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January 09, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-01-09

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Sixty-Eighth Year

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This nus t be noted in all reprints.

The Fate of the Union

IS AFTERNOON the President of the
United States presents his State of the
Union message to the assembled Congress in
Washington. We dread that it will be inade-
quate to the times we are now in. In the best
interests of this nation and the world, our
wildest hope is that the President might say
something as honest as the following:
"Friends throughout the world and in the
United States. I won't mince words; I wrote
this myself. In honesty, I must confess that
I have been a failure as President, and be-
cause of this my country has been a failure as
a world power. The plain facts are that the
United States is no longer the most powerful
country in the world; the United States is no
longer the most generous country in the world;
the United States is a compromising, bontra-
dictory moral force in the world; and the
UTnited States has lost its intellectual leader-
ship of the world. Most pitiful, we have be-
come a frightened people - nt only afraid
of Russian bomb, but afraid that we have
nothing to offer the world. And what is Amer-
ica without hope, goals and idealism? Indeed,
what does a sterile, frightened America have
to promise the minds, and stomachs of those
who live beyond Maine, Florida, California and
We are losing friends in the world because
we speak but don't act, because we act with
questionable motives or because we don't act.
I yropose to let the world know where we stand
and that we stand in the right place.
Most importantly, this country believes in
the dignity and self-determination of men
and nations:
To Russians this means that we detest all
things in the Soviet system which restrict the
freedom and expression of the individual -
the slave labor, the forced conformity to the
party line, in politics, religion and culture, and
the invasion of the state into all phases of
human life. We do not object to government-
directed production as such, but only as it
threatens human dignity through limiting
man's freedom, We realize, of course, the dif-
ficultiesof industrializing a backward country
when there is no middle class to spur private
development, but we think socialism can pro-
ceed under democratic political processes. Too,
once industrialism has been ,achieved, we see
less reason for state socialism in the manufac-
turing and consumer industries. In the inter-
national area, this means we detest attempts
to impose Russian national will on any other
nation, either by military or economic means
as in Eastern Europe.
BUT, FOR ALL of our objections to the poli-
cies of the Soviet government, we know
that if there is to be peace in the world there
must be peace between the Soviet Union and
the United States, and there must be peace.
In light of this, I must make an apology. My
administration has been both blind and bull
headed in reaching accord with Russia. My
friend Foster has not been a great deal as head
of the State Department and must go, a move
that may be lamented by David Lawrence, but
by few others, either in this country or abroad.
Our policy has been that Russian policy would,
change if pressure were exerted upon the state.
It never has changed, and we no longer have
the pressure "to exert. We have been blind not
to realize the implications of the facts that
Russia is rich in natural resources, has a jet
plane, an atom ice-breaker, the largest hydro-
electric station, the largest synchrocyclotro,
three times as many engineering graduates as
the U.S., a record of publishing five times as
many books as the U.S., Sputniks in the sky
and a mighty military machine. We are now
no more than an equal power in the world and
must solve the major issues realizing this.
I am willing to meet Mr. Khrushchev and
feel that the major problems- can be negotiated
and settled ultimately. I consider the problems
P of the two-Chinas, the Middle-East and Ger-
many 'of crucial importance and of legitimate
concern to both the United States and Russia.

I also consider urgent an agreement on nu-
clear arms limitation before they become
further dispersed among the nations of the
world. In thort, if the world is to have peace
it must come mainly through negotiation be-
tween the U.S.S.R. and the United States,
,based on a realization of the gravity of our -
man's - situation and on a concern for the
vital interests of each nation.
TO GREAT BRITAIN and France, we must
say that our belief in the dignity and self-
determination of men and nations applies to
all nations. Therefore, we strongly disapprove
of any deliberate delay in the granting of in-
dependence, where that is the will of the
people, in the 'colonial territories. We under-
stand the necessity for postponing inde-
pendence until the people are politically ma-
ture, but we think increased effbrts could be
made to bring them to this stage. We find the
Algerian situation ridiculous.
To the Chinese people, we must recognize
them and approve their entrance into the
council of the world for we recognize reality,
and we recognize that it would be a positive
step out of the futureless stalemate we are
in, and a step toward rebuilding the tradition-
al Chinese-American friendship. Even in the
past, of course, we have not recognized the
Chinese and other Asians as equals, as our im-
migration policies reveal. We must revaluate
our immigration act and other measures which
discriminate against the Asian of African or
even South European and Latin American.
To the Latin American people, we must say
that we object, again, to tyrannical govern-
ment, whether of a communist or fascist na-
ture. We think military dictatorships have
generally retarded the economic, social and
cultural development of peoples and are a
clear violation of the self-determination
O THE BILLION PEOPLE who live froi
South East Asia to Africa to Latin America
in the underdeveloped countries of the world
We must offer a Marshall Plan of economic aid
and assistance, not because Russia is beating
us in this area or because we want to buy their
friendship, but because they are humans and
are starving, unclothedi and diseased - no
more. For many reasons, we think it best that
they remain uncommitted politically, at the
same time exercising moral discernment. We
realize that their state governments must di-
rect many phases of economic activity in the
early stages of their development, but urge
that political liberty be maintained and fos-
tered. We must make increased efforts to bring
students and citizens from these countries to
the United States, both to educate them and
to provide for cultural exchange - as we must
increase cultural exchange with all peoples-
and mutual understanding. We must strength-
en our U.S.I.A. In these countries.
Finally, in the international field we must
channel more of our economic and political
efforts through the Uhited Nations.
M AYI LASTLY speak on the domestic scene.
The greatest problem facing this country
at home is not recession, but education - the
lack of it. In large part, this is why we find
ourselves in such a crisis today - both be-
cause we are ignorant in the humanities. and
in the sciences. But we should build more
schools, give more scholarships, hire more
teachers and pay teachers better, not because
we must beat the Russians, but because
knowledge is good for its own,sake and for
the health of society.
There are many areas we can work in at
home to insure that opportunity in this coun-
try is based on ability more than anything else.
In all areas, the federal government must
necessarily play a larger role.
We must spend the future convincing our-
selves that we believe in these principles and in
implementing them. At the present, neither I
nor this country has time for golf."

"Y ou Were Saying ?"
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Economic Adjustments
Bring Unemployment
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the first of two articles examining
economic conditions in the United States at the present time and the out-
look for the coming months.)
Daily Staff Writer
THE AMERICAN ECONOMY is an extremely flexible, ingenius, re-
sourceful and dynamic system; one which possesses the character-
istic of fluctuating at any given time.
Prof. J. Phillip Wernette of the business administration school
said, "We're moving level for the time being; the inflationary pressure

MissiEe Czar ShakeupD


ANOTHER important purge is
due in the Eisenhower guided
missile department. This time it's
missile czar William Holaday who
is getting out.
To replace him, the Administra-
tion is trying to entice Carter
Burgess, former Assistant Secre-
tary of Defense and former presi-
dent of Trans World Airlines.
Burgess had a good record in both
the Defense Department and
TWA, but finally crossed wires
with TWA owner Howard Hughes.
Holaday's exit will climax a
steady stream of missile experts
who have either resigned or been
fired or otherwise come a cropper
in the Eisenhower Administration.
The others are:
*,* *
7) TREVOR GARDNER, missile
executive for the Air Force who
resigned in protest against the
Administration's slow m i s s il e
2) Col. John Nickerson, who
protested against alleged favorit-
ism to General Motors by Secre-
tary of Defense Wilson and was
3) Edger V. Murphree, special
assistant for missiles, who also
exited. Murphree had been in
charge of Esso Standard Oil's
gasoline experiments with the
Nazi cartel, I. G. Farben, before
Pearl Harbor-at the time Stand-
ard Oil conspired with I. G. Far-
ben to withhold vitally important
gasoline patents from the U.S.
4) Lt. Gen. James M. Gavin,
top Army missile expert, who has
just resigned in protest over mis-
sile matters.

Note - Dr. James Killian of
Massachusetts Institute 'of Tech-
nology was appointed by Eisen-
hower, supposedly with full power
to direct and correlate the missile
program. A few days later, it be-
came known that missile czar
Holaday disputed this.
A new police-state method of
using income taxes to pry into the
lives of prospective jury members
has New York attorneys up in
Income taxes are supposed to
be sacred and private. It is a peni-
tentiary offense for any tax offi-
cial to leak information regarding
tax returns. Up until the time of
Senator McCarthy's investiga-
tions, this also applied to other
government agencies.
However, when Frank Costello,
onetime king of the gambling
world, came up for trial for in-
come-tax evasion in New York, his
attorney, alert Edward Bennett
Williams, suspected that the gov-
ernment had been probing into
the tax records of jurors. He asked
some blunt questions, and U. S.
District Judge Francis X. Mc-
Gohey ruled that he could get the
answers- despite strenuous ob-
jections by government attorneys.
* *. *
WILLIAMS found that the Jus-
tice Department had asked the
Treasury for the tax returns of
200 prospective federal jurors and
examined them to see whether
they were favorable to the gov-
ernment, whether they had high
or low incomes, etc.
On the basis of these returns,
government attorneys classified

prospective jurors and managed
to select for the jury eight favor-
able to the government. The jury
convicted Costello.
Costello is now appealing on
three grounds: 1) that his wires
were tapped for three years; 2)
that the jury had its income taxes
looked into by the government; 3)
that a mail cover was placed on
his mail for the purpose of inter-
viewing anyone who wrote him a
The New York Bar Association
has now filed a brief supporting
Costello in his appeal. New York
lawyers point out that if a jury is
under income-tax scrutiny, it is
likely to feel intimidated and
vote with the government for a
SEN. BARRY Goldwater of Ari-
zona - Thanks for your telegram
advising me that you asked the
Senate Rackets Committee to
postpone its investigation of Walt-
er Reuther and the United Auto
Workers, not because you would
be absent from Washington be-
fore Christmas, but because you
considered Committee Counsel
Bob Kennedy unprepared and un-
interested; and that you believe he
will continue to be uninterested.
Constantin Fotitch, ex-Yugoslav
Ambassador to the U.S. - I ap-
preciated your letter advising that
Marshal Zhukov was not given the
red-carpet treatment on his trip
to Belgrade prior to Zhukov's
purge, because Tito must have
been advised by the Kremlin in
advance that Zhukov was going
to be purged.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

is off, but there is no fear of a
In order to analyze contempor-
ary economic fluctuations, it be-
comes necessary to understand the
basic economic terminology. Gross
National Product (GNP), the
measure of business activity, is the
dollar value of all goods and serv-
ices produced. The three elements
which compose the Gross National
Productare business investment,
government expenditures and
consumer demand.
ONE component of GNP is busi-
ness spending and investment in
new plants and equipment. Indus-
try recently has been expanding
faster than the markets for its
Some industries may be pros-
perous while others are in a state
of depression, Prof. Wallace Gard-
ner of the business administration
school observed. The industries
that feel the pangs of "readjust-
ment" are those with backlogs
and orders receding, and supply
exceeding demand for their in-
dividual products.
Major industries that bear
watching during the coming
months are steel, oil, housing, air-
craft and automotive, Prof. Gard-
ner said that "With the present
precarious nature of our economy
as it stands, if automobile sales
don't pick up, our immediate
economy will suffer."
* * *
WITH readjustments or cut-
backs in the various industries,
the necessary correlate - layoffs
of employees - emerges as one of
the problems most disturbing to
the public, the politicians and the
One cause of unemployment is
increased productivity per man,
which has been rising at a two to
three per cent compound rate, and
according to Prof. Daniel B. Suits
of the economics department,
doubles every 17-20 years. There-
fore,bhe said, "If we employ the
same number of man hours, we
must have a steadily rising de-
mand for the resulting output in-
With the additional rise in GNP
and population, either unemploy-
ment will be forced upon the
worker or he will be forced to ac-
cept shorter hours, unless demand
increases, Prof. Suits concluded.
THE RISING cost of labor and
the ultimate profit squeeze have
placed industry in the unenviable
position of having to cut back its
labor force. Labor, via its strong
bargaining position, has increased
costs through wage demands.
These costs have been passed on
to the consumer and once again
labor has had to face a higher
cost of living, of its owp making.
This vicious cycle, known popu-
larly as "inflation," has been ar-
rested by current employe layoffs,
and the economy is presently at-
tempting to digest her gains.

The Daily Official Bulletin is a
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editori-
al responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Parking: Effective Tues., Jan. 7 the
restrictions on certain parking lots will
be extended through the evening hours
until 10:00 p.m., Mon. through Fri., for
the use of the faculty and staff.
The same regulations that prevail
during ,the daytime hours, 6:00 a.m
6:00 p.m., will be enforced from 6:00
p.m.10:00 p.m. except that Staff Meter
permits will also be legal in the affect-
ed areas between the hours of 6:00
p.m.-10:00 pwm. eachtevening. The en-
forcement of regulations during the ex-
tended hours of restricted usewill be
by the An Arbor Police Department.
Fire lanes, drives, dock areas and oth-
er no parking zones throughout the
Campus will also be patrolled by the
Police Department and violators of es-
tablished regulations will be issued vio-
lation notices.
The parking lots affected are:Lot No.
34 between the Chemistry and Natural
Science Buildings; Lot No. 33 at the
Waterman Gymnasium on East Univer-
sity Avenue; Lot No. 32 at Randall Lab
oratory; Lot No. 31 at West Engineer-
ing; Lot No. 40 at Clements Library.
Auxiliary signs are posted at the en-
trances of these lots.
Student Accounts: Your attention s
called to the following rules passed by
the Regents at their meeting on Feb.
28, 1936: "Students shall pay all ac-
counts due the University not later
than the last day of classes of each se-
mester or summer session. Student
loans which are not paid or renewed
are subject to this regulation; however,
student loans not yet due are exempt.
Any unpaid accounts at the close of
business on the last day of classes will
be reported to the Cashier of the Uni-
versity and
"(a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the glades for the semester
or summer session just completed will
not be released, and no transcript of
credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such so-
counts will not be allowed to register
Jn any subsequent semester or summer
session until payment has been made,"
Sophomore and Freshman Women:
Martha Cook Building is receiving ap-
plications for Sept. 1958. There will be
room form45 sophomoreshandb25 fresh-
man women who will then be junior
and sophomores respectively. Phone NO
2-3225 any week day between 8:00 a.m.
and 4:00 p.m. for an appointment.
International Center Tea, sponsored
by International Student Association
and International Center, Thurs., Jan.
9, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the Inter-
national Center.
Applications for Fellowships and
scholarships in the Graduate School for
1958-59 and supporting letters of recom-
mendation will be accepted until 12:00
noon, Sat., Feb. 1, in the Graduate
School Offices. Present holders of ap-
pointments must file application for
renewal at this time.
Individual Open Auditions for the
"Festival of Song" quartet will be held
next week in WUOM studios, 5th floor,
Admin. Bldg. Call Ext. 2761 or visit
WUOM for advance appointment. Those
selected will be paid for weekly state-
wide broadcasts, and participate in the
spring tour of Michigan.
Coffee Hour, for all interested stu
dents ,Lane Hall Library, 4:15 p.m.,
Fri., Jan. 10. Sponsored by the Office
of Religious Affairs.
January Graduates may order caps
and gowns from Moe's Sport Shop on
North University.
The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the coming
Jan. 11, 1958: Alpha Kappa Kappa,
Greek Students Assoc. Nu Sigma Nu,
Pershing Rifles, Phi Kappa Sigma,
Theta Xi.-
Phi Sigma society presents the sec-
and in its 1957-58 lecture series: Dr.
Irving J. Cantrall, assistant professor of
zoology, will speak on "The Edwin S.

George Reserve, Its History and Func-
tion." Thurs., Jan. 9, 8:00 p.m. in the
West Conference Room, Rackham
Building. Discussion and refreshments
following the talk. The public is in-
Tomorrow and Saturday at 8 p.m. the
Department of Speech presents a Lab-
oratory Bill of 3 one-act plays. The
plays included in this Special Perform-
ance are:, "Tinkers Wedding" by J. M.
Synge, "The Shewing-up of Blanco
Posnet" by G. B. Shaw, "Overlaid" by
Robertson Davies. Performances at 8:00
p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Special price for these productions
all seats - SOc.
University Symphony Band, William
D. Revelli, conductor, will present its
annual Mid-Winter concert on Thurs.,
Jan. 9s in Hill Auditorium, with James
Burke, cornet soloist. The concert will
begin at 8:30 p.m. and will include
works by Grofe, Lalo, Tohno, Arban,
Burke. Goldman. Williams. Persichetti.



;p4. ,.

Refugees, Disarmament, SGC Discussed

Macmillan Proposal

Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
RITAIN'S Prime Minister Macmillan ap-
pears to have contributed an important
service to the Western cause in the cold war.
His proposal for an East-West non-aggression
pact provided the first real challenge to Mos-
cow in many months, and apparently it has
embarrassed the Kremlin.
The experience of tife Macmillan proposal is
likely to point up the advisability of constantly
bombarding Moscow with proposal after pro-
posal of the sort the Kremlin cannot reject out
of hand without risking some of its cherished
reputation as peace champion.
The Soviet Union is seeking a summit meet-
ing of heads of governments to thrash out in-
Editorial Staff
--S + L--. " TCr '[T!T T.i w

ternational problems on a potent propaganda
platform, but it is not seeking agreements as
such. The prospect of a concrete proposal, in-
deed, seems to frighten the Kremlin.
'A non-aggression pact between East and
West would imply a set of firm commitments
on both sides against aggressive actions, po-
litical or otherwise, while the East and West
undertook negotiation of the outstanding is-
sues. That would take years, and in that time,
such ,commitments might tend to hamstring
dynamic Communist expansionism. Thus, the
Kremlin does not seem to want any such agree-
ment, and it probably will have to find ex-
cuses for rejecting such approaches.
MOSCOW propaganda makes perfectly plain
just what Communism wants in the imme-
diate future. It wants a guarantee of the status
Quo in Enronpe so that it can center its major

Fallacies . .
To the Editor:
LT WAS really interesting to read
the letter published in your Dec.
19 issue of The Daily concerning
the Palestinian Arab Refugees. I
would like to take the opportunity
and point out the fallacies in that
letter which are always used by
Zionist Propagandists in trying to
justify their deeds in Palestine.
1) The letter mentions that
before the Arab States attacked
Israel on May 5, 1948, there were
no Arab Refugees. I am sorry to
say that historical facts prove the
contrary, since hostilities started
in Palestine long before May 1948,
and the Zionists took over many
cities which were purely Arab, by
(According to the Partition Plan,
the area awarded to Israel com-
prised 56.47 per cent of the total
area of Palestine. Only half of its
inhabitants were Jews, and they
owned only 9.38 per cent of its
* * *
is an outstanding example. It took
place on April 9, 1948, when the
majority of the inhabitants were
slaughtered and the village itself
was razed. '
Jon Kimche, editor of the organ
of the British Zionist Movement,
"Jewish Observer and Middle East
Review," wrote a detailed account
_r .. ' _ ._._I. L _ a

,help them in going back to their
,2) After these terrorist acts,-
the inability of the UN to do any-
thing, and the withdrawal of the
British from Palestine on May 15,
1948, the Arabs of Palestine found
themselves facing an unequal.
rival, militarily. On that basis they
asked for help from the Arab
states, which answered the re-
quest in order to protect the prop-
erty of the Palestinian Arabs.
The Palestinian Arabs, and the
Arabs as a whole see that the
only solution to the problem is the
United Nations resolution which
give the Palestinian Refugees the
right to go back to their usurped
homes. This is a very practical
solution, especially because it is
supported by the World's Organi-
--Isam Bdeir, Grad.
Last Laugh
To the Editor:
ference, President Eisenhower
spoke of. trends toward decentrali-
zation of both power - and ideas
within the Soviet Union.: One
would think this was a favorable
movement to be encouraged by
decreasing rather than increasing
external pressures. It should also
be apparent that the Soviets re-
gard missile bases, no less a threat
to their existence than bomber

Couldn't we reduce the military
budget by three billions and use
the funds to promote scientific re-
search in medicine? And. another
three billions for education? An-
other three billion for tax reduc-
tion through realistic allowances
for dependents?
And how about three billions
more from the "defense" budget
to promote scientific and cultural
exchange and subsidize travel of
ordinary citizens between the U.S.
and the USSR? The remaining 20
to 25 billions would go a long way
in promoting the general welfare
and promoting healthy competi-
tion. Not competition of men for
fewer jobs, but competition of
manufacturers and service agen-
cies for the dollars of people on
adequate retirement incomes.
Socialism? Forgive my dream-
ing. Let's go ahead and destroy
ourselves. Principle is the thing.
Or maybe principal and of course
interest! Let us arm to the teeth to
save God and free enterprise. We'll
have the last laugh. For even if
all humanity is destroyed, those
godless ones who don't believe in
fairy tales won't go to heaven
with us!
--R. F. Burlingame
Members' Time . .
To the Editor:
its "members' time" in camera
.:- i- A- - - f. t, -- +h

should suddenly scurry to privacy
to discuss, dilate or explain state-
ments made by them earlier in
At times practical expediency
may dictate a legislature, council
or committee to hold a closed ses-
sion. Such expediency may be
necessitated either to prevent pan-
ic from spreading within one's
own electorate or to prevent dis-
cussed negotiations, plans or in-
formations from getting to un-
friendly groups extraneous to one's
It may be safely presumed that
at no time will there arise a
situation of the first category.
Situations of the second category
may at times confront the SGC.
Negotiations and conclusions, es-
pecially in their exploratory and
formative stages, may at times be
of an extremely delicate nature.
If and when such situations
arise, SGC has every right to go
into closed session. Such a meet-
ing must, however, take the nature
and the official recognition of a
special closed session convened for
a specific purpose or topic.
OTHERWISE, the electorate has
the inalienable democratic right
of access to every statement, how-
ever wild and fanciful it may be,.
made by a representative on mat-
ters or policies affecting the elec-
It is detracting to the enlight-
nn - arl m icQniica a irt-" fn

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