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December 12, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-12-12

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



See page 4






3 To Consider
demic Policy
cil Committee To Seek Student
-esentation on Faculty Groups





Debated by NATO Gro







ig talents of
aeast Asia de
st be utilize

Council last night approved a motion to
study ways of getting student representa-
artmental educational policy committees.
ssed a motion setting up a committee to
)f information about courses and to dis-
1to the student body.
Daily editor, proposed the committee on
hich would list .committees in the schools
---- on which student members might
be beneficial and consider meth-
'1t ods of selecting those members.
These methods might include
either faculty or student selection.
The course information commit-
1 ^ tee would concern itself not only
with the material covered in each
course, but also with the value of
course elements such as lectures,
recitation sections, t e x t b o o k s,
all pros- grading, and general comments,
according to Ron Gregg, '60, Edu-
elegation cation and Social Welfare Com-
d if our mittee chairman.
Norwood SGC also approved' a plan to
eonrd-establish the Student Book Ex-
~legation change, with the same rules SBX
the ap- had when run by the Student
at, yes- Legislature. These include ap-
pointment of a manager and as-
thus far 'sistant manager, to. be paid both
,4 . ne salary and a percentage of any
.464 nec- receipts above $5000.
been un- SGC decided to establish five
that stu- committees. to evaluate itself in
I to tap certain areas. These include size
ces, but and composition of SGC, elect ons,
the role of the Board in -Review,
our own defining SGC's functions and
"People areas of control, and structure ancL
And if it organization of SGC.'
through, The Council also directed its
O."1 Executive Committee to investi-'
ection of gate the possibility of establishing
at there two student exchange programs,
at mheeone with the Free University of
rstig aBerlin, the other with an Afro-
resetingAsian university.
Congregational Disciples Stu-
want/ a dent Guild received permission
iversity," from SGC to circulate a petition
ommittee on campus for the end of discrim-
Spleased inaton in residence hails. The
but this vote was 11 to four.

-Daily-Robert Kanner
LEGISLATORS DEBATE-Rep. Fred Yates and Rep. Donald
Brown disagree on the factors forcing business to move from
Michigan to other parts of the country.
Brown ,ChargesUnin
Force Firms To Move,
"Walter Reuther and other leaders df the CIO are pricing their
labor right out of the market," Rep. Donald Brown (R-Royal Oak)
said last night.*'
Debpsting with Rep. Fred Yates (D-Detroit) on whether the
state's tax and wage envirohment is driving industry out of Michi-
gan, the Republican legislator said. the disadvantages of the state
should be "blamed on leaders of organized labor."
At the event, sponsored by the Political Issues Club, he said
Michigan has the highest wages of any industrial state. "This is,

t necessarily
i of the Un
Quick, '58, cc
We would be
artional group
najor aim."

World News,
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The satellite
the Army proposes to send aloft is
much bigger and somewhat heavier.
than either of those in the still-
grounded Navy Vanguard program.
This was disclosed yesterday
with publication of official pictures.
The assembly weighs 27.7 pounds,
after th'e solid fuel of the final
rocket stage has burned up, the
Army said.
This compares with 21.5 pounds
for the full-scale Vanguard satel-
BERLIN-Communist East Ger-
many yesterday decreed drastic
laws to halt the mass westward
flight of refugees. They now are
escaping at the rate of about 800
a day.
The new laws stipulate imprison-
ment at hard labor not only for
intercepted refugees but for friends
and relatives who help them ink
any way.
* * -*
DETROIT-The Senate Rackets
Committee is looking into the af
fairs of the United Auto Workers
John McGovern, committee
counsel, indicated the probe would
include the union's four-year
strike against the Kohler Co. of
Wisconsin, the UAW's 1olitical ac-
tivities and the unsolved 1948
shooting of UAW President Walter
P. Reuther.
. . * ,* .

?good because their productivity
:equals the value of what they re-*
"But sound economics dictates
that productivity keep pace with
wages," he said, criticizing Reuth-
er's demands for a six per cent
wage hike and a. 30 hour work
Rep. Yates declared the Repub-
licans are using "the old fright
treatment to make workers think
they will lose their jobs."
The Democratic legislator, said
business moves out of the state
because of diversification of indus-
try, attempts to locate nfar other
distribution centers and, atomic
bomb inspired efforts to decen-
tralize operations.
While some businesses are mov-
ing out of Michigan, others are
moving in, he told the audience.
Discussing' Michigan's tax
structure, the Detroiter said most
of the state's income is derived
from consumer sources such as
sales and gasoline taxes. "We cry
crocodile tears for business but
the consumer takes it on the
nose," he said.
Rep. Brown said Michigan in-
dustries now pay 169 million in
taxes. (Last year's state budget
was about 339 million he said.)
A' Fee Raises

Final Report
Given Dulles'
Urges Aid for NATO
Instead of Missiles
Stevenson personally delivered his
final report to Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles yesterday,
formally ending 24 days as the
Eisenhower administration's Dem-
ocratic consultant on NATO prob-
Stevenson called on Dulles at 2
After posing for pictures they
conferred for about one and one-
half hours in Dulles' office.
From the farewell meeting, Ste-
venson 'went to his sixth-floor
temporary office, gathered up his
belongings, polished off a bit of
detailed paper work and checked
He will fly bacl home to Chi-
cago and his law practice today.
There was no evidence that Ste-
venson's major suggestions were
incorporated in the proposals to
be unveiled by President Dwight
D. Eisenhower and Dulles in Paris
next week.
The c o n f e/r e n c e, Monday
through Wednesday, brings to-
gether the government chiefs of
the 15 Atlantic Alliance nations.
S* "
JAKARTA, Indonesia (P) - In-
donesia's war of nerves on Holland
began spreading ripples of uneasi-
ness among -Americans and Brit-'
ons yesterday.
Eleven American women and
children from Sumatra, believed
to be the .first wave of ,a precau-
tionary evacuation of families of
oil company employes in Jakarta,
flew to Singapore.
The British Embassy suggested
to the British Chamber of Com-
merce that its members apply for
exit visas for dependents.
Neither of these developments
was accompanied by any hint of
an emergency affecting United
States or British personnel and
property similar to the anti-Dutch
.Determined to make a clean
sweep of independence for all the
former Netherlands East Indies,
Indonesia is demanding that the
Dutch hand over the jungles of
West New Guinea, the one re-
maining half-island 'under Hol-
land's rule.
Workers' Red flags have been
raised over Dutch banks, shipping
plantations and business which
have then passed under govern-
ment committees-with the door
left open to nationalization of the
Netherlands' one and one-half bil-
lion dollar investment in this 8-
year-old republic.

-Daily-Eric Arnold
INDONESIAN1 EDUCATORS -Ir. Soeroto Mangoensoemarto of
Jakarta anil Ir. Hadis Soemantri of Bandung are visiting the
University to study teacher training. They are on a world tour
which is taking them from Hong Kong and Thailand across the
United States to Europe.
Indoesian Officials See
hnical Soria
. .


Eviction of Dutch citizens from
Indonesia would$cause no serious
shortage of trained technicians,
the island republic's Inspector
General of Technical Education
said in an interview yesterday.
The Inspector General, Soeroto
Mangoensoemarto, and Hadis Soe-
mantri, Director of the Technical
Teacher Training Institute of
Bandung, are studying teacher
training on a three month world
tour, spending a day visiting the
University's educationand engi-
uDeering schools.
Any shortage of. technicians
would be eased by assistance of
such neighbors as the Philippines,
Iladis pointed out.

"The Dutch can easily live in
Indonesia," Ha'dis continued.
Indonesia's educational system
is, undergoing rapid growth andj
change, Soeroto, member of the
Indonesian Constituent Assembly,
explained- As Inspector General
of Technical' Education he was
responsible for 1952s replacing of
Dutch with English as compulsory
foreign language in the schools..,;
Math and physics are compul-
sory in Indonesian- high schools,
Soeroto continued. Secondary,
schools are divided into technical,
professional and manual 'trades.
Engineering, students at the uni-
versities can come from either the
technical or professional high,
I schools.

To Offer Missil
At Summit Meel
Committee yesterday tac
question' of missile needs
presumably some member
tance to accept a new
States offer of intermedia
The two-day secret me
preliminary to the summit
ence of NATO opening M
The United States willr
formal offer of intermedia
ballistics missiles then.
SomesNATO nations ar
tant to accept the missiles
they will invite Soviet rel
The Moscow propogan
chine is playing on the
In the past few days, Tu
Belgium have formally anr
acceptance of the year-ol
,States offer.
For some time, howev
West Germany, Norway ai
mark have had missile crev
training at Ft. Sill, Okla.,
coming acceptance is a
United States sources sa
'Denmark and Norway,
northernmost flank of ti,
defense area, have made
they will not accept any
nuclear warheads for the
Washington's original o
ered only defensive mis
use 'against aircraft, or'
weapons for use againsi
troops within a 250=mile
but now is prepared
IRBM's that can deliver
devastation 13500 miles av
Secretary of State Joh
Dulles Tuesday made it c
missiles will not be force
country. But the idea re
key point in the United St
gram to shore up the Atlar
ance in the fact of Russi
nological advance.

Wae ike Sort Wek
,Cited as AFL-CIO 'Goatll
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (IP) - The AFL-tIO set its sights yes-
terday on substantial wage increases and a shorter work weekin 1958
and buried irrevocably any idea of a wage freeze or work week ex-
Keyed by Vice President Walter P. Reuther, AFL-CIO convention
delegates gave a resounding unanimous vote to a resolution making
"sizeable" wage boosts, a shorter work week and fringerbenefit im-
provements their 1958 collective bargaining policy.
Reuther said the failure of purchasing power to keep pace with
rising production is the reason for today's inflation. "We are in trouble
because big business is taking a

-Daily-Robert Kanner
G QUIZ-Robert Cohodes, '59, Mary Jeanne McKay, '58, and
n Slobin, '60, take the nine-page exam for Asia delegation
Y Transit Authority Closes
ego aions i Subway Crisis
VEW YQRK (P)-The Transit Authority closed the door yesterday

Raises in University tuition
fees were supported last night by
Rep. Donald Brown (R-Royal
Oak) and condemned by Rep.
Fred Yates (D-Detroit).
Discussing the state's lack' of
revenue to fulfill the budget re-
quests of the agencies it supports,
Rep. Brown told members of the
Political Issues Club that he
would be in' favor of increasing
tuition while promoting more
scholarships for superior students.
,Rep. Yates said "in view of the
Russian's giving alltypes. of op-
portunities to students, if we can
afford to build miles of new high-
ways we can afford to support ed-
It is often had to tell who the
gifted students are, he said.

ce talks in New York's three-day subway crisis.
began to replace'striking motormen with other employes gleaned
ts ranks.
Ne refuse to negotiate with the leaders of an illegal strike," de-
Joseph O'Grady, a transit commissioner.
nion leaders.countered with a charge.that the TA is using inade-
y trained conductors and supervisors as motormen and "play-
st and loose with the public

has established a'"Directorate of
Astronautics" to manage its re-
search programs on things like,
antimissile weapons and a "Big
Brother" reconnaissance platform
to watch the whole earth from

disproportionately large share of
the fruits of our developing econ-
omy," declared the United Auto
Workers president.
He added: "What we do at the
bargaining table in '58 will be an
important factor in re-establishing
this dynamic, expanding balance
between greater productive power,
mnd greater purchasing power."
The resolution officially' buried
a labor leader's suggestion of last
week that unions forego any 1958
wage increases.



, *



te TA replied that all person-
manning trains were "trained
[eanwhile, the tremendous tur-
I that has gripped the transit-
pled city appeared to subside
ewhat yesterday'.
affic moved better, business
:nteeism fell, congestion eased
he great, frenzied push and
tement of the first two strike
seemed to be abating. -
ore trains operated but sched-
on some lines deteriorated
her, with some trains as much
1/2 hours behind time.
BA Returns.

M usket Holds Premiere With Fanfare and Cold

U4S. Rejects
Soilet Noter.
On Arms
United States coldly dismissed
yesterday Soviet; Premier Nikplai
Bulganin's .new letter to President
Dwight D. Eisenhower as an at-,
tempt to influence next week's At-
lantic Pact summit meeting.
The State Department publicly
pinneda propaganda label on the
15-page message after President
Eisenhower met with, Secretary of'
State John Foster Dulles to review
final arrangements for the Allied
meeting opening in Paris Monday.
Privately, top officials de-
nounced Bulganin's latest bid as a
hodge-podge of previously rejected
;Soviet proposals, including de-
mands fpr halting atomic-hydro-
gen tests Jan. 1 and suggestions
for new East-West meeting's.
A State Department spokesman
reported the letter, delivered'
Tuesday by Ambassador Georgi1
Zarubin, was under "active stu-;
rIv" byzonvernment authorities.

It was eight o'clock and it 'was
About a dozen people were gath-.
ered under the marquee lights of
a local theater last night where
Musket's "Kiss Me .Kate" was
about to premiere. There were
searchlights directed at the street
.. two of them.
Two coeds rode jauntily up on
their bikes, parked them, adjusted
their knee socks, and walked into
the lobby.
Tvo tuxedo-clad ushers stood

A siren sounded on State street. this moment to ar ye via taxi. Meanwhile the tricycle-mounted
The ushers hurriedly laid a faded The carpet appeared to worry policeman who, was leading the
them at first, but they assumed parade was "revving" his motor.
rose carpet down to the curb' an air of sophistication and strode His siren wailed impatiently. The
A student and his date chose casually around it. taxi driver glanced disaainfully

over his shoulder and departed,
It was cold.
The crowd pressed forward,
forming an aisle alongside the
"red" rug. People stepped out of
the car. The announcer announced.
A small kid, about 12, and with
huge furry gloves, and a package
of papers under his arm, wiggled
to the front and spoke, "Good
grief, I thought it was the presi--
And it was. President and Mrs.
Hatcher disembarked from the
shiny new car.
When informed that this was,j
+Ia "'n .a a a sA i

TU' Profes S
Of Phoneti
Dies at 70
Professor-emeritus Joh
Muyskens of the speech1
Jment, 70 years old, died
in St. Joseph Hospital aft
A member of the, I
faculty .for 37 years, Pro
kens served as associate
of phonetics.
Prof. Muyskens receive
grees from the' Univer5
joined the faculty in 19'
structor in French. He tr
~toAhe speech departmei
he .became an assistant
in 1925 and associate pri
He helped to develop ti
nf naltnranhv. which


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