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January 09, 1958 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1958-01-09

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tepublicans Seek Economy
n Face of BudgetDeficit

Plant Cites Regulations
As Reason for Leaving

Local Council Candidates
Discuss Ann Arbor Zoning
(Oontinued from Page 1)



LANSING-A Republican econ-
omy plea greeted the opening of
the 1958 legislature yesterday
faced with a $33,000,000 state
treasury deficit.
The Republican dominated
legislature was addressed b~y
House Speaker George M. Van
Peursein (R-Zeeland), who sur-
prised fellow lawmakers with a
letter coupling the call for econ-1
omy with a ten-point legislative
In his letter Van Peursem called
for a' full pay out of the 1957-58
school aid formula which ,it now
appears cannot be supported en-
tirely from revenues available to
the school aid fund.
Sallade Introduces Uill
Bills already introduced for the
session include a $250,000,000
bonding program proposed by
Rep. George W. Sallade (R-Ann
Sixty per cent of the funds
would go to education. The re-
mainder would finance the needs
of mental health, corrections,
conservation and social welfare
Rep. Willard I. Bowerman, Jr.,
(R-Lansing), introduced a $100,-
000,000 bonding program for con-
struction at state supported col-
leges and universities.
Both programs co n t a i n e d
measures to ease the cost of high-
er education. Students borrowing
money would sign notes, payable
after graduation.
Williams Speaks Today
Gov. G. Mennen Williams to-
day will outline his program to a
joint senate-house meeting. The
first night session will begin Mon-
The Governor estimated that
the largest chunk of the state
budget deposit, $29,000,000, lies in
the general fund, with a,shortage
of $8,000,000 in school aid and $5,-

000,000 in deficiencies from over-

spent agencies.
Among the host of bills
resolutions cascading into
legislative machinery was a

(Continued from Page 1)


the Colorado College players would
fail to meet Big Ten eligibility
standards. Three Michigan play-"
ers were declared ineligible at the
start of last year's NCAA tourna-
ment, and many observers thought
at the time that Colorado College
instituted the charges that result-
ed in the penalty. This was one
example cited of an area where
there existed a different interpre-
tation of the eligibility rules.
Minnesota is the only team in
the league with primarily Ameri-
can personnel. Gopher Coach
Johnny Mariucci said this handi-
caps Minnesota. Last week Mariuc-
ci attacked Denver and Colorado
College for what he called their
lax eligibility standards.
At East Lansing Dr. Harold Tu-
key, chairman of the Michigan
State Athletic Council, explained
Michigan State's reasons for with-
drawing :
"We now see the difficulties of
trying to draw several conferences
together in a league in which
separate conferences have differ-
ent rules and regulations. The Big
Ten never has thoroughly ap-
proved of the arrangement."
Prof. Plant's letter also explain-
ed that Michigan's withdrawal
"does not necessarily mean that
we will no longer compete in hock-
ey with other League institutions.
It does mean that we do not con-
sider it desirable to continue under
League obligations as to sched-
The letter also pointed toward
the possible development of an
intercollegiate hockey program in
the Big Ten. "It is our belief that
certain institutions in the Big Ten
which do not now have intercol-
legiate hockey may be interested

in developing it. Our hope is that
through this action of freeing our-
selves of fixed obligations outside
the Big Ten, we may encourage
Conference Institutions contem-
plating the inauguration of a
hockey program."
Michigan hockey coach, Al Ren-
frew, expressed a belief that the
Big Ten will have its own league
in the very near future. "In Michi-
gan State, Minnesota and Michi-
gan, we have the nucleus to start
such ahleague," says Renfrew,
"with the possibility that Ohio
State, Illinois and Wisconsin may
be induced to enter teams."
Should a Big Ten League be
formed it is quite possible that its
leading team each year might be
chosen to participate in the NCAA


g) Frank A. C. Davis, incum-
bent, is the Republican candidate
from Ward 3. Davis, 28 years old,
is health and science' editor for
the University relations service
and is in charge of public rela-
tions for the University Medical
In his campaign statement, Da-
vis urged support for an Ann Ar-
bor master plan. "Zoning and
master planning go hand in hand.
The city needs such a plan des-
perately," Davis emphasized.
He was elected to a one-year
term on the City Council in the
spring election last year.
Engineer Runs
4) Prof. A. Nelson Dingle of the
University civil engineering de-
partment is the Fourth Ward
Democratic candidate.
An associate professor of mete-
orology, Prof. Dingle, 41 years old,
is doing advanced research and
teaching in the civil engineering
5) Prof. Leonard K. Eation of
the Department of Architecture
and Design has entered the coun-
cil race as Democratic candidate
from Ward 3.
City Planning Emphasized
Prof. Eaton, 35 years old, has
voiced interest in Ann Arbor city
planlning.He cites re-zoning for
the Third Ward and urban renew-
al as indications of the city's in-
creasing problems of city plan-
6) Lloyd M. Ives is the Demo-
cratic candidate representing the
Second Ward. Ives is an airline
pilot and a graduate of Michigan
State University.

Mial is a psychological diagnos-
tician for the Ann Arbor public
schools. Mial, 32 years old, was
unsuccessful in the primary elec-
tions last February and is running
unopposed for the primary this
He received his Master's De-
gree from the University.
8) Weston E. Vivian, engineer
with the University Engineering
Research Institute, is the Demo-
cratic candidate from Ward 5.
Vivian, 33 years old, has stressed
support for Ann Arbor urban re-
newal and the city's Human Re-
lations Commission.
IHC To Meet
New Regents
Two new University regents,
Carl Brablec and Donald Thurber
will attend a meeting of the Inter-
House Council Presidium at 7:30
tonight in Rm. 3529 Student Ac-
tivities Building.
IHC President Drake Duane, '58,
will report on the possibility of
Presidium members conferring
with members of the Michigan
Legislature. The Presidium will
also discuss plans for the IHC-
Assembly show. One of the topics
they will consider is the selection
of entertainment for this show.
Three items of new business will
be taken up. These are the pro-
posalsfor Constitutional and By-
Law changes, the problem of house
orientation groups, and the J-Hop

.-. urges economy
posal for a vote at the November
general election on big bond is-
sues for buildings at colleges and
other tate institutions.
"Rebellion" Seen
Van Peursem, who has had
throat surgery and has relegated
his duties as presiding officer to
Rep. Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan),
said he sensed a "growing rebel-
lion" among taxpayers and urged
the Legislature to do everything
within its powers to enhance job
opportunities and industrial ex-
He also proposed to "give labor
tools necessary to clean its own
house and to establish responsi-
bility toevery union member and
to the public as a whole."


J-Hop Wicket Sales, Jan 8-10 and
Jan. 13-15, 12-4:30 p.m., Administration
Building Lobby,
Kappa Phi, dinner and program by
alumnae, Jan. 9, 5:15 p.m., Social Hall,
First Methodist Church. Ensian pic-
tures will be taken.
* * *
Folklore Society, sing and organiza-
tion of Guitar Workshops, Jan. 9, 7:00
p.m., Hussey Room, League..
Political Issues Club, panel discus-
sion, Jan. 9, 8:30 p.m., Room 3KLM,
Union. Topic: "Organized Labor" Pan-
el: Mr. Lawrence Rogan, Inst. of Labor
Relations, Mr.Frank Marquart, UAW*
Local 212; Mr. Edward Cushman, Amer-
ican Motors Co.
* * *
Christian Science Organization, week-
ly testimonial meeting, Jan. 9, 7:30
p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall.



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(Continued from Page 4)
form excerpts from Berlioz' Symphonia
Fantastique, the Choir will sing Verdi's
Te Deurn; and the Band will perform
five compositions, among which is The
Magic Trumpet by James Burke. Burke
is cornet soloist with the Goldman
Band and will perform his composition
during this concert. Open to the gen-
eral" public without charge.
Academic Notices
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the 'Law School .Ad-
mission Test are 'now available at 122
Rackham Building. Application blanks,
for the Feb. 15, 1958 administration
must be received in Princeton, New
Jersey not later than Feb. 1, 1958.
Graduate Record Examination: Appli-
cation blanks for the Jan. 18, 1958 ad-
ministration of the Graduate Record
Examination are available at 122 Rack-
ham Building. Application ; blanks are
due in Princeton, N.J. on Jan. 3, 1958.
The National Teacher Examinations:
Application blanks for the Feb. 15, 1958
administration of the National Teach-
er Examinations are now available at
122 Rackham Building. Application
blanks must be received in Princeton,
N.J. by Jan. 17, 1958.
Political Science Graduate Round-
table Thurs., Jan. 9, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall at 8:00 p.m. Prof. Wolf-
gang Stolper of the Department of
Economics will speak on "West Ger-
many and Competitive Co-existence."
Applied Mathematics Seminar
Thurs., Jan. 9, at 4 p.m. in 246 West
Engineering Building. Dr. W. M. Kin-
caid will speak on "Two-point Proce-
dures for the Numerical Solution of
Systemns of Equations." Refreshments
at 3:30 p.m. In Room 274, West Engi-
neering Bldg.
Aeronautical Engineering Seminar:
Dr. Joel S. Isenberg, Aerodynamicist of
the Aerophysics section of the Bell Air-
craft Corporation;, will speak on "The
Aerophysical Problems of Re-Entry
from a Satellite Trajectory" on Fri.;

Jan. 10 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1042, East
Engineering Building.
Psychology Colloquium: "Brainwash-
ing American Soldiers in Korea." Panel
discussion: E. Kincaid, New Yorker
Magazine, J. R. French, J. W. McCon-
nell, T. M. Newcomb, A. W. Melton,
Psychology Department. 4:15 p.m., Fri.,
Jan. 10, Aud. B, Angell Hall. Lecture,
E. Kincaid, 8:30 p.m. Thurs.,,,Jan. 9,
Aud. B, Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Abdul Wah-
hab Abbss Al Qaysi, Near Eastern Stu-
dies; thesis: "The Impact of Moderni-
zation on Iraqi Society During the Ot-
toman Era: A Study of Intellectual De-
velopment in Iraq, 18d9-1917," Thurs.,
Jan. 9, 2032 Angell Hall, at 3:00 p.m.
Chairman, G. F. Hourani.
Doctoral Examination for John Walt-
er Kissel, Pharmacology; thesis: "The
Effects of Certain Substances of Neuro-
humoral Significance on Spinal Cord
Reflexes," Thurs., Jan. 9, 103 Pharma-
cology, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, E. F.
Doctoral Examination for Leon Alvin
Lande, Education; thesis: "The Rela-
tionship of Selected Interests of Male
College Freshmen to Three Academic
Levels of Achievement," Thurs., Jan. 9,
303 West Medical Building, at 4:00 p.m.
Chairman, H. C. Koch.
Doctoral Examination for Ezrl Atz-
mon, Education; thesis: "The Impact
of Educational Programs on the Accul-
turation of Adult Jewish Immigrants in
Metropolitan Detroit (1949-1055)," Fri.,
Jan. 10, 4024 University High School, at
3:00 p.m. Chairman, C. A. Eggertsen.
Doctoral Examination for John Loth-
rop Brown IV, Physics; thesis: "Asso-
ciated Production of Strange Particles
by Negative PI Mesons," Fri., Jan. 10,
2038 Randall Laboratory, at 3:00 p.m.
Chairman, D. A. Glaser.
D o c t o r a 1 Examination for Harry
George Pars, Chemistry; thesis: "Re-
action of Nitrous Acid with Tertiary
Nitrogen," Fri., Jan. 10, 3003 Chemistry
Building, at 2:30 p.m. Chairman, P. A. S.
Doctoral Examination for Sister M.
Harriet Sanborn, Education; thesis:
"An Evaluation of . Group Guidance
Utilizing a Projective Technique with

Twelve Underachieving A d o1 e s c e n t
Boys," Fri., Jan. 10, 4019 University
High School, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman,
H. C. Koch.
Doctoral Examination for Donald Jack
Sharf, Speech; thesis: "The Intelligi-
bility of Reiterated Speech," Fri., Jan.
10, 1958, 166 Frieze Building, at 7:30 p.m.
Chairman, G. E. Peterson.
Doctoral Examination for Dennis
John Ward, Chemical and Metallurgical
Engineering; thesis: "Heat Transfer
and Pressure Drop of Air in Forced
Convection Across Triangular Pitch
Banks of Finned Tubes," Fri., Jan. 10,
3208 East Engineering Building, at 3:00
p.m. Chairman, E. H. Young,
Doctoral Examination for Theodore
Francis Zipf, Physics; thesis: "Study
of Positive Tau Meson Decays in a Pro-
pane Bubble Chamber," Fri., Jan. 10,
2038 Randall Laboratory, at 1:00 p.m.
Co-Chairmen, M. L. Perl and D. A.
Placement Notices
Beginning with Wed., Jan. 15, the
following school systems will have rep,

resentatives at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments to interview for February 19558
and the 1958-1959 school year,
Wed., Jan. 15
Gary, Indiana - All fields.
Thurs., Jan. 16
San Diego, California - All fields.
Fri.,. Jan. 17
San Diego, California.
For any additional information and
appointments, contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.
Summer Placement:
There will be a representative from
the Detroit Boy Scouts to * interview
camp counselors at the summer place-
ment meeting, Room D528, Student Ac-
tivities Bldg., Thurs., Jan. 9, 1-5 p.m.
A representative from Camp Arowhon
for boys and girls, Canoe Lake, On-
tario, will be at the Summer Placement
Meeting, D528 SAB, Thurs., Jan. 9, 1-5,
to interview for counselors.
Personnel Requests:
A small girls home in the vicinity of
Ann Arbor will have an opening for
houseparents. The husband might be
a graduate student or employed. The
job will begin about March 1, but the





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