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January 08, 1958 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1958-01-08

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n Poses Headache for .Ward

xd, office man-
strative assistantj
of Records and
the task of fig-
channel 900 stu-
rough a mass of
ken-wire .fences
kets during the
known as regisa
the University
ollege .in Spring-
rd started'work-
versity in Febru-
years military
e with the Air
irned to the Of-
and Registration
was promoted to
on of office man-

-Daily-Fred shippey
... engineers registration

apasses many
rt that is his
" rolls around
5 each year.
rn Waterman
veritable stock-
huttle the be-
through regis-
mast amount of
in, from begin-
rd noted, "the
s far as the
he gymnasium
verything must
well in ad-

plained that phones must
orized, ordered and in-
requisitions must be made
department for necessary
at to be moved; and of
ol upon roll of chicken-
st be used to channel the
into the proper lines.
ast task let me to bejlieve
last I had found the
channels" which 'I have
acing' so much about, he
ily," Ward continued,
si pattern for setting up
An each time is the samie,
,each semester brings up
obiems and new' ideas
iust be worked out."
istance, he recalled, the
tle Rock, Ark.,- this fall
te's National Guard came
revent nine Negro children
ntering a 'whites only'
the police opened fire on
& KKK crosses flared."
he World Student News"
in its lead article. The
e, published in Czecho-
,is the official organ of
rnational Union of Stu-
group which derives most
rength from Communist-
d countries.
igh there was some brawl-
Little Rock there was no
cture in a two-page photo
depicts a group of white
)ting together, while an-
Aks with a Negro who is
at her watch.
aption reads "A lone Ne-
. . . stands amongst her
lleagues. They do not at-
r but rarely speak to her,
o ask the time."
er picture shows "A few
en-age thugs whose bully--
handful of young Negroes,
nporarily stopped by the
tion of ,the army."

introduction of IBM cards in the
registration process was more or
less on 'an experimental basis.
"The possibility of an IBM
machine breakdown was a bit of
a worry," he noted, "but, had this
happened, students would have
been directed to tables where they
could fill out their own cards."
It's a case of, being previously,
committed to handle 900 students
an hour and you can't let one ma-
chine stop you, he added.
Ward finds that the summer
enrollment program provides an
excellent testing ground for new
ideas in registration. "When we're
working with 7,000 students it's
much easier to iron out the bugs
than when we're hit with a bar-
rage of 23,000 students," Ward ex-'
Despite the sometimes hectic
rushing that is a necessary part
Foreign Study
Grants for'5
Off eredt at U'l
Competition 'for 165 scholar-
ships to study in 13 foreign coun-
tries will close Jan. 15,. 1958, the
Institute of International Educa-
tion recently announced.
The scholarships are financed
by foreign governments, univer-
sities, and private organizations
and administered by the IE.
The awards are primarily for
one year beginning in the fall of
1958 and are for study in Austria,
Brazil, Cuba, Denmark, France,
Germany, Iran, Israel, Italy, the
Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the United Kingdom.
Interested University students
who are United States citizens,
have a bachelor's degree by the
time of departure, are in good
health, have a good academic rec-
ord and a knowledge of the lan-
guage of the country can apply in
Rm. 1020 of the Rackham Gradu-
ate School.
Most of the scholarships do not
cover travel expenses but persons'
applying for Austrian, Danish,
French, German, Italian and
Netherlands awards mlay apply for
a Fulbright travel grant to sup-
plement the'scholarship. Applica-
tions for travel grants must also
be submitted by Jan. 15, 1958.
The majority of scholarships
are open to candidates in lan-
guages, and cultlre, fine and ap-
plied arts, - sciences, social sci-
ences, philosophy, history and
theology. The French program in-
cludes 40 assistantships for young
Americans to teach in 'ench sec-
ondary schools and teacher train-
ing institutions.
Many of the assistants can also
take, courses in nearby universi-

of an office manager's job, Ward
a native of Maine, is a devoted
family-man with two young sons,
the second of which the Wards
adopted the day before Thanks-
An avid carpenter and painter
(the wall-and-ceiling type), Ward
began building their present home
in 1950 and, with a minimum
amount of sub-contracting and
many hours of hard work, the
Ward family moved in last March.
"It's a Five Star Better Homes
and Garden house," he added
with a touch of well-deserved
pride, . . . 1725 square feet!"
Stan Ward finds that he gets
the most satisfaction in his job by
just working with people. Besides
his office staff, he has a crew of
about 125 students which he hires
each semester for registration
work. Ward puts a tremendous
amount of faith in the students
working with him. "As a matter
of fact," Ward said, "my right-
hand man for the past four' se-
mesters has been Larry Richards,
a philosophy major planning to
enter the ministry."
Duties Increased
Since 'ard returned to his
present position as office manager
in July (he held the same position
in June 1951 before serving with
the Air Force), he has noticed a
sizeable increase in his duties.
Whereas before he was concerned
chiefly with registration and edit-
ing of the office manual, now he
finds himself spread over a much
larger area. The biggest difference
is his closer contact with the stu-
When questioned about "rail-
road tickets," Ward replied, "I'm
glad you mentioned them! Yes,
I'm afraid I am responsible for
them to a large degree, at least as
far as editing and ordering them
goes!" At this point it became
evident that Ward was definitely
aware of the student's plight of
writer's cramp. Being a graduate
of the University, he had fallen
victim eight times to the mon-
strous-sized sheet of perforated
cardboard containing, at present,
14 separate coupons with no less
than nine places to fill out your
Ann Arbor address.
"With respect to the railroad
ticket, we are certainly eyeing it
with the intention of reducing it,"
Ward went on, "but you have to
realize that no matter in what
form the various University of-
fices receive the information con-
tained on the cards, each of these
offices.needs that information.
"We're gradually trying to work
the IBM system into registration."
he added, "but the railroad'ticket
is. not one of the most vital con-
cerns at present. Whether or not
we do alter it has a lot to do with
the various offices using it."
"You've got to remember,"
Ward concluded, "the railroad
ticket as it stands now is the re-
sult of much, much sifting and
selecting over the years!"
Alumni Fund
Elects Board
The newly elected officers of the
University of Michigan's Alumni
Fund board of directors for 1958
have been announced.
Herbert E. Wilson, of Indian-
apolis, '23L, is chairman. Mrs.
David A. Killins, of Ann Arbor,
'39, is vice-chairman; Mrs. Gor-
don H. Stow, of Lansing, '37, is
secretary, and Wilbur K. Pierpont,
'38 and '42 vice-president, is

U Foreign
Students See
U.S. Sights
International students from the
University visited New York, Chi-
cago and Washington, D.C. in the
International Center's Christmas
Vacation trips.
One group 'of thirty students,
under the leadership of Helen Tjo-
dis of the Center, visited the capi-
tal. As the Washington Evening
Star pointed out, the trip gave the
students both the tourist's view
of Washington and a "taste of
home hospitality."
Guests in Washington
While in Washington, the for-
eign students were guests of the
Junior Army Navy Guild Organi-
zation. JANGO members, wives of
military personnel, entertained
them in their homes for typical
American meals.
The touring University students
also visited the W a s h i n g t o n
Monument, the Capitol, the White
House, the Pentagon, and Mount
After spending three days in
Washington, the group moved on
to New York City and, according
to Miss Tjodis, they visited the
United Nations, the Statue of
Liberty, Rockefeller Center and
the Empire State Building.
Attended Opera
The international students at-
tended a Metropolitan Opera pre-
sentation of "Tosca" and a New
York Center Ballet performance
of "The Nutcracker Suite." They
visited the Museum of Natural
History, the Frick Museum and
Metropolitan Museum of Art, the
Hayden Planetarium.
On New Year's Eve the touring
group attended a Martinique Ho-
tel dance, and was on Tines
Square at midnight.
Toured Chicago
The second group, meanwhile,
spent several days in Chicago.
Under the direction of Janice Mil-
ler of the Center staff, they first
took a bus tour of the city.
Among the places visited were
two Housing Authority Projects
the Board of Trade, and a large
department store.
They saw "Around the World in
80 Days," "Cinerama" and a WGN
Polka Party telecast.
The visitors were entertained in
homes in the Chicago suburbs of
Park Ridge, Sycamore, DesPlan-
ins, and Oak Park.e
Syracuse Bans
Rush Letters
SYRACUSE, N.Y. - The Syra-
cuse Interfraternity Council re-
cently adopted a plan to ban pre-
rush letters to incoming freshmen.
This plan also includes an all-
University letter which will be
sent to the new students during
the summer before their arrival
at Syracuse.
By adopting this plan, the IFC
ends the practice of sending mail-
ing lists of new freshmen to the
individual houses, which would in
turn send out their own letters to
these new students.
The all-University letter which
they have adopted will be pre-
pared by a professional advertis-
ing agency, and will described the
whole fraternity system at Syra-
cuse, rather than the individual

(Continued from Page 4)

9, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the Inter-
national Center.
Applications for Fellowships and
scholarships in the Graduate School for
1958-59 and supporting letters of recom-
mendation will be accepted until 12:00
noon, Sat., Feb. 1, in the Graduate
School Offices. Present holders of ap-
pointments must file application for
renewal at this time.
Ge eral Electric Fellowship Applica-
tions\must be received in the Gradu-
ate School, Room 1020, Rackham Build-
ing by 4:00 p.m., Jan. .
The Chicago Chapter of the English-
Speaking Union announces that pro-
vision has been made for two scholar-
ships, each in the amount of $2,000, to
be given to a graduate student inter-
ested in one year's study to England.
The applicant must be a resident of
the State of Illinois. There is no limi-
tation on the #ield which the graduate
student must concentrate in. The pur-
pose of these scholarships is to develop
a better understanding between the
people of Great Britain and of this
country. Ali applicants must be inter-
viewed by a member of the Committee
on Scholarships of the Chicago Chap-
ter. Further information may be ob-
tained from the Offices of the Gradu-
ate School.
Agenda, Stduent Government Council
Jan. 8, 1958. 7:30 p., Council Room.
Minutes of previous meeting.
Officer reports: President: letters;
Exec, Vice-President Appointments;
Admin. Vice-PresidentaAppointments;
Finance- Income statement.
Special reports: Campaigning Com-
mittee; Health Insurance; Central Pep
Rally; Bqokstore.;
.Comittee reports: National and In-
ternational - Exchange Program; Pub-
lic Relations - Speakers' Bureau; Edu-
cation and Social Welfare; Student Ac-
tivities Committee - Early Registra-
tion passes.
Old Business -- Tabled motion - to
appoint committee to study progress in
area of fraternity and sorority mem-
bership restrictions.
New Business.
Constituents time.
Reminder: Meeting January 7, at 4:15
p.m. in the Regents' Conference Room
with the Advisory Committee of the
Faculty Senate.
Phi Kappa Honor society Initiation
and Reception: Wed., Jan. 8, 8:00 p.m.,
Rackham Building, 3rd floor amphi-
theater. Prof. Henry J. Gomberg will
speak on "Observations on Research in
Russia." Members and friends invited.
University Symphony Ban, William
D. Revelli. conductor, will present its
annual Mid-Winter concert on Thurs.,
Jan. 9, in Hill Auditorium, with James
Burke, cornet soloist. The concert will
begin at 8:30 p.m. and will include
works by Grofe, Labo, Tohno, Arban,
Burke, Goldman, Williams, Persichetti,
and Chavez. Perform d in con)unction
with the 13th Annual Midwestern Con-
ference .on School vocal and Instru-
mental Music, the program will be open
to the general public without charge.
Academic Notices
Attention February Graduates: Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the.
Arts, School of Education, School of
Music 'School of Public Health, and
Schooi of Business Administration
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in February. When
such grades are absolutely imperative,
the work must be made up in time to
allow your instructor to report the
make-up grade not later than 8:30 a.m.,
Mon., Feb. 3, 1958. Grades received aft-
er that time may defer the student's
graduation until a later date.
Subscribe to
The Michigan

Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing;
to recommend tentative February grad-
uates from the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, and the School:
of Education for departmental honors
(or high honors in the College of
L.S.&A.) should recommend such stu-
dents in a letter sent to the Office of,
Registration and Records, Room 1513
Administration.Building, by 8:30 a.m.,
Mon., Feb. 3, 1958.
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the Law School Ad-
mission Test are now available at 122
Rackham Building. Application blanks
for the Feb. 15, 1958 administrationj
must be received in Princeton, New
Jersey not later than Feb. 1, 1958.
Graduate Record Examination: Appli-
cation blanks for the Jan, 18, 1958 ad-
ministration of the Graduate Record
Examination are available at 122 Rack-
hamn Building. Application blanks are
due in Princeton, N.J. on Jan, 3,s1958.
The National Teacher Examinations:
Application blanks for the Feb. 15, 1958
administration of the National Teach-
er Examinations are now available at
122 Rackham Building. Application
blanks must be received in Princeton,
N.J. by Jan. 17, 1958,
Scliool of Business Administration:
Students seeking admission to this
School as graduate degree candidates
in the spring semester must take the
Admission Test for Graduate Study in
Business on. Feb. 6. Each individual
must make his own application to the
Educational Testing Service, Princeton,
New Jersey, to be received in that of-
fice not later than Jan. 23, 1958. Appli-
cations for the test and test general
information bulletins are available in
Room 150, School of Business Admin-
Seminar, Dept. of Anatomy, Coffee
will be served one-half hour before in
Rm. 3502 East Medical Building, wed.,
Jan. 8, 11:00 a.m. Dr. Kimie Fukuyama:
"Properties of Analogues of '\Hydrpcor-
tisone' Dr. Burton L. Baker: "The Re-
sponse Of the Duodenum of Hypo-
physectomized Rats to Irradiation.",
Operations Research Seminar: Dr.
Herbert P. Galliher, assistant director'
of Operations Research Project, Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technology,
will lecture on "Monte Carlo Simula-
tion of Processes" on Wed., Jan. 8.
Coffee hour in Room 243, West Engi-
neering- at 3:30 pm. and Seminar at
4:00in Room 229, West Engineering. All
faculty members are welcome.
Political Science Graduate Round-
table Thurs., Jan. 9,Gin the Rackham
Assembly Hall at 8:00 p.m. Prof. Wolf-
gang Stolper of the Department --of
Economics will speak on "West Ger-
many and Competitive Co-existence,"
Doctoral Examination for Donald
Raymond Bennett, Pharmacology; the-
sis: "The Papillary Muscle Preparation
as a Method for the Study of Positive
Inotropism," Wed., Jan. 8, 103 Pharma-
cology, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, M. H.
Doctoral Examination for Kornelius
Lems, Botany; thesis: "Phytogeographic
Study, of the Canary Islands," Wed.,
Jan. 8, 300 West Medical Building, at
1:00 p.m. Chairman, S. A. Cain.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Goodwin Olson, Philosophy; thesis:" "A
Naturalistic Theory of Ethics," 'Wed.,
Jan. (8, 2212 Angell Hall, at 11:00 a~m.
Chairman, William Frankena.

Doctoral Examination for Daniel Lin-
coin SweeneyBusiness Administration;
thesis: "Accounting for Executive
Stock-Options," Wed., Jan. 8, 816 Busi-
ness Administration DTilding, at 3:00
p.m. Chairman, W. A. Paton. -
Doctoral Examination for Abdul Wah-
hab Abbas Al Qaysi, Near Eastern Stu-
dies; thesis: "The Impact of Moderni-
zation on Iraqi Society During the Ot-
toman> Era: A Study of Intellectual De-
velopment in Iraq, 1869-1917," Thurs.,
an 92032 Angell Hall, at 3:00 p.m.
Chairman, G. F. Hourani.
Doctoral Examination for John Walt-,
er Kissel, Pharmacology; thesis: "The
Effects of Certain Substances of Neuro-
humoral Significance on Spinal Cord
Reflexes," Thurs., Jan. 9, 103 Pharma-
cology, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, E. F.
The following foreign visitors will be
on the campus this week on the dates
indicated. Program arrangements are
being made by the International Cen-
ter: Mrs. Miller.
Mr. J. D. Pearson, Librarian of the
School of Oriental and African Stu-
dies, London University, United King-
dom, Jan. 6-8.
Program arrangements are being
made by Prof. Gomberg, Nuclear Engi-
Prof. Masuo Shindo, Prof. Nuclear
Eng., Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Japan,
Jan. 11-14.
Program arrangements are being
made by Debelopment Council: Mr.
'Bursley :
Mr. J. G. Niset, Legal Adviser to the
Gov. of the Province of the Equator,
Belgian Congo, Jan. 5-9.
Placement Notices
Beginning with Wed., Jan. 8, the fol-
l9wing school systems will have rep-I
resentatives at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments to interview for Feb., 1958 and
the, 1958-1959 school year.
Wed., Jan. 8
D~earbor~n, Michigan - (Feb. only)
Elementary (Art, 1st grate, and Kinder-
garten); Homnemaking; High- School
Science (Biology/C h e in, i s t r y and/or
Physics - woman preferred); Guidance
Counselor; Commercial; Woodshop;
Dental Hygienist.
Thurs., Jan, 9
Cleveland, Ohio - All fields.
Wed., Jan. 15
Gary, Indiana - All fields,
Thurs., Jan. 16
San Diego, California - All fields.
Fri., Jan. 17
San Diego, California.
For any additional information and
appointments, contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.

Personnel Requests:
A local finance organiza1
ing for a man for a Manage
ing Program in the coil
lending depts. A car is re
The Trane Co., La Crosse
a man qualified in journali
as editor of the company
He may also contribute ed
tent to the two magazin
company salesmen and tY
general industrial interest,
Whirlpool Corp., St. Jc
has an opening for a Pate
Texas Instruments, In
Mich, needs a Sales Engr.
to the staff of a new office
opened in Detroit. Prefe
Engr.,'but will'consider a
who has had experience iu
in service. Most of the w
in the Detroit area. '
Split Bailbearing Divisio
ture Precision Bearings, In
N. H. is looking for a Mid
Sales Manager with 5 year
ence and, wth background
and BusAd.
National Water Lift Co.,
Mich., has an immediate
number of Engineers in
with expansion of the eng
ganization. There are job
all responsibility levels an
different engineering spec
Dept of Public Service,
ledo, Ohio is interested in I
plications for the position
sioner of Streets. Should
Engrg. degree.
For further information
Bureau~ of Appointments,
Ext. 3371.
Advanced Study Opportuni1
Tobe-Cob urnSchool, Nev
York, is offering a fashio)
to senior women graduatin@
interested in all phases o
buying, advertising, coordi
play. etc.R egistration blar
in before J~an. 31.







An opportunity to meet GRADUATE STU
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