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December 12, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-12-12

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"What's This I Hear About The Nixon

Sixty-Eighth Year

Then Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

'Kiss Me Kate'
A Winning Show
"KISS ME, KATE," the Cole Porter-Sam and Bella Spewack-Wil-
yam Shakespeare collaboration, is easily the quintessence of ur-
bane, witty musical comedy.
It has a matchless score, a sly and sophisticated outlook, and a
frame of literary reference that never palls. Last night theMUSKET
crew gave it a winning performance, enhancing both the show's reputa-

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Who Pays the Price
Of Liberty Today?

WHAT PRICE liberty? Once, in the lusty
days of Aemrica's infancy, men were will-
ng to pledge their "lives, fortunes and sacred
ionors" for it.
And as the muddy trenches along the
Western front buried memories of Valley
Forge's cold miseries and the muted guns of
"orregidor's isolated defendefs echoed louder
han the moans emitted by bleeding barefooted
,ontinentals, the price was paid again and
But it was different then.
With only a minority of residents actively
ebelling against bonds of dominance which
ailed across the Atlantic, 13 colonies were able
o break away from the mother country. Even
nany years later, miles of ocean waves and
ornfield comfortably insulated the Middle
Vest from the-whiffs of mustard gas choking
lurope's plains.
As the years passed, "peace in our time" was
urchased at the price of a sacrificed nation
rhile a mustached lunatic danced in the
Slowly, steadily and then suddenly, the price
f liberty rose. It became President Franklin
). Roosevelt's 1940. request for an "unprece-
ented peacetime budget"of 17 bililon dollars.
t included fifty over-age destroyers for.
[HEN, AS THE SMOKE settled at Pearl Har-
bor 16 years ago, liberty's price became ra-
on cards and greetings from Washington, car
ools and maps marked with a loved one's
>cation, shortages of butter and all too often,
egrets from the War Department.
For many, the .oceans held the price of free-
om down to the inconvenient shortages, the
ost of a newspaper or the black market price
f meat.
Some were not so fortunate. They heard Brit-
;h freedom's price proclaimed under the drone
f German bombers and the buzz bombs which
creamed out of the dark fog. And they heard
echoed in the noise of V-2 Rockets whose in-
udible deadly journey was announced with
s exploding/arrival on English soil.
No longer did the honor of dying for liberty

belong only to the uniformed. War could not
be ignored. War became total. Battle front and
homefront merged to fill the same hospitals.
But still, the price of freedom and liberty was
not considered exorbitant. More blood, more
sweat and more tears were wrung out of a
sturdy fabric and the monster of fascistic dic-
tatorship was crushed.
BUT PERHAPS things were different then.
Dictatorship's hyrda heads have taken oth-
er forms, The sickle cuts more silently and the
price of freedom no longer has to be shouted
above the noise. of guns.
War became a "police action," allowing both
butter and guns 'to satisfy the country's de-
mands. And it could be ignored with coun-
tries still divided and aggression unpunished.
No longer can these things interfere with the
important goals of an industrial society .
improved living standards and the oportunity
for everyone to secure the good things of life.
Boys' fought tanks in Budapest streets as
America watched, waited and then winced as
the heel of tyranny snuffed. lives underfoot.
An automobile in every garage, more tele-
vision aerials in every town, more leisure time
for all; these are the symbols of today's con-
YET ALL THE chromed autos and all the
bright televisions can't outshine the little
spheres whirling through space.
Yes, times have changed.
But the people haven't.
The head of the nation's largest labor or-
ganization gives a cold shoulder to a union
official's proposal that labor refrain from seek-
ing higher wages in 1958 and help prevent in-
flation. And a union votes to start a drive for
higher wages- Companies move to the south to
avoid taxes that help keep education standards
high. Workers demand a shorter work week re-
sulting, in less production and more pay,.
and more inflation.
Liberty does have a price today ... as long
as somebody else pays for it.

Copyrght. 1957. The Pulitzer Publishing OS.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch

,(Herbtock Is on Vacanon)


Dulles Weary, but Determined

tion and their own.
The plot concerns the tangled
appearing in a Baltimore tryout o
Shakespeare and Spewack scenes
intermingled ingeniously.
The production was not flaw-
less, by any means, but like the
little girl in the nursery rhyme .. .
when it was good, it was very, very
good. It was very, very good in
the direction of Clarence Stephen-
sop, who handled the staging with
real comedy flair and style, in-
stilling the best of high and low
comedy in the Shrew scenes.
The show got off to a slow start,
but pace picked up in the middle
of Act One and stayed at its
proper rate. From then on, the
show glittered and glistened across
the Michigan Theatre stage. The
overall picture was one of flashy
Perhaps the most difficult prob-
lem in casting this show was get-
ting college actors who could
really wear the aura of theatrical
sophisticates. In this respect, we
can be doubly grateful for the
performances of George McWhor-
ter and Margaret Whinery as the
hero and heroine.
McWhorter, possessed of a rich
baritone voice (really memorable
in "So in Love"), romped through
his dual role of Fred-Petruchio
with deft timing and fine delivery.
Occasionally, he seemed to be
preoccupied with other thoughts
than the business at hand, but
these moments were few and far
between in what was an excellent
Miss Whinery, the Lilli - Kate,
gave a robust and sparkling per-
formance, well grounded in good
comedy sense and vocal adeptness.
The most striking feature of
"Kate," though, was the brilliant
dancing of eight fleet terpsichores.
Perfectly choreographed by Lou
Ann Rosengarten, it was exciting,
professional and well-integrated.
The "Too Darn Hot" number
jolted the audience out of their
seats, and a bouncy miss named
Libby Jo Snyder demonstrated
just how good life -can be.
The rest of the cast varied from
adequate to excellent. Rosemary
Palen and Bruce Wilson, as the
sub-leads were a bit too pedestrian
and lacklustre to contribute as
much as they might have. But
there was no doubt as to the ex-
cellence of Gershom Morningstar
and Jim Ellis as a pair of Run-
yonesque gangsters who compli-
cate the proceedings.
1 Their delightful "Brush Up Your
Shakespeare" stopped the show:
every encore was merited and more
would have been welcomed.
Technically, the production was
most happy in its Eaves-designed
costumes-exquisite and stunning
affairs. At its worst, "Kiss Me,
Kate" suffered from non-func-
tional and often unattractive sets.
They hurt the overall picture,
particularly in the final scene
where the rich costumes were
backed by a paint-spattered, peel-
ing and thoroughly deplorable
canvas backdrop. A shame.
But MUSKET has shown again
that it can tackle Broadway and
come out a winner. Certainly, it's
a hit.

A Queen for a Day?

ONE OF THE ITEMS coming up in the Un-
ion Senate meeting is the suggestion of hav-
ing a, ,iomecoming queen.
It seems that the status of women on campus
is still not understood. First of all, tradition
has it that there has never been a homecoming
queen. Therefore, extreme thought must be
given to this topic. Why should tradition be
broken for a rather ridiculous institution.
Also, how fair would it be to take one woman
out of several thousand and say that she and
iobody else embodies all the features which
would qualify her for the title of "Miss Univer-
sity of Michigan"?
Most likely, the winner would be chosen only
for her "beauty." The other necessary quali-
fications like personality, intelligence, aptitude,
and drive would be overlooked.
If these other necessary qualifications were
the basis for choosing a queen, the idea would
not be too bad. These qualifications would be
a cause for recognition as the individual has
developed these, herself. Beauty, however, is not
developed by the person; it is a fortunate gift
of birth. Also, it would still be hard to single
out only one woman deserving of the honor.
ANOTHER ITEM to be considered is the elec-
tion of this queen. If the football team

would elect her majesty, it would not be a good
representation of the student body. If petitions
were taken out for candidates as in the SGC
elections, the women who would be worthy of
the honor would not take out petitions as they
would feel that they would not be worthy can-
It would be much better for the women to
find more constructive ways to spend their
time than to worry about becoming a "home-
coming queen."
Remember, women, you would only be a
queen for a day, not an officeholder for the
school year. You would be forgotten in about
two weeks. Is it worth the many sleepless
nights you would incur for the excitement of
but one moment in the span-of life?
The honor of being queen is not as impor-
tant as being an individual who will be eternal-
ly recognized as someone of merit to her fam-
ily, friends, and community. Besides, how great
an honor would the title of Homecoming Queen
actually be?
There are too many people who would ques-
tion the selection, recognition and even the
idea of a queen. Therefore, women, forget the
idea; it would not be worth it.

'WASHINGTON - An important
Allied ambassador dropped in
to see John Foster Dulles shortly
before he was to take off for Paris.
The ambassador represented one
of our best friends in the West,
and he wanted to see what plans
the Secretary of State had for
keeping together the NATO alli-
ance to protect the Free World.
He found Mr. Dulles very much
alone. On his desk were sheets and
sheets of yellow legal paper. It
was the kind the Secretary of
State had used to write briefs as
a Wall Street lawyer with Sullivan
and Cromwell.
* * * .
NO ADVISERS were with him.
No experts helped warn of the in-
tricacies of European diplomacy.
He worked alone, his face stern,
his hair gray, his brow furrowed,
scribbling, scribbling on yellow
sheets of paper.
John Foster Dulles presents a
pathetic picture today - sincere,
untiring, unrelenting, determined
to live up to the reputation of his
grandfather, John W. Foster, who
occupied the same Cabinet chair
under President Benjamin Harri-
son .. . Yet pathetic because he is
the most unpopular American in
Despite that opprobrium, he is
en route to Paris to keep the
NATO alliance together after re-
ceiving its biggest jolt in history
--realization that the American

weapons on which it depended for
defense are inferior to Russian
To get diplomatic reactions to
the position of the United States
following the Cape Canaveral fias-
co and on the eve of the NATO
conference, this writer interviewed
various key ambassadors. Here is
what they said:
A Latin American ambassador:
"Watch what happens in Guate-
mala in the wake of the Russian
Sputnik. You cleaned out the
Communists. But on the heels of
your failure and Russian success,
the Communists will be back soon
again. Remember, Guatemala is
very near the Panama Canal.
A WEST European ambassador:
"For 10 years, we have been telling
our people not to worry, America
has the strongest weapons in the
world, she has the atomic bomb.
What our people dr;ad is getting
in the middle of another war, sit-
ting between two giants who are
pounding each other "and us, be-
cause we give bases to you.
"You have to oe in the middle
of a bombing raid to realize our
fear. You have to wake up in the
night with the sirens shrieking.
You have to bundle your children
up and carry them down to the
cellar. You have to see the awful
glare of the bombs when they hit

and wonder when the next will
come your way.
"Only then can you realize what
the American failure at Cape Can-
averal means - and what John
Foster Dulles faces. You are send-
ing the most disliked man in
America to Europe to save NATO
at a time when we can no longer
assure our people that American
weapons are supreme andthat
they will be in our corner helping
protect us."
A SOUTH European ambassa-
dor: "Franco has served notice
that Spain has to Nave better pro-
tection from the United States or
else American bases will have to
come out. He doesn't want Russian
IRBM's or ICBM's dropping over
Spain with no modern American
weapons to stop them.
"That means about a billion dol-
lars worth of American bases built
in Spain may be lost - unless you
can prove to the .world that you
have caught up with Russia.
"Franco has been more blunt
than some of the rest of us, but
no European country wants Amer-
ican weapons drawing Russian at-
tacks unless those weapons are
That is a cross-section of Euro-
pean diplomatic sentiment. as
John Foster' Dulles, lonely and
tired, flies to Europe with his
scribbled notes on yellow foolscap,
to try to save the Western alliance.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

love affairs of a troupe of actors
f "Taming of the Shrew," with the
The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
While the facilities of the University
will operate in the usual manner during
the Christmas holidays, staff members
wil have the opportunity for an extra
holiday on either, but not both of the
Tuesdays before Christmas or New
Years. Arrangements should be made
for a skeleton staff to work on. the
Tuesday before Christmas so that as
many staff members as possible may
have that day as an added holiday.
Staff members who are off the day
before Chrstmas will be expected to
work the day before New Years Day.
Women's Hours: women students will
have 1:30 a.m. permission on Sat., night,
Dec. 14.
The next "Polio Shot" Clinic for stu-
dents will be held Thurs., Dec. 12, on-
ly from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 1:00
p.m. to 4:45 p.m., in the Health Service.
All students whose 2nd or 3rd shots are
due around this time are urged to take
advantage of ths special clinic.
Students are reminded that it is not
necessary to obtain their regular clinic
cards. Proceed to Room 58 in the base-
ment where forms are available and
cashier's representatives are present. The
fee for injection is $1.00.
International Center Tea, sponsored
by International Student Association
and International Center, Thurs., Dec.
12 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the In.
ternational Center.
Senior Board, January graduation an.
nouncenerits avaIllbie from 1 to 5 p.m.
in the sAB, Dec. 11, 12, 13. Graduation
tickets, three to each graduate, avail.
able Jan. 13-25, Cashier's Office, Ad-
ministration Bldg.
Naval Reserve Officer's Training
Corps Testing Program (NROTC) will
be given on Sat., Dec. 14. Candidates
taking this examination are requested
to report to 130 Business Administration
Bldg. at 8:30 a.m.
Campus Public Lecture, Leland Stowe
will open his class, Journalism 230 -
Current World Affairs and Their Back-
ground Events, to the campus publi
Thurs., Dec. 12, at 11 a.m. In Room 33,
Angell Hall. His topic will be "Soviet
Block - U.S. Competition: Their Ad-
vantages and Disadvantages - and
Toyo Kaneshige, Japanese potter, a
master on Bizen ware will give a demon-
stration at 1:15 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 12, in
the Main Foyer of the Architecture
Bldg. Open to the public. There will be
an exhibition of his work as well. Toyo's
visit is sponsored by the Center for
Japanese Studies, Department of Far
Eastern Languages and Literatures.
School of Architecture and Design, and
the Potter's Guild.
Jobs for Sociology BA's will be dis-
cussed by Professors Sharp and Rabino-
vit of the Sociology Department and
School of Social Work and by Miss Dow
of the Bureau of Appointments in Em.
429, Mason Hall, Thurs., Dec. 12 t
4:10 p.m. All interested undergraduates
ecure,auspices of the Department
ofSlavic Languages and Literatures, at
8 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 12 in the Rackham
Amphitheater. Prof. George Gibian of
Smith College will speak on, "Science
and Scientists in Soviet Fiction."
Illustrated lecture, auspices of the
Dept. of Architecture, College of Archi-
tecture and Design. Felix Candela, ar-
chitect, engineer, and contractor, and
professor of design at the Escuela Na-
cional de Arquitectura of the University
of Mexico, will speak in the Architec-
ture Auditorium Fri., De. 13 at 3:00
p.m, on "Warped Shells."
"The Celebration of Christmas in the
Eastern Orthodox Church" will be the

central theme of an informal presen-
tation by the Rev. Andrew Missirs of
St. Nicholas Church and the Easter.
Orthodox Student Society at the weekly
Coffee Hour sponsored by the Office
of Religious Affairs. Father Missiraa
will discuss also, some of the major
tenets of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Lane Hall Library, 4:15 p.m., Fri., Dec.
Academic Notices
Geography Journal Club meeting
Turs., Dec. 12 at 8:00 p.m. In the East
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Dr.
George Kish, who returned in Septem-
ber from a month-long tour of the
U.S.S.R. will discuss "Geography in the
Soviet Union." Open to all geographers,
their families and friends. Refresh-
Applied Mathematics Seminar. Thurs.,
+Dec. 12 at 4 p.m. in Room 246, West En-
gineering Bldg. Prof, Frederick J. Beut-
ler, Department of Aeronautical Engi-
neering, will speak on "Generalization
of Wiener Optimum Filtering and Pre-
diction." Refreshments at ยง:30 p.m. In
Room 274, W. Eng.
401 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the


-David Newman

World Brotherhood, Commonwealth Advocated

France Says0Me Too'

By 3. M. ROBERTS -
Associated Press News Analyst
FRANCE IS IN POSITION to start producing
nuclear weapons at any time.
Whether she could do so will be a topic at
the international conferences to be held in
Paris next week.
Since Russia knows this, it may have been a
factor in Premier Bulganin's renewed offer to
stop nuclear tests if other possessors of the
weapons will do likewise.,
France's emphasis has been on development
of atomic energy for peaceful purposes. One
reason is her economic situation, upon which
expensive bomb production would be an added
Also, she has no desire to aggravate the
world situation, and would be glad if a world
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON.............. Personnel Director
TAMMY MORRISON................Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director

ban could be agreed upon, relieving her of the
necessity for making bombs.
SINCE THE FAILURE of last summer's Lon-
don disarmament conference, however, there
have been reports that France would go into
bomb production next year.
Since the revelation of Russia's advances in
military science, some authorities have been
pointing out that French bomb production
would bolster the allied bargaining .position.
France at the moment is irked over what she
feels is an Anglo-American entente in the
weapons field which, intentionally or not, leaves
France somewhat in the cold, and relegates her
to a secondary position in NATO.
Some Frenchmen feel this situation would
be balanced if France also had nuclear weapons.
BEFORE BRITAIN had these weapons there
was considerable outcry that American
bomber bases , there might draw enemy fire
under some circumstance in which Britain
did not want to be involved in war. There is
some of that in France now. Possession of
her own weapons would make the presence of
American weapons immaterial in this respect.
Part of the effort at the NATO conference,
however, is expected to be to work out elimina-

World Union . . .
To the Editor:
DECEMBER 10th marked the
ninth anniversary of the adop-
tion of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights by the United
Nations' General Assembly.
Some of the many people here
and abroad who observe this day
will relate the magnificent efforts
already made, while others will
bring up the many problems still
unsolved. The purpose of this letter
is to point out some new influences
(which others may find valuable
to consider) that are causing us
to review our ideas of human
FIRST-The people of the world
are fast becoming a world com-
munity, or state, as the political
scientists would say. Our sciences
of intercommunication, transpor-
tation, and distribution are con-
tributing factors in this direction.
Second-Nations which, for cen-
turies, have been sovereign powers,
are losing a part of their sovereign-
ty beyond recall. This.includes the
largest nation as well as the small-
est, whether we realize it fully or
No nation today can live unto
itself alone or can protect itself
from the stresses and hazards of
international tension and the
threat of rapidly evolving atomic
With the first process we are
approaching a universal recoani-

an invasion of individual freedom
and integrity; it is a real non-
sectarian effort to apply the Gold-
en Rule on a universal scale.
It is the beginning of a process
of "sharing social status with all
mankind." In order for this stand-
ard to become fully effective in
world affairs, thoughtful people are
coming to believe that we must
employ the most potent of all
agencies, that of true religion-the
spirit of unity which recognizes
that all men are created in the
spiritual image and likeness of one
With the second process (loss of
absolute national sovereignty), we
are approaching, by will of the
people of the world, the establish-
ment of a world federation in
which no nation can endanger the
rights of the citizens of other states
nor engulf the world in catastro-
A world commonwealth, backed
by force strong enough to maintain
an environment of peace and or-
der, is the logical administrative
aspect of world brotherhood.
- i
NEW HUMAN rights are now
emerging as necessary to the ma-
turing of civilization on this
planet; they are: 1) the right to
world peace; 2) the right to world
order, 3) the right to world citizen-
ship; and 4) the right to world
faith. Many conscientious persons
throughout the world are working
to implement one or another of
these goals.

Kindly Indoctrination
To the Editor:
IN ANTICIPATION of misinter-
pretation of the words, "The
pupils sent to live full time away
from their families at the new
boarding schools set up last year
at Nikita Khrushchev's direction
," in Mr. Whitney's article in
Tuesday's Daily, I would like to
clarify, as it was clarified to me
by a Moscow student, the situation
in those boarding schools.
First, no pupils are drafted from
their families into these schools.
All children that attend do so only
after their parents file applications
and investigations show that the
child would be better cared for at
the school than at home.
A number of diplomats who
serve abroad send their children
here in preference to schools avail-
able at their place of service,
BUT THE BULK of children
come from families where there
are domestic problems such as
unreliable parents (note that the
parents themselves must decide
this i.e., no officer come to pass
judgement before application is
filed), or when both parents work
and cannot devote adequate time
to their children, or where the
family situation is in general not
conducive either to family solidar-
ity and security or to initiative and

Preparation . .
To the Editor:
IN THE past two weeks, Student
Government Council has taken
action on a number of different
activities and programs. The Free
University of Berlin Exchange
program, the Student Book Ex-
change, and the J-Hop elections
have been dropped until further
action is taken.
I do not wish to take issue as
to whether the Council should or
should not have dispensed with
these three activities. However,
and especially since last Wednes-
day's (Dec. 4) meeting, I feel that
some members had no idea what
they were voting for or against.
In all these cases, the Council
voted on what one might call "the
spur of the moment," with little
regard to various repercussions
and with an alternate plan ready.
A CONSTITUENT at the meet-
ing wrote on a slip of paper, "And
how many of you (SGC members)
have read the reports?" The in-
dividual was referring to the elec-
tion committee's list of recom-
mendations and proposals to the
Council which was given to mem-
bers a day or' two before the
From the discussion, it ap-
peared that some members had
merely skimmed the report and


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