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December 19, 1957 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-12-19

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The Very Generous Santa Strauss

Sixty-Eighth Year

'WhenOpinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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'U' Opera Excellent;
Choir Enthusiastic
PUCCINI'S Gianni Schicchi proved to be a charming and highly en-
tertaining farce in its initial presentation by the opera and speech
departments.at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
The one-act opera was given a spirited and all-round excellent
performance by a large and highly talented cast. The work was con-
ducted by Professor Josef Blatt. Mr. Blatt had full control of his forces.
both on stage and in the pit, and brought about an excellent balance
between the singers and the orchestra.
This stands as one of the finest opera performances I have wit-

Honors System
Merits Student Concern



THE RECENTLY proposed literary college
honor system merits serious consideration
on the part of the student body. This concern
was certainly not evidenced by the attend-
ance at Tuesday's literary college steering com-
mittee conference. The special meeting was
held for the purpose of discussing the prob-
lems, disadvantages and advantages of initiat-
ing an honor system in the literary college.
Only 40 students and members of the faculty
regarded the proposal serious enough to war-
rant their attendance.
Perhaps this lack of concern is an indica-
tion that the student body does not desire
an honor system. Members of the literary col-
lege administrative board, the group respon-
sible for the final decision to have an honor
system, was certainly not impressed by this
lack of concern. Fortunately, the students and
members of the faculty in attendance voiced
enough serious comment on the proposal to
make the meeting very worthwhile.
To have an effective honor system, the
whole-hearted support of the students parti-
cipating in the program is necessary. Every
student would have to regard the honor system
as his own personal responsibility. This would
necessitate the acquisition of a "sense of
honor" on the part of the student. Without
this "honor," an honor system would be mean-

ingless. Every student would be obliged to
report any infraction of the honor system to
a special judiciary body. In this case, an honors
council composed of students and faculty
would rule on all offenders. As of yet, not even
an interest in an honors system has been ex-
pressed by the individuals it will affect the
THE FACULTY would gladly be rid of the
present proctoring system. If an honors
system were to be put into effect, the faculty's
present proctoring responsibility would be
shifted to the shoulders of the students. Under
the present system, the student with the pro-
verbial "pony" in his bluebook has only the
faculty to fear. Under the honor system, he
would be responsible to each of his fellow stu-
The student who feels it is not his duty to
report cheaters is in effect, committing just
as serious offense as the student who violates
the honor code. If the majority of students
took this attitude, the honor program would
defeat its purpose. A referendum will probab-
ly be brought before the literary college stu-
dent body in the near future. Before voting,
students should seriously consider the impli-
cations and real meaning of an honor system.





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(Herblock Is on Vacation) COViM19Mt. hePUWOn 0.a

An Alliance of Hope

Aging Senator Backstopped


IN WHAT was evidently a well-oiled auto-
matic response, brought off without the ex-
penditure of any brain power, the State De-
partment dismissed the whole elaborate Soviet
peace offensive as propaganda designed to in-
fluence the NATO conference. There is So
doubt that the Russians would like to influence
the countries that belong to NATO. But when
we have said that, we have still to ask cur-
selves whether the Russians have put out any-
thing that NATO has to listen to, and examine
They have said at least one thing which will
be listened to in Europe, and which we cannot
afford to ignore. They have suggested that
there should be established a zone in the cen-
ter of Europe - consisting of the two Ger-
manys' Poland and Czechoslovakia - where
there shall be no nuclear armaments. This is
an exceedingly attractive idea. There is un-
doubtedly a mass of the German people, even
in West Germany, who would support the idea.
For they realize that if the two Germanys
are armed with nuclear weapons, especially
weapons with a fairly long range, then in
the event of war East Germany will be a prime
target of NATO and' West Germany a prime
target for the Soviet Union. This is the rea-
son why Dr. Adenauer, who is a strong parti-
san of the West, is refusing at this time to
make any precise commitments for missile
THE SOVIET Union, in other words, is pro-
posing to make a limited local disarmament
agreement which corresponds with the vital
interests of the German nation. Such an agree-
ment would also correspond with the very wide
and deep feeling all over Europe that it would
be better if a reunited Germany were not also
a nuclear power. The Russian suggestion,
therefore, is on its face, negotiable. For on its
face it offerA to extend toPoland, Czechoslo-
vakia and East Germany the kind of limited
disarmament which the West Germans would,
if they are free to choose, like to adopt for
The idea may, of course, be mere propagan-
da, in the sense that the Russians have put
it out with the intention of using it not to
reach an agreement but as a trading counter
to arrive at something else. Even if that is
their intention, there is only one way to prove
that they are conducting mere propaganda.
That is to explore the idea thoroughly and
tenaciously in a careful negotiation.
The practical test of "sincerity" is whether
the Soviet Union is willing to settle on this one

proposal for nuclear disarmament in the cen-
ter of Europe, or whether this proposal is tied
to all the Soviet Union's other proposals, and
can be adopted only if it is part of a big pack-
age deal. No large package deal is possible in
the foreseeable future, and every government
knows it. The surest sign of a sincere readiness
to negotiate is the willingness to enter into
specific and limited agreements. It is a pretty
good working rule in this matter that when a
government insists on settling too many ques-
tions at once, it is not. really in the mood to
settle any of them.
F THIS IS TRUE, as I believe it is, then this
extremely interesting Russian proposal can-
not be answered at NATO by large words about
our very complicated plans for general dis-
armament. This is a proposal for limited and
specific disarmament in the most critical area
of the globe. Until the proposal is either adopt-
ed or fully exposed and discredited, our mili-
tary plans for NATO will be the subject of con-
stant controversy in every European Parlia-
There is a certain similarity, which may
have a useful moral, between the condition of
the NATO alliance today and the condition
of the Allied Alliance in 1917. That was the
year when America was drawn into the first
World War and revolutionary Russia was with-
drawing from the war. The Western Alliance
was dangerously demoralized; and President
Wilson saw quickly that if the Alliance was to
be revived and consolidated, two great things
had to be done. The military power of the
United States had to be mobilized, and at the
same time, indeed before it could be fully mo-
bilized, the people of the Alliance had to be
convinced that they were suffering and endur-
ing for the sake of a good peace.
The moral I draw from this is that Mr.
Dulles, the real architect of our foreign policy,
is concerned with only half the problem. He
truly believes in arming the Alliance. But for
one reason or another, he does not believe-in,
or perhaps he does not understand fully, the
other half of the problem - that a great Al-
liapice must be armed not only with rockets
but with hope.
If he did understand this half of the prob-
lem, he would long since have taught the
spokesmen of the State Department that when
they talk like hopeless men who believe in
nothing, they are demoralizing the Alliance of
the democracies.
1957 New York Herald Tribune .Inc.

WASHINGTON - A handful of
senators who run the power-
ful Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee huddled behind Chairman
Carl Hayden's back the other day
and picked his heir apparent.
They decided that Hayden, 80-
year-old highly respected Arizona
Democrat, is weakening because
of old age and a serious operation
last fall. They agreed that an heir
apparent should start moving into
his shoes, helping the elder states-
man out next session.
Next in seniority is Sen. Dick
Russell, Georgia Democrat who
begged off. He claimed he is too
busy running the Senate Armed
Services Committee to increase
his work load. He also revealed he
has water on his lungs, which has
been slowing him down phy'Sically.
The third in seniority, Sen.
Dennis Chavez, New Mexico Dem-
ocrat, wasn't present. However,
the others decided to bypass him.
As a result, Hayden's mantle
was passed down to the fourth in
seniority, Sen. Allen Ellender,
Louisiana Democrat, bitter foe of
foreign aid, who will now become
the rising power in the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee,
Dignified, dapper Congressman
Don Jackson (R-Cal.), who once
demanded a retraction when this
column linked him closely with
Dom i n i c a n, dictator Trujillo,
showed up in the sunny Caribbean
dictatorship last month singing
Trujillo's praises.
Jackson made an appearance
before the American colony at the
Santo Domingo Country Club. He

told the assembled Americans
that he had visited the Dominican
Republic five times and the coun-
try had improved notably between
each visit.
The congressman attributed
this progress to a "freedom-loving
Then he paused dramatically
and dared any "Drew Pearson
people" in the audience to chal-
lenge his statement.
Note: The FBI is investigating
charges that Trujillo has sent as-
sassins to this country to murder
Dominican refugees who opposed
his "freedom-loving government."
Senator Goldwater of Arizona,
arch-enemy of Walter Reuther,
has persuaded Senator McClellan
of the Senate Rackets Committee
to call off a hearing into Reuth-
er's auto workers union. Th& hear-
ing was supposed to be held in
December, but Goldwater claimed
he couldn't get back to Washing-
ton before Christmas; so asked
McClellan to postpone the hearing
so he could be on hand to cross-
examine Reuther..-.
During a recent tour of Europe,
GOP Rep. William Bray of Indi-
ana spent some time in YugosIa-
via, arriving in Belgrade about a
week after the Russians had
launched Sputnik. A common
joke among the Yugoslavs was
that "Sputnik is one Russian sat-
ellite that got away."
Bray facetiously inquired if an-
other satellite, Yugoslavia, might
follow suit. The question evoked
enigmatic grins, except from one

Yugoslav who replied, "Oh, yes, I
think so."
Former GOP Rep. Cliff Hope of
Kansas, recognized by both par-
ties as the leading farm expert in
Congress befor'e retiring last year,
is as outspoken as ever. At a re-
cent National Grange meeting in
Colorado Springs, the ex-GOP
legislator declared: "Things are
not getting better for American
farmers and there has been too
much soft soap coming out of
the Agriculture Department to the
effect that they are."
SECRETARY of State Dulles
has urged that we turn down the
Soviet request to exchange com-
mercial aviation routes. For three
years, the United States has been
prodding Russia to exchange
routes, but now the shoe is on the
other foot.
Dulles has warned that the Rus-
sians now want to fly to America
in order to show how their new
jet airliners are better than ours.
American airlines won't be oper-
atinn jet planes overseas until
1959, so Dulles says nix on the
The Army has developed an
amazing infra-red telephone that
can transmit conversations on a
narrow, invisible beam. The infra-
red beam can be aimed at relay
stations which can pass it on for
great distances.
The receiving equipment can
pick up the conversation as clear-
ly as a radio broadcast, and it's
virtually impossible for an enemy
to intercept this invisible light
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.){

nessed here and also ranks as the
ever heard (which includes per-
formances by the operatic Mecca
in New York City.)
Jack Zei, in the title role, re-
vealed many fine features and
considerable improvements over
his performance, as Alfio in Cav-
aleria Rusticana last spring. He
seems to have more of a flare for
comedy and was perfectly at ease
in his part. His singing was fluid
and easy and showed his pleas-
ing voice to good advantage.
THE PARTS of the two young
lovers were sung by Janet Ast and
Jerry Langenkamp. Miss Ast,
appearing in her first major as-
signment, acquitted herself ad-
mirably. Her lovely voice was es-
pecially pleasing in the aria "O
mio babbino caro" and in the
short love duet near the end
where she soared to the high D
flat with splendid ease.
Mr. Langenkamp, who has ap-
peared frequently in recent opera
performances, was in-usual form.
His highest notes were strained
but he sang nicely otherwise.
The remainder of the cast was
uniformly excellent and, since it
is such a large cast, space will not
permit individual mention of all
of them.
* *
SPECIAL mention, however,
must go to the magnificent per-
formances of Millard Cates as
Gherardo and Jmes Berg as the
Doctor. Both mn are superb ac-
tors and their versatile facial ex-
pressions must have been a real
inspiration to the other members
of the cast.
Three Sacred Symphonies of
Giovanni Gabrieli had been
scheduled for performance by a
brass ensemble, along with the
opera. Inexplicably, they were
omitted. Perhaps some conflict
with the wind department inter-
vened. Needless to say, it is un-
doubtedly more important for the
brass instrumentalists to rehearse
Sousa than to perform Gabrieli.
der the directioa.- of Maynard
Klein, presented their annual
Christmas Concert in Hill Audi-
torium last night before a recep-
tive audience.
The full chorus of approximate-
ly 300 voices opened the program
with three brief numbers. Bach's
familiar "Break Forth, O Beau-
teous, Hevenly Light" proved an
excellent opener. The full-bodied
tone of the group was a pleasure
to hear.
Willan's "The Three Kings" was
an impressive work. The chorus
really sounded like 300 voices in
this piece and at many other
points of the concert.
VITTORIA'S "O Magnum Mys-
terium" closed the first section of
the program. The tenor section
sounded particularly lovely in this
The Michigan Singers con-
tinued the program with two short
works of P a l e s t r i n a, "Hodie
Christus natus est" and "Magni-
This group was continued by a
song of Brahms and concluded
with Schutz' spirited "Cantate

finest account of this opera I have
Domino," which proved to be the
best performed of the group.
Two larger works concluded
the program. They were per-
formed by the full chorus. The
first was Bach's "Sing Ye to the
Lord" which proved rather disap-
pointing in many ways.
The impressive tone of the
group carried them through this'
work nicely, but the florid sections
suffered under ragged and messy
Verdi's "Te Deum" closed the
performance. This work is reli-
gious in its text but decidedly op-
eratic in its music. It is a, amost
powerful work, if at times slight-
ly pretentious.
The chorus performed with tre-
mendous enthusiasm and power.
The excellent soprano section car-
ried its high tessitura very well.
Verdi apparently thought his
choruses were always filled with
potential operatic sopranos, since
he frequently wrote quite high for
this section.
The excellent accompaniment
for the Verdi was supplied by Nel-
ita True at the piano.
--Robert Jobe
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editori-
al responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Library Hours for Christmas Vacation:
The General Library and its branches
will be open on regularly scheduled
house until noon Sat., Dec. 21, when
the Christmas recess officially begins.
The General Library will obsere the
following schedule during the holiday
Open: Sat., Dec. 21; Mon. Dec. 23;
Thur. and Fri., Dec. 26 and 27
Open: Sat., Dec. 21 - 8:00 a.m. - 1
noon. Mon., Dec. 23, Thurs. and Fri..
Dec. 26 and 27, Mon. and Tues., Dec. 30
and 31: Thurs. anld Fri., Jan. 2 and 3-
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Closed: Sat., Dec. 21 after 12 noon,
through Sun., Dec. 22; Tues., and Wed..
Dec. 24 and 25.; Sat. and Sun, Dec. 2
and 29; Wed., Jan. -1; Sat. and Sun,
Jan. 4 'and 5.
Regents' Meeting: Fri., Jan. 10. Com-
munications forconsideration at this
meeting must be in the President'
hands not later than Tues., Dec. 31.
Students under Public Law 550 (Ko-
rea G.I. Bill) or Public Law 634 (Or-
phans' Bill) should get intructors'
signatures at last class meetings be-
fore Christmas recess and turn the
form in to Dean's office before 5:00 p.m.
Friday, December 20. VA forms 7-1996a
or 7-5496 may be signed in the Office of
veterans' Affairs, 555 Administration
Building, on Dec. 18, 19, 20, or 'Jan. 6
for claim of December training allow-
International Center Tea, sponsored
by International Student Association
and International Center, Thurs., Dee.
19 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the In-
ternational Center.
Fel 0 ship applications are now
available for the Margaret Kraus Rams-
dell Award. This Fellowship is used to
assist studentswho are graduates of
the University of Michigan in pur-
curing graduate studies in this coun-
try or abroad, in religious education or
In preparation for the Christian min-
istry. Both men and women may apply
for the fellowship. Applications should
be made to the Dean of the Graduate
School, on forms obtainable from the
Graduate School. The deadline is March
15, 1958.
The Mary L. Hinsdale Scholarship
amounting to $142.20 (interest on the
endowment fund) is available to single
undergraduate women who are wholly
or partially self-supporting and who,
do not live in University residence halls
or sorority houses. Single girls with

better than average scholarship and
need will be considered. Application
blanks obtainable at the Alumnae
council Office, Michigan League, should
be filed by Jan. 10, 1958.
American Meterological Soc., South-
eastern Michigan Branch. Prof. Sydney
Chapman will speak on "Sunstorms and
the Aurorae," Thurs., Dec. 19 at 8 p.m.,
tn the Rackham Amphitheater. Re-
freshments; everyone welcome.
Holiday Performance of Gianna Schle-
chi, one-act opera by Puccini, 4:15 p.m.,
Wed., and Thur., Dec. 18 and 19, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Program
sponsored by the School of Music, as-
sisted by the Department of Speech;
Joseph Blatt, musical director and con-
ductoT, Hugh Z. Norton, stage direc-
tion; open to the general public with-
out charge. No seats reserved.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics











Ref ugee Policy of Arab States Criticized

AlwaysAn England

Refugee Policy **
To the Editor:
THERE CAN be no doubt that
many of the Arab refugees
discussed in the letter from the
Arab Club in the December 17
edition are the unfortunate vic-
tims of a war which they did not
want. However, a careful exami-
nation reveals some interesting
( 1)Before the Arab States
attacked the State of Israel in
1947, and officially declared their
policy to annihilate the inhabi-
tants of that country, there was
no such thing as "Arab refugees."
Previous to the attack on Is-
rael, every inch of land, owned
by Jews, was bought by them; no
Arab was ever "displaced" or "de-
prived of his rights."
* .* *
(2) WHEN THE Arab States
attacked Israel, in violation of
United Nations resolutions and
condemnations, thousands of
Arabs left their homes because
of promises by their leaders that
when the war was over and the
Jews had been driven out, they
could return and take over all of
the land.
Others fled because of the threat
of war .*nd for these neonleI Trael

wise for Israel to absorb these
people as for America to allow
thousands of known Communist
saboteurs to enter this country.
The members of the Arab Club,
who are the future leaders of the
Middle East, are no doubt sincere
in their desire to see a reasonable
solution .to this problem, but the
solution must be practical and
fair to both sides. It is one thing
to talk about solving a problem
realistically, and another to back
it up with action.
* * *
states, such as Iraq, have attempt-
ed to stop the suffering of the
refugees and have offered to take
them into their own country where
they would be a useful part of
society. This plan has been crush-
ed by other Arab countries, who
see the advantage of the refugees
as political pawns.
One practical solution to the
problem is by "persuading Israel
to permit all refugees to enter a
State of Israel, together with all
of the former areas of Palestine
that these refugees now occupy."
-Arab-Israel League for a
Free United States of the
Middle East

tem by the student is an indi-
cation that he is an adult." Both
of these statements are patently
I did say that I am in favor of
an honor system only if it oper-
ates universally and not simply
in connection with classroom ex-
aminations. Another of my state-
ments was that the losses from a
certain number of undetected vio-
lations of the system would not
outweigh the gains from the at-
mosphere of maturity which an
honor system may induce.
* * *
FINALLY, I stated that the in-
stitution of an honor system
should not depend on a virtually
unanimous acceptance by the stu-
dents, but rather should be in-
troduced if desired by a significant
enough group of worthy students.
An honor system is an elite
system based on an ethical prin-
ciple and therefore has little to
do with unanimity..
Mr. Huthwaite's "record" of my
statements is one further indica-
tion that all Daily reporting
should be submitted to the victims
before publication.
-M. J. Eisenberg
Telephones *

fair to point out the following
1. At its November meeting, it
was brought to the attention of
the House Services Committee of
the Inter-House Council that
there was a definite need for a,
re-evaluation and study of the
existing telephone arrangements.
2. On Thursday, December 5,
at my bi-monthly meeting with
Mr. Leonard A. Schaadt, Business
Manager for Residence Halls, I
discussed the problem of the in-
adequate telephone facilities and
resultant slow service. At this
meeting Mr. Schaadt showed a
definite interest in the problem.
* %* *
3. ON MONDAY, December 9,
the Executive Cabinet of the In-
ter-House Council met and offi-
cially requested me to pursue a
full-scale telephone study with an
eye for eventual improvement of
this facility.
4. Today, December 18, I again
met with Mr. Schaadt and dis-
cussed the telephone situation in
great detail. Furthermore, Mr.
Schaadt agreed to arrange for the
telephone company to conduct a
complete study in the East and
West Quadrangles in order to es-
tablish the feasibility of installing
room telephones. In addition,

Associated Press News Analyst
GREAT BRITAIN of late seems to be on the
verge of saving her economic life with a
scientific development ranking seconc only to
the application of coal power to her machinery
two hundred years ago.
In the early part of the 18th century Britons
sparked an industrial revolution which has
since remade the living standards of a large
part of the world. It made her a rich and pow-
erful nation with interests around the globe.
It made it possible for her to support far
more millions of people than could have lived
on what was produced by her little island. She
took the raw materials of the world, processed

to be headed for a return to an insular econo-
my. Her industrial revolution had spread un.
til she faced terrific trade competition and
the loss of foreign markets to foreign indus-
tries. Mining her coal, the major source of her
economic strength, became uneconomical.
SO SHE TURNED to production of power
through the use of uranium, harnessing the
A-bomb. But that is an extremely expensive
process. Plant construction and conversion of
raw materials is slow.
Now the skilled Britons have forged ahead
once again to harness a power which could
have a far more sensational effect on the
life of the world than all the Sputnik*.
Tt is the nower which mnkes the hydrogen



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