CLASS DORMS CONSIDERATION CZ rP Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom Iaii4 See page 4 CLOUDY, WARMER ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1957 FIVE CENTS h Indonesia Ls Sharpens t Sukarno Reported Ready e Rest, Suffering Exhaustion ydonesla A) - The national crisisrover ousting the yesterday and the Indonesian army canceled all I its troops to remain at hand in their barracks. arno, a target of assassins' grenades on Nov. 30, >residential palace circles to be planning to leave i a week for a rest because of mental and physical Sukarno Cancels Trip ida told the Constituent.Assembly Wednesday night badly in need of a rest but had cancelled a trip 'to' South - America later this --i gate ly II ig at consider- ull strength the st night voted having a Home= 11 send the mat- vernment Coun- ion. The debate se senators op- tradition versus that a queen ling weekend. ction the senate tabled a proposed honor sys- iterary College before i be taken. Whether hould be on,an exper- is, .with 10 per cent [1 involved, or should ,1 basis, with the en-. on of the school par- vere the main issues 'e also discussed de- Union facilities..The which will be sent d of Directors of the ood quality In th cafe- of the recreational jch as bowling and ing of Little Club l the monopoly of month because of the crisis. The 56-year-old President, fath- er of the revolution that won in- dependence from the Dutch in '1949,was heavily guarded by 20 armed motorcyclists, eight jeep- loads of shock troops and two troop carriers when he went to the palace in his bullet-proof car. There was no substantiation of rumors heard in Amsterdam that Sukarno had been ousted by a triumvirate including Premier Djuanda and the chief of staff, Maj. Gen. Abdul Harris Nasution and headed by Mohammed Hatta,j iformer vice president and Sukar- no's chief partner in the Indone- sian revolution. Queries Clog Papers Amsterdam newspapers were clogged with queries about reportsj that the island of Sumatra had declared its independence and that fighting had started in Ja- karta's streets. Singapore dispatches said com- munications .with Jakarta were! haphazard, but so far as could be learned Sukarno was still in power early Friday. Permier Djuanda held long con- ferences with army,, air and navy heads but the nature of the talks was not disclosed.,, Fails To Explain There was no explanation of the army's action in keeping troops confined to their barracks, but military headquarters bustled with activity and officers were in battle dress. The activity coincided with a warning by Isa Anshary, a leading member of Masiumi, the biggest Moslem party, that Indonesia has been infiltrated by foreign Com- munists who are seeking to over- throw the eight-year-old republic. Communists, he charged, were trying to make "another Korea" out of Indonesia and unless check- ed they would bring a "great calamity" to the Indonesian people. The Indonesian canipaign to squeeze Dutch capital and most of 'the 46,000 Dutch out of the country in hops of forcing a sur- render of West' New Guinea, 'for-' merly a part of the Netherland East Indies; threatened a paraly- sis on the plantations and allied industries. Dulles Goes To NA TO Conference Ike To Leave Today For Summit Meeting WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State John oster Dulles took off yesterday for the NATO meet- ing in Paris and President Dwight D. Eisenhower prepared to do the same today. . Dulles declined to make a de- parting statement-he usually ha one for reporters at the airport. 'I am just one of the President's assistants. I am going now just to do a little preparatory work before he gets there." Eisenhower met yesterday morn- ing with the National Security Council and the White House said it could be assumed that some of the topics taken up were among those to be considered at the summit meeting of the North At- lantic Treaty Organization. It was only Tuesday that Eisen- hower's doctors settled the ques- tion of whether he would attend the Paris meeting. They said then that his progress from his mild stroke of Nov. 25 was such as to permit the trip. Eisenhower is to take off this afternoon, take part in the NATO meetings Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and fly back Thursd'ay. A State Department press officer, Lincoln White, said yesterday there will be serious consultations with 'United States allies on the letter sent to Eisenhower by Premier Bulganin Tuesday. U oFound Guilty BULLETIN NEW YORK (A)- Racketeer' Johnny Dio° was found guilty early today on extortion and conspiracy charges. - He faces a maximum sentence of 31 years. DiN was found guilty on the same charges as was John Mc- Namara, president of Teamsters Local 295. 'U' Regents Meet Today A proposal to establish an Insti- tute of Science and Technology at the University will be presented to the University Board of Regents at its December meeting today. / The Regents will discuss an or- ganizational outline of the pro- posed institute, according to a University spokesman. The meet- ing is scheduled for 2 p.m. in the Regents Room of the Administra- tion Building. AFL-CIO RE-ELECTS MEANY: Union Pledges Corruption Purge U.S. Gei Say Sp Gives L -Daily-Eric Arnold REP. GEORGE SALLADE . asks leadership Sallade Asks for Greater Leadership By SUSAN HOLTZER Rep. George W. Sallade (R-Ann Arbor) last night called for "new and vigorous leadership in the state capital" at a meeting of the Young Republican Club. Sallade sharply criticized' "con- ferences of governors that serve well as a build-up for potential presidential candidates, but re- sult in neglect of the more .im- mediate unpleasantries so self- evident at home." Declining mention of specific names, Sallade said that "politi- cians remaining too long in of- fice finally convince themselves of their own inlispensability." Leads to Repetition He said this leads to "repeti- tious" legislative programs that "insult 'the intellectual capacities of the people with their obvious impracticability and impossible promises." Sallade said. that re-election of the same executive officers might cause "government for two years by a 'state house guard' while the chief executive goes delegate- hunting." The Republican party, accord- ing to Sallade, is facing, a "criti- cal challenge" in the coming months. He said the GOP must demonstrate its capacity for lead- ership with "concrete remedie of a positive and constructive na- ture" and a "sound approach to stepping up economic develop- ment" in the state. - Needs Candidate "To win the forthcoming battle," Sallade said, "the Repub- lican party needs a candidate who has sufficiently separated himself from the special economic inter- ests that have hung like an alba- tross around the neck of the GOP. "At present," he continued, "none of the so-called party spokesmen fit this qualification." Sallade himself is considered a candidate for the Republican gu- bernatorial nomination in 1958. Outlines Platform Sallade also outlined briefly his legislative platform for the 1958 session, stressing his opposition to any increase in college tuition. He was strongly in favor o a $4,000 minimum annual wage for elementary school teachers and a one dollar minimum hourly wage for intra-state business. In later action at the meeting, the YR's elected Jerry Lutz, '59, president for the coming year. Ron Koss '58D, was clamed vice- president, Fran Coulon, '59Ed, treasurer and Barbara An Miller, '61, and Sharon McKay, '61 were elected Recording and Corre- sponding Secretaries, respectively. ATLANTIC CITY (IP)-The AFL- CIO yesterday condemned the Senate Rackets Investigating Com- mittee as unfair, but pledged a continuing drive to rid labor's ranks of corruption.- The federation wound .up its convention by re-electing President George Meany, who called on labor to "stick to its knitting" in boost- ing wages and organizing new members. If we organize well, if we bar- gain well," Meany said, "we will build. up the, standards. Out of them will flow benefits to thecom- munity and to society as a whole." Oust Union In final actions the convention ousted the Laundry and Bakery Workers unions on rackets and corruption charges. Earlier in the convention, the Teamsters were similarly expelled. These ousters reduced over-all AFL-CIO membership from 15 mil- lion to about 13% million, A convention resolution blasted the Senate committee headed by Sen. John McClellan (D-Ark) for lack of objectivity and fairness in its hearings and failing to look for corruption in business with the same fervor as in labor. Find Corruption Small "Corruption within the Ameri- can labor movement is but a small part of the over-all problem in the whole of our society," the resolu- tion said. "While acknowledging the wrongdoings of a small 'minority in the leadership of a few unions we believe that objectivity requires recognition that in a society over- emphasizing material wealth more corruption will be found in busi- ness and industry." The resolution singled out Sens. Barry M. Goldwater (R-Ariz.), Carl T. Curtis (R-Neb.) and Karl E. Mundt (R-S.D,), members of the McClellan committee, as being politically motivated in harrassing "clean and honest unions." Re-elected with Meany as AFL- CI officers were Secretary-Treas- urer William Schnitzler arqd 25 vice presidents. Elected astnew' vice presidents were Peter T. Schoemann, Plumbers Union pres- ident, and Paul L. Phillips, Paper Workers president. Meany, in accepting're-election, said the convention had demon- strated that while the AFL-CIO is reluctant to oust corrupt unions it will do so when there is no other way to obtain necessar'y re- fo'rms. Ralph T. Fagan, Laundry Work-I ers, appealed to the convention in a futile effort to avoid his union's expulsion. M otormen Want Amn'esty NEW YORK (A)-Striking subway motormen yesterday demanded full amnesty as their price for ending a crippling four-day walkout. They also insisted on a voice in collective transit bargaining. They asked Mayor Robert E. Wagner to meet with them as soon as possible to discuss their proposal, which they called "a fair basis for settling the strike." Offer Amnesty to Motormen'. Earlier in the day, the Transit Authority offered the motormen partial amnesty as the strike rapidly lost its impact. More lines were returning to service and strikers by the score joined a back to work movement. The strikers turned down the partial amnesty plan, which would have enabled" the TA to fire ,Weapon Expert Predi Better Soviet Armrne } I r SGCElects Comitee Chairman :k ,A it Rights Lference iblished EW YORK )P)--Gov. Averell iman, New York, and Gov. G. nen Williams announced yes- ay the establishment of a con- ng governors' conference on rights. e two said the main purpose he conference would be "to nd interstate cooperation to ect and strengthen the rights ie individual." ie announcement came at the of the first conference of gov-, rs on civil rights. ifriman said Williams would as chairman of the continu- conference on civil rights. h resolution spelled out the' tions of the continuing con- zce and an interim subcom- ee headed by Gov. Robert D. ies, Oregon, as: Development of procedures greater cooperation between s; (2) participation of all as concerned with the protec- of "civil rights of all citizens out regard to race, creed, color ational origin;" (3) prepara- of a study "on how our states others wishing to participate us can improve protections vil rights throughstate, inter- and federal-state action." Student Government Council appointed chairmen to its four standing committees and members to six others Wednesday. The Council selected Jean Scruggs, '58, as chairman of the National and International Affairs Committee, *with Carol Holland, '60, as associate 'chairman; Ron Gregg, '60, Education and Social Welfare C'ommittee chairman, with Mort Wise, '59, associate chair- man. Dan Belin, '60, was selected Stu- dent Activities chairman with Jo Hardee, '60, associate chairman; and Sue Rockne, '60, Public Rela- tions chairman, with Bert Getz, '59 BAd., advisor. The Council also named Belin, Lois Wurster, '60, and Phil Zook, '60, to the University Housing Committee; Miss Scruggs, Getz and Linda Rainwater, '60, to the Campaigning Commnittee; and Gregg and Nelson Sherburne, '59, to the Self Liquidating Committee of the residence halls. Getz. was also° named to the Driving Regulations Administra-' tive Board. Miss Rockne was ap- pointed to the Student Relations Committee of the Development Council. Miss Rainwater and SGC Treasurer Maynard Goldman, '59, were chosen t'o serve on the Re- gional Executive Committee of the National StudentsAssociation. SGC selected Irwin Gage, '60, as Personnel Director and Audrey Cook, '60, Office Manager. some of the motormen with' the approval of an impartial referee. "We shall not accept a take-it- or-leave-it proposal," said strike counsel Louis Waldman. "We shall only accept one which is just for all." The strikers demanded a guar- antee of no reprisals of any kind, representation on a contract nego- tiation committee and the right to administer any collective bargain- ing agreement for themselves. Ask for Postponemient They also asked that a bargain- ing election scheduled for the transportation system next Mon- dany be postponed. Cheering and applauding, the strikers unanimously adopted the proposals. Over-all, service on the subways was back to 611/2 per cent of nor- mal, almost twice as good as it was Tuesday at the height of the strike.. Above and below ground, the chaos that had gripped the crippled city was subsicding. LSA Group Petitions Open Petitioning 'for membership on the Literary College Steering Com- mittee is now open and will con- tinue until Dec. 20, according to Leslie Dietz, '58, committee chair- man. Petition forms are available in Dean James H. Fobertson's office; 1220 Angell Hall. Appointments for interviews will be announced after the Christmas recess. All students in the literary col- lege are eligible to petition. Available U.S. Court Grants Deferment T Stuent As 'objeetor' A University student, accused of draft dodging, convinced a United States District Judge today in Detroit that he should be exempted from service in the armed forces as a conscientious objec- tor, despite the fact that he belongs to no organized religion. Peter S. Horst, '57, said he refused to be drafted because it would violate his concept of love toward his fellow man - including an enemy. Federal Judge Ralph M. Freeman granted a motion for a judg- ment of acquittal, saying that he could find no rational evidence sup- porting the action of the National Selective Service Appeal Board in refusing to give Horst status .4 Joit ,JUdic Petitions By JOHN WEICHER Petitions for Joint Judiciary Council may be. taken out now, according to Bob Stahl, '58, Joint Judic chairman. Five one-year terms on Joint Judic will ,be open, Stahl said. At least two of these five must be filled by 'women students.: Peti- tions may be picked up in the Stu- dent Activities Building from the Office of Student Affairs. They are due' Jan. 7. Interviews for the posts will be held in the evenings' from Jan. 7-9. Interviews will be conducted by three officers each from Joint Judio and Student - Government Council. Selections are subject to. review- by SGC. Name,:Requirements Applicants for the positions must be at least second-semester sopho- mores who are academically eligi- ble. Graduate students are also eligible, Stathl said. Joint 4udic meets one evening a week to handle violations of Uni- versity regulations by both indi- viduals and groups. It serves as the supreme court of the campus, hearing cases which are appealed to it from lower judiciary councils. It, acts as a 'group ;of "student "peers" having ;anunderstanding of the student's responsibility to the University. It also supervises' elections. Requires Loyalty Positions on Joint Judie require students who can reason intel- ligently on particular infractions of university regulations, and are loyal to the University's good name, Stahl said, Joint Judic does not sit as a court; rather it hears cases in which 'violations have usually al- ready been established and deter- mines the seriousness of the of- fense and the punishment. It renders immediate decisions on first offenses; while second of- fense rulings must be approved by the subcommittee on discipline, composed of faculty and adminis- tration members. women Poliee Parking Lots Pentagon Censor 'Dead-End Appri Critieism in Spe WASHINGTON P- On Army's top- missilenen° sa terday, in a ,Pentagon-c speech, that Russia will gi effective weapons ,as a re the Sputnik launchings. r, Defense Department re chopped out of Brig. Gen.. Barclay's prepared speech ceeding passage in which h of a united States tendency fine military research too n to specific weapon developn Names Approach He called this a "dead-e proach." 4Barclay is deputy comma the Army Balliptic Missile . Huntsville, Ala., where th stone and Jupiter missiles e duced, along with the exper Jupiter-C which is to be ' the Army effort to launch lite He spoke before the N8 Security Industrial Assn. Orders Deletions Deletions in Barclay's were ordered after advance had been distributed tc media. An aide said the gener mitted the text for review week ago and got word We night that two passages we: cut, .e observed the cuts, but reworded the remaining express his ideas in less er language. Notes Hardware SBarclay said many int factors contributed to the I satellite success, but he not "proven and developed s . from military missile syste used to provide the propulsl tem to carry a sclentifcpa the. scientific findings' this program will in turn c ute to the effctiveness of weapons systems." he said. Flanders s More 'Power For ilian WASHINGTON A'P)-Sen Flanders (R-Vt.) urged ye that James R. Killian be full charge ,of the United missile program, with noboc him. Killian, president of th4 sachusetts Institute of Ti ogy, is on leave from his sity post and serving as dent Eisenhwer' special tant for science and tech Flanders contended Killi been put in the wrong pla argument, presented at a conference, was that Killia be boxed in by the secre defense, the Joint Chefs c and other Pentagon offici defined authority. Discloses Delay Another question of au arose at the Defense Dep Wednesday When Deputy tary Donald Quarles disclos the Air Force has been a: delay establishing its new torate of Astronautics." The directorate, charge tackling the many proble space warfare, was createc Air Force directive issued day. Quarles was asked b men whether he objected Asks for Time Quarles replied: "We them to wait until we h thing lined up." "I don't know that they established the directorate have no comment," Quar E plied, then stepped into a and headed off for the conference in Paris. Mtertaiei rot Sponsored ~Y Froiternity ?i Lambda Phi .fraternity is :ng no part in sponsoring the earance of entertainer Tom hier here January 11.a Che fraternity decided more n a week ago not to sponsor irer when it learned that it ght be violating University regu- ions in doing so, according to as a conscientious objector. Horst's request for exemption as a conscientious objector had been denied by his draft board in Kalamazoo and the Michigan State Appeal Board in addition to the National Board. Horst, 25 years old, testified that he acquired a personal moral code through wide reading in phil- osophical and theological fields. He said that he was willing to ac- cept five year's imprisonment rather than compromise his prin- ciples. "Personally, I feel that this young man is badly misguided," Freeman said. "It is fortunate forj all of tis that his opinions are not general among all the young men of our country. There would be nothing left for us - not even a way of life if his opinions were shared by all men his age." By LEWIS COBURN Meeting the Soviet threat in natural science is the United States' "immediate problem," but the social sciences should not be overlooked, Prof. Frank Grace of the political science department said yesterday. Speaking at a Michigan Forensic Forum discussion of "How Will Sputnik Influence the Future of Liberal Arts Education?" Prof. trace expressed the hope that natural science won't become the "tail that wags the academic dog." He said he was not sure social science in this country has been of an Ohio school which formerly had four physics classes but now has one. The blame, Prof. Angell said, rested partially on parents and school administrators. He urged citizens to "get after" their school boards to improve course instruction. Notes Questions Commenting on a tendency to be concerned solely with the practical value of subjects, Prof. Grace noted that questions such as "What can you do with pol-itical science?" are often asked. Both he and Prof. Angell said courses in the social sciences have OVEREMPHASIZE NATURAL SCIENCE: ocial Sciences Still Important Says 'U' Professor 0 ;::;.:> M