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December 15, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-12-15

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Aly midilgatt Daily
Sixty-Eighth Year

hen Opinions AreFree
Truth Will =Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
oa the editors. This mis t be noted in all reprints.
Petition Merits Thought
HE Congregational Disciples received per- to spend five years in prison rather than com-
mission from Student Government Council promise them through military service.
this week to circulate a petition on racial and We would not advocate that every eligible
religious integration in the residence halls. It male adopt Horst's philosophy, at least in its
was disturbing that four Council members application to the draft. But we would look to
actually voted against granting permission, the decision in his case as a healthy reminder
largely, it appears, on the grounds that they that a persistent individual can receive per-
didn't agree with the approach or the. phi- sonaJ consideration under a rather impersonal
losophy of the petitioners. Refusing to sign the bureaucratic system and as a healthy recogni-
petition would be one thing, but voting to refuse tion that all religion is not found within the
permission for students to express their opin- walls of churches or of organized religious
ions in this manner is another. sects.
* * *
We, too, had some quarrel with the exact ALETTER in an adjoining column from Prof.
wording of the petition, although we were Shorey Peterson of the economics depart-
gratified to see evidence of student concern in ment represents an interesting faculty view-
this area. Rather than simply ignore the factors point on the desirability If a more precise
of race and religion in roommate assignments, marking system, now being proposed by Stu-
as the Disciples propose, we would prefer to see dent Government Council for the literary col-
the men's housemothers and Dean of Women's lege. Prof. Peterson argues that narrow dis-
office get a better idea of student preferences tinctions in performance on examinations are
and objections In this area and act accordingly. often very difficult to translate fairly into large
Although there seems to be annual progress in grade differences, and that within the present
this area, many roommate assignments are broad categories of grades meaningful distinc-
still being based on the assumption that, even tions can often be made.
though the student has never said so, he would The opponents of more precise marking sys-
object to being roomed with a person of a dif- tems are sometimes right when they argue
ferent race or religion. The 'investigation for that grading s at best a rather imprecise
which the Disciples' petition asks is justified, operation. And it is true that for some courses
and it may be the source of even further pro- and some examinations, precise marks will
gress in this area, perhaps led by a clearer and never be appropriate. But the use of pluses and
more vigorous stand by the residence hall Board minuses in grading will always be optional, and
of Governors- the teacher need not make such distinctions
HE UNIVERSITY has acted with remarkable where he sees none.
When one is dealing, however, with the totals
speed in designing and approving the new from a series of tests, all of which produced a
Institute of Science and Technology. It has rather wide distribution of marks, then it is a
been slightly more than two months since the bit unfair to make a full grade-point distinc-
first Sputnik was launched, and only a little tion between the student with 635 points and
more than a month since President Hatcher the one with 633 points, while giving the latter
appointed his science advisory committee. By student the same grade as one with 550 points.
any previous standards of administrative speed, Prof. Peterson indicates that the faculty is no
this proposalseems clearly supersonic. more anxious to impose this injustice on stu-
It appears, despite the haste, well designed dents than the students are to have it imposed
to offer at least one state's answer to Russian upon them.
educational and scientific advances, as well as
to some real domestic needs, and the Science EVEN THOUGH grading is an imprecise
Advisory Committee, the administration and operation, one will have to live with certain
the Regents deserve much credit for their of its imprecisionsasuinherentn I the system
speedy and appropriate action, itself. But, in measuring whatever it is that
grades are supposed to measure, to the many
That speed and appropriateness are both. possibilities for error inherent in a marking
relevant to what is, after all, the biggest re- system, one should not add the further margin
quirement of any new program- that it be of error which follows when grades must be
dramatic and appealing enough to induce a forced into a mold which is, in many cases,
few 'extra dollars of appropriations out of a artificially imprecise.
legislature which will probably show few in- A more precise marking system would also
clinations to spend any more than it did last tend to prevent the situation around final
year. The new Institute of Science and Tech- examination time in which students study
nology may prove a compelling enough proposal harder for some tests than for others because
to do the trick. of differences in the certainty of their grades.
' 5sThat is, insofar as a grade provides a motiva-
HIS WEEK'S "student of the week" is un- tion for studying for finals (at a time when
doubtedly junior Peter Horst, who con- most ideals about coming to college purely for
inced a federal judge that he should be an education have worn thin), that motivation
exempted from the draft as a conscientious would be evenly distributed as between courses,
objector. His arguments were based on his since the safest "B" could always become a
religious or philosophical concept of love toward "B-plus," and this would mean as much in
his fellow men. His problem was that he be- terms of grade point as a "C-plus" becoming a
longed to no organized religious group. Several "B-minus."
emminent persons testified as to the apparent -PETER ECKSTEIN
sincerity of his beliefs, and he stood willing Editor
'Study With Clenched Teeth'

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'Pursuit of Graf Spee'
-A Real-Life Drama
RIDING THE CREST of the current wave of war pictures sweeping
American moviehouses is a new English production, "Pursuit of the
Garf Spee," now playing at the Michigan.
This film, however, is more than just another addition to the long
list of war pictures; it is a painstakingly accurate narrative of actual
history, a drama of ships and men-mostly ships.
"Pursuit of the Graf Spee" follows the exploits of the most modern,
most powerful and most famous of the German raiders of the early
war years-the pocket battleship Graf Spee-from the peak of her
glory as the scourge of Allied merchant shipping in the Atlantic to


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(Herbiock Is on Y Coyright. 1957. The Pulitzer Publishing 0
VHrlc so acanon) St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Interservice Feud Continues

T WAS MEANT for Army eyes
only, but an Army interoffice
memo has leaked out, indicating
the Army and Air Force are still
feuding over missiles. Interservice
rivalry has been blamed for some
of our setbacks in missiles and
The memo is unsigned, but ob-
viously written by an Army press
officer. It was sent from the office
of Maj. Gen. Henry Storke, Army
press chief, to Col. William T.
Ryder, a guided missiles expert.
"General Storke is somewhat
upset," the memo begins, "about
a story appearing in this morning's
papers in which it was stated that
Thor was in 'mass production.' The
story continued to give production
figures as an indication that the
Air Force was producing the Thor
"General Storke is convinced
that the story was leaked from an
Air Force source. He does not know
what he wants to do, but wants
information relative to our most
optimistic production schedule on
* * *
THE MEMO also requested in-
formation that could be used to
undermine public confidence in
the Air Force's production system.
"I would like-so that it can be
on the 2:30 messenger run - a
short piece or collection of ideas
which will develop the theme that
mass production as used by the
airplane industries is not synony-
mous with the public conception
of mass production.

"The public, when you say mass
production, visualizes a conveyor
system," the private memo con-
tinues. "Mass production by the
aircraft industry is very similar'
to the so-called hand production
carried on at Redstone (the Army's
Jupiter plant). . . . There is no
conveyor system and there is no
assembly line.
"I would like whatever you write
to emphasize this point and a
second one, which is that it took
the automobile industry to intro-
duce mass production into the Air
Force. Modernization of aircraft
construction was actually accom-
plished by the auto industry. The
prime contractor for the Jupiter
is the Chrysler Corp., an auto-
mobile industry familiar with the
problems of mass production."
Note-The last shot hasn't been
fired in the battle of the Thor
vs. the Jupiter.
* * *
WHEN THE East German Com-
munist regime released a stamp
honoring the Soviet Sputnik on
November 7, 40th anniversary of
the Communist Revolution, stamp
collectors around the world were
November 7 was just 34 days
after Sputnik was .launched. Yet
the East German government had
engraved the plates, printed the
stamps, and issued them to the
public. Ordinarily, execution of a
stamp design, the engraving of
plates, and printing and distribu-
tion of several million copies in

preparation for the first day of
sale requires at least three months.
However, it has now been learn-
ed that the East German regime
was tipped off in advance that
Russia was certain to have a satel-
lite revolving around the earth by
November 7, hence had started
work on the stamp well before the
Russians sent up their first satel-
lite October 4.
Washington reporters concede
that James C.- Hagerty is one of
the most competent press secre-
taries ever to serve a President.
They also concede that Hagerty is
quite unabashed at putting his
own slant on news emanating from
the White House.
Last week, after a meeting be-
tween Eisenhower and GOP con-
gressional leaders, Jim informed
newsmen he has no doubt that the
next federal budget would be bal-
However, here is what actually
happened inside the White House
when the budget came up for dis-
* * *
leaders that the only way to in-
sure a balanced budget would be
for the United States "to take
Russia lightly - to underestimate
the Russians." He added that he
felt confident the estimated $2-
billion increase in defense spend-
ing could be reduced to $1.5 billion
by whittling out waste and non-
essential items.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

her spectacular and tragic end at
the mouth of the River Plate, off
the coast of Uruguay.
Peter Finch offers a convincing
portrayal of the brilliant master
of the Graf Spee, Captain Langs-
dorff, who, as a German ship's
captain, made himself one of the
most feared and most relentlessly
pursued enemy commanders of the
Atlantic war; and who, as a man,
won the highest respect of even
the British officers who were his
* * *
THANKS to a good script and
Finch's acting, the characteriza-
tion of Captain Langsdorff is sing-
ularly free of the stereotyped qual-
ities so often found in portrayals
of enemy war heroes. Langsdorff is
not the cold, cruel and arrogant
Nazi one might expect, but a clever
and quietly confident seaman and
a man devoted to his ship, his flag
and his personal honor.
Langsdorff is the only character
in the movie who is treated signi-
ficantly as a personality. The
heroes of the British side-Com-
modore Harwood (Anthony Quay-
le), and Captain Bell (John Greg-
son)-are seen mostly as typical
Britons and brave seamen, and in
the case of the Commodore, as a
brilliant strategist.
OUTGUNNED and outclassed,
Commodore Harwood conducts a
crucial battle between the Spee
and his single heavy cruiser, the
Ajax, with her two supporting light
cruisers, the Achilles and the Exe-
ter, in orange pajamas, a uniform
coat and a white scarf.
He gives orders in impeccable
English-with an occsasional in-
conguous swearword thrown in for
laughs-and jokes with his men.
between shell bursts.
Captain Bell, aboard the Exeter,
watches the flagship, directs his
ship, survives a direct hit, which
wipes out the bridge and everyone
on it but him, contemplates ram-
ming the Spee when he finds all
his heavy guns have been knocked
out, and jokes with his men in-
The heroines of the films are the
ships, women are completely ex-
traneous to the story line, and al-
most absent entirely. The four'
heroines-the German battleship,
and the three British cruisers-arej
as valiant as their masters.
* * *
THE SPEE and the Ajax are the
two great antagonists, as are their
captains; The Exeter fights until
she has nothing left to fight with,
then withdraws, battered but
proud; and the Achilles sticks with
her bigger sister to the final vic-
tory, indirect though it was..
Suspense runs high through
most of the film, but reaches a
dramatic climax near the end, as
Captain Langsdorff weighs his
alternatives and finally commits
the Graf Spee to her tragic fate.
All in all, "Pursuit of the Graf
Spee" is a film well worth seeing.
And the cartoon is hilarious.
-Edward Geruldsen

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editori-
al responsibility. Notices should be.
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the dayrpreceding
publication. Notices for Sunday.
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.'
General Notices
The Student autombile regulations
will be lifted for Christmas vacation
from 5 p.m. Fri., Dec. 20, to 8 a.m.,
Mon., Jan. 6, 1958.
Students, All Schools and Colleges,
The Office of Registration and Rcords
urges that all students who have ap-
plied for or expect to apply for work
with either the Spring 58 Registration
or Orientation Programs secure approval
of new course elections as soon as the
school or college will allow. This action
will be to your advantage and that of
the Counselling, Orientation and Reglp-
tration projects.
Women's Hurs: Women students will
have 11:00 p.m. permision on Wed., Dec.
18 and Thurs., Dec. 19.
Midyear Graduation Exercises Jan. 25,
1958. To be held at 2:00 p.m. in Hill
Auditorium. Exercises wili conclude
about 4:00 pm.
Reception for graduates and their
relatives and friends in Michigan
League Ballroom at 4:00 p.m. Please
enter League at west entrance. -
Tickets: Three to each prospective
graduate, to be distributed from Mon.
Jan. 13, to 1:00 p.m. Sat., Jan. 25, at
Cashier's Office, first floor lobby of Ad-
ministration Building.
Academic Costume: Can be rented at
Moe Sport Shop, 711 North University
Avenue, Ann Arbor. Orders should be
placed immediately,
Assembly for Graduates: At 1:00 p.m.
in Natural Science Auditorium. Mar-
shals will direct graduates to proper
Graduation Announcements, Invita-
tions, etc.: Inquire at Office of Student
Programs: To be distributed at Hill
Doctoral and professional degree can-
TION EXERCISES are entitledl to re-
ceive a hood. Those receiving a doctor-
al degree other than Doctor of'Philoso-
phy may exchange the Ph.D. hood give
them during the ceremony for the ap.
propriate degree hood immediately aft-
er the ceremony, in the rear of Natural
Science Auditorium.
Sat., Jan. 25, 1958, 2:00 p.m.
TIME OF ASSEMBLY-:15 p.m. (except
Members of the Faculties at 1:15 p.m.
in Room 2054, second floor, Natural
Science Building, where they may
Regents, Ex-Regents, Dean and other
Administrative Officials at;15.
p.m. in the Botany Seminar Room
1139, Natural Science Building,
where they may. robe.
Students of the various Schools and
Colleges in Natural Science Building
as follows:
ENCE AND THE ARTS-front part
of auditorium, west section
EDUCATION-front part of audi-
torium, center section
ARCHITECTURE-front part of
auditorium, east section,
of auditorium with doctors at
west end
SOCIAL WORK-Room 2004 (be-
hind Public Health)-
Room 2071
LAW-Room 2033
PHARMACY-Room 2033 (behind
DENTAL - Room 2033 (behind
2033 (behind Dental)
MUSIC-Room 2033 (behind Nat-
ural Res.)
1:45 p.n. Academic Dress
Sydney Chapman Lecture: "How Erup-
tions of Solar Gas Influence the Earth."
Tues., Dec. 17, 4:00 p.m., Aud. C, Angell

Chamber Music Program, previously
announced for 8:30 p.m. Sun., Dec. 15;
in Aud. A, Angell Hall, has been can-
Student Recital: Richard Massmann,
violinist, at 4:15 p.m. Sun., Dec. 15, in
Aud. A, Angell Hall, performing compo-
sitions by Mozart, Sibelius and Copland,
in partial fulfillment of the require.
ments for the degree of Master of Mu-
sic. Massmann studies with Prof. Gil-
bert Ross, and his recital wil be open
to the general public.
Faculty Recital: Robert Courte, vio-
list, and Lydia Courte, pianist, at 8 :30
p.m. ues., Dec. 17, in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theater. Vivaldi's Suite in B flat,
Haydn's Divertimento in D major, Mo-
zart's Trio in E flat, K. 498; Schumann's
Fairy Tales, Op. 132, and Leslie Bassett's
Sonata (1956) which will be performed
for the first time in Ann Arbor, and.
which was dedicated to Lydia and Rob-
ert Courte. Open to the general public
without charge.







THERE OFTEN IS a considerable gap be-
tween ideas and action, and perhaps equally
often there is a long gulf between a goal and
Its fulfillment.
"In order to build, we must know; we must
have mastered science, and in order to know we
must study. We must study persistently and
patiently. We must learn from everybody, both
from our enemies and our friends, but especially
from our enemies. We must study with clenched
teeth and not be afraid that the enemy will
jeer at us, at our iglorance and our back-
"A fortress stands before us. This fortress is
science with its numerous branches of knowl-
edge. We must capture this fortress at all costs.
. Without this it is useless to talk of over-
taking and outstripping the capitalist coun-
When Joseph Stalin thus launched an educa-
tional war in 1928, man's entrance into outer
space might have seemed centuries away to
a nation that was only beginning to waken into
an industrial world.
THE SUCCESS of the Russian educational
program is symbolized by two Sputniks.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON...............Personnel Director
TAMMY MORRISON .... Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
WILLIAM HANEY .................. Features Editor
ROSE PERLBERG................Activities Editor
CAROL PRINS ........Associate Personnel Director

The concern of the American educational sys-
tem over the challenge is illustrated in the
Regents' approval of an institute of Science
and Technology.
In more ways than one, change has acceler-
ated since Stalin's statement of 30 years ago.
This is the country which must now "study
persistently and patiently" and must build a
fortress of science. Friday, a blueprint was
It was a little over a month ago that Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher appointed a
Science Advisory Committee to reappraise the
University's instruction and research in the
field of science. Consisting of faculty members
drawn from the various sciences, the group has
given form to the idea and need of making the
most of our resources by proposing an Institute
of Science and Technology. In approving the
recommendation, the Regents have taken an-
other long step in turning an idea into action.
As the committee's report to the Regents
states, "It is not a crash program occasioned
by the appearance of one or two Sputniks, but
a carefully considered answer to some of the
basic educational needs now facing this state
and this nation."
THE WORK of the Science Advisory Com-
mittee in developing the Institute concept,
which would concentrate together the existing
resources and add untapped potential. Illus-
trates the vitality of the University which has
earned it a highly regarded position in the
educational ranks.
But unfortunately, the commendable step
proposed by the committee and approved by
the Regents is only one of many that must be
taken. The reluctance of President Hatcher to
set a tenative target date for establishment ofj
the Institute perhaps underlines the amount
of urgent work needed. "We start now and

Rationale Behind Integration Petition Explained


To the Editor:
THIS LETTER concerns the peti-
tion on dormitory integration
sponsored by the Congregational
and Disciples Guild, the editorial
written about the petition, and the
questions that have occurred as a
result of the petition. The petition
is concerned particularly with
three criteria used for room as-
signments: race, religion and na-
What is the rationale underlying
this petition? The basic assump-
tion is that the University has no
valid criteria which assures com-
patibility in room assignments. If
this is so then the use of race,
religion and nationality can only
be useful for segregation pur-
poses. If this is so, then let's not
use them.
IT IS OBVIOUS that the Uni-
versity must make a choice on
room assignments. Some have ar-
gued that individual choice is
gued that individual choice is
denied by the petition. Does the
freshman chose his roommate
now? If you argue that one must
have his choice then you deny the
University the right to assign
rooms on any basis.
(There is a difference between
individual choice and individual
preference. How can a freshman
make a preference concerning a
member of a group without know-

dividuals and the University as an
educational institution believe in
equality of opportunity, non-dis-
crimination, and non-segregation;
or we do not-it is as simple as
If the above has an implication
of policy change then so be it.
However, we insist that the me-
chanical details are to be handled
by the University. As a result of
any change someone who finds
himself in an intolerable situation
then, of course, the University
must be able to handle it-no
matter what the problem.
We would like to turn now to
the editorial written by James
Elsman concerning the petition.
First, we would like to thank him
for recommending "that students
and faculty sign the petition . .."
The following is meant to point
out'that Mr. Elsman was confusing
on a number of points.
HE SAYS we cannot be well in-
formed since we did not consult
the administration. However. It
Was pointed out to him beforehand
that two faculty members advised
the group who were well acquaint-
ed with the situation and the posi-
tion of the administration; we
used stated policy; and actual
evidence is known to us that segre-
gation does exist in the dorms.
What schools have a policy of
non-discriminatory roommate
placement? he asks. The answer
to this question is: The University

white is roomed with a Negro?"
he asks. It was stated above that
this is the University's problem--
there must be a means to handle
such situations. But the burden of
proof must be on the individual.
It may very well be that the
Southern white may decide that
his roommate is human too, and
not so different after all.
The next question is a little more
subtle: "Isn't somewhat of a cos-
mopolitan environment provided
. . . (since) a free intermingling
(occurs) in bathrooms, dining
rooms, and general socializing?"
As long as people are identified
as members of a group merely on
the basis of race, religion, or na-
tional origin they are deperson-
alized and discrimination and seg-
regation will exist. The point is not
that "Christian, Jew. Negro, etc."
can socialize - this is true, of
course - the point is that people,
individuals should mingle and
-* * *
IT HAS BEEN said by some
critics and implied in the editorial
that this petition is idealistip and
impractical. But is this so? Aren't
these merely assumptions on the
part of those who do not think in-
tegration will work, or those who
do not want it to work? Do people
not see that what the petition calls
for has much wider implications
than merely the Michigan cam-
We don't want to wave flags or

students and faculty to sign the
-Linda White, '59
-Mary Green, '59
Committee Co-chairmen
-Elizabeth Wright, '59Ed
-Jerome Wells, '58
-James Hamilton, Grad.
. ..
For Precision . .
To the Editor:
NO DOUBT some teachers will
agree with Mr. Junker's edi-
torial attacking the idea of "more
precise" grading; but I would like
to dissent at certain points. My
dissent applies both to large and
to small classes.
Perhaps a fifth of the students
in a large course will have numeri-
cal averages sufficiently close to
the presumptive dividing lines be-
tween the five letter grades so
that a decision is difficult when
various discretionary factors are
It is because grading is imprecise
and cannot be done with confid-
ence at these margins that I pre-
fer to have only a plus or minus, or
three-tenths of an honor point,
instead of a full honor point per
hour, hinge on my decision. Any
tendency toward ulcers I may have
is reduced when a blurry border-
line does not require a weighty
choice between two sharply separ-
ate graaes.
At the same time grading is not


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