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December 17, 1957 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-12-17

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Faculiy Trio
Rocket Experts Propose
..Ui To erform
Ctvtltan M/i Zssie Agency'Three faculty members of the
£nSchool of Music, Prof. Robert Your Doctors' Prescriptions Fill
A meeting of national rocket -Courte, viola, Prof. Albert Luconi
research experts here last month ness Subcommittee. The Pentagon clarinet, and Lydia Courte, piano' FINEST QUALITY MATE
resulted in a proposal for a civilian has also been studying the subject. will present a recital at 8:30 p.m.
agency to supervise the "explora- "The important thing is that today at the Lydia Mendelssohn Precision Work
tion and occupation of outer this agency should be a civilian Theatre.
n space. group, rather than a military one," "Suite in B flat" by Vivaldi,
Leslie Jones of the Engineering Jones said. "We would like to see "Divertimento in D major" by CAM PUS OPTICIA
Research Institute and head of a a sustained, highly-organized ef- Haydn and "Trio in E flat, K. 498" 4 Nickels Arcade Dial t
University rocket research organi- fort over the next ten years, aimed by Mozart will comprise/the first
zation rpeorted that the Upper at conducting scientific investiga- half of the program. After the
[s Atmosphere Rocket and Satellite tions of our atmosphere and be- intermission, they will play Schu-
Research Panel decided to expand yond and at placing man himself mann's "Fairy Tales, Op. 132" and
t its membership to include other in outer space." "Sonata 1956."
missile experts.,W I I N SO N DEN.1thLT1
t ' The resulting new group, Jones
" -said, would be called the National
d Space Establishment. It would Las-M nue IF SLIE~
e'atr~o'ern'eies IRLIG TtoEUROPE R Last-Hinute GIFT &UGGES
exploration and occupation of out-
er space, functioning somewhat Trw.
like the Atomic Energy Commis- Informational MeetingAI
l ~The panel's proposal also In- 7RA.
eludes a 10 billion dollar budget W"edAI30G
over ten years.
is The idea has already been under 3rd floor Conference Room
to consideration in Washington. Folding
;e^iWernher von Braun, Unitpd States All interested are welcome tonnh
missile authority, made a similar Dental kit
id recommendation Saturday in testi- _withtubeoJ0
[ mony before the Senate Prepared- 1strena H

Short Vacation Schedule

German Club
To Celebrate
The stamping of feet and the
clapping of hands is likely to be
heard after 8 p.m. tonight in RM.
3-G of the Union.
No, it's not a square dancing
class, it is onlyrthe Deutscher Vere-
in celebrating Christmas. The
group responsible for this merry-
making in the form of folk dances
is from the Schwabenverein.
The club is composed of the
Scfwabian residents of Ann Arbor.
The Schwabenverein has been or-
ganized for a number of years and
provides German residents with
an opportunity to sing and dance
Picnics are also held during the
summer months in a German park
not far from here.
Their dancing or "Schuhplattler"
resembles square dancing as there
is much clapping and stamping.
Costumes are authentic and have
either been imported from Ger-
many or made by the club mem-
A German I class, composed of
voice majors, will sing such tradi-
tional German Christmas carols as
"Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht" and
"O Tannenbaum.", Originally a
German love song, O Tannenbaum
is now invested with Christian sig-
nificance and Christmas spirit. '
Later, during the evening, stu-
dents from the Deutscher Verein
itself will present the annual
"Herodesspiel," a play dating back
to the Middle Ages.
As usual, the Deutscher Verein
will provide refreshments and an
opportunity to converse "auf

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