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December 20, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-12-20

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"Isn't There Some Other Way?"

* 4r g£td~igan 43aiIZ
Sixty-Eighth Year

Vhen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
A Merry Christmas
ToAlI, and tO Some.. .
WE MUST begin this Yuletide poem Happy knitting to Assembly Association,
With blessings on the Hatcher home, To IHC-Merry Re-evaluation.
And to his whole administration, To Newman and his Generation:
We offer- humble admiration More sell-out sales, less consternation.
And hope they will bring to fruition To Gargoyle and Jean Willoughby,
A stable rate in our tuition. Your Daily slam . .. we'll wait and see.
To Mr. Lewis a Christmas white To Ensian and Carey Wall:
(We'll read our Huxley every night A graphic Christmas to you all.
That we may suffer less abuse Judicious use of alcohol
At the hands of Henry Luce). To Joint Judic's Robert Stahl.
To the 'U's full-Nelson, Lyle, 'V7E BID farewell to Campus Chest
Christmas presents in a pile. W ErC s
To or Rgent-Hapy metigs.May the student's conscience rest.
To our Regents--Happy meetings.
~o Brablec. Murphy-welcome greetings. To DAC: another lease.
'To Brablu r shf r ean en"Bud" Rea: To Hillel: may you pop in peace.
Our wish for Dean of Men 'Bu"Rea U coeds, a big crop of grooms;
No raids to turn his few hairs grey. Apartment dwellers, warmer rooms.
Dean Bacon: may the campus scenes Few Christmas cards to Campus Mails
Ne'er be filled with campus queens. But to 'U' Press, big Christmas sales.
Lest women's cheers mar football sport
T. Hawley Tapping: Hold the fort. No more the campus scene enhance.
ERI's Folsom, a wish sincere Softer chairs and louder plaids,
(new president of Rensselaer). New library for undergads.
May the Russel Lecture never trouble you To Morley Beckett: less Asian Flu.
History's Crane, Vernor W. To Senior Board: More things to do.
A headlined wish to Leland Stowe: Let's not forget the dietician,
May students to your lectures go. (Lay off the food-pile on nutrition).
A sunny summer for N. Ed Miller. Consolations football team,
An American sputnik for astronomy's Liller Next year we'll renew the dream.
To Michigamua, Vulcans, Druids
Consume your share of Christmas fluids.
t WE NOW extend our jolly rhyme
To campus leaders in their prime. To the Big Ten, more equalization.
To SGC arond the table To campus athletes, more subsidization.
We wish you strength to be more able. To Eldersveld, Ann Arbor's mayor,
Who bearded Bill Brown in his lair,
ToJohn Joe Collins a Christmas Merry, Two years devoid of woes, dejection
Although he'd rather be on safari. And filled with parks, garbage collection.
Thanks for Musket, Michigras too, To every campus dog a muzzle
To Don Young and his Union crew, To Stockwell girls a place to nuzzle.
To Union Senate (it's brand new), * *
Parliamentary problems few. WIILE winding up this Yuletide poem
To the League go our congrats To you the students, heading home.
For keeping stocked on Buro-cats. We hope you rest, prepared to be,
To Panhel and the IFC: Filled next year with apathy.
May your presents be tres tweedy. --THE DAILY STAFF
What One Believes

To The Editor9
Poor, But Winsome ". .
To the Editor:
IT IS AT TIMES his innate curiousity and at times his insidious
nature that force man to probe the cause of an action or phenomenon.
Political seers have often sought the motives behind India's policy of
One of the pet misconceptions prevalent in the Western world is
that such a policy gives her a lever to play one power bloc against the
other in an attempt to squeeze as much economic aid as possible from
each. It is often said that this is blackmail or encouched in' terms
equally derogatory.
Carping critics of India have often displayed a ghoulish pleasure
in their attempt to hoodwink the unwary and disparage India by this

(Herbiock Is on Vacation)

COPYIUJIL 1951I. Ibe kPulzer Publisbint Ce.
8t. Louis Post-Dispatch


Entertainers Go Abroad

I AM FLYING across the Atlantic
to visit American bases in the
Azores, Morocco and Libya during
the Christmas season. For the last
two years, a group of entertainers
organized by Michael Sean
O'Shea have given their time and
talent to go with me to bases near
the North Pole. This time we are
visiting North Africa.
Since this is an area where
Little Rock did more damage than
Sputnik, I asked Abe Saperstein,
owner of the Harlem Globetrot-
ters, to let them come along. Abe
graciously agreed, at considerable
expense to himself; so the Globe-
trotters are staging some exciting
basketball with the United States
All - Stars in North Africa. I'll
report as the trip progresses.
WHILE THE statesmen debate
peace or war in Paris, the boys
stationed out in mid-Atlantic and
on the rim of the Sahara have
been carefully watching. They
should. They have most at stake.
If war breaks, if some trigger-
happy warmonger goes on a spree,
they are the guys who'll be in the
thick of battle within 15 minutes.
Wars have changed a lot these
days. They can come quickly.
They can come irresponsibly.
Here are some of the things those
on the front line, and we on the
home line, face:
Missile monkey-business - A
missile expert at Cape Canaveral,

Fla., pushed the wrong button on
a Snark the other, day. He meant
to change its course, but he push-
ed the destroy button instead
and the Snark exploded.
Suppose he had pushed another
wrong button and sent it into
Miami, Rio de Janeiro, or Mexico
City? There can be no monkey-
business with missiles these days.
This is the kind of pushbutton
warfare Mr. Dulles wants to in-
stall in West Europe.
War by starvation-Civil De-
fense experts estimate that if war
came to the U.S.A., the population
would be out of food in three
weeks. The grain elevators and
food warehouses in the big cities
would be knocked out first.
War by weather-The Russians
are reported to have a secret pow-
der which, sprinkled on snow and
ice melts it. This could melt the
polar icecaps and flood the cities
. f New York, Boston and Phila-
* * * -
Russia doesn't melt the icecaps,
Dr. Edward Teller says we are
consuming so much coal, oil and
gas that carbon monoxide in the
air is getting higher, while the
atmosphere is getting hotter.
Thus, by the year 2,000, the polar
icecaps might melt from industri-
al heat and gases.
All of this adds up to the fact
that the world is getting more

crowded, more complicated, and .
there's more absolute necessity to
get along with each other.
We've got to regulate not only
such things as auto traffic and
the killing of seals in the Bering
Strait (which we've done on a
friendly basis with Russia for 50
years), but we've also got to regu-
late how much carbon monoxide
we put into the air. Among other
things, it causes cancer.
former congresswoman from Utah
has been thinking about it so
much she came to see me with an
idea to exchange mothers with
Russia. She would pick 50 or 100
American mothers and send them
for two weeks to live in Russian
homes; have the same number
of Russian mothers come to live
in American homes.
Thewomen would have to be
carefully chosen. Women like
Mrs. Dorothy Houghton of Red
Oak, Iowa, former president of
the Federation of Women's Clubs,
could do a great job directing this.
"Why not. give the women a
chance to work for peace?" says
Mrs. Bosone. "They bring sons in-
to the world, see them march off
as soldiers. They have to bear the
hardest brunt of war. If the moth-
ers of Russia and the United
States could get together and un-
derstand each other, they could
end war."
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

analogy of blackmail to describe
her policy. However, India's policy
and her thought come much closer
to another analogy than to that of
There is a very poor but win-
some girl. Two rich men, with an
ancient enemity between them,
are wooing her for her affection.
However, the girl does not love
either of them. She finds good and
bad qualities in both of them and
so cares enough for both of them,
to be their friend and to help
them resolve their enmity.
HER POVERTY forces her to
go to one of the men and say,
"Listen, I badly need some help,
please give me some gifts. Re-
member, however, the condition
that even if you help me, I will
still be the other man's friend too
as I am yours. If you have some
altruist interest in me, help me."
If the man refuses, without the
least hatred against him and still
preserving her same old feelings
for him, she now goes to the other
man and makes the same request
with the identical condition at-
tached to it.
At times both of them help her,
at times only one helps her and
at times none.
NOW ONE of the men commits
a heinous crime. The other man,
because of his ancient enemity
with that man, immediately asks
her to condemn him outright and
to renounce him.
Though she condemns him for
his crime yet she refuses to con-
demn him outright and to re-
nounce him totally, feeling that
such downright condemnation and
renunciation will do no good and
she attempts to reform him and
to bring' him on the right path
again-all the time being a friend
to both of the men and trying to
resolve their feud.
She would have done the same
thing if the other man had com-
mitted that crime instead of the
first man.
It is superfluous to explain the
characters in the analogy - the
girl is India, the two rich hostile
men are U.S.A. and the Soviet
Union and the heinous crime re-
ferred to is the ruthless suppres-
sion of the Hungarian Freedom
Fight by Russia last year and In-
dia's reaction and stand on it in
the United Nations.
-Thomas S. David, Grad.
To the Editor:
FEEL that there are some Seri-
ous fallacies in the Arab Club's
letter concerning the Palestinian
refugee problem. In this connec-
tion several pertinent issues
should be discussed.
Israel is a small country about
the size of Connecticut: Support-
ing a million and a half refugees
or ever a fraction of this number
would severely strain the economy
of a country of such small size.
Already Israel is taking in enor-
mous numbers of Jews from Eu-
rope, Soviet Union, and North
African countries. More important,
one out of every nine Israelis is an
Arab. To increase this ratio would
create a dangerous fifth column
which no country could tolerate.
* * *
NO ONE is proposing that the
Indians be given back their for-
mer land. Similarly, the State of
Israel is a fait accompli. Israel is
under no obligation to give these
refugees their former properties.
Israel has repeatedly offered to
aid in resettling the Palestinian
refugees in the various Arab coun-
tries. This offer has been adam-
antly declined by the refugees
themselves and by those seeking
to make political capital of their

These refugees left' Israel of
their own accord during the War
of Independence in 1948. They felt
confident that the Arabs would
win. After the Jews had been
driven into the sea, they planned
to return. Now they compound
their troubles by refusing resettle-
ment. It is a problem of their own

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editori-
al responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
Ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Fri., Jan. 10: Com
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Tues., Dec. 31.
Late Permission: Women students
who attended the hockey game on
Tines. night, Dec. 17, had late permis-
sion until 11:05 p.m.
Library Hours for Christmas Vacation
The General Library and its branches
will be open on regularly scheduled
hours until noon Sat., Dec. 21, when
the Christmas recess officially begins.
The General Library will observe the
following schedule during the holiday
Open: Sat., Dec. 21; Mon. Dec. 23;
Thur. and Fri., Dec. 26 and 27
Open: Sat., Dec. 21 - 8:00 a.m. - 1
noon. Mon., Dec. 23, Thurs. and Fri.,
Dec. 26 and 27, Mon. and Tues., Dec. 30
and 31; Thurs. and Fri., Jan. 2 and 3-
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Closed: Sat., Dec. 21 after 12 noon,
through Sun., Dec. 22; Tues., and Wed.,
Dec. 24 and 25.; Sat. and Sun., Dec. .2
and 29; Wed., Jan. 1; Sat. and Sun.,
Jan. 4 and 5,
January Graduates may order caps
and gowns from Moe's Sport Shop on
North University,
The Mary L. Hinsdale Scholarship
amounting to $142.20 (interest on the
endowment fund) is available to single
undergraduate women who are wholly
or partially self-supporting and who
do not live in University residence halls
or sorority houses. Single girls with
better than average scholarship and
need will be considered. Application
blanks obtainable at the Alumnae
Council Office, Michigan Laue, should
be filed by Jan. 10, 1958.
Summary, action taken by Student
Government Council at its meeting
held December 18, 1957.
Approved: Minutes of previous meet-
ing as amended(p. S1add "one mem-
ber from The Daily Business staff" to
composition of committee to study pos-
sibility of compiling student opinions
of courses.)
Appointed: Student Course Evalua-
tion Committee: Maynard Goldman,
chairman, Ron Gregg, Vernon Narh-
gang, Mort Wise. Student Participation
Committee: Linda Rainwater, PeteaEck-
stein. Ron Gregg, Mort Wise, Board In
Review: Janet Neary.
Announced: Appointment of Phil
Zook as manager of the Student Book
Appointed: To Cinema Guild Board:
Donna Wickham, chairman, Rosalind
Farris, Dan Scholzman, Sherryl Givel-
her, Howard Nack.
To Human Relations Board: Joan Rod-
man, Elizabeth Uchitelle, Barry Key-
Received: Campus Chest report, prog-
ress report of the Counselling Study
Approved motion to apply for mem-
bership in the Chamber of Commerce,
with the president of SGC to serve as
representative to that organization.
Approved proposal for the organiza-
tion of fund drives as follows: In the
second semester ofseach year, the Stu-
dent Government Council will formu-
late the calendar of drives for the fol-
lowing year. Requests for inclusion on
this calendar shall be submitted on
the petition form to SGC's calendar-
ingecommittee before May. The Drives
Calendar is subject to approval of the
Council. Drives may, only under un-
usual circumstances, petition the
Council for a drive after the calendar
is approved. There will be a limit of
four drives per year.
Tabled until the next meeting a mo.
tion providing that the Executive Com-
mittee, with the approval of the Coun-
cil,tappoint at the next meeting a com-
mittee of six Council members, work.
ing in cooperation with the Interfra-
ternity Council and the Panhelleni
Association to study progress made in
recent years in the area of fraternity
and sorority membership restrictions
and report to the Council at the meet-
ing of February 13 on the facts and on
possible Council policy in this area.
Approved activities sponsored by stu-
dent organizations as follows:
Cinema Guild "Name the Flicks Con-
test" December 12-Jan. 12 (Interim

action) Dec. 18 J-Hop Fashion show,
League Ballroom (Interim action);
Jan. 11 Intercooperative Council, Torn
Lehrer, Jo Mapes show, AAHS; Jan,
9 Political Issues Club, discussion
What's Ahead for Labor?" Union;
March 14 Apothecary Ball, League 9-12
Men's Glee Club, Mid-Year and
Spring Tour programs.
Additions and changes to calendar:
Feb. 16-Mar. 2 Fraternity Rushing; Mar.
29 Business Admin. dance(change from
Mar. 22); March 15 Model United Na-
tions (afternoon).
Academic Notices
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
Mon.,Jan. 6, at 2 p.m. in Room 3209
A.H. G. P. Patil will speak on "Two-
Moment-Estimates in Truncated Bi-
Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap-
plied Meteorology: Engineering. Mon.,
Jan. 6, 4 p.m., Room 307, West Engi-



(EDITOR'S. NOTE - History paid no heed to the
manger in Bethlehem - until, with the passage of
time, "the greatest force that ever swept the planet"
captured the souls of millions. The following ac-
count by AP religion writer George Cornell probes
some aspects of the mystery, and is a confession or
one man's faith.)
Associated Press Religion Writer
N O MONUMENT was raised to mark the
place. No ancient registrar put down the.
time. No magistrate proclaimed the day. No
minstrels sang. No banners flew. No sculptor
even carved the name.
The world took no notice then, when Jesus
Christ was born. It was a modest, quiet affair.
And yet, for centuries afterward, the bells
have rung, the poets sung, and holly hung
from hearths of homes around the earth. The
nights and lace, and tabernacles throb with
But back there when it all began, few cared,
or even knew.
Other matters seemed more crucial, then,
more real, direct and absolute - the size of
armies, strength of borders, power 'of thrones,,
control of commerce, grasps for fortune, fame
and property. With all of this, how be con-
cerned about some child, or why?
SO HISTORY paid no heed. It turned its
head, and thought topass Him by.
Yet strangely and bewilderingly, from that
ignored event, from what seemed almost noth-
ingness to nations and to men, from that in-
credible old stable, there rose the greatest force
that ever swept this planet.
".. . the Light of the World."
Some cynics say that Jesus never actually
was born. They say the books and stones and
records current at that time don't mention
him. It's all just make-believe, they say, a
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON.................Personnel Director
TAMMY MORRISON...............Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
WILLIAM HANEY,................. Features Editor
ROSE PERLBERG................Activities Editor
CAROL PRINS ......... Associate Personnel Director
JAMES BAAD ......................... Sports Editor
BRUCE BENNETT ............ Associate Sports Editor
JOHN HILLYER .............Associate Sports Editor
CHARLES CURTISS.............Chief Photographer

mammoth legend that has captured people
ever since.
A curious notion, that, amid the sparkle, stir
and deep-felt sentiment that culminates next
week into the grandest birthday jubilee of all
--the glad exuberance of Christmas.
"For unto you is born this day in the city of
David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord . .."
yET, you hear it nowand then, the question-
ing of data.
They cite the standard kind of evidence, all
quite correct. It's true the tomes, the tablets
and inscriptions of that day don't bear the
name of Jesus. Berlin's Academy compiled 8,-
000 names preserved from Jesus' time, and his
was not among theli.
"And she brought forth her first-born son,
and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and
laid him in a manger ...-
Oddly, though, from that same day, an old
inscription marks the birth of one called "God
of Gods." But naturally it wasn't about Jesus.
The world then, as usual, was preoccupied with
what seemed weightier things. And so the
scholars wrote of Caesars.
"The birthday of God, the Emperor Augus-
tus. "
"Heaven and earth shall pass away: but My
words shall never pass away."
B UT THERE'S no record left, they say, no
:court decree, no papers, no certificate or
oath. Yes, it's technically correct, the Gospels
even were not written in Christ's day. Not for
about 30 years thereafter. His birth, His life,
His meaning lived by spoken words, by faith
and fervor - not by books or buildings.
But those who niggle at the record choose
to disregard the Gospels - calling them the
preachments of impassioned partisans - not
the sound, objective lines of history.
Well, it's absolutely so. The publishers of
Jesus' day, whoever they might be, did not see
fit to elevate the Nazarene into their chronicles
and rosters. It took some time, as always for
balanced history, before it saw the truth aris-
ing from the past.
"For nothing is covered, that shall not be re-
vealed; neither hid, that shall not be known."
Josephus, in his famed first-century "An-
tiquities," says that during Pilate's rule, there
was a man named "Jesus . . , a doer of most
wondrous works." A spurious passage, say the
cynics. Perhaps.
But then in quite another place, of undis-
puted authenticity, Josephus tells how James,
"the brother of Jesus, called the Christ," v,


Council Debates Bias Investigation,

Daily Staff Writer
WEDNESDAY night's Student
Government Council meeting
included almost a minor filibuster
over a motion to create a commit-
tee to look into progress in remov-
ing fraternity and sorority mem-
bership restrictions.
Inter-Fraternity Council Pres-.
ident Rob Trost talked several
times on the question, until final-
ly Union President Don Young
and Scott Chrysler said the sub-
ject had been run into the ground
and should be brought to a vote.
However, the Council could not
muster the necessary two-thirds
majority to close debate. Seven
members voted against calling the
question on the last vote, thus
continuing discussion of the mo-
tion, which was finally tabled aft-
er 45 minutes of discussion.
*'* *
EARLIER, before debate
opened, Peter Eckstein, co-sponsor
of the motion, offered to table it
for a week because of the short
length of time between prepara-
tion of the motion and the meet-
ing. The offer was not accepted
until it was repeated 45 minutes
In those 45 minutes, Trost
stressed the point that IFC and
Panhellenic Association could pro-
vide the Council with whatever
facts it wanted in regard to re-
moval of restrictions on member-
ship. Only four camnus fraterni-

of the motion, said the intent of
the motion was also to go into the
progress of the educational cam-
paign urged by University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher five years
Campus Chest also came in for
a solid hour's debate. A motion by
E x e c u t i v e Vice-President Ron
Shorr establishing a drive for next
year which would not be the only
fund drive on campus, but would
be open to charities wishing to
join and receive calendaring pri-
ority, was amended several times,
in the process of which the con-
cept of a Campus Chest run by
SGC was dropped completely.
The Council discussed permit-
ting charities which had been re-
jected for Campus Chest member-
ship to petition for separate
drives, until Administrative Vice-
President Maynard Goldman
pointed out that no more than
four or five campus drives would
seek recognition in the foreseeable
** *
THESE DRIVES had been op-
erating on campus for years and
would continue, he said, without
any additional ones being set up.
At this point, Treasurer Scott
Chrysler suggested that the ma-
jor drives (Galens and the Fresh
Air Fund) could handle their own
solicitations very well without a
unified drive, and the smaller
charities could form a joint drive

failure it was often termed and
was gaining momentum, Young
perhaps voiced the feeling of most
SGC members (and many stu-
dents) by saying Campus Chest
had aroused more animosity than
Perhaps, as Goldman said, there
is no need for a drive when there
are only four or five charities on
campus, as contrasted with Ann
Arbor United Fund's 44.
SGC closed members' time to
the public at Wednesday's meet-
ing. The Council did this simply
by adjourning without having
members' time and then discuss-
ing matters informally after the
Several members of the Council
had expressed dissatisfaction with
being quoted in The Daily on what,
they said during members' time.
SGC took-the view that members'
time was for the use of members
and not the student body. In it,
members may comment on any-
thing that strikes their fancy, al-
though their remarks usually con-
cern the evening's meeting.
LAST WEEK, for instance, As-
sembly President Marg Brake ex-
plained her vote against the Con-
gregational and Disciples Student
Guild petition on residence halls
integration in members' time.
In all, members spent an hour
last week on this part of the



P.S. - Egypt recently
her Jewish population.

L. Fox

Protest Day . .
To the Editor:
WITH reference to your Decem-
ber 10th editorial: December
10 - Human Rights Day -- was

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