.r Runner. MCl
-0 1
twen Returns to Michigani.
from the Business School; the Since graduating he has stopped school I thought I worked hard,
holder of 12 Michigan, three Big iunning competitively and limits but these )uropeans work up to
Ten, two #orld records and one kisrnhimself in conditioouts to five hours a day and as a resultv
High School Miler In relation to present track hap- their times get better and better."
McEwen came to Michigan in penings he said, "The reason so He also stated "I plan a career
the fall of 1948 the holder of the many men are running four min- as track coach, but right now I'm
fastest mile performance by a ute miles is that they are working content to help the distance run-
high school runner. His time for harder and harder. When I was in' ners try to break my records."
that record was an astounding - --
In his first varsity race he
shocked the track world by up-Y
setting Wisconsin's Don Gehrman
in the Big Ten cross country meet.a fichg an Item s
From then on he proved almost in-
vincible in the Big Ten distance l,1a lie
Some of the other records hevMe Perfect Christmas
holds are varsity two-mile indoor
and outdoors, Conference two-milet :
irdoor, NCAA and Canadian two-
mile, Varsity and Conference cross 9 G IUT k
country and indoor dirt track rec-
ord for two miles.
Set Records
In three years he lost only one
two-mile race and set a Big Ten4 4,t }
record for consecutive victories in NOVELTIES
one event.AN6:.l
McEwen is an easy-going young N
man with a keen sense of humor. SOUVENIRS n
.His theory behind running is s- S R
I ple. He believes that to win an OF ALL KINDS
individual must work hard. He Fu1Y
commented on his success by say- Fu of everything to make her (and YOU)
ing, ° I worked hard five 'days a .afvrt at hsC rsms
week and then ran faster than avorite Santa h Christmas
anybody else on the sixth day." College Pets Michigan Cuff Links Look in this-window!
Pennants Photo Albums
T Shirts Scrap Books See the skirts and sweaters,
Sweat Shirts Letter Openers See the blouses and scarfs.
I A Engraved Michigan Glasses:
S1- Actt0inStationery Tumblers with Michigan see the handbags and robes.
Michigan Blankets Seal Everything to make her "Oh" and "Ah
this is not the way the name was Michigan Seal Ring Old Fashioneds with
derived. Binders Michigan Seal when she opens her beautiful package Xmas
The name comes directly from Musical Footballs Pilseners with Michigan morning.
a Damon Runyon movie popular Friendship RingsSgift r tOand
at the time Watson registered the MFicnhi n g Seal (We gitwrap it, ofcourse admaii it
team. eMichiganPens Ash Trays a
Since the team started its win- Michigan Keys Beer Mugs1anywhere in North America free of charge)
ning ways three years ago, over Tie Clips Coffee
100 different players have played CSHOP Now.. PAY IN JANUARY
for the Kids. Most of them only #
participate in one sport, which- ? Just Show Your I.D. and say "Charge It" at
ever is their specalty. %
Undefeated inFootball
For the third year in a row, the
Kids went undefeated in football
as they again took the champion- A IL
shipthis year, averaging 28 points
The Kids are also defending F RT W N O L G
champions of Independent basket- 316 S. State St. Phone NO 2-5669
ball and look forward to a suc-
cessful season on the courts in M4 Open Saturday Afternoons and Monday Evenings 302 South State Street
spite of the fact that their tradi- Until ChristmasOrw-
tional rival, the Evans Scholars,;
plan to floor a 6'2" team.
Althoughthe squad is not as l G : Sv k ts ata
well known for its action in the
minor sports, here too it has been
on top. The team took champion-
ships in paddleball, handball, and
table tennis as well as the All-
Campus spots in the latter two
This June's graduation exercises
will end the reign of the SSK
though, as the nucleus will gradu-
Since the team will be disbanded,
the Intra-mural department will
trpie t a ~ane."GLAMOUR ON STATE STREET"
paealretohinte"-1,,building entry honoring the squad
rather than presenting the many LMU Otrpisthaernd
The name will be retired, never
to be used again until the players'
kids start attending Michigan. .(The unbelievable story of how a just plain ordinary soda fountain was converted into
the longest sit-down cosmetic counter in Ann Arbor for the longest run in history.)
and here's a sneak preview with JOAN, B.W.O.C.
. I4
CREDITS: Cosmetics by DuBarry ** TSH RAET!
Hairstyling by Hudnut-GRYWLEia
Lipstick by Revlon Above and Beyond the Call of Beauty
Make-up by Dorothy Grey -JEAN WILLOUGHBY, Gargoyle
Perfume by Blanchards
our pac ages.