Stu dents Lack
Interest in
tian student from the University of Minnesota, and know more about
their own fields than most students in foreign countries. But outsldo
of their owen fields, their weakness is quite evident,"
"Frankness and friendliness are qualities of the American stu-
'dent," reported a student from Ugandi studying at Allegheny Col-
lege. However the friendliness was felt to be superficial and lacked
genuine interest. In being frank, the American student seeks criti-
cism, while looking only for approval."
s ~Say Self -Satisfaction harmful to World
This general self-satisfaction of the American student, the group
~concluded, is harmful to the United States and to the world.
Many of the visiting students thought the American student dis-
interested in academic freedom. They said he does not demand
enough of a. multi-sided view of the subject matter of his courses.
Realizing, however, that most colleges are limited in the' number
of staff members, the student leaders said American students should
demand access to materials which discuss all sides of a subject. These
source of information should include those impartial to the topic and
(those who clearly favor it, and oppose it.
Students should be entitled to hear any speaker advocate his
ideas, and he should encourage his school to obtain speakers with
varied and contrasting opinions and viewpoints. The foreign students
felt that it is the privilege of a professor to hold any political or re-
ligious view that he wishes. Some felt that professors were denied
this right. Miss Holland mentioned.
1The student leaders felt that American college subject matter is
side Affin,
biased pro-American. One of the participants felt that if th(
are two, aides or two approaches' to a topic, it seems that one
carefully deleted or given in a derogatory light,
The group felt that the collegiate institution -- the quiz-
not aimed at testing knowledge. Rather, they felt, it is intended
orient and direct the students' thinking in the subject along a pE
ticular line.
As leaders in their own student movements, these people E
vitally in~terested in student government and student attitudes towa
it. They have concluded that student governments tend to isolE
*themselves from the student body' In turn, they thought the studei
elect their own student government and promptly forget about it, M
Holland explained.
Feel Student Governments " Very 'Weak"
The foreign student leaders felt that there are too many inE
perienced people in student government and many people incapal
of leadership are trying to take an active part in leadership. It is t
duty of the student government to help formulate student opini
and provide leadership on important matters. In this, most parti
pants felt, student governments are very weak.
* Commenting on the frankness of the views presented, a Japa
ese student at Cornell felt that it was the duty of the foreign stud(
to be very frank and truthful in his-views. "To soften these opini(
would not be. helpful to the American students or, to ourselves,",
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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
iJa tt
Vo Cut Power ...~ d~EhiI Russia, West Stalem
-w - ..:.X ...........................................
Current ProposaL
For Top-LevelMeei
-Daily-Eric Arnold
HITTING THE ICE- Michigan Tech defenseman Bill McLay helps goalie George Cuculick damp-
en a Wolverine attack near the end of the second p e r 1 o d, illustrating the defensive protection
Tech gave Cuculick throughout the two-game series.
Servi ces ReadyRockets
To Send- Of f Satellites
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (1PyThe Army-Navy" race to shoot the
first American Sputnik aloft was believed to be niearing a decision
last night behind the curtain of security that surrounds the missile
test center here.
Send up SoonI
Best guess seemed to be that the Navy would be tihe first to fire,
sending its Vanguard "moon" rocket up near the end of next week.
The Army's satellite-packing Jupiter-C missile is expected to
trail the Vanguard into distant space by several days.
Both vehicles are known to be inside the barbed-wire enclosed
firing range, in -varying stages of assembly. Beyond that, there Is
no official information. Military
ThrdPe riod Goals Crush'
Michigan Tech leers, 5-2
A .two-goal outburst in the opening minutes of the third period
sent Michigan's hockey team to a 5-2 win over Michigan Tech before
more than 2,800 fans last night at the Coliseum.
The two quick goals which came within 30 seconds of each other
gave the Wolverines an insurmountable 41 lead over the Huskies,
..L . ....i.n~n ........ tef...T.,.,, 4 - -g e in wa r 7 I ," ju +hnk i na i l rupW..±UU
officials make, no bones of the
fact that they want to launch the
satellites in Russian-type secrecy,
issuing no formal announcements
until the "'moons"~ are known to
be in orbit.
Whno took 2~:07i seconds too long to
Captain Neil McDonald scored
eventually proved to be the winnin
pasty Tech goalie George. Cucu-
the first of the quick goals which fMsieSo
1g one by tapping his own rebound Thinking turned to satellites af-
(ter Friday's spectacular "missile
show during which two huge in-
tercontinental weapons of war-
Senators See the Atlas and the Navaho-were
"I shot in rapid succession. Both flew
Posta ge Ris successfully over their assigned
IWASHINGTON { ')The Eisen- It' is believed 1 that those were
hove adinitraton pperedthe last of the big missiles sched-
certain yesterday to get its long- ldtgo
sought postal rate increases bill/
passed this session., . lv , Cagers
B u h x r e e u a eoffset by federal pay increases i i .C n r s s e p c e o v t
even sooner. L[ 3-m7 2
Sen. Frank Carlson (R-Kan.),L s ,
senior Republican on the Senate
Post Office Committee, told a re- By RUDE DIFAZIO
porter he is confident the Senate
will complete action this year on a Special to The Daily
measure raising postal rates. EVANSTON, I1.-Northwestern
Howver the 527 millions of ad- exploded for 30 points in the last
dional revenue which the rate eight minutes of the first half
bill now before the Senate com- here lasta night, and Michigan
mittee would bring in would be never recovered as the Wildcats
more-than offset by 617 million of wvent on to win, 93-72, before 7,600
pay increases to two other meas- 1fans at McGaw Hall,
ures ready for Senate action, IThe lossvnndroDedthe Wolverines
Panel Sees I
No German
nity soon
Germany probably will not re-
unify within the near future, a.
six-man political ,panel ' of the
Weekend 'Institute on Germany
Today agreed unanimously yester-
The hope that Germany will
soon be unified was compared to
a "mother crying for her dead
child," by Brig. Gen. S. L. A. Mar-
shall, military analyst, Detroit
Prof. James. K. Pollock, chair-'
man of the Political Science Dept.,;
declared, however, that due to the
unpredictability of world situa-
tions this hopeful possibility
should not be discounted.
Prof. Pollock said that Germany
hasf rendered a great contribution
to world p eace and Western se-
curity through her post-war sta-
"Restoration," Dr. Rolf Pauls,
co unselor of the German Embassy
InWashington D.C., said, to the
German people means the re-
established. freedom for the East-
ern zone, not necessarily reunifi-
cation itself.
One of the reasons why Ger-
many is a member of NATO, Pauls
said, is because it sees in the
Western Alliance her best hope for
a restored Germany.
Prof. Alfred Kelly, chairman of
the history dept., Wayne State
University, said that neutraliza-
tion of Germany would crate a
risk because Russia would agree'
to it only if she is provided with
an excellent opportunity for even-
tual control.
Come Later
Pubhlic Opinioin Can
Force Participanits
To Continue TWalks
WASHINGTON (R)-Russia and'
the Western" powers reached com-
plete deadlock yesterday on the
issue< of holding a big East-West,
But diplomats' privately predict
a foreign ministers' meeting, a.
fsummit session, or both later this,
The prediction is based. on1ia l e-
lief that both sides in the cold.
war need high-level talks and that
public opinion, particularly in
Europe and in neutralist. countries
like India, is exerting a stgady
pressure for efforts to reduce the
risks of nuclear war.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
and. other Western' leaders are due
to make soon the next move in the
diplomatic poker game 'now being
played 'over the issue of how to'
They have completed replies to
messages from Soviet Premier
Nikolai Bulganin °and these are in
diplomatic channels for delivery
in Moscow.
Just as the Soviets released
Bulganin's messages promptly, so
the Western responses are due, for
almost immediate publication.
They are expected to +re-empha-
size the West's' demands that Rus-
sia resume negotiations on some
kind of safeguarded disarmament
agreement and to, leave the way
open for a new-East-West summit
conference provided two condi-
tions are fulfilled.
One is that there should be
careful preparatory talks at the
lower levels; the other is that
these talks should, show solid
ground for belief- that a summit
meeting would produce results.'
Joh nso n Cit e s
Military Needs
don B. Johnson (D-Tex.) said yes-
terday that action to "knock some
heads together" at the Pentagon
might produce more: missiles.
IThe Democratic leader of the
Senate said such firm action might
be more effective than a reorgani-
zation of the Defense Department.
Sen. Johnson, who heads the
Senate Preparedness subcommittee
investigating the missile program,
Vi enna Choir Boys To Perform Today at Hill
The world renowned Vienna Boys Choir will appear as the fourth
attraction in this season's Extra Concert Series at 2:30 p5.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
The 22 youngsters from Vienna's Konvikt School are touring
North America for the 13th time, visiting 70 cities in the United States
and Canada.
Today's concert will open with Jacobus Gallus's "Repleti Sunt,"
"0 Sacrum Convivium" and "Ascendit Deus." '1his will be followed
by Palestrina's "0 Bone Jesu," Widman's "God's Greatest Gift" and
Lasso's "Echosong."
into second place in the Big Ten
race with a 2-1 record. They face
Ohio State Monday night at home.
The big gun for the. Wildcats in
the first half was Captain Nick
Mantis with 17 points and Phil
Warren with 15 as the Wildcats
rolled up a 55-34 lead.
.The high scorer for the game
was Michigan's Pete Tillotson with
23. Mantis hit 21, Warren had 20,
and towering Joe Ruklick, who
was held to six points in the first.
half, notched 19 for Northwest-
The W addcats could do nothing
wrong as they hit a scorching 48.9
per cent of their shots in the first,