Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
. ,..
-'AND WITH A WINK'-Santa overshadows the Christmas season with the spirit of giving.
-Daily--Charles C3rtiss
. "" I i 1 41" 1 1
.r. .
ty Be Seen
r Dorms
dence halls may be less
d than they have been in
years, according to early
ions. .
vded conditions in women's
ce halls are expected to be
hiat alleviated and no
of crowding in men's resi-
Exams, Themes Cease
As Students Head Home
"I don't care whose reindeer they are," thi famous quotation
goes, "just get them off my roof."
Across the campus students are telling each other jokes of this
caliber, mailing cards to their friends which show a bomb dropping
down the chimney.and hanging signs in their windows which say
"Bah, Humbug." The Christmas spirit, as the magazines say, is in
the air.
Depart Early
As one engineering student put it, "I've had my last exam and
now I'm just waiting to leave. I'm not cracking a book."
Many students have followed their announced intentions of
departing for home early and instructors in some sections \have
quietly arranged for little to happen. Left, behind are the less fortunate
len Elsie
y survey
Air Force
Ime" reduction could be made
the number of women now liv-
g in residence halls.
Hope for Reduction
Women's residence halls are
resently almost 350 over capa-
ty. She said she hopes the num-
r of women will be able to be
duced in both Alice Lloyd and.
ockwell Halls, each presently al-
ost 100 over capacity.
Only freshmen women are be-
g accepted in the residence
Room applications for men's
sidence halls are down compared
last year according to the latest
gures received by Assistant Dean
Men Karl D. Streiff.
Receive Applications
As of Dec. 1, 45 applications
ere received, compared to 75 last
ar at the same time. Streiff
ys the application count will
.crease in January, but he sees
ao reason" why next semester's.
pplication totals should reach
lose of last year.,
"We don't anticipate having to
uble up," he said, explaining,
e 49 spaces now empty in the
iadrangles and rooms of stu-
nts leaving school would be
ough to fill the demand.
Previous year's totals for the
ring semester have run from 300
350, according to Streiff.,
Fires IB
An Air, Force ,Thor ballistic mis-
sile rose beautifully into the sky'
yesterday and flew presumably
hundreds' of miles out over the
It was the third of America's
big guns' the giant, long-reach
weapons of push-button war - to
be test-launched here this week.
Never before has this Missile
Test Center disposed of so much
destructive power so swiftly. And
it was as beautiful a flight to,
watch, on 'a perfect sunny after-
noon,, as veteran observers here
have known..
Announce Test
Within 25 minutes of the
launching, the Defense Depart-
ment in Washington announced
that the Thor intermediate-range
ballistic missile - IRBM - had
been test-fired.
"Tlie missile flew its prescribed
course and landed in 'its pre-
selected impact area," the an-
nouncement said.
That Was Pentagonese for a
successful launch, a successful
flight, a successful everything.
Figures Kept Secret
The Thor, an estimated 60 feet
long and weighing probably more
than 50 tons - the exact figures
are secret' - was designed 'to de-
liver a nuclear warhead against
targets up to 1,500 miles distant.
There have been.seven previous
Thor test firings here, three of
them called wholly successful. One
of the missiles flew 3,645 miles,
more than, twice its designed
The Air Force gave no indica-
tion of the range, altitude and size
of target assigned for yesterday's
The diminishing ball of flame--
trailing smoke for miles--could be
seen for about two and a half
whose instructors have scheduled
hour exams, impromptu themes or
lab finals for today.
Few Study
Despite the unseasonably warm
weather, such students have been
forced to spend the last day or
two locked in their rooms studying.
"I need to have something good
to tell my mother when she asks
how my semester grade point will
look," one coed explained.
Whether leaving yesterday, to-
dlay or tomorrow the students
seem to share a common attitude
of emancipation. Off they'll go to
their home towns of Forest Hills,
New York, or Trotwood, Ont., to
pass 16 days eating, sleeping, see-
Last Issue
With today's paper The
Daily suspends publication for
the, holiday season.
Next issue of The Daily will
appear Tuesday, January 7.
ipg friends, crashing' parties and
thinking about term papers which
somehow seldom seem to get done.
Leave for Florida
Others of the student body will
be. off to Florida, to the beaches
and sunshine for the vacation.
Many members of: this group are1
not planning to transport their
To most the University students,
and to many of the faculty as well,j
the vac ation will fly and the Mon-
day morning 8:00's on January 6
will roll ai'ound as rapidly as
after any lost weekend.
Board Views
Honor Plans
"A variety of alternative plans"
for the institution of an honor
system in the literary college are
under consideration by the college
administrative board, according to
Prof. Robert Blood of the sociology
Prof. Blood, a member of the
Student Governzient Council's
honor system study committee,
added the final decision to \have
an honor system rests with the
administrative board.
One of the alternatives would
be the installation of an honor
system in the entire literary col-
Take Etaluation
"An evaluation would be taken
at the end of the semester to
determine the effectiveness of the
program. If the committee was to
take this step, the honor system
would probably be put into effect
at the beginning of the spring
semester next year.
A second alternative would in-
volve a "controlled experiment."
An arbitrary body would section
several large literary college
courses into two groups. "One
group would be under the present
proctoring system while the other
would take examinations under
the honor system," Prof. Blood
Questionnaires would be filled
out by students in both groups at
the end of the "trial" period. "The
questions would deal with the stu-
dents' experience under each of
the examination systems," Prof.
Blood continued.
Use Questionnaires
The SGC honor system com-
mittee would use the question-
naireq as a guide for their recom-
mendation to the literary college
administrative board.
The final. decision whether or
not to institute an honor system
in the literary college under one
of the alternative plans will prob-
ably come sometime in January.
Favor New
Arms Talks
WASHINGTON (P) - Several
Democratic senators yesterday en-
dorsed tje idea of trying for new
disarmament talks with Russia.
A Republican colleague said this
would 'just be a waste of time.
They were all commenting on
just-ended Paris meeting of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
Reach Agreement
That meeting reached agree-
ment in principle on United
States plan to equip European
bases with nuclear missiles, begin-
ning perhaps in late 1958. The
meeting also approved proposals
to explore the reopening of fast-
West disarmament talks.
Sen. H. H. Humphrey (D-
Minn.), most critical of those
commenting, said Preside4lt
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secre-
tary John Foster Dulles. had not
actually won anything concrete on
the missile dealt
"Acceptance in principle does
not mean fulfillment in details,"
Humphrey said.
Position Weakened
"What is more, because this ad-
ministration has nethodically-if
unwittingly - permitted our mili-
tary position to be weakened, we
do not have the missiles to fur-
nish," he said.
Humphrey said he hoped the
administration would )reconsider
its earlier attitude toward disarm-
ament talk proposals raised by
Soviet Premier Bulganin in a let-
ter to President Eisenhower ear-
lier this month.
Named to Post
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher was named ch'airman of
the cultural activities board for
the 1958 Michigan Week celebra-
tion May 4-10 yesterday at Lan-
many here say is a sharp decline
of United States prestige in Indo-
They say the decline began with
the Little Rfock school integration
case, which brought angry edi-
torials in the Indonesia press; and
gained momentum when the Rus-
sians launched their Sputnik.
Irritates Officials
Lately, some officials are show-.
ing rising irritation about United
States aloofness n Indonesia's
campaign topressure the Dutch
to surrender 'West New Guinea -
or West Irian as the- Indonesians
call it.
Some officials,' blame United
States neutrality for the rising
popularity of the Communists.
Premier Djuanda said only
Wednesday that positive action
by the United States on the Irian
issue would help stabilize the po-
litical situation in this area.
Indonesians Slip
President Sukarno told a visit-
ing United States congressman:
"Indonesians are slipping into the
Communist camp since America
has consistently refused to help us
over West Irian. If the United
States backed us, I could guaran-
tee - our entire nation would be
pro-American overnight."
Even such a friend of the
United States as Mohammed Nat-
sir, former premier and now
chairman of the big Moslem Mas-
jumi party, spoke in a similar vein
Date Setx
Mid-year graduation exercises
fwill be held Jan. 25, at 2:00 p.m.
in Hill Auditorium.
The: main speaker of tl e grad-
uation will by John Perkins, a
former University professor.
He is presently on leave from
the University of Deleware to serve
as United. States Undersecretary
of Health, Education and Welfare.
Student speaker for spring grad-
uation will be Tom Sawyer, '58, a
former merftber of Student Gov-
The commencement exercises
are expected to end by 4:00 p.m.
Tickets will be distributed from
Jan. 1P, to 1:00 p.m. Jan?. 25 at the
Cashier's 'Office in the first floor.
lobby of the Administration
Red Research.
Funds Hiked
$450 Million'
MOSCOW (P)-Finance Minis-
ter Arseny Zverev told the Soviet
Parliament yesterday the US R
will spend a total of 18,200,000,000
rubles in 1958 on scientific re-
At the official exchange .rate of
four rubles to the dollar, this is
the equivalent of about 4% billion
Zverev . also told the Supreme
Soviet 1958 science research spend-
ing would increase by 1,800,000,000
rubles - or 450 million dollars --
over 1957.
Zverev announced that 1958 ap-
propriations for the Ministry of
Defense are schepduled at 96,300,-
000,000 rubles, compared with 96,-
'700,000,000 rubles for 1957.
He termed this small reduction
a "reflection of the tireless efforts
of the Soviet Union in directing
the strengthening of. peace and
friendsha among peoples."
In Soviet budgetary practice,'
Ministry of Defense appropriations
include only a part of actual total,
spending for military purposes.
Other forms of military spending
are hidden in other appropriations
and cannot be estimated.
Non-Dutch To Give Up
Indonesian Enterprises
JAKARTA, Indonesia (1) - The military yesterday put the first
squeeze on non-Dutch Western business in Jakarta since the onset
of the angry dispute with the Netherlands over West New Guinea.
About 300 American, British, French, Belgian and other , West-
ern businessmen were summoned to a meeting with military author-
ities and told ,they must surrender a fourth of the houses they own.
in Jakarta.
They were told the houses' must be given up within a short time
and would -not be paid for.. The reason was not clear.
Conduct Proceedings
The businessmen said the proceedings were conducted in Indo-
nesian so. they did not understand everything that was said. The ac-
tion appeared to reflect what9
POffer 1
To Russli
EiSenhower Sa
Decisions Help
Peace aIdel Cl
ence adopted a:nuli
fense strategy of 'Upi
design yesterday to
Soviet menace.
The 'f5-nation Atlanti
also offered in a win
muniqne to meet the R
the foreign ministerJ le
cuss disarmament, an
stilled in the United Na
. British sources sugge
that other issues also
* Ike To Report
President Dwight. E
hailed the decisions a
the ideal of peace a li
he boarded the presider
Columbine III for the
journey to ,Washington.
will report to the Ameri
Monday over radio and'i
p.m. EST.
'ecretary of State Jc
Dullek called a strategy
the plans to gird NAT
in Europe.with United S
mile range missiles an
arms, while keeping ope
for talks with MIoscow,
'the results of the
meeting of government I
interpreted by diplomati
tory for both those. w
M1ATO to stress negot
those who wanted to C
on militar" defenses.
Advocates Meai
West German Chanci
rad Adenauer, aadvat
ing 'al means of reiah
ment with the Kremlii
was delighted withthe
the conference.
Adenauer's position fc
tion was backed by Pri
ter lacmillan of Brita
Felix Gaillard of Franc
Elnar Gerhardsen ofN
other European leaders.
The final coinmunic
for full speed ahead in
NATO with nuclear stod
siles. 'he step was cal
sary because the Comn
ers had given clear wa
intended to rulethe* wr
of subversion.
Weapons To Mi
The United States we
expected to begin movin
nations within a ye
months. Base sites will
At the requ.est of Nor
ed by the Danes, the
emphasized that NAT
arming only because I
Union forced it to. .
SGC Name
To Boards
Student 'Governmen
Wednesday approved
ments to two standing
,the Board inv Review.
The:Counil named Ja
'58, fomer SGCt execv
president, to the *oard -
It also appointed Joa
'60, Elizabeth Uchitelle
Harold Keivit, '59, to
Relations Board, and D6
ham, '60, Sherryl Giv
Howard Knack, '60,
Schlozman, '60, to th
Guild Board.
Miss 'Wickhami' was
Foundation Names Francis
To New Polio Hall of Fame
Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., chair-
man of the epidemiology depart-
ment of the public health school,
was named to the newly-formed
Polio Hall of Fame.
Appointed Wednesday by the,
National Foundation for Iufan-
tile Paralysis, Dr. Francis was
elected along with 15 scientists
and two laymen.
Dr. Francis headed the evalua-
tion program of the effectiveness
of the Salk polio vaccine. The de-
veloper of the vaccine, Dr. Jonas
E. Salk, was among those 17 nom-
Bronze busts of the 17 men vill
be unveiled on Jan. 2 at Warm
Springs, Ga., according to Foun-
dation spokesmen.
... Polio Hall of Fame
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK -- A federal court
jury trying Teamsters boss James
R.' Hoff a on wiretap charges re-
ported yesterday that it was hung
and unable to reach a verdict.
The jury got the case at 4 p.m.
Wednesday. Yesterday they sent
in this note to Judge Bryan: "The
jury has had this case for 28'
The jury was reported hung 11
to one early this morning.
* * *
ington Post said yesterday in a
copyrighted story the still top-
secret Gaither report "portrays 'a
United States in the gravest dan-
ger in its history."
,The report "pictures the nation
Visiting Professors Add New Spark to University Academies
"Visiting professors can have a
stimulating effect on both students
and faculty," remarked Vice Presi-
dent in charge of Faculty Marvin
L. Niehuss.
Visiting professors, men eminent
in their field, either within the
academic profession or as prac-
tical writers, are. appointed by
semester. Although their functions
vary, the essential purpose is to
stimulate the department with an
outside viewpoint.
Niehuss explained that the ad-
ministration encourages the de-
he may be sponsored by an ex-
change program with a foreign
The English department has had
authors - in - residence during the
past few years. Because of its size,
the department has enough va-
cancies each year to appoint an
author, playright, or critic ,for at
least a semester. Katherine Port-
er, Elmer Rice, J. F. Powers, and
Malcolm Cowley have visited the
campus in this capacity.
Rice directed one of his own
plays during his semester's visit.
All df the authors - in - residence
marily- interested in the study of
new structural forms. He will have
no regular teaching duties, but will.
be free for discussion with gradu-
ate students.
The law school regularly invites
outstanding legal authorities, for
temporary residence. Dean E. Bly-
the Stason of the law school, em-
phasized the importance of this
practice; "we appoint visiting pro-
fessors to deal with timely, prac-
tical problems as well as philoso-
phical content we are unable to
reach in our normal classroom
An n ~ ao,17.±.
versity of Beirut, is currently fill-
ing a vacancy in the psychology
department. His expenses and
talents -are shared with the de-
partment of Near Eastern Studies.
History is the only department
with an endowed chair, but it is,
still necessary. for the University
to add a substantial amount to
the bequest to make the appoint-
ments possible. The first occupant
will be Prof. Caroline Robbins,
chairman of the history depart-
ment at Bryn Mawr. The stipula-
tion of the grant is that only
women may be appointed.
department here. "Unfortunately,"
Niehuss said, "he was also their
expert on dikes and went home
when the dikes burgt."
Next year the .school of -Educa-
tion will receive Dr. G. Wielenge,I
who will teach the philosophy and
history of education.
Roles Differ,
The role of the visiting pro-I
fessor is different in a larg uni-
versity than a small college, Nie-
huss remarked in reference to the
author - in - residence program at,
Amherst. "The sinall school bene-
fits markedly from an outsider be-
.cL'Kta nnn