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January 07, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-01-07

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Sixty-Eighth Year


"Maybe You'd Better Start Out With A Funny Story"

S - x. - '
"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"


Editorials' printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Students Could Be Helpful
In Forming University Policy
THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE of the Faculty generally academically oriented ones, in the
Senate and the Student Government Coun- affairs of the University, encouraging height-
cil will hold their first joint meeting today, and ened interest in the problems of the academic
the major topic of discussion will be student community, greater service to education as
involvement in university and college policy- citizens-and possibly as academicians-after
making. graduation, and the finding of a niche in the
There is something of a national trend to- rather bewildering sea of activity which is a
ward greater student involvement, but it rarely university of 23,000 students. Individual stu-
is expanded without overt opposition or at least dents might benefit from being able to see
quiet grumbling in some quarters over the in- faculty members at work outside the classroom.
adequacies of students to assume a larger voice There would be value for the general student
in the affairs of their university. It is true, body -in having, in student representatives,
as conservative faculty members and adminis- greater liaison with the policy-making bodies
trators will readily point out, that the Univer- of the departments, schools and the university.
sity is not a democratic institution and probably Further, the faculty and administration might
should not be one. But that does not mean stu- find this liaison a somewhat effective means of
dents should be silent on the problems of their transmiting its attitudes and reasons for ac-
own educations, or that there are not positive tions.
benefits for the university and for the students DEPARTMENTAL and college curriculum
in participation which falls short of displacing committees are an ideal place for one or
the faculty, administration or Regents with two students to be regularly represented. The
SGC. proposed committee on rising enrollments, if
Greater student participation would probably and when it is actually established, would be
take the form of membership-not necessarily composed partly of student members. The
majority membership-on a number of faculty President's Science Advisory Committee might
and administration committees on curriculum, well benefit from student membership or from
,tudent services, and possibly even scholarships the addition of a student sub-committee. Every
and admissions. As such, it could be the basis school has committees-dealing with annual.
for substantive contributions to university announcements, additions to the University
policy based on the fresh viewpoint of persons Library, counselling, or admissions-on which
relatively new to the academic community and some student representation might very well
on the student perspective, which can often be be beneficial to the committee and would cer-
quite different than the faculty or administra- tainly be beneficial to the individual students,
tion perspective. Students are, after all, the and would involve very few risks to efficiency
ones who are the objects of much of the effort or seriousness of purpose.
"of the University, know exactly what it is like The Senate Advisory Committee might take
to be, taught, housed, fed and attended at the it upon itself, following today's 4neeting, to
University of Michigan in 1957, and have gripes endorse the idea of greater student involvement
and misgivings about poorly organized cata- and recommend it to the entire Senate,'and
logues, repetitious courses, needs for more the Regents themselves could give great im-
imaginative area programs and bureaucratic petus to the idea at an early meeting. If it
procedures in student services. They would be produced few tangible results, it would be
more conscious of the needs for tailoring pro- worth the effort, for the risks are small.
grams to individual-needs, have a more realistic Students led the demonstrations which de-
view-in some cases-of student attitudes, and veloped into the Hungarian Revolution, they
be more aware of specific trends in the nation's led the movements which led to Burma's na-
high schoolstional independence, they organized and run
the United States National Student Association
THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS would be limited and student unions in almost every country of
by some cases of laziness, limited time and the world. Students entirely administered the
lack of experience, but those contributions University of Bologna in medieval times, they
might be significant in several areas. The only helped the board of trustees select the new
loss through the addition of one or two student president of the University of Denver, they
members to existing committees might be some administer most of the discipline to students
,extra expenditure of time spent on orientation publications and student organizations, run the
of the new members. But this might be ac- campus publication and calendar the entire
complished, after the initial stages, by their student activities program at the University
student predecessors, sparing faculty and ad- of Michigan.
ministration members additional effort. It is a And students, when given great responsibility
small risk, considering the possible gains. for the affairs of the academic community
These gains are not for the University alone, which exists largely to serve them, are capable
although they would be the primary goal of in- of making substantial contributions, both to
creased student representation. Benefit to in- their University in which they study and to
dividual students from participation on policy their own personal development.
committees would include the involvement of --PETER ECKSTEIN
otherwise uninvolved students, especially the Editor

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Soviet Manpower Cut
A Propaganda Move
Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
A SOVIET ANNOUNCEMENT of a new slash of 300,000 in its armed
forces must not be taken seriously as a token of Russian willingness
to disarm for peace. In that respect it means little. But it means a
great deal propaganda-wise, and foretokens a new and determined
Moscow drive to force a meeting of the big powers, perhaps at the
summit level.
The action serves a double purpose. The Russians for a long time
have been strapped for manpower in their internal economy, and
demobilization of some of their vast conventional forces makes sense
in an era of hydrogen bombs and long-range missiles.
AT THE SAME TIME, the announcement will be used by Moscow
as a demonstration of the Soviet Union's peaceful intentions and
a propaganda piledriver to put more steam behind the current peace
The Russians announced a cut of 640,000 men from their armed
forces in August, 1955 and thereafter used the announcement as a
challenge to the Western powers to do likewise.
But the cut left the Russians still the strongest power in conven-
tional forces on the continent of Europe and they will remain in that
position even if their latest announcement is on the level. It likely is.
The Russians badly need that manpower on the farms and in the
factories. The maintenance of huge conventional forces has been
proved extravagantly wasteful.
IMMEDIATELY AFTER the last announced cut, the Russians began
demobilizing units and sending the men into factory trade schools
and mining schools, where they would train for jobs to meet an acute
shortage of skilled labor. Others were sent directly into agriculture,
many of them to the so-called "virgin lands" areas which Communist
boss Khrushchev sought to develop to meet the growing demands of
the Soviet public for adequate food supplies.
Despite the 1955 cuts, however, the Soviet Union still had 2,500,000
men under arms. If the newly announced cut goes into effect it will
have 2,200,000 men. The entire Communist bloc nations together
had about 8,500,000 men under arms at the beginning of this year,
according to estimates of competent sources in Washington. .
A cut of 300,000 men is insignificant in terms of Communist
strength in conventional forces. But the announcement is likely to
be hailed noisily as proof that the USSR has taken a concrete step
toward world peace. It hasn't,



'Safe' Handling of H-Bombs

I WAS WRONG if I implied in
my columns from North Africa
that ready-to-be-dropped hydro-
gen bambs are constantly in the
air in U.S. planes. Hydrogen bombs
are in the air and on the runways
in planes ready to take off, but
they are not ready to be dropped.
They are in two parts so there
can be no danger of a premature
The two parts are kept in separ-
ate sections of the plane, and the
H-bomb will not explode unless
the two parts are put together,
or as they say in the Air Force,
The two parts of the bomb are
the bomb casing and the pill, con-
taining the hydrogen explosive. A
member of the crew is trained in
putting the bomb together, and on
training flights he goes through
this routine.
However, this practice "marry-
ing" of the bomb takes place only
when the plane is over the ocean
or desert areas where no civilian
lives -would be lost in case of an
accidental explosion.
It's not a happy state of affairs
for H-bombs to be aloft, even in
two parts. But such precautions
are taken that noaccidental ex-
plosion is likely.
TEXAS' persuasive Sen. Lyndon
Johnson, who usually r'ins the
Democratic majority by personal
huddle and telephone, today has
called his first Democratic caucus
in two years.
Before calling it, he carefully
phoned Republican leaders Bill
Knowland of California and Styles
Bridges of New Hampshire to ex-

plain that he was calling the cau-
cus largely to educate Democratic
senators, not to make missiles a
political issue. He suggested they
call a similar caucus to educate
Republican senators.
At the Democratic caucus, how-
ever, such additional questions as
defense spending, foreign policy,
foreign aid are certain to come up.
The usual plan for an opposition
party is to wait for the party in
power to propose a legislative
program. In the present Congress,
however, Democratic leaders, in-
cluding Johnson, may not wait
for Eisenhower.
If he comes up with some posi-
tive leadership on national defense
and foreign affairs, they will sup-
port it. But in case of continuing
vacuum in the White House, they
plan to propose a positive Demo-
cratic program on everything from
missiles to agriculture.
,. * *
THIS PROGRAM, according to
present backstage huddles, will
include more money for defense,
Voice of America, economic aid,
pay raises of around 5 per centfor
the military; public housing; and
a repeal of the Benson farm pro-
gram, including both his soil bank
and his lower price supports.
There will be no lowered taxes.
Any moves to pay for missiles at
the expense of school lunches and
veterans hospitals will be defeated.
Missiles won't be the only prob-
lem in the current Congress. Right
off the bat, beginning tomorrow
(January 8), a house committee
on public housing will begin work-

ig on a half-billion dollar long-
range plan for slum clearance
and suburban relocation.
This was frowned upon last
summer, even castigated publicly
by President, Eisenhower. How-
ever, last month he released the
$177,000,000 for public housing
which last summer he had criti-
cized, seemed glad to use the mon-
ey to help offset the building slump
and the business recession.
This year Sen. Paul Douglas and
Rep. Albert Rains, both Illinois
Democrats, plan to push for a
minimum of half a billion over 10
years to help cities clear shims
and relocate tenement families.
Witnesses for public housing
will be Gov. George Leader of
Pennsylvania, Mayor Robert Wag-
ner of New York, Mayor David
Lawrence of Pittsburgh, Mayor
Anthony Celebrezze of Cleveland.
Mayor Norris Poulson of Los
Angeles, who thrned that 'city's
big public housing project over to
the Brooklyn Dodgers for a ball
park, will not be a witness.
RUSSIA has developed a man-
ned rocket which takes off verti-
cally and shoots straight up at
supersonic speeds. It will be used
as an interceptor to knock down
jet bombers. This country also
has built a vertical-takeoff plane,
but it is propeller-driven and
travels at slow, subsonic speeds.
Soviet scientists are urgently
experimenting with means of
bringing satellites, the size of
Sputnik II, safely back to earth.
Once the problem is solved, they
will send up men instead of dogs.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Happy BlueYear

THE AMERICAN people are at the beginning
of what is certain to be a year-of the high-
est drama. The theme of the drama will be
whether our government and our society can
rise to the great challenge which has now been
put to, them. The challenge lies' in the fact
that, as compared with our great rival, we are
a declining power, destined - if we do not
meet the challenge - to know the frustrations
and the insecurity of nations which have
achieved and have then lost their sense of
mission and of greatness..
The true nature of the challenge has been
defined with brilliant insight in an article in
the current "Foreign Affairs," written by Lloyd
V. Berkner of the President's Scientfiic Advi-
sory Committee.
Military power, he says, has tended to be-
come absolute in its destructiveness and yet
relatively easy to acquire. "Both the United
States and the U.S.S.R. have acquired the
power to destroy a people and all its wealth by
a single blow." Such absolute military power
is so dangerous that it cannot be used, as has
military power in other days, as an instrument
of foreign policy.
At the same time, we are living amidst the
rise of the nations of Asia and of Africa to a
new sense of what they need and are entitled
to have. "Two sources of capital or its equiva-
lent seem open to them: from the West, with
its traditional system of free enterprise, or
from the Communist-dominated Soviet bloc."
But, he goes on to say, "The methods of Com-
munism are suspect becausethey substitute a
new form of even more drastic slavery for the
old imperialism. Foreign investments by the
West is also suspect, not only because it is
reminiscent of imperialism, but also because
historically it has been used as an instrument
of policy."
THIS BRINGS Mr. Berkner to his main
point, one which no one else has as yet, I

think, so clearly grasped. "In view of the re-
duced effectiveness of both military power and
national wealth as instruments of policy, a kind
of power vacuum has appeared. Clearly, the
side that can effectively develop a new instru-
ment will enjoy a powerful advantage. The So-
viet Union seems to have found one in scien-
tific achievement as a basis for claiming in-
tellectual leadership."
At this point, Mr. Berkner pauses to point
out that "the potentialities of intellectual lead-
ership which we enjoyed after World War II
were never fully recognized or exploited. The
most conspicuous example of this failure was
in connection with the extraordinary develop-
ment of nuclear energy out of the most ab-
stract processes of human thought coupled
with superb experimental skills. The discovery
captured the imagination of men everywhere,
coming as it did at a time when the world's
sources of fossil fuels were dwindling. But we
did not understand the political significance of
this intellectual attainment and failed to capi-
talize fully on the opportunities.'
THEN MR. BERKNER goes on to say that
the Soviet Union has seen "an opportunity
for leadership based on recognized intellectual
stature. It has already expanded its science
teaching and its research institutes, an action
that the West misinterpreted as relating solely
to military power . . . Leaders of the Soviet
bloc are not capitalizing on intellectual lead-
ership as a means of acquiring an essential ele-
ment of what Milovan Djilas calls 'the inherent
need of those in power to be recognizable pro-
totypes of brilliance and might.' Their ready
political and propagandistic exploitation of the
great achievement of Soviet scientists upon
launching the first earth satellites illustrates
clearly their recognition of the advantages that
scientific leadership can confer."
This describes the fundamental challenge.
The challeng-ein not whether we can main-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-.
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editori-
al responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 pm. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Students, All Schools and Colleges,
The Office of Registration and Records
urges that all students who have ap-.
plied for or expect to apply for work
with either the Spring 56 Registration
or Orientation Programs secure approv-
al of new course elections as soon as
the school or college will allow. This
action will be to your advantage and
that of the Counseling, Orientation and
Registration projects.
Parking: Effective Tues., Jan. 7 the
restrictions on certain parking lots will
be extended through the evening hours
until 10:00 p.m., Mon. through Fri., for
the use of the faculty and 'staff.
The same regulations that prevail
during the daytime hours, 6:00 a.m.-
6:00 p.m., will be enforced from 6:00
p.m.-10:00 p.m. except that Staff Meter
permits will also be legal in the affect-
ed areas between the hours of 600
p.m.-10:00 p.m. each evening. The en-
forcement of regulations during the ex-
tended hoursofgrestricted use will be
by the Ann Arbor Police Department.
Fire lanes, drives, dodk areas and oth-
er no parking zones throughout the
Campus will also be patrolled by the
Police Department and violators of es-
tablished regulations will be issued vio-
lation notices.
The parking lots affected are: Lot No.
34 between the Chemistry and Natural
Science Buildings; Lot No. 33 at the
Waterman Gymnasium on East Univer-
sity Avenue; Lot No. 32 at Randall Lab-
oratory; Lot No. 31 at West Engineer-
ing; Lot No. 40 at Clements Library.
Auxiliary signs are posted at the en-
trances of these lots.
January Graduates may order caps
and gowns from Moe's Sport Shop on
North University.
The Mary L. Hinsdale Scholarship
amounting to $142.20 (interest on the
endowment fund) is available to single
undergraduate women who are wholly
or partially self-supporting and who
do not live in University residence halls
or sorority houses. Single girls with
better than average scholarship and
need will be considered. Application
blanks obtainable at the Alumnae
Council Office, Michigan League, should
be filed by Jan. 10, 1958.
Student Accounts: Your attention is
called to the following rules passed by
the Regents at their meeting on Feb.
28, 1936: "Students shall pay all ac-
counts due the University not later
than the last day of classes of each se-
mester or summer session. Student
loans which are not paid or renewed
are subject to this regulation; however,
student loans not yet due are exempt.
Any unpaid accountsaat the close of
business on the last day of classes will
be reported to the Cashier of the Uni-
versity and
"(a) All academic credits - will be
withheld, the grades for the semester
or summer session just completed will
not be released, and no transcript of
credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to register
'n any subsequent semester or summer
session until payment has been made."
Application blanks for Phoenix Pre-
doctoral Fellowships for 1958-59 are
available in the Graduate School Of-
fice. Applicants should be well ad-
vanced in their graduate studies and
should present plans for research or
graduate study leading to research in
some field dealing with the applica-
tions or implications of atomic ener-
gy. Research projects may be in the
fields of nuclear physics and chemis-
try, in the use of radiation or fission
products in the medical and biological

tation on the field which the graduat
student must concentrate in. The pu-
pose of these scholarships is to develop
a better understanding between the
people of GreatBritain and of this
country. All applicants must be inter-
viewed by a member of the Committee
on Scholarships of the Chicago Chap-
ter. Further information may be Ob-
tained from the Offices o the Gradu-
ate School.
Disciplinary Action in cases of stu-
dent misconduc. At meetings held on
Nov. 21, Dec. 4, 5 and 12, 1957, cases in-
volving 33 students and 2 fraternities
were heard by the Joint Judiciary
Council. In all cases the action was ap-
proved by the University Sub-Commit
tee on Discipline.
1. Conduct unbecoming a student in
that state laws and city ordinances re-
lating to the purchase, sale and use
of intoxicants were violated:
a. Loaned draft registration card to
a minor for the purpose of entering
a local tavern. One student fined
$15.00 with $10.00 suspended.
b. Pleaded guilty, in Municipal Court,
to the charge of driving after drink-
Ing. One student fined $40.00 with
$15.00 suspended.
c. Loaned draft registration card and
driver's licence to a minor in order
topurchase intoxicants. One student
fined $25.00.
d. Attempted to purchase intoxicants
with false identification. One stu-
dent fined $25.00.
e. Pleaded guilty, in Municipal Court,
to the charge of being a minor in
possession of intoxicants in a motor
vehicle. One student fined $15.00 with,
$10.00 suspended.
f. Pleaded nolo contendere in Muni
cipal Court, to the charge of driv-
ing after drinking. One student fined
Conduct unbecoming a student group
in that an illegal, unchaperoned party
was held and intoxicants served to
minors. Fined $75.00 and warned.
One fraternity in violation of Uni-
versity regulations regarding party re-
quirements and the serving of alco-
holic beverages to minors. Fined $275.00
and placed on social probation which
will forbid any mixed social functions
but not deny rushing privileges until
March 1, 1958.
Guilty of conduct unbecoming stu-
dents in that they maliciously de-
stroyed University property. Two stu-
dents fined $25.00 each.
2. Violation of University driving
a. Failed to register automobile:
1 student fined $50.00 (second vio-
lation); 1 student fined $40.00 with
15.00 suspended; 2 students fined
$30.00 with $10.00 suspended; 3 stu-
dents fined $25.00; 1 student fined
$25.00 with $15.00 suspended; 1 stu-
dent fined $25.00 with $10.00 sus-
pended; 1 student fined $20.00; one
student fined $15.00; one student
fined $10.00; 1 student given a writ-
ten warning and 1 student given a
verbal warning.
b. Driving without authorization:
1 student fined $30.00; 2 students
fined $25.00; 2 students fined $20.00
with $10.00 suspended.
c. Misused special permit:
2 students fined $25.00 and 1 student
fined $25.00 with $10.00 suspended.
d. Illegally loaned automobile to an-
other student. 1 student fined $20.00,
e. Borrowed automobile from another
student without authorization" by,
. University. 1 student fined' $20.00
with $10.00 suspended.
Sydney Chapman Lecture: "Thermal
Diffusion in the Laboratory and in the
Solar Corona." Tues., Jan. 7, 4:00 p.m.,
Aud. C, Angell Hall.
Science Research Club, January
meeting in the Rackham Amphitheatre
at 7:30 p.m. on Tues., Jan. 7. Pro-
gram: 'Organ Culture and Hormones,"
Raymond . Kahn - Anatomy; "Ob-
servation from Satellites," Richard H.
Sands - Physics. Dues for 1957-58 ac-
cepted after 7:10 p.m.
Phi Kappa Honor Society Initiation
and Reception: Wed., Jan. 8, 8:00 p.m.
Rackham Building, 3rd floor amph-
theater. Prof. Henry J. Gomberg wil
speak on "Observations on Research in
Russia." Members and friends invited




A Visit to The Gate of Horn



CAMPUS CULTURE being out of
town these past few weeks,
we'd like to report on a little
vacation culture which found an
audience predominantly collegi-
Although New York is home, we
spent this last hiatus in storied
Chicago. Between the Blue Note
and the Museum of Science and
Industry, we covered a pretty wide
range of culture-sopping.
But the place we found most
notable, and most crowded with
college types, was a strange little
night club mystically known as
The Gate of Horn.
The Gate of Horn is a small,
very small, extremely minute and
rather little club consisting of one
rectangular room and an ante-
room for waiting patrons. It pro-
fesses to be the only full-time
folk song club in the eduntry,
although there are rumors of a
similar establishment in San Fran-
cisco. Actually, there are rumors
about everything in San Francisco.
YOU HAVE to step down to get
into The Gate of Horn, but the
night we visited it, the crowds
were piling out onto the sidewalk.
With few exceptions, they were
college students. All were duded

grumpy U. of Chicago habitues
and their dates stomp off into the
snow, growling their respective
fight songs in ominous tones.
Luckily, we had a reservation
and were soon pushed into a jam-
med ante-room by a freezing mai-
tre d' who kept screaming "Please
close that door! Please close it!"
This all served to produce a
strange effect, very un-night club-
ish, and for a moment we thought
we were back in New York on the
Inside, at last, we found a seat-
ed mob. Hefty waitresses with red
blouses and - pocket flashlights
made their way through the maze
of tables and protruding feet.
Sure-footed little beasts, those
WE WERE LED to a table fully
three inches in diameter. This
we shared with another couple.
There was just room enough for
the ladies to rest one elbow each,
provided everyone held on to his
drink. An occasional middle-aged
pair was present, but all around
we saw carefree collegians.
It is very simple to spot the
college man in a night club. He is
the one attempting to do all these
things at the same time: a) flash
hi. rl.a -a r + + a rni

Hole of Calcutta. Then the lights
fent out, a few coeds screamed
weakly, and the lights went up.
The show started.
It started with a pert and saucy
young lady named Ellie §tone, one
of the fledgling folk-singers that
the club uses in the preliminaries.
We think you'll be hearing more
of Miss Stone in the future.. She
had to beg off after three encores,
and thatfact is all the more im-
pressive when you realize that
Josh White was on next.
Mr. White is a gentleman of
immense talent anddwinning ways.
From his first low-down rendition
of "Franky and Johnny" to his
last blues, he had the audience in
his spell. The old favorites --
"Waltzing Matilda," Jelly, Jelly,
Jelly" and such-were interspersed
with some unknown blues and
White was ably assisted by a
basso -named Sam Gary. The two
of them got off a few rousing
duets, all the time bantering with
the audience.
WHITE used the college atmos-
phere to its best advantage when
he launched a community sing
with "The Green Grass Grew All
Around." Everybody sang, roister-




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