdens to Nixon. But the White
House guard is doing its best to
keep Nixon's foot out of the door.
Meanwhile, Adams plans to hire
four more high-powered assistants
who will report directly to him.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

(Continued from Page 2)
Student Recital: Michael Avharian,
violinist, at 8:30 p.m. Mon., Jan. 13, in
Aud. A, Angell Hall, performing works
by Mozart, Bartok, Debussy, and Saint-
S iens, in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Master of
Music. Avsharian is a pupil of Gilbert
Ross, and his recital will be open to
the general public.
Academic Notices
January Graduates may order capS
and gowns from Moe's Sport Shop on
North University.
Midyear Graduation Exercises Jan. 25,
1958. To be held at 2:00 p.m. in Hil1
Auditorium. Exercises will conclude
about 4:00 p.m.
Reception for graduates and their
relatives and friends in Michigan
LeaguesBallroom at 4:00 p.m. Please
enter League at west entrance.
Tickets: Three to each prospective
graduate, to be distributed from Mon.,
Jan. 13, to 1:00 p.m. Sat., Jan. 25, at
Cashier's Office, first floor lobby of Ad-
ministration Building.
Academic Costume: Can be rented at
Moe Sport Shop, 711 North University
Avenue, Ann Arbor. Orders should be
placed immediately.
Assembly for Graduates: At 1:00 p.m.
in Natural Science Auditorium. Mar-
shals will direct graduates to proper
Graduation Announcements, Invita-
tions, etc.: Inquire at Office of Student
Affairs. --
Programs: To be distributed at Hilt
Doctoral and professional degree can-
TION EXERCISES are entitled to re-
ceive a hood. Those receiving a doctor-
al degree other than Doctor of Philoso-
phy may exchange the Ph.D. hood given
them during the ceremony for the ap-
propriate degree hood immediately aft-
er the ceremony, in the rear of Natural
Science Auditorium.
AttentiontFebruarysGraduates: W.l.
leg'e of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, School of Education, School of
Music, School of Public Health, and
School of Business Administration:,
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in February. When
such grades are absolutely imperative,
the work must be made up in time to
allow your instructor to report the
make-up grade not later than 8:30 a.m.,
Mon.. Feb. 3, 1958. Grades received aft-
er that time may defer the student's
graduation until a later date.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors. 'reaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative February grad-
uates from the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, -and the School
of Education for departmental 1onors
(or high honors in the College of
L.S.&A.) should recommend such stu-
dents in a letter sent to the Office of
Registration and Records, Room 1513
Administration Building, by 8:30 a.m.,
Mon., Feb. 3, 1958. -
History 91 - Final examination Sat,,
Jan. 18,.2-5 p.m. Students with initials
A-M inclusive in 25 Angell; with ini-
tials 6-Z in 2225 Angell.
History 38 - Final examination Fri.,
Jan. 24, 9 a.m.-12 noon in 1025 Angell
Admission Test for Graduate Study
in Business: Candidates for this test
are reminded that applications must be
received by the Educational Testing
Service at least two weeks prior to the
test date, Feb. 6, 1958. Applications and
general information bulletins on the
test are available at the Information
Desk in Room 150. School of Business
Graduate study in Sociology here and
elsewhere will be described for inter-
ested undergraduates by Professors An-
gell and Hawley, Mon., Jan. 13 at 4:00
p.m. in 5615 Haven Hall,
Economics Club Mon., Jan. 13 at 8:00
p.m. Dr. Edwin E. Witte, visiting pro-
fessor at Michigan State University,
will speak on "The Labor Scandals"
East Lecture Room, Rackham Building,
All staff members and graduate stu-
dents in economics and business ad-
ministration urged to attend; all oth-
ers invited
Analysis Seminar Notice. The next
meeting, Mon., Jan. 13 at 4:10 p.m. In
Rom 3017, Angell Hall, will be devoted
to a discussion of the problems sub-
mitted during the semester. Also to be
decided Upon is a new meeting time
for next semester. New members are
invited to attend.

Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
Mon.. Jan. 13, 1958 at 2 p.m. In Room
3209, A.H. M. M. Ali will speak on "Bal-
anced Incomplete Block Design."
Doctoral Examination Tor Robert A.
Kuehne, Zoology; thesis: "Studies on,
the Schooling Behavior of the Min-
nows, Semotilus and Rhinichthys,"
Mon., Jan. 13, 2024 Natural Science
Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, . 1.
Placement Notices
Beginning with Wed., Jan. 15, the
following school systems will have rep-
resentatives at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments to interview for February 1955
and the 1958-1959 school year.
Wed., Jan. 15
Gary, Indiana - All fields.
Thurs., Jan. 16
San Diego, California - All fields.


Calendar Committee Faces Built-in Handicaps

Daily Staff Writer
versity calendar committee
made clear in its last recommen-
dation that it hoped that a com-
mittee would in the future come
up with a long range calendar
which placed more emphasis on
There were several reasons for
this statement. In the first place,
some members were disturbed be-
cause, after tinkering with the
calendar almost a full year, the
committee had come back to a
14 and one-half week semester.
Another committee just previous
to this one had worked for two
years to devise a 15 week calendar.
Now, with two changes in that
calendar, the University sched-
uling situation is back to where
it was in 1953, when enough con-
cern was shown to set up a com-
mittee to build a 15-week program.
The second reason for the state-
ment is a little more nebulous. The
last committee was quite large.
Aside from the' academic people,
there were representatives from
the Registrar's office, the Athletic
Department and the University
Relations office, plus three stu-
* * *
WITH THESE representatives,
it was difficult to do anything to
make the school year any longer.
One suggestion would be vetoed
by the Athletic Department, an-
other by the students.
The Athletic Department doesn't
want school started any earlier,
because there would be fewer days
fr, fnnAll iir ,.ef '.lrPannfaro'nr

This can be very frustrating to
any group which is trying to get
things done. The problem was
stated most succintly by Prof.
Paul Dwyer of the mathematics
department, chairman of the new
committee, in a recent letter to
The Daily: ". . . any continuing
practice which first allocates pre-
ferred times for vacations, pre-
ferred times for orientation and
registration, preferred times for
processing grades and taking suit-
able action on the results, and
then assigns the remaining time
to the basic learning periods, is
not proper for the University of
The old committee wanted an
educatpionally based calendar.
Judging by .the makeup of the
new committee, this will not be an
easy thing to reach. Only two of
the five members, Prof. Dwyer and
Prof. Leo Legatski of the engineer-
ing college, are totally concerned
with academics.
Prof. Marcus Plant, although on
the Law School faculty, serves as
a member of the Board in Control
of Inter-Collegiate Athletics and
is faculty representative to the
Big Ten Athletic Conference.
The law school, incidentally,
operates under its own calendar,
which does not coincide with the
general University program,
James Shortt works for the
office of University Relations, and
University Relations are public
* * *
THE ONE STUDENT represent-
ative may or may not be educa-
tionally oriented, but,, as a stu-
A anrv.rc-nt- l' a ein nd 'h

We feel that to devise such a
program, a leisurely atmosphere
must somehow be cultivated. Every
concept must be carefully weighed,
and anybody who has anything to
say about it should be heard. The
information has to be evaluated,
digested, regurgitated and digested
It would indeed be unfortunate
if, after the committee had set up
a new calendar, another commit-
tee had to come through the fol-
lowing year to "trouble-shoot" it.
Of course, there are things oper-
ating on the plus side for the new
committee. Four of the five mem-
bers served on the last calendar
committee for about a year. They

are already reasonably familiar
with the problems that go with
any calendar. Prof. Dwyer also
did a great deal of work this fall
with some possible alternate cal-
end ars.
Because it is a small group,
meeting time should not be hard
to find. And the group plans to
work quite intensively.
It is quite clear by now that
no calendar is going to please
everybody. And nobody can in any
fairness expect one to. We only
hope that this committee comes
closer to realizing the wishes of
the last group than its structure
might indicate it would-a calen-
dar in which the academic pro-
gram is given priority.


by Dick Bibler

-- Y

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