ssi Les, Labor7 Mi-EaS mT op7c
By DAVID TARR it. It also authorized the United States armed intervention at the F :... While the IGY is not the first attempt at
request L greatest team effort. The IGY will'probe suce
1957 may not have been quite as spectacular as its request of any nation in the region which became a victim of "overt
dsknaggression from any nation controlled by international communism." oceanography, glaciology, solar activity, ion
decesoiy m butrite was not lacking for important-andn.The doctrine has -met with only lukewarm reception. While magnetism, cosmic rays, gravimetry. geoges
natelykoie Important-eventsy
h imelighb .°. Syria has drifted far to the left, internal dissention, particularly Power Shfsin Tz'Ria ..
teL eihbetween Egypt and Jordan, has kept the Arab world enough offS tu
t spring the Senate Select Committee on Improper balance to keep things under control. Themystic movements of the Kremlin w
bhe Labor or Management Field opened an investigation during the year. By December there was lit
ters Union. The result of this probe vas climaxed this Supreme Court and Civil Liberties Khrushchev was running pretty nearly a one-r
the unioft was expelled from the AFL-CIO. Se In July former Premier Georgi M. Malen
the A Suprenie Court justice once said that "perhaps the most deli-
imittee produced evidence of widespread use of uniondtov, and Lazar Kaganovich were denouned
ir leaders' profit, of questionable dealings with manage- maintain is that between liberty and authority." -v CMarnsal y Presnum.
sociations with tracketeers , asalGeorgi K. Zhukov was given a
sociaticns with'raoketeers.In two decisions last June the court sided with the former. In..MrhlGegeK
ommittee's work proceeded the dirty laundry of various ' n te Watins as the court ed w its the lengths and reports indicated he may have'been as
was. a2solhdragged into theh spotlight although the Team- ,But on Nov. 2 Marshall Zhukov, who had bee
because of their size, remained center stage. to which Congressional investigating committees may go. The major- Defense Minister eight days earlier, was expe
bcueothisiereandcnestg.ity md hs ons'1 ogesoa uhrt oivsiaei
labor leaders spent a rather hectic year trying to y made these points: 1)Congressional authority to investigate is and the Party CentralCommittee.
very broad but does have limits, notably the Bill of Rights; 2) the 'Ih utrldmn epr bsvr of
public that rthe merged labor movement really wasn't vry bra oesihae mi ntate Bill of ights) he LITTLE ROCK - Troops guard Central High School following e ouster led many expert obervers
ne of its officials made it look. They most dramatically fall riots. wonder if the conservative army influence
their position by the expulsion of the Teamsters. by the paremt body-the Senate or House; 3) Congressional com- restraint on Khrushchev in the Far East a
mittees are restricted to acquiring data to guide the House or Senate . , removed. It also left unanswered the question
astern Turmoil . . . in legislating. International eiphysical Year e a power struggle in the Soviet Union is.
e Middle East has strayed close to open flare-ups during In the other decisions, the Smith Act cases, the court required On the night of June 30, 64'nations around the world formally
jor conflicts have been avoided. But the Russians have a narrower course for government prosecution under the 1940 Smith united in- an 18-month fact-finding expedition - the International Civil Rights-A Law . . .
nd have made gains in the popularity race with the Act, which prohibits advocating the violent overthrow of the govern- Geophysical Year. . After a summer of hot debate, the Senate
ment. The decision requires that courts trying cases under the Smith. Scientists, engineers and specialists in all fields began an exam- the traditional graveyard of civil rights measur
t's answer was the Eisenhower Doctrine, which offered Act make a clear distinction between the statenent of a philosophical ination of the earth, its atmosphere and other phenomena affecting the civil rights bill.
economic aid to any Middle Eastern country requesting belief and the advocacy of an illegal action. man's environment. See INTEGRATION AMONG TOP ST
A& AA& .
rp es of Student u
letAsia'Delegattion iriawa d
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial FreedomWARM
orce Famine Hits o T
Inonesia;" NAT nes
JAKARTA, Indonesia (R)
i II oOWS Government quarters -said yester-
esr Falures 8day famine and seveve food short- NsJ
ages have struck several parts of 6
IAVEi LUL, PM- .he FIndonesia.
s Air Force 'yesterday There were unconfirmed reportsTTC
ired the . Atlas inter- of food riots, in the wake of crop U M eets LeMAY TELLS COMMITTEE. T oI
t al ballistic missile, .failures aggravated by a break-
Spon ip' the American down in distributiofi as a result
of the anti-Dutch campaign. With fhes ac o unds s New
n monster blasted off Tons of rice remained in ware-
hundercloud at 12:38 .. houses and on ships with nobody O n
later the Air Force to move it. The anti-Dutch cam- ;1DssSP ane roun ing Dsc
he test had finally' paign has brought paralysis to Defenses SAC biiv laneer-Groundinging Disca
.................~inter-island shipping and has-
ore, the Atlas has idled thousands of Iiidonesian PARIS (P-The United States WASHINGTON ( Gen. Curtis LeMaydisclosed yesterday that -E
Ltd frqm this top-se- ,.. ~ workers. and Britain yesterday' were re- planes of the Strategic Air Command, the nation's main striking
obbled in flight and The government admitted that ported arranging early meetings force, were grounded for five weeks last summer for lack of money to Urge
apart. Daily-James MacKay 30 areas on the main island of with their allies in the wMiddle buy gasoline. Of R
a lmited range test DOZZI DOES IT-Delky Dozzi, Michigan right wing, scoring one heavily populated Java were hit East, Southeast Asia aiid the The fact was brought out by Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo.) at
dred nt ies the i - of his five goals last night i a losing cause as Denver's third by famine and that 'ood scarcities Western Hemisphere to modernize a session of the Senate Preparedness subcommittee.PARIS (
eme nt "The missil period spurt buried the Wolverines, 7-6 Denver's Captain Ed were reported in the islands of ard reinforce defenses. Defense Reviewed conference.
setibed course, and emrau (2) and Goalie Rod'Schnek took on. east Indonesia. Informed diplomats said the The senators are reviewing the country's defense posture; espe- guarded
s nReports reaching Jakarta said conferences are being planned at cially its position in the race with Russia tdevelop missiles and th- the pitfalls
Sparachute troops broke up food level of foreign ministers and space weapons. talks
he pr s dect ed oim pacttthelks'
h Aar ahuts t roop s broke up o u nofuste se wildi scussith cN A - An operational missiles system is years away, LeM ay told E
ydrogen warhead 5- near Dutch West New Ginea and the senators, and meanwhile thle country must depend on manned The me'
arrested more than 100 civilians Some Asian leaders already have the.snatorsde anwiser c y of a con
more at an average I and army personnelurged a worldwide anti-Communist airc aft for its defeise and strik- would allo
00 m.p.h. -er enrlIan rm psnl alliance. But Western leaders, in- ing punch.-. 'tinue plan
wn on the Atlas was cluding Secretary of State John. Because of this, LeMay said, NLi aso BLaw' rope's stre:
> By SI COLEMAN To Hear otr Dulles, have ruled against SAC needs more .money immedi S 'I y- Pror
in the mechanism of Despite a brilliant scoring performance by Michigan's Delky The Philippines, Brazil and Ja- ately to step up productior. of m- O 1 1 y Britain,
three-stage .missile. Dozzi, Denver handed the Wolverines a heartbreaking 7-6 defeat last Car u tlest pan have observers at the NATO tercontinental bombers and build n
sful shot did much to night before a sparse crowd in the Coliseum. summit meeting. Brazil has long additional bases on which they elation GrO p vcates
oom which has hung , the smallest man on the team, scored five goals, but Den-T wanted to j NATO. Japan be- anbe vdispersedote
stng defense center ver roared back with five goals of its own in the final period to gain ay ongs to no multination alliance A 'r , m R tsAnn Arbor's Human Relations from Sovi
y ngrebut has a mutual security pact Douglas Shows O sm Commission decided yesterday to all membe
en for the first at-twe ea o A report from the Campus Chest with the United States. Secretary of the Air Force ask the city attorney's opinion on tions.
r an American satel- Meet Denver Today on last .onth'sdrivewillbepre
an i te The Wolverines will seek revenge tonight when they meet the Pi- last months drive will be pre- Douglas, an earlier witness, told a "no-bias law pertaining to ,the Presiden
teavens-with the Red ThWlvrn il ekreneongthnthymtthP- sented at tonight's Student G 'v- purchase of property.' and the le
w up on its launching oneers beginning at 8 p.m. Tickets for this game can be purchased enent Council meeting. L 1 the subcommittee the Russians ase of opery. u and th
at the Athletic Administration1 Th e may fire a rocketrtoethe.moon A roubrs of t-J
Tereport includes a discussinnr ynmmittee rer rninarestrictiveti
such studies, i
h areas as met
)spherics, auror
and seismolog
ere made much
ttle doubt that
nan show.
kov, Vyachesla
and ousted fr
post on the Pr
strong as Khru
n relieved of hh
led from the Pr
F the Russian M
which has acte
nd elsewhere h
of just how seri
of the United
es - voted 72 t
ORIES, page. 6
9ean Powei
ed Proposa
4)--The NATO
yesterday app
Vestern examni
and possibilitie
with the Kre
t=West tension.
ve apparently. w
promise soluti
w military men
s to increase w
ngth with ballis.
osal Study Urge
France, West a
y were among
serious consi
est flurry of p
et Premier Bull
rs of the Uni
t Dwight D. Eis
aders of 14 oth
e North Atlantic
on agreed to
Building beginning at 8:30 .m o 1va or cbil . . 17T Tb 'within a year and that the United
the g:on the advisability of continuing - within a year and that the United covenants" in some areas of the with a stud
®I. ' {"a heClsumbfr tegm. C A) t O teriormSttscnd h' aedi eside the I
Sat Coiseum before the game. the Campus Chest drive, which ates can do the same "if we city, the commission took action
eereation After getting off to a very slow dyoreaches the conclusion that the . want to, within the forseeable fu- to -put. "teeth" locally in a decision such talks
start, Michigan managed to build TO et campus has a need for a unified The University Choir and the ture." of the Supreme Court against spect of su
uStartup a 4-2 lead at the end of the Survey drive. Michigan Singers, conducted by Secretary Douglas exressed such covenants handed down in Western
second period. It also breaks down the funds Prof. Maynard Klein, of the optimism about ICBM develop- 1948. ce o
After only four minutes of play Residence Halls Board of Gov- received into auction, bucket School of Music, will present their ment. hThe housing subcommittee list- wefs of
[l! ' ~ OOfl had passed in the third frame, ernors voted yesterday to delegate drive, faculty and house solicita- Christmas Concert at 8:.30 p.m. He told the senators the armed ed as typical the following portion
however, the Pioneers suddenly the proposed survey of men who tion, and considers each aspect, today in Hill Auditorium, forces' expect to have interconti- of an Arbordale subdivision deed:
FAMES BOW vaulted into a 5-4 lead when Walt did not return to residence halls as well as publicity and manpower University Choir will give selec- nental ballistic missiles opera- "No portion of the land herein One wo
member Ann Arbor Dingwall slapped in a loose puck. to a study group. for the drive. tions by Bach, Willan, Vittoria tional' within two years. The described shall be occupied by a four-nat
creation Board, ap- Michigan Ties Score Action was defered until later A report on financing the stu- and Verdi. The Michigan Singers ICBM is designed to carry nu- persons other than of the cauca- isters' con
erday by the City Switzer, too, had an impressive in the year for an April survey dent exchange program wil also will feature pieces by Palestrina, clear warheads to targets 5,000 sian race except as servants or ain, Franc
begin work within evening. The senior from Preston, on non-returning students. be given. Brahms and.Schutz,. miles or more away . guests," , ed Statesi
v weeks and "should Ont., chalked up five assists for ----disarmame
m setu dby sp" h igan, however, came bak EXAMINATION PROCTORING TERMED 'CHORE': The sec
'e, Board chairmen, to tie it up one minute later when ask the N
aAnAbrEd Switzer skated up the left side oaminf
iAnAbrlweof the ice and centered thei"sfo ozwh putctawyfo i onn
Bor-sa i ftudent, Faculty Views of Honor System Vary
prb x n h anr reto. his fourth score.Jtetmd
pport Defeated Denver soared back to go ahead By BARTON HUTHWAITE The change, Gregg believes .-The-acceptance of an honor conferenc
of a tax millage pro- Walker skipped the puck past The proposed literary college would have to come in the students system by the student is an indica-
* this year was one Walkrhskipedntetpucapast The poposetlitearytcllegeton that he is an aut r
thin' yeranMichigan's goalie, Ross Childs. honor system's goals, philosophy t *'who do not want to report cheat adult,
the recrca- With two Wolverines in the pen-and advantages were discussed n Eisenberg said.
DeVine explained. y box at the time the Pioneer's openly at a special student-faculty Prof. ,Elton McNeil of the psy- Dean Waiter Emmons of the en-
of a recreation Just lined themselves up and took conference held yesterday in the chology department discussed the gineering college cited the "mo I
arun Jn justlind temslvecuplndeookconerecedhldhestrdaminsth
aonJue1 with. Uno
undhtarget practice at Childs until Union. three basic areas to be consideredyiun
hment of a Publi tagertic a C dsunt Opinions as to the worth of such before any further study can be gratirsystem in the engin'n on
Planning Sub-oi- Walker fnally system intthethetbeaenginmnteering :college.
Planning Sub-Co- W e f aaprogram varied. made on the honor system. "The "Students don't think of cheat- 'a
temporary Citizen's ironically came when Michigan Prof. Robert Blood of the so- problem of handling students ori-ing," he aid.
ommittee. The sub-yeiolgy department termed the ented to grades, the control or re"
had the player advantage. Den- 'cioinlogy.inracdepartment nl 12crsetermedtnghav the'
tudied the city's rec- prent protorngsytema"horotneo nrciosadte"''Z'~ Ol 2csso cetn ae Atr
.ver's John MacMillan was given a ptes procoing system a "cho rng n t sncome before our honors committee to obtain
ams during the sum- which the faculty does not en- initiation areas in which the stufaculty.esnote in . the past year. The student's Senate vo
bmtted its report to two minute charging penalty, and joy." He added the institution of dent body and faculty should be self-respect is greatly improved ing anoth
Committee Sept. 12 eae SARr ingere an honor system would have to concerned, he said. under such a program," he said, yesterday
rograms Proposed be a "gradual" process. Goldman Questions Needy- speaking in favor of the proposal, decision f
nimendation in the . R re Responsibility The basic need for an honor sys- i .c Cin
port to establish "a y" "* "An ssem was d by Maynard PrestigeAspec 'CitThey t
pM ppg gAn honor system requires each tr a usindb anr hyt
3y along these lir
N, but onlyso
should show so
action, as disci
session of the
government, woi
armament -Grou
uld be establish
ion NATO forei
mittee made up
e, Canada and t]
to try to restar
ent discussions
ond move woul
ATO permaner
weekly sessions.i
to the letters frr
Isee whether th
ea new, genera
'lue Sen
' A ai
uch confusion
a quorum,
ted 16 to 7 agar
er Campus Che
reversing the st
nade in their la
hen voted una