1g r idgtgatn Daly
Sixty-Eighth Year
'he Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
"If We're Gonna Have 'Em, We Might As Well Use
_ fi,
The Daily's Role
e University Community
Michigan Daily on campus
d ever since its first issue
890. It then served .a com-
Liousand persons primarily
d chronicle of the Univer-
hletic program. It was not
2 front page headline and
Lat the football team "must
laily has increased the size
pages, extended their scope
1 and international news
ied its coverage of campus
inns have ceased to plead
ts editorial columns plead
,h greater diversity of opin-
ing role on campus, how-
cally be discussed without
ture of the University com-
requires most: self-respect and obedience to its
own standards of what is important and what
is praiseworthy.
ThesF standards may not be the best possible
,or even the best to be found within the Uni-
versity community, but they are the only ones
which the Daily can honestly follow and pre-
sent to its readers.
In granting the staff this freedom to follow
its own standards, the community has a right
to expect that those standards shall reflect the
more mature, thoughtful and nobler parts of
the staff. And given standards reflective of
those parts, the community has a right to ex-
pect greater conformity to them than it has
learned to recognize in many segments: of the'
nation's press. It has granted the Daily staff
an "idealist's paradise" which it should expect
the staff will neither ignore nor fail to appre-
N ATTEMPTING to gear its activities to this
situation, The Daily cannot be many things
which some members of the University from
time to time expect it to be.
In atempting to reflect in its editorial col-
umns the most intelligent and informed stu-
dent viewpoint possible, The Daily can never
be a passive mirror of campus opinion, a mere
reflection of the consensus, nor can it ignore its
responsibility to discuss and debate by becom-
ing a neutral. observer of the campus scene,
choosing to stimulate no one for fear of offend-
ing anyone.
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A udience, Produc tic
IBoth Need :Improveni
ROUBLED EXILES from the vast amorhphous deserts of n
television, class B movies, and soggy popcorn have ti
looked to the university town as the sole outpost of civili2
Here, supposedly, in this oasis of the intelligentsia, there exis
order of intellectual life in all its varied phases.
Great gatherings of literate people, united by an insaWi
for knowledge, with the wisdom of the ages and the finances o
legislature at their command make inevitable in this harried i
mind, the perpetual presence of good music, good film ente
MUNITY of nearly 30,000 is het-,
in age, interests and outlook;
hically and organizationally di-
ays; individually it is often bust-
aght, discussion and activity; col-
frequently inert. Its common goal
ss of knowledge and the retreat
but its common problems are
sed among its segments.
, it seems strange to say, the only
ich serves this community jointly
y on a day-to-day basis.. It' and
iblications, the University presi-
bletic teams, the annual com-
xercises and the name of the
Michigan are among the few
represent the University commu-
.nd on a long-run basis. Among
ily is unique in its ability to des-
and debate before the entire Uni-
unity its individual and collective
e ability thus defines what the
f The Daily should be: the clear
liscussion and debate of those
concern the University commu-
A which, of course, occur within
. factor enters into The Daily's
the financial independence af-
paper's "monopolistic position"
nd the editorial independence
ty-seven years of editorial free-
permitted. This independence
hile The Daily wants and some-
for sustenance the respect of the
also permitted to achieve what it
Students Must Know Issues
In attempting to describe objectively and
fairly-- within the limits of human judgment
- the news of the day, The Daily cannot be-
come a purely political instrument, entirely de-
voting itself to the furtherance of a particular,
viewpoint, howeverntempting that'may be.
In attempting to evaluate news and discuss
events, The Daily must carefully apply its own
standards of what is important and correct,
and it cannot abdicate this sometimes frighten-
ing responsibility by primarily becoming a pub-
licity. organ for campus groups or a public re-
lations representative for the University. If it
sometimes uncovers the ,unpleasant. or criti-
cizes the faulty, it does so usually in the hope
of improvement and always because only thus
can it adequately serve the community..
JN SHORT, in living up to its proper role on
the University campus, The Daily must be,
not a political tool, a passive reflection, or a
cheery glorification of'life at the University,
but a newspaper, one which lives up to the best
deals of active, thoughtful, stimulating and
honest journalism.
Daily Editorial Page
EET TIE page you are now reading. It is
The Daily staff's aim that this news-
>er-and especially the editorial page-.
nplement the educational menu of the
versity, seeking to replace leakage from;
t has been "liberal" education, so much
ded in our too specialized and philistine
a pursuit of this objective, comment on this
e will concern the gamut of disciplines
ad in the Literary College's catalogue and
n some. For those undergraduates and grad-
es channeling most of their study in one
d, we hope a display of, and/or commentary
n, the current ideas and events in a spec-
n of fields will be of service-
THE MAIN, comment will be ,presented
hrough four different types of articles:
he editorial. Written exclusively by Daily
orial staff members, of which there are
rly 80, student-written editorials are opin-
ited comments, for the most part, upon in-
ational, domestic and campus politics and
ety,, plus. frequent criifiques of University'
iinistration, faculty and student body. Fol-
ng an editorial policy uncommon in the
spaper industry, The Daily does not have
editorial line-that is, contradictory opin-
often appear, where one editorialist might
ocate recognizing Red China one day, and
next day's paper an editorial could argue
ntenance of the status quo. Inconsistency
its disadvantages in this field, but we see
e than sentimental value in expressive free-
dom. The editorials will bear personal signa-
tures, and it would aid the serious reader to
identify the individual "lines" of the editorial-,
ists as the semester progresses.
The columnists. Judging from The Daily's
syndicated copy, a hasty observer would likely
remark on the paper's Democratic bent, since
our cartoonist, the renowned Herblock, plus
writers Drew Pearson', and Walter Lippmann,
fill our columns. However, attesting to the
non-partisanship behind playing this lineup,
the trio has survived through both Republi-
can and Democratic regimes in the Senior Edi-
torial offices. We believe Pearson's approach
to the understanding of government from the
personalities-and-intrigues viewpoint is nearly
as valuable as Lippmann's analytical and vis-
ionary tack.
Two Associated Press commentators, who
generally eschew partisanship, J. M. Roberts
and William !Ryan, will appear frequently. Lo-
cally, Generation Editor David Newman will
contribute a chatty appraisal of campus cul--
tural life, and another staffer will write a
weekly television column. A what-the-newstory-
didn't-tell column will be written Weekly by
The Daily's reporter of Student Government'
The reviews. A special staff of nearly 25 stu-
dents and faculty supply critical comment on
movies, plays, concerts, books and other cul-
tural offerings in and out of Ann Arbor vicini-j
ty. Plays and concerts are reviewed the morn-
ing after their opening.
The features; Through this vehicle, we hope
to achieve greatest latitude and depth. Staff
writers-and in special cases, readers-will
prepare articles on subjects geared to the
University community. Such varied topics as
radiation hazards, medicine, the institution of
marriage, faiths men live by and foreign stu-
dents' anaylses of the United States are in our
year's plans.
WE OF THE DAILY invite the reader to par-
ticipate actively with us in expressiop of,
opinion on the editorial page. Besides reading
the page regularly, we would welcome critical
comment from readers in the form of letters-
to-the-editor. As noted before, in some cases
we print longer articles which readers wish to
share with the community.
Daily City Editor
THE MAJOR problem -facing
every mature University stu-
dent today is the achievement of a
proper balance between the aca-
demic and the extracurricular'
That the academic work must be
supplemented by the extracurricu-
lar is no longer questioned; it is
merely a matter of finding the.
most workable combination to suit
Can a campus of 24,000 or more,
the opportunities for activity are
unbounded No matter what the
individual's field, there is a cor-
responding activity outside the
classroom to add to hi store of
knowledge and experience in an
often more practical way.
Whether the student seeks to
add to his studies through extra-
curricular work, or whether he in-
tends to supplement them by doing
something entirely differet, the
opportunity is there.
Most mature students, over the
years, seem to take advantage of
that opportunity. Others waver,
undecided, finally finding some
participation more advantageous
than none.
THOSE WHO do become active
in "outside" activities find them-
selves leaders in the community,
thinkers in an academic world.
,Those who fail to become 'active
often keep in contact with the
campus world by following the
"issues" and the problems, aca-
demic or not, that plague the cam-
pus yar in and year out.
An these issues aredthetheart
,.of the campus and its day-to-day
life. They are the backbone of the
University's existence, the nerves
that tie together the semesters
and make them differ from one
For anyone not to be actively
aware of the campus and its prob-
lems is to live in a dark world and
work blindly toward an endless
Fortunately, the rate of aware-
ness at the University is higher
than average; that rate is a
tribute to the intelligence and ca-
pability with which the University
community operates.
' * * *
BUT, before there can be aware-
ness, there must be understanding.
-Here, as anywhere else, an under-
standing of the issues is necessary
to the following of them.
New students must take the first
opportunity to acquaint them-
selves with the campus and its
thought; they must become im-
mediately aware so that they can
take part all the sooner in the
extracurricular world of the Uni-
And, too, the issues are many.
They concern academic matters of
rising enrollments and falling
standards, they involve the rights
and duties of Student Government
Council, they question the rights
of small groups limiting member-
ship on a racial or religious basis,
they examine the relative import-
ance in the University of such
things as athletics and social
But, numerous as they may be,
these are important issues; they
are issues deserving of attention
and explanationehere, in the hopes
that students new to the campus
In numbers of students. The pro-
jection shows that the present
population of about 24,000 will be
doubled by 1970.
Obviously, the question is what
to do with all these students. The
problem is even more severe be-
cause the steady increase yearly
of 1,000 to 1,500 forces the Univer-
sity, held back by lack of funds,
to make short-range provisions to
accomodate small additional num-
bers instead of the needed long-
range projects.
There are several possible an-
swers to the enrollments problem.
One, current at Michigan State
University, is to limit enrollments
after a certain number. This can-
not be the correct answer because
it places a barrier to higher educa-
tion for otherwise well-qualified
ANOTHER being tried at the
University of Detroit beginning
this fall, is to televise classes. This
method has its merits, but it also
keeps the student further from the
needed atmosphere of a Univer-
sity community and its stimula-
tion-which comes both from the
teacher and from the other stu-
A third method, that current at
the University, is to expand in all
directions to meet the growing
numbers. While perhaps superior
to the other methods all told, it,
too, has serious drawbacks and
Lack of funds to both maintain
present facilities and construct
new ones, danger of being unable
to provide capable instruction, and
the need for personal instruction
and stimulation are all inherent
objections to a directionless expan-
But these are just part of the
problems of enrollments and
standards. More will undoubtedly
be heard as this issue comes up
for discussion again and again
this fall-as the most important
'academic problem at the Univer-
* * *
ANOTHER of the major prob-
lems students must face, and one'
more specifically belonging to this
campus, is the place of Student
Government Council as the voice
of the students.
Having completed two full years
as the official student body, SGC
was given blanket approval by the
University Regents last spring,
finally establishing it as the Uni-
versity's student voice.
But -not only is SGC an im-
proved student body-it is also a
much listened to bogy. Many of
SGC's resolutions and recommen-
dations of the past two years have
met with full consideration and
approval of the University and in
some cases-the Regents.
Calendaring, lecture committee,
driving ban, student affairs-all
these specific areas received SGC's
consideration recently and result-
ant recomnmendations, accepted by
t h e University administration,
have made their mark.
* * *
SGC, THEN, is a potentially
powerful body.- There can be no
doubt that it is held in great
esteem by the University,
What SGC can do to make the
best use of its power and capabili-
be watched, followed, listened to%
and understood. And the indi-
vidual must make an effort to pass
along his thoughts to that group
that represents him, for only then
can SGC be a true student voice.
* * *
A GROWING trend in human
relations presents another con-
cern for the wide-awake student
on campus. Ann Arbor's human
relations commission, established
just this summer, and the human
relations board operating in con-
junction with SGC, are pointing
the way in this area.
The concern is for a wider ac-
ceptance of other human ,beings
on all levels--a breaking down of
old, has-been social and economi-
cal barriers among equal citizens.
The University's refusal to rec-
ogrnze a group, barring member-
ship on racial or religious grounds
is in line with this tradition-and
it led tolast year s most vital issue,
that of "Sigma Kappa."
The local sorority was called to
'uestion when its national sus-
pended the charters of chapters
at two others schools which had
recently pledged Negro women.
After some aonths of debate
and o onsideration,' SGC, whose
jurisdiction extends over all stu--
dent organizations, found Sigma
Kappa in violation of University'
rules and, after two more long.
months of deliberation, decided to
give the sorority until the fall of,
1958 to do something about the
situation or cease to exist on cam-
What the sorority had to do was
not outlined, however, and that
alone will be a problem for cam-
pus consideration this year..
YET THESg are far from being
the only "issues of which stu-
dents should be aware. The lengthy
list does not permit enumeration
But these are the major ones;
others may come up to surpass
them, and if so, they will be
watched and understood as they
Meanwhile, it is in the best in-
terests of the individual to make
his acquaintance with these basic
issues as soon as possible; they
will enrich his University years
with fullness and meaning.
and above all, good theater. That
the actuality might differ from
the dream, that such a townas
Ann Arbor or Madison or Lansing
should be lacking in any one of
these is, to him, inconceivable.
Unfortunately-both for us and
for him-the poor fellow would
suffer a less than, pleasant shock
of disillusionment were he to ex-
amine, with any degree of care or
discernment, the reality of Ann
Arbors cultural milieu.
Good music is undoubtedly here,
interesting movies come around as
often as might be expected, but
good theater, the hallmark of an
intelligent civilization, seems to
have passed-the town completely.
Despite the existence of many
extremely competent .dramatic
groups, an active and ambitious
University department" of speech,
and potentially enthusiastic aud-
ences, only one professional acting
organization, the Ann Arbor Civic
Theater, seems to promise -produc-
tions in town this year.
THE REASONS for the apar-
ently paradoxical phenomenon are
not difmicult to discover. Good
theater is the result of an active,
cyclical'process depending for its
success upon the maintenance of
a finelyworking inter-relationship
between the creative and respon-
sive forces.
When drama proves continually
dissatisfying to an audience, the
people, refusing to repeat their
subjection to boredom or disgust,
do not support further perform-
Lack of support results in a
financial drain on the acting group
which, in turn, forces dramatic
standards to be lowered still fur-
ther. The checken and the egg
develop simultaneously.
This conclusion is a valid one; it
forces responsibility for the effec-
tiveness and inertia of Ann Arbor
theater to be divided equally be-
tween producers and consumers..
Claims that student apathy, ig-
norance,. and disinterest create an
essentially infertile field where no
drama, however energetic, may
survive are partially true.
"Name" plays-often worthless
ones-draw the only substantial
crowds, while more worthwhile
productions are performed before
rows of vacant seats. Elvis Presley
and Yul Brynner seem to offer
entertainment that is more appeal-
ing to: the average undergraduate
than anything the stage can pro-
* *, *
..THE FAULT, however, is not
entirely due to the weakminded-
ness of . overgrown adolescents.
Plenty of sensible people around
town would be; perfectly willing
to supportuplays that were reason
ably well chosep, well acted, and
well produced. Unfortunately, they
are not offered the opportunity.
Works picked for box office
appeal alone are often poorly writ-
ten and- usually unsuited to - the
talents available The few good
plays that manage to reach actual
presentation level are either
watered-down or over-esoteric in
their appeal. -
Poor business management and
sparse technical resources do not
make for ready financial success
even yvhen attendance is high.
* * *
THE SITUATION can .get very
little worse; it can, on the other
hand, get infinitely better. Educa-
tion brings with it several 'rather
binding commitments, and it
seems possible that a responsibility
to what may be called the arts is
one of them.
A small bit of discrimination on
the part- of both audience and
producer would do a geat deal to
improve the general tone of the
theater that still exists, and pos-
sibly pave' the way for a minor
renaissance of local drama.
SFes tivc
MUSICALLY speaking,
bors offers its studs
townspeople a vast array
terial encompassing a wi
of , compositions of all
During the year, tie i
brought to and originating
Arbor compare in kind I
degree with the offeringi
musical appetites of New
Thus the reasonably ope
ed individual can accun
considerable amount of
experienc& between fobtb
and coffee dates.
For the would-be dileti
educated in things miusi
music school offers an si
of courses in the so-calls
ture of music whch are gu
to keep the student. in a
whirl of recaptulationS
velopments during a senr
so of musical brainwashb
which the successful pa
astound members of the
audience' by exclaiming
"Aha! There's the reenti
the second sub-theme !"
FOR THIS is the age of
awareness. In every mode:
there sits a phonograph s
ed by -tattered recordings
appreciation courses are of
leading magazines. One
advertisemnent shows a w
girl seated next to her as
escort at a symphony.
."That's Brahms' Fourt1
playing." she tells him, and
self: (Last month I ddi
Beethoven from Cole Pori
This sudden desire of va
tities of people to "learn
has been accompanied by-i
upheavals nationally, .and
tionately appropriate uphe
On the national scene,
ducers of phonographs
cordings are working at to
orbhestras and Opera co
t are playing to ever-large
ences, And even here in An
sheltered by hedges and tr
the cold winds, there has
DURING the year, an
ment of concerts at Hil
torium present the world
orchestras to capacity at
In the spring, the May
brings the Philadelphia 0
here for a four day music
thon of national fame.,"
Every noted musician of
tury has appeared at Hi:
torium-: Rachmaninoff p
piano concertos there, F
Stock and the old Chica
phony Orchestra played
Festivals for thirty years,
ski and - the Philadelph
Practically every majoi
work has been heard In Hi
torium at least once.
* * *
BUT DURING the years,
change has transpired so
now hear . Mantovani aloa
Ormandy and Munch. An
May Festival, the loudest i
is given not-to Verdi or Be
or Debussy, but to the
Still the overall picture
unclouded. Within recent n
have, been generally excel]
occasionally superlative.
latter category belongT
York Philharmonic's Shosti
Tenth, The Boston Sym:
Daphnis & Chloe, Choral
Carmina Burana of Orff, 'I
11 n Philharmonic's Bee
Seventh, to mention a few.
In the more informal c
the De Paur performance o
Thompson's "Four Saints i
Acts" was notable, along wi
of the antics of the Boston:
* * * ,
FOR SOME reason, the p
ances of the Stanley Qua
lush Rackham Auditoriun
always attracted a pari
elegant audience. This is th
of the Ann Arbor seekei
serious-music and it is dif:
imagine a more appreciativ
ence. Somehow one doubts
6y Dick Bibidr
P t.C [i FtYi Mt 1J
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
NA HANSON........ .Personnel Director
MY MORRISON ..............Magazine Editor
,IAM HANEY .........".Features Editor
E PERLBRG ......... ..........Activities Editor
ARD GLRULDSEN ...Associate Editorial Director
OL PRINS ............Associate Personnel Director
ES BA AD.......... ..Sports: Editor ,
CE BENNETT ............Associate Sports Editor
N HILLYER................Associate Sports Editor
RLES CURTISS .............Chief Photographer
Business Staff'
t ~
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