Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
See page 4
[II, No. 79
e Down
P) - Red Albania re-
terday it has forced
seized an American jet
ie and its pilot.
ne apparently is a
tes T33 that has been
ce it took off Dec. 23
eauroux, France, for
Soviet-style jet fight-
y forced down a Brit-
lane last week anld re-
d its crew Saturday.
official radio Tirana
S. trainer pilot's name
d Keran. An informed
e said the missing T33
I by a 'Maj. Howard
was last reported 10
ing time south of Pisa,
n /Italy,, on Dec. 23.
ilot was aboard.
and American planes
r it for days, extend-
operations over much
n Italy and the Tur-
ington, the State and
)epartments reported
o official word of an
plane being forced
dals in both depart-
trying -to check tle
nian-language broad-
iranaIthe Red capital,
T33 seizure.
nian version as heard
ia said the T33 had in-
Albanian territory from
It, said the plane flew
ia from the direction of
town near the Greek
'U' Galed Ready
To Drop WIHL
Expected Breakup To Include
Minnesota and Michigan State
Michigan, Michigan State and Minnesota will officially and si-
multaneously announce today their withdrawal from the Western
Intercollegiate Hockey League, reliable sources said last night.
There has been a rumor to this effect circulating for nearly a
year -since the conclusion of last year's' NCAA playoffs. However,
in recent days events have occurred which transposed this rumor
to fact.
Top Soviets Deny Manned Rocket1
Eligibility a Factor.
The three schools officially withdrawing are members of
the Big Ten and the WIHL. The withdrawal would not
." effect until the close of
Refute Claim
MVan Aboard
Soviets Incite Brazilitan
TT a I3T Cy
Dr. Francis
Wth MilitaryT
Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., chair-
man of the.University Department
of Epideihiology, has recently been
appointed'President of the United
States Armed Forces Epidemio-
logical Board.
Dr. Francis, who will assume the
post today, served as chairman of
the Board's Commission on Influ-
enza from its inception in 1941
until 1945.
Dr. Francis,'who is a graduate
of Allegheny College, and Yale
University, has been at the Uni-
versity since 1941, although he
served as a consultant to the Sec-
retary of War during World War
The Commission on Influenza is
one of 13 such commissions com-
prising the Epidemiological Board.
These include the Accidental
Trauma Commission, Acute Res-
piratory Disseases Commission,
Rickettsial Diseases Commission,
and others.
Each commission unit is an ac-.
tive laboratory and field study
group concerned .with the investi-
gation of epidemic problems and
their prevention in the armed
forces. Each is composed of a
number of investigators working
toward this end.
According to Dr, Francis, the
commissions' activities reflect to
I .U
uses Cut
il Bank
LSHINGTON (A') - Secretary
griculture Ezra Taft Benson
yesterday tle administration
ses to do away with the
er-range part of the soil bank
e end of this year.
son made the announcement
news conference in which he
said prospects for 1958 crops
very favorable and declared
Agriculture Department bud-
or the fiscal year beginning
July 1 will be no larger than
urrent one of nearly 51/2 bil-
iollars. /
e part of the soil bank he
the administration will rec-
end ending is called the an-
acreage reserve. This takes
a half billion dollars a year.
dffers federal payments to
ers who retire allotted acres
production of corn, cotton,
t rice and tobacco - major
is crops. This part' is sched-
to end with 1959 but Benson
sed chopping it off a year
called for increased emphasis
ae longer-range reserve part
e soil bank. This authorizes
ents to farmers who 'retire
including full farms, for long
ds of time and plant the land
ich long-range conservation
as grass and trees.
ison said the administration
to send its farm recom-
.ations to Congress in a spe-
nessage possibly Jan. 15 or
hese are expected to call for
er freedom for farmers in
dng their production, and
discretion for the depart-
in setting price supports.
ison, who has been under
attack from time to time,
reporters he thinks Congress
give much more favorable
deration to administration
proposals than it did in
ve Parking
its Extend
trictions on five University
rg lots will be extended
gh the evening hours until
Several reasons have been given
for the bre akup. There is /a gen-
eral tension within the league
concerning an equalization of
rules that will put all schools on
the same basis as far as eligibility,
scheduling, and other matters are
Just before Christmas vacation
a report quoted Ike Armstrong,
Minnesota's athletic director, as
saying that he felt the league has
not fulfilled the objective it was
set' up to do, that of promoting a
well knit organization of certain=
schools interested in hockey.
Outside Game Ruling
Reference has been made to the
scheduling this year of eight
games between Denver and Col-
orado. There is supposedly a spe-
cific rule in theleague's consti-
tution that definitely prohibits
Th , rule states: Each team
shall !play each: other league team
at least two and not more than
four league games during a regu-
lar season."
Eligibility has also been an area
of tension within the league. This
problem has had more signiffi-
cance perhaps with Michigan than
any other school.
Ineligibility Penalty
Just before the start of last
year's NCAA playoffs at Colorado
Springs, Colo., three Michigan
players were declared ineligible.
No mention of the possibility of
their ineligibility had been made
throughout the entire season.
Speculation has it that since
the withdrawal involves B} g Ten
schools, there will eventually re-
sult the formation of a Western
Conference hockey league.
Other Possible Teams
Ohio State has formed a hockey
team this season and has played
several games, one with Michigan
State.. Both Illinois and Wiscon-
sin' formulated plans to organize
hockey teams.
Study Possible
Student Government Council
will consider a motion to study
progress in fraternity and sorority
membership restrictions at its
meeting tonight.1,
The motion was tabled at the
last 'meeting- after a long discus-
sion. It asks that a committee be
appointed to look into member-
ship restrictions.
SGC will also appoint members
to the self-evaluating committees
to consider areas in which the
Council might be strengthened.
Treasurer Scott ;Chrysler, '59-
BAd., will present a report on the
Health Insurance program,- and
Phil Zook, 160, Student Book Ex-
change manager, will report to the
Council on progress made on 'SBX.
6oviet romket snot 168 miles up'
shortly after Jan. 1 and that the
man abroad parachuted success-
f ully.
A Soviet Foreign Office spokes-
man, questioned along similar
lines by Western correspondents,
said he was unable to say any-
thing about the accounts published
Asked if the Soviet government
would have an announcement on
the subject, the spokesman saidl
so far as he knew there was no!
communique In sight.
A Moscow radio broadcast heard
in London quoted the official
Soviet news agency Tass as say-
ing it knew nothing of a manned
rocket flight.
It quoted the agency's deputy
director as saying it was "com-
pletely incomprehensible" to him
how Western news agencies had
obtained such a report. In Wash-
ington, the White House said it is
not known there if the story is
true or not.;
Killian Urges
WASHINGTON (1) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's top sci-
entific adviser said yesterday Rus-
sia has not passed the United
States yet in the general tech-
nological field "but has a strong
will to do so."
Dr. James R. Killian Jr., said
this country, to stay in front, must
invigorate scientific education and
put more sustained xffort intoI
advanced research.
"Too much of our research has
been subject to stops and. starts
and changing levels of support or
skiort-term financing," he said.
In a speech prepared for a Wom-
en's National Press Club dinner,
Killian said:
"Let me make my conviction
immediately clear that the United
States today is technologically
strong and growing stronger. I do
not believe that we have lost our
technological leadership, nor that
we are predestined to lose it in
the future-provided we increase
our technological zest and aduac-
ity and do not fail to remedy our
would serve as a spearhead for a
hostile policy against the United
This -was interpreted as mean-
ing the Soviet *Unioni would
launch a campaign to create poli-
tical misunderstandings between
the United States and Latin
American countries, with offers of
aid as the opening wedge.
Latin American Communists
helped draw up the plan, said the
government official who disclosed
the report.
Russians Offer Aid
The Russians have offered oil
equipment and other technical as-
sistance to Brazil and are seek-
ing to renew cultural and diplo-
matic relations, which were sev-
ered in 1947. Brazil has seemed to
be reluctant to respond to the
Soviet overtures.
Foreign Minister Jose Carlos de
Macedo Soares has said President
Juscelino Kubitsehek will lay
down Brazil's policy on relations
.with Russia within the next few
weeks. The Foreign Office docu-
ment may be a large factor in
Kubitschek's decision.
Argentina recently annotnced
plans to send a trade mission to
the Soviet Union and the satellite
countries. Argentine credits have
been building up in the Commu-
nist countries because she has
been selling more than she has
been buying there.
Red Chinese
Refuse U.S.
HONG KONG (A) - Red China
has refused to accept the pass-
ports of three American mothers
visiting the Communist mainland
to see their prisoner sons.
Communist authorities granted
them visas on separate piecestof
paper to allow them to enter the
Peiping radio said yesterday the
passports were returned when a
Chinese border official noted the
State Department had described
Communist China as "those por-
tions of China under Communist
The broadcast said the Ameri-
cans were told such phrases
showed the United States govern-
ment's hostility toward China and
the passports could not be ac-
It added, however, that the visi-
tors were not responsible for the
statement and because they had
traveled a long distance, the visas
were granted.
The three women are Mrs. Mary
Downey of New .Britain, Conn.,
Mrs. Jessie Fecteau of Lynn,
Mass., and Mrs. Ruth Redmond of
Yonkers, N.Y. Mrs. Downey is ac-
companied by her son, William.
They made the trip in response
to a Communist invitation to visit
their sons, imprisoned on espio-
nage charges.
cri p_ r__
Parachuted HostilityAgains
MOSCOW ()-Soviet officials in RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (W) - World Communist leaders re-
a position to know said yesterday cently decided to offer Soviet aid to Brazil to make it a spearhead of
night they have no information Latin American hostility to the United States, a high government
about a Russian rocket carrying source said yesterday.
a man into space. The official said the Brazilian Foreign Officer has prepared a
A spokesman for the Soviet secret report sh wing the plan was outlined at the November meet-
Academy of Sciences and thefing of Communist leaders in Moscow.
C'mmittee for Cultural Relations f Hostile Policy Noted
with Foreign Countries made this ' The source says the report shows the Foreign Office has proof-
response to questions about Mon- minutes of meetings held in Moscow - that a new tactic was adopted
day's unofficial reports that a against the West whereby Brazil '
..untit, "^^~bt-n+ n 4 1Q i~ l nO uui . f
.. . receives new post
a considerable extent on the gen-
eral public. For example, the Com-
mission on Influenza, which has
its headquarters at the University
Virus Laboratory, pioneered in
the development of surveillance
methods which led to the plotting
of the course of Asian flu during'
the recent epidemic here.
The original' flu vaccine, devel-
oped with techniques originated
here at the University, led the way
to the relatively simple develop-
ment of mass-produced Asian flu
vaccine in 1957.
State Leislature Convene s Today
Michigan's Legislature convenes in Lansing today for another
session with the state's financial problems.
Acknowledging that the state is in a "very serious financial emer-
gency," Governor G. Mennen Williams has proposed that the Legis-
lature approve a 21 million dollar increase in intangible taxes and
passage of a bond issue to finance new construction.
Affected by Legislative action will be the University's request of
$37,274,000 for operating expenses and $11,517,000 for new buildings.
Next week, the Legislature will receive the Governor's budget which
dollars by doubling the intangiblej
tax on bank deposits, the earningsj
of stocks, bonds, and intangible
properties. The proposal has re-j
ceived a wary reaction from Legis-
Rep. Rollo G. Conlin (R-Tip-
ton), chairman of a long range
tax study committee called the
solution a "bits and patches ap-